02/19/1974 - City Council RegularMT~'tJT3S ~+' ~ETIhs OF CITY CO~CTT~ - E~`Afi, Mi*1NESOTA February 19, 1974 The Eagan City Council met at 6:30 p.m, with all members present except Councilman Rydrych. After the Pledge of Allegiance, upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all members vo*_ing aye, it was F.ESOLVED that the minutes of the February 5th regular u~eetinig atxt February 12th special meeting be approved as mailed. Iqr; Jags Qlaon, Fiscal Consultant and Mx. Allan Vagstad of the 1st National Bank of St Paul appeared and explained the proposed advance refunding of certain Eagan bond issues. Upon motion of Rahn, seconded by Smith, all members voting ayc~ it was RESOLVID that the Council take this matter under advisement. Mr. Roger IZatzenmaier of Wilkerson, Guthmann and Johnson appeared ~elativo to the proposed advance refunding of certain bond issues. He stated that after consultation with John Helton, Bonding Attorney, and Jim Olson, Fiscal Consultant, he was recom~aending that any refunding of bonds be done in consultation with Juran and Moody and the timing of such refunding also be determined by them. Mr. William Schultz, Fire Chief, discussed the desirability of adopting the Uniform Fire Code. Upon motion by Wachter, s®conded Smith it was RI:SOL~ED 'that Fi:~:e Chief Schultz proceed to draft a proposed ordinance adopting the Uniform F3.re Code and amendments for submission to the Council. The adoption of the Dakota County Mutual Fire Aid Agreement was continued to P4ar: h 5. Mr. Bra±ich, Public Works Superiatendant, discussed a water drainage problem st County Road ~~30 and Rahn Road. Upon motion of Wachter, seconded by Rahn, all me~bers voting yes, it was RESOLVID that the City Engineer prepare a study ro alleviate the problem, Nx, Branch and Mr, Rosene discussed the possibility of the sale of the-water fiowar :.n Cedar GYove inasmuch as this is not being used. Mr. Branch indi.cate3 he would refer ar,.y offers regarding the sale to the Council. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all mem'oers voting aye, it was RESO?~VyD :Mat the Park Development Guide of 1973 be approved and adopted. The applica*_ion of Sidney Reid, 1535 Violet Lane, for a 40'x 50' pole barn valuation $6,83b.00 for storage of his truck and Equipment was reviewed,. Writ; en approval of his neighbor was also received. Upon motion of Rahn, seconded Wachter ail memL-ers voting yea, it was RESOLVED t?~at the building permit be approved subject to the build inn inspector's spproval of the plans and specifications. A representative on behalf of Brown Minneapolis Tank with an application fo:. Excavation permit for grading the rear yard of the Brown Minneapolis Tank property on 1?ighway X55 next appeared. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it way P.ESOLVED that ttie application be approved subject to approval by the City Engineer including the cost of lowering the manholes to be paid by the applicant and fuxther n~tify:!ng the public works superintendaut prior to coc~struction commencement. An application by Lawrence Sign Co. for Cedarvale Shopping Center sign at the new enfiranca on Highway #13 was upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachtel, all members voting yes to table the matter so that the Council members could review the proposed locai;~on. Tlxe application of MacDonald's Corporation for a sign permit was upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, all members voting yes, approved subject to compliance ~i.~:h .:gplicable ordinances. Tt~e application of Midway Sign Company for a sign permit for: ODSC Di.stributo.s at 3070 Lunar Lana, 33' x 30', on the existing building, was upon notion by Smith, ae~onc:isd Mayor P~~lzin, all members voting yea, app~:oved. The mat*_er cf review of the sewer and water services for the Dreyfuss Coo property ir.. S;:.tion 14 was tabled until March 5th. -2- ,A pc:ti~ion from resi3ents of Selmark Addi.ticn near Higl~t~,a; s 7k~=9 and ~~55 fcr street 13gfi~; on Sally Circle and Ran~lom 2:~ad was referrQd u~~on motion by Rahn, secon.-led Wachter, to the Police Department fax recommendation, It was noted that there will be t~:ao u~embers on the ,9PC whose terms will expire a;.d til~ere is one. vacancy. The matter was conL-inued until t}ie next meeting to fill the ~~acancy, '~?ze C~~uncil then discussed Pro jest `:rare relating to acquisition of su; plies by m~snicipal.ities antl other non~pr^fit organizations. After consideration and upon motion by Smith, seconded Wacht~:r, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLJID that the City join Minnesoi:a Projeet Share provided however that the~,A i.s no fi-uncial comuaitment to the Cit;~ ot:~er than the cost of acquisition of materials that are orciared, Tlxe City Attorney then ~~eviewod a letter from Brookly:~ Park requesti.iig cortL:tL-ution from Eagan and approx:.ma="..c:.y ?5 other municipalities to.•~ax~d Ieaal fees for tlae SAC case heard in F:ennepin County, The letter recommended that Z;~ga:~ contribute $700,00 toward the trial ~.evel and the Supreme Court attorneys fees atte costs. Upork motion by Smith, secoa,,~ied WacYter, all members voting yes, i.t r~a;~ RESOLVED that Eagan contribute t:Pae sum of $700,07 with the understanding tha: review would be made as to the contributions of other cowmunities, I~: was noted that contacts ha~ae keen made with NSP and with E1lerbe ArohitE~:ra-. t~2e owners of property on either side of Commanche Road, concerning the recom~tsn•- dai~ien of the Metro Sewer Board that it would assume the assessments as levied in tl~e ral? of 1973 for improvements to Co~r:;,~ancize P.oad subject how.~vor, to each c the other abL~tti:i owners assuming a proportionate share of ti-ie street impxave.~:,ent assassu!ants in ;:he event that direct access to Co.~canche Road is znet:ailcd by c.icse owners a~ sodae t3.me in the future. No action was takene The City Etlgileer. indicated that he had mot with the Ta.rneso*~ Higl~~ay I?epar:t~ went a~;d a7;.th the dsv^ls~ner of the property at the TVOrttlT~r::st ccrn~r of 1'runs ~ J ~ Itig:~way ~~`36 and Highway ~t13 concerning a proposed development. at that locationo The Highwa=I DepartmQnt rcpYesenta++=ive ixid.caF;ed that tine Depaztment would not modify its plan but the developer could plan arouxui t:'~e intcrsectioxz in the future. Upo7 motion duly made by Ral-in, seconded Smith, all mPrabers voting yea, it was RESJLG'ED that t'ie resolution directed to Ho~ssing and Urban Development confirming tha price of all park acquisitions to da±:e be and it hereby is approved. Upon re;riew by the Park Committee a:~:3 City Attorney, upon motion by Smith seconc?e3 Wachter, it was RESOLVED that C, R. Pelton and Assoc. and James Stasson bP appcini~ed aprraisers for the City of Eagan for the acquisition of the 10 sc~e Martin Shi.~lds property for park purpose:; las:ated at Pilot Knob Road and Lone hale Raad. Upon motion by Srbith, seconc'cd ~•Jachter, all members voting in favor i* *~~as RESOLVED that Faul Hauge be appoin9_e•, the negotiator for purposes of neg~1tiat.ng the acquisition of the Martin Shie~ds property described above. The Clsrk read a let±:er frczn Mendota Heights to the Metro Council regr~esting a public hearing be held concernir.~ Iagan's proposed Laxul Use Plan and its effect upon the City of Mendota Heights, Upon mot~.oxi by Wachter, seconded Rahn a.1.1 ri~~wbers votir...g 3 ea, it was RESOLVED that JLI.n Voss be engagad to attend all hezrings concer*~ing Eagan's Lana Use Plan before the Metropolitan Council. Upon motion by Rahn., seconded Wac'nter, all members voting yea, i" was RESOLVED that the City dterk be Guthorizd to attend the confArence for Municipal C3.erks and Fiia.nce officers at Cit:;~~ Hxpe-~se to be held in Mina.eapoiis. 'I`:r~e Clerk reed a letter from the Minnesota Highway Department establ:Cshing a 30 mph speed lim:~t on Silver Eell Road from Highway ~~36 to Highway ~~13 and a 35 mph limit ~~ Sil~rer Bell P.oad from Itighway ,~~13 to Bl.aclchawk Roade A proposed equipms.nt lease with 100 E. Credit Corporation covering a Phii~..ps F-~350 computer was submitted by the Clerk according to he-r reccsm,,l~;tdations. L';z~ir_ -4 motion by Mayor Pcizin, seconded WacFiter, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED tF•~at tiYe coLitract be approved sub jec*_, ho~ti^ver, to final xeview ai'id approval by uhe City Attorney, A req~Yes~` has been submitted by the attorney for Alma Salt for the final pa;~ment by the City for the Alma Se11 park property South of Blackhawl: Lake. Upc~is motion by Wacb.ter, seconded P.ailn, all mF~nbexs voting yes, it wss RESOLVED that the baiarice of tze purchase price due on or b~Lore March 1, 1974 be and it hereby is authorized to b~ paido Upon motion by Smith seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, it ryas RESOLV'~D that tt~e regc:est by rvc. and r~rs, Lemke f:,r r;:duct:ion in lateral assessment for sewer from S5' to 75'. Upon moticr.t~y SiA.th, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED t'iat tha 85' assessment be levied ir. that this is the estimated frontage of the Lemke prnptr~ty and benefit to the Lemke property. Tie Cir_y Attorney then presen~:ed a prcr,osed easement requested by rlorehern Stages Power Co, for a poser transmission line across the sewage stabilizari.orz pond North of the railroad right-of=~c;ay near t'~le sewage treatment plant, LTpon notion by ~iacrater, secozide3 Smith, all mem~~ers votir~g yes, it was RESO~,JED that the easement be granted s~:'ajer..t, however t-o approval by the City Attorney and City ErYgineeia Upon motion the bills as folloWS were paid: ~~173 through ~~178; ~~2033 thrc=:F;~? ~i2.0$O; ~k11955 through ~~120370 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned, Datzd: ce3ruary 19, 1974 -5-