01/12/1974 - City Council Special.. MLNTJTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL CITY OF EAGAN, DAliOTA COUNTS.', MTIJNESOTA A Special Meeting of the Council, City of Eagan, Dakota Countyy r7irnesota was held at the City Hall at 11:G0 o'clock A..~~i.,. on January 12, 197#. All Council members were present. The meeting was called to discuss the 1971k Police budget and salaries. Police Chief DesLauriers was also present. `1'he Police Chief stated that the salary increase previously offered by the Council amounted to approximately X550,00 less tha*': the salary recom•~~ mentlatio:~ in his original budget request. Upon motion by Councilman Rydrych, seconded by Councilman Wachter, ali members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the salary scale for the coming year as recommended by the Police Chief be ap~ proved effective January 1, 1974~if approved by the Police Association. Upon motion of Councilman Rydrych, seconded by Councilman Rahn, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that 22 longevity at 5 years and 22 " longevity at 10 years be approved for the Police Department employees. Upon motion by Councilman Rydrych, seconded by Councilman Wachter, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the vacation schedule remain the same previously grant®d.-- Upon motion of Councilman Rahn, seconded by Councilman Rydrych, all mer~~bers voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the uniform allowance fvr the Police Officers be set at X15.00 per month for full time employees and X7.50 per month for part time employees with no change for the secretarial employees allowance. Upon motion raf Councilman Rydrych, seconded by Councilman Wachter, all men voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the salary for the Police Chief be raised y~75.00 per month effective January 1 , 197+. Upon motion of Councilman Rydrych, seconded by Councilman Smith, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVID that the total Police Budget for i97~# be set at $$312,055,00 if the salary schedule is approved by the Police Association Upon motion by Councilman Smith seconded by Councilman Wachter, all members voting aye, it was RBSOLVrD that Hobert Shockley tie granted a X675.00 per month salary increase effective January 1, 1974. Upon motion of Councilman Wachter, seconded by Councilman Rahn, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that Public Works Superintendent, Branch be granted a X50.00 per month salary increase effective January 1, 1974, Upon motion by Councilman Wachter, seconded by Councilman Smith, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the salary of Building Inspector ^eterson be set at X1000.00 per month Effective January 1, 1974. Upon motion of Councilman 'vlachter, seconded by Councilman Rydrych, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that Lorna Olson's salary be approved at X600.00 per month effective January 1, 1974. Upon motion of Councilman Wachter, seconded bar Councilman Rydrych, all members voting ayes it was RESOLVED that Lorene Lee's salary be approved at $$510.00 per month effective January 1, 1974. Upon motion of Councilman Rahns seconded by Councilman Smith, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that Carolyn Krech's salary be approved at ~535.0o per month effective January 1, 1974. Upon motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Wachter, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that Clerk Alyce Bolke be granted a salary increase of X75.00 per month effective January 1, 19711. The Council next discussed the request of Mrs. Anna Goers to be considered a City employee in order to be eligible for additional benefits. She previously had been employed by Attorney Hauge to do assessment work related to the various bond issues, Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded by Council- man Smith, all members votipg aye, it was RESOLVED that Mrs. Goers be hired by the City for full-time employment and her salary be set at a~550.00 per month, it was further RESOLVID that the Attorney's percentage°contracts let under bond issues be reduced ~ for all new bond issues and the balance of the contract amount due under Fund 16, if this meets with Mr. Hauge's apr~roval. ~I'Yiere being no further busneea, the meeting adjourned at 2:00 P,M. Dated: January 12, 197+ Alyce olke, Village Clerk