02/05/1974 - City Council Regularp-.'~r~:r S GF I;R~ta'LAk :?SP~aI'w. Gr CiT`s' GG'Jt'C':I, ,_..~. ~. ;~ ~:;-rus~rp .+, 1374 Tsis xos..3 of appeals mPt at ti:30 p.m. with ali ~snbers p.~¢aent, T'.ze Bc~aAc! rev~3.~:i'red 4;he aYapl3.cation of MacDonald`s Corporation for a va`saure for a px~~T~osstl b.uiiding Lil H'.rk~:~I~:y ;~13 and S'::rcr Fell Road coaZSistit:g of a ,~Or variance from s 50' sar.-bar:k aequ3.aenaxa~ ft•om a a:.a,~~x staoet consisting of 1~igxiwAy y~13® fit' was aor~3 tk:Qt t.hs sat:-uar;c va~:ia~.ce fz-oua 5ilvcr_ Be11 Road wottlcl l;g with~.r., tE~e s^t-bay::: _egc:i~.±~e~c~i~t3, The I~o4xd ui;~cusse3 the plaas for the but.ld•itx iraclt:r3if~ the xequide~en;:s cti la<a,,4sc~:ping, light:~nL, etc. and upon notion by ?w~i~t .. Itzk~~, sesoaded P'l,~t-ex L~iur'b1s, it o~as ILSDLVED that the vari~anc~e be g.=~r:ntt~d, Al: m.~m?~ecs vt~ted ya3, except M..wi~cr py~irych +~yho vos:ed nog mhe re~s~l.ar aeetiug of the C' ~.y Cauncil convened at 6:45 p.na •~i+tii al?. m<~~~^:.r'E ps-e4cnt, Upon ~zoF:'ou by s~aclitar, seca~ed b;* Smith, the minutes of tkse ps:evic2as ~:e%;?t~~~ ~~eetixag were appxov~~d. Yfro JaE::4s 4.1.ann, of 3ur^n ~ Aioo3~', rsquest~:d that ha be tt~a-~d a:: tyia s-e~t re~,~la:: caseti.~~Y, c£ t:h.Y t~i'~~1n).C:1.1. 4fte~ P<axtin DesLauSi3r3 appearer? ota ral.a3.f of s; E p;,I,ic:~ d:.na:~: t:aa~1;; a~.~d r4commPr~~ied ap;~roval of the Ds'cota c~~~~y I..~t.~ 'vciorc`- a+.enr. .clssoci;,~:1.ou ag_c~F.~~:.rat s~briLted at the pxevl.ous meeting. Upor:~ ~uoti.as~ by pyveych3 scccsncte:I tvaiht•:.:x, ale, au~:m?~ers voting yes, it wns RESOI~~i~i~ FiEaL ~i:~C a~;reemen~: hz arpzo~~ed and or~iexe3 executed by the appxopriate uff:Lria7.s, I~:c'„ Bf.~1 ~raticit appeared on b.:half of the Utility Depa:.{.:mr^i?t:.9?ar3 ~'ec;,Lt?.aF.c' 9:.'2~. name o l!~ichaol ~'Iidstrom as a full•~ti~e eaployee cf the P.~abiic ~~'o7s:c~ Del,r,.~:.o i7'O''.sil)t: {v~, i.~^" ~Y1:;.'<:5ty 84'C011dea RFlh10., ail mealk`3YS Vot:L21g y°$, it :7$.^. F.C,~t'7 Y3'./' L~"!i?1`. P,'..!'h~,e't E~laclp~:r'~arn be :i'.xed for the Public WorYc mai~atenaoce pcri'~lo~ao Tdxa ra~.ch a~~.sc rQCOmzaonded a replscement radio for t:aa r7stey r,~•i s~:~a~cs s~r.Wl.~:.e tru.:, in i;ca sr;•a, of ab~~+.t ~QQU,UUo Upon rtvL~.o~z by rlas.htoz, seoon:e~i T.a?-~~., all momrso:.s t~oti.n; :r, f.:.ti~:~r, it c•~a~ TwSOL'JfU that a radio Le acquired for the trr.clc, i'!~~mi~oss of the Psrk Commit*_oe 2ppeared and recax~netded t;za¢ copies of t?~r Fuck Development G~a:Lde be sold to requesting parties. Upon motion Ly Smith, Seca::{i1;d by Rahn, it was FtESOLVE~J that live copies of the Guide be p? aced aC the Hall on a loa~~. b<.s~.Ls; tk~rat Es;u~ residents may acquire copies for $5.00 per corq anal non4recidaar.*s be req«:Lred to gay $10040 per copy. All members said yes. Farb: Corn:r,:Lsree zsiembers indi::str~-~ t~zat t:te following members tents had el.;~it•ec: IvF:•,1 Coates, Gerb~:c Hatreberg, Carolgn Thurston and Myre1 Lundste~:t. Mayox Folz~.a opexz~~d t~:e f7.o~x to riom3.natio~ts fo•r the foot- positions. Wachter nominated th;: f.:-~ur, ouY.g~:irg members to three~~yeat terms. Smith nominated Dav~.d Erb, There. weaF• no 'FLI.i't°.lf3r r.~omi^xa.:ior:s azd upon sacrei: ballot, tY-e follo~air..g per5oias ~h~ArZ e:i.actcd, Coates, Hatteba:.•g;, Tnu: stun asud Lundsten. ^'~.~e application by DCR Compan; icr a s:~.gn on the Cedarvale Shoppinu Canter Bril3ing caas Cabled :~.ntil the next rssat3ng to determine the exact proF~7sa-' 1.o~a- ~t.cv~, T'~4:'a Gh~:ti?..F A~la;ns and P•1r. Randy Bexg srpe.a•~ed on behalf of tt:s appl3.ca.t:+on of i~'~3~s:~aoriu?.d's Coz•pozaticn for bull:iin~ perm::~.t and set-back vazian:.. .nor a ,:e_.tau:.:a.s oct Silver B~~.l P.~^ad and H:i.kt~:ay ~~13. Upon motion by (rlacht~~c, secon_~FC~. Rahn, :.c ~:3s R^SC''~,VED i:~1at th~a application for building permit and set-ba::k variance b~. appYO•;~;:d soh jest to the reccaa~endat~.ons of the Planni.~.;? Co5•seaa.i:tcp ^nr"". i-he ~soarc~ o.f Appe.a~.s, Rydrych voted no, sll others voted yes. ?~,,".x. Ratp~a k~o~~g5-~~:::, ~.nd Jerome Hagemeister appeared on be"r.~:3.A of the app~.ica*i. ~:-~ of ~a.Zd plr.:anira; and Engin9erirg Corporat~.cn. for a s;~ecial izse parmir for ~. ~:, s•x:aurar.t P±na co.~~aste liquor license at 840 Xankee Doodle F.aad, cnnsiscin-~ o:c Loo sy is~.oc'.: ~•~, t•~escoYt Hills Adaition, The application provid:ci for F ~2C~,OJO„t?~i ttie~iluiytg p1~:s land and fixtures„ Upon motion by Rydr'fch., secoxs44:: b', T~'achter, :! t r~us RES;1:~~'ED that the application for on-sale ~.~. Y91or liconse ens: -2- _ , spcc%al ~;,~ pe.?-za~.t bs ordered appro-~ed sub j~ct to cotnplia:~ce with tho necessary regu~_at:Lo:.~s a±td ot•diz:ancpsa rIra Ll :irux,~:horst of Dako;;a Ccu.nty ElECtric Conpany «pi:ea±-ed on but~,alf of its application frr baiildix:g permit aucl special use persriit to enlarge the Rive:. h.:;.l'.r. suu-station on Cliff Road in Section ~k30. He noted the` there would be ~0 foot set-bac'rs to the fence line and estimated completion date of the improvE;- inLnt:s would be Maya 1975, Upor_ motion bu Rahn, seconded Smith, P11 members vexing is favor ~.t ~~as RESOLVED tl~~": the application be approved s~sbject to ti,~: recozm~azidaticz?s c~'' t?~a Plaz2ni..ng Coz~ittoe landscaping and bersning requirea~ert.s azxd f,.cxthe. f:hat the buildi.u; p4xr<<; L cs~tipler_ion be extezxled to r4ay, 1975. -~, Juhtz 0' Toole of the Dakota Cour;~,y Assessors office appeared with a sched+ylc cf recomm~z?3ed abatamentc FoWrea1 estate taxes in 19?3 and 1974p Upon ~~tot_tor by 61aC~,1~.P,r, seconded Rydxyc'r., it was RESOLVED that the list of r~:a'1 estate to<s ~;'~a~tenents for the City o£ Fa;an aP-ccr-~~?ing to tt-ie list attached tc ~'~Eiese ~t:~~~.~Wes be si~d heaeF~y are appsovedo Councilman Rahn abstained. All ol~.~~:~-s voted i:z fa~or~ Upon a;ot~„~:~a. by P.ahn, seconded S~ai~~h! ail tu;.mbers voting yea, iL w:.s I:F,SOL7J~'T "Gxa~; a p+~.al:ir: i~,vari~g be scredttled on ;:he a~aYlicaticz~ of Arno3.d Carlson fox prcli_~inax;j plat approval dnd for r~zariing to R-1 for Wilderness Rei:reat in thc~ SI~I'~, of the iv~~~; of Sec~t;i.an ?_; for March 5, 1974 at 7:00 p.mp further, a p+.~U7.ie heari..g for the application of Kenneth Appelbatmi and Arnold Ca,~3s>„r. for pa-elmi- czar? play approval covering the N~ of the NW's of Section 27 a~: tc:e SH' ccr.nex of County Road y~79 ane. County Road ~r`31 fok i~.r3i"c~1 5, 1974 at 7x00 porno also Repreceszs.arives of Rauenhorst Corporation and National B+.~ildiz~b Cente~::~ ap eared or, red:«lf.' cf their application for huiiding pe:rmiu for. a wtzel~:sa:~e haic?•~:-:re acid a~,.~ur+.~c:~ct:irirg comply or. ?ankas Daodie Road and i~i%a Co13..ins 3;riya, TL.Q~e ~;ou~.d be appz~a:c~.m«tely 140a in and nut truclcs per m^z.~:h. tc the pyopnYty -3- CoMo St:uar~. Lumber Co~.gary *,rould operate port:ion.s of the f.~cility~ Warners Haiu- wars a:!~o;,la x gortie~:~ Pnd the lu~r~:~M wculn be sh? pgcd in by rail, The: Cou:~cil ~•°as aocicerned yl~~~ut sc:~eecxir.,g along Yars~cee Doodle Road aizl furtb.or t:i~e Council r4~dA no coffinitccent as to tre vacant parcel sdjseent to Yankee Daoule Road for future dev~lapn:exit. capon motion by Rydrych, seconded Rahn, it was RESCL~d"PD that the application b2 aprro~red; those in favor were Rydrych, "r••ahn and Polzin, taachter absta fined and SmLth voted nom Dan Co,a app~~?.;-ec~ on behalf cf tl~a ar~plication of Southland Corp, tegetiier ~:ait,ri T~Ir. Jean Pnr?:an.to on behalf cif Email JGndric requesting approval fora ?- E].eie Stoxe located East o£ the Sk,.lly ^rvice station on County Road ~~30. The Cocsncil re~~iEwed the Plann3.ng Committee ~~ecas~snendatian for approval subject to ccnclitions„ The apnl~~cant i.ndicatoc'_ it could allow for a service road on tl.a l~C' pa:cc~l which would after ded;.cc~ wicx~ of a 3C foot seWvi.ce road give a balance of ~.2JC~ square fEet. It was noted t~~a* the parcel is a gortion a€ a 1(~ ~:cre parcel of lsn. zoned f'or cocmne;:e-~al purposes in approximately 1961. At the ricre it was zor:~d, it was tmderstood th4t a plan for development of th<~ ezii:ire parcel as a cor~erci.s'L oamplex would be subcv.itted to ~:i,•a thQn Board of S~c,seavisors, TkiF appl~?.c:a~:t, Nor, Jar,:'rl,c, did not s~.?~mii a plan for develog~ncct*: cf the ert'i:: 10 acres, contrary to tro Council's und~:rstanding which would be done a::d the±-o o=as ac grovisiaz for interior streets in the axes. It was noted ttzat it: would agpear that the regc:est could be 3ettin,:; a precedent for devplo1~ue~:~t G~f inc'3.vic~t~a1 small parcels along Cedar Avenue and County Road ~~3J possibly coating a saf~;:y prubl?m for access to thaw streets; further there would be a p~ss~ibi.lii:l csf ?'Yie int~~-riot Fortiox~ hei^g land-3.ockedr ycrroux~di.ng o~:~ners at the tir~.e of the o:l;:t.tzaZ. Pc;q~aLait~.an cf' rc~3.~3enttal lots k~erc lead to he].iave that there caould h~ a sho;~g3.4^G cax~tc~:~ co~ap:~.ex on the IC acxe parce:~.. A representat;ve of Brooks Sugor•- e~.±:e aYp<.:ared ar~cl objet.tcd to the application indicated that corape.titicn wou3,3 :noi: •-4~- ~.~.xllon i:~+7J CGnVeni.CZ?rC'. E~;~`rC withi:~ ~ ~~ z.;.CI:. T~por I^.~~s`.'? C?rl Icy I';y'~Y~ %~1, SPCOndC,fl El'J $?iald;ll, ,sip, :it~:.;:1~?f.r:t S'~c~i:iltg ~.n i:A~lUr~ ].t Y7?:. 't~.~~lii.~r~ tI'l(3t +:IZC n~~~.:t.:dt7.©n be ~E:?:~Ptl u.nt?.1 s.,o~i ;?+1C~ &3 ;~'_:~ ooaner sul~.:.ii.s a ge~lcral plan for aF;~reval t,y ~:he A's'C s~~ ti!e Coun::.il axzd ;:czf~~rl~er £Ur reasons inc1~::3ing those mentior~e~! abcve. ::a:~ M~~rshall Ever~ozz apaeared o:z u^half of thQ application for. special use ge~m:'s_t ;;:d sig-~ F^?:g;z:it of ?~I~s. P~aad1 ~:vel;son for a T.aPegrziere I~onteasori Sc3-.oo1 a~: :.5i9 Si.?.coY Te3.1 ..oad, ljpts,lG7 a 1C~. 9:I;.e AFC recommended apprcval. L`non mo°~~Icn iS;~ W:;;clzrc:r, fic_on+i": S ai~n, ail ~ier~~,'^.ru dct.I:~g yes, it Wa3 RE$~L~IED tllac tI?A a,»~:~- . Cr1•`_:t..Un 3. J3 ~~+.:l:z.~. +1~E? ~G:.ZR:Lt be 2~t7~Y'C';T~?:~ C~'1 a]1 annual renewal basi3 al?.d fur'~:?ar ~tilat the sionre;-u?i~: 4pp~.icatinn be ~L+p;.o•~ed ail aocordi:~.g to AFC reco~er.•clatso:..~ A: th:i.s po%:zt, Courr.irlan ny3ry~c"1 Nrt3i, excused. Tiz.e C'~.ty l~~~tcrt:ey br'•'_ef1_~ dI.scc::~seG Clio progress of the progoscd agy~:~al to t:'tza Suprem;: Cci+.i t r.;~•ver. ia.~; tezu I'iF:tr. o .:e~aor hoard' s SAC charge case in ;3orzrzep3.n Coar~t e A lzrtFr 1'ro^~ whe rI.SB i.rdicatin; a to~:al of $158,337.4 oc,;ed by pagan to ~:'ie i`~513 for 1973 SAG c: a.rges an3 interest: of $~,3~0.31 owed as of January 31, l~i'!~ .+:~a zio~ ~a. No action was tuk~:n on pay~.r<enti. The City b~tto,:n::,T ^u;~luitted a propose3 fieso?_ut~.on for adoptic.r, by tee Coim.ci'1 reg4aestin~; that l:s~e 1S7!+ 1.,:.g:ts3.atur.;; aa~~pt special leg:~slation grun~:ir.g tte Fagan ~~a3.ur_teer. firs i~E:t?srt;r~esnt ?:oL:.of t'~ssor, axl i:zorease in retire>~ent bor~;?li ts. TJpon motion by Wac:liter, secorcled by S~ai th, all m~mb~ers present voting yas, it was RFSaL'';'r:D tI.<<,: Resr.iccl.ion be approver ana :bat the appropriate logislat3.an b+9 sut+~ m:~.tt~~+~? to Pep~'esexztstive Kempe &: Senator I~a~atson for submission to tre ~g~~F Lr"3,s. A a.ettex fznu- tiro Ci*;~ engineer of Burnsville to t?~e McCro Se~•ew $t-ax`d tcquess:- i.x~; a dateLm:+_:lat~.cr. cf the total dollar SAC ch<lrge share: for. BuxnuvillF as a part of Se~;•T^R Iris~~*-•.c~: S in Light of the December 5, 1973 r`,a8 P.<~sel=stion was reJi: ;aed, TI:e I+~SB z,ncl~.c3~-ed L;~at~ it would rot coixect foL any sewer service zsz~ea mole rl~~~n ::I1e ~~,;,; ~~~'t C::St Cf '~~le ire _erceptors or tee:ltmeTit wOrICJ G7°713.y:I? hav I;P.~n .C~r rti'i].1 be acgaixad or co:~~st:uci:ed in tha sewer service area, .~prn ~loL:i.on ,~y -5- Wachter, sECOnded Polzin, alt mem'uers present voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the Eagan City Cie ,T=: prepare a la;,ier to Sao sent to the Ifs•tro Se~?er Board requesting ~,iae sPnae info~atio.i on behalf. of the C~.t;~ of Eagan, The City Engineer submitted a prel3.minary re~.ort for Project ~k135, sewer and teeter improvEments for Eagandale Industrial Park ~~4. Upon mo'cion by Rahr_, seconded by 4Tachtsr, all members present voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the prelinarary report be accepted and that a public hearing be scheduled for IMa:^ei1 5, 197/+ at 7;,00 p~~t, at the City Ha1T.~ The Council reviet~ed a Zetter from Mrs, T. t•1. Sommers o'o jecting to the dens3,fiy according to the land use guide fo~.~ the Somr!ar property at the ;dE corner of Coiin•;~y Roads ~~30 and ~~31. No action was takero The Council discxrsseci a ;;vrues*_ to ~apgra3e Johnny Calce Ridge Road and Gslaxie Road in iigrtt of the Zoo de~~elop~ien* in Apple Valley. ilpoxa motion by Pol~in, secor~:?ed by Smith, all members present voting yes, it was RESOLVED :.~izat i:h.e City Engineer prepare pre~siminary siignnteut tirades for Johnny Cake Ridge Road and for Gslaxie Road from topographic maps, Upon mo~io°a by Rahn, seconded by Wacka::c,r, aT_t members prese~!fi: voting yes, i~: was RESOLVED that Joseah Harrisasl be reim:ursed for out-of-pocket expenses f~~r at•cen3ing a Plann,3.ng Conference at• the University of Minnesota, bat with the understanding that reimbursement for such conferences be not set policy of the Council. A letter from County Commissioner Leo Murphy, concerning distribution of revenv.e shari.rg rc~d Bands from the Cocgtty was revie-,~~ad. Upon motion by Waoh±•er, seconded by Rahr, ail members present voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk send a leiteL to tt~e Dakota County Board urging the Board of Commissio~iers :,o consider tho re~,ueat of the City of Eagan to assurce a greater portion of road ! funding and to report to Eagan its findings at a latox timed -6- f. A request for support by School District X191 for as application of axe F'tI Radio permit for tL~e School District ~-•ao upon motion by Smith, seconded by Wachter, all members present voting is favor, it was RESOLVED that the Eagan City Council support the application for permit by District X191. The Village Clerk submitted a written tabulation of bids covering a Burroughs LS0O0, Burroughs L800O and Phillips P-3S4 Computers pursuant to advertisement. Upoa recommendation of the Clerk and after considerable discussion and review upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith ali members present voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to accept the bids as submitted and to award the contract-for the Phiilips P-354 on the basis of the spee3 and capacity of the computer system and further to acquire the machine on a 36 month Lease plan for a total sum of $23,788,88 pursuant to an approved contract; further to execute the buy-out of the Burroughs L3000 machine owned by the City of Eagan. The City Attorney submitted a pzoposed resolution supporting the location of a Dakota County Library in Cedarvale Shopping Center; upon motioa by Smith, seconded by Wachter, all members present voting yes it was RESOLVED that the resolution be approved and distributed to ~ppri:i~r~;ate officials in the area. Upoa motion by Rahn, seconded Polzin, all members preseat voting yes, it was RESOLVED that a preliminary allignment and grade of Wescott Road from Lexingtoa Avenue to County Road #31 be prepared by the City Engineer. Upon motioa the following bills were ordered paid: x'170 through 9172; 91990 through 92032; 9k11904 through #11954. Upoa motion the meeting adjourned at 30,45 p.m. February S, 1974 ~~~ ~, ~%~-cam -7-