03/19/1974 - City Council RegularT~i!iV11TES OF REGUI.~!t2 rr..ETIhG 0^ CY`1'Y CO:TNCr'. Y',~_';AF~, YI'it,;~1ESGTA Larch 1 ~, I9%4 A i=r>u1ar m~eti;~g of tine Eagan City Council was held at the City 1ia11 01~. iota+.ck. 19, 1~~4 at 6x30 p._n. at which all members were prpse±nt~ AftFr tk:2 Pledge of Allegiance, upon motion by Glachter, seconded Smith, all *_~lo~sl.=era voting yass it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the prev~ioc:s mee~ti^.~ i;a aI~prove:i as d:.srribe'.:edQ I~~x, '~1i11~am Aranch of the Utili*y l3epartment appeared and recom~e^.ded th«" ~~a~utnixig l.iglxta to the police dispatcher fr~;cn the utility build:~legs be ~_t=,stali~d ial #;he event of failure of equipment in tale utilit; buildings. Uoon mot.f.on ty WacklCzr, sacc.~lded ityurych, ail me~nbe.rs voting yes, it was RESOI.VE3) tha*.' the warY.?.xng devices be installed on t:le basis cf bids rece?~e!I b;~ M~'. BrGucl~~,\. 7Jpon na+~ion by arl+th, s~conde3 F_,h±:, all me±nbers voting sye, :~.t was RL\'St?I,6'F;D that*_ro U~ il~.t:ies Supervisor be authorized to purchr:se a 6 c;;lin.~i~~x g4rt3:urc~~: ax~.d a used trailer offi.~:.e from Cedar Grove Cor,~icruction Company :.s ~ao~3.e~aed ear l~t°~~ ~Rrrtlcil arui furtLzer that Mre Braclch be stlthorized to attend fi~e~ :doiL:i ~~s~ericall ~t.~~~-r ^~rie:x.•c:13ca ~ z 4Ji:lnsp2g, Canads b~.I;inni.n+; April 17t"tl at t.i~e C:=.. yr~~' ~ P~:p?nsa L,~a,~i. x-~vtiol .3y Wachter, seeor..ied t'olzin, all 4nembers cotir~~; yes, 3.t c4as ~;~SC,,VD t'txat the racc>mnetxdation 3f the Polica Department a±xl Uti:I4.`y L;-psrt'~~~~~ r'ilai'. a ~ ~i'set 1;g~zL not he i~?.sr.a.lle3 as requested on Sar3c~m i.o3ci ~:f~d Sa.i.i;~ ~ir:~.~,« iar yne .. :._~sasx `Wtldt talere sppea:~~:'.. <::+ be othar r12tP.1'a;',t`t.iUX13 Ixeediztg ~t:tiar.t' 1.i.glts r.c ~ breater Axtelt:• '.]3+111 iit)?i:il~?.I `.I'jT Wtll:~"if:c:?', S(:C.'J)?Clod I'~t3Yli1, al.l members ~A~:11f1~ ~~Gd, it tiv'~S r.r ~~l'ls~r.:.~ !-ild~` '''::;^ S?,,~Tii pC;rmi~ lips-~ ~1 _atiGn fC3?; ~'.t."'la.to l~lril~'?.OIt~~S ;3~. C~EC'Lti'.i: ~, '~:.lti~? n~ ~-.~._. ~s7.:s.~~J: i„t~. ne~:y ~~t~?Llui~lg I,e granted anti that lees be i;aC£ for 1~"'J3 & i.~`~4~ I7poxz. L(Sf'1.'~'tz by S~nl.::h, uecon(ie!i ~3. s7~1 1T.e~st3~'_C vta::.",.ng a~d3p, it vas:: i~S::~T,t;\~ tl+:,i- ;.i. ;~ si~;li E:t..r~+;;it appit Lcai..on for V~x~.l,:y V:i.c~'rr span ~~~x-:YxZs I+~ x'efei tad ~:o fiEie ~ti?-ding Trapect~~,r :o review the Zocati.,n st the So~:.~ beast corner of ahst ~~.o:~~~ and Feau a ~ F.~.~: DrivE, A rep~:FSantat~.ve of William Brothexs Pipeline Compar..J appeared on behrtls a~i: i.ts a.ppl~.ea~:io~. in;: special use permit aY~:! building permit for an interface de+~.•c3~:t.or iZ Section 21, N~'rth of Gounty Road ~`~30~ The AFC recaYndeci approYadl. '~'~,: f.`nced~isi s.te pa~:ai3.el to ~~30 wou?d be 40° x 43' with a s~ua?1 building on +.:.ze ~aa: Fu?W~Yt prcrer~:.'y. LTpo~z motioa~ by Rdhx~, seconded Wachter, all memllcrs vot~'.rg ;~~:s, it w~aa RE3~?yVEU that the application be granted. llrot' ~,1CsCion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was R~:SO1,V~ that: tl:e public hearing on tho application of High-Site, T.nc„ t_orp~o~ac the Sc~e.9+~.•heast coiner of Pilot Knob Road axtc! Jxt.rdy Road `~•om A, !+;r? crl~. ~tzral to Rp~+ snc! C-~. lie and it hereby is schedv.l.ed for Apri:L 16, 1a7~+ at- 7 e CO p, m,, at the City Iia:3. The City Ez±~;iaceer reiewed the pnorosal for a development bond far Daaizi;~~~.c~od A::~iL iox~ neas~ LeMay Lake, It was noted that the park dedicstio:x h~,d not bce~i made to da~:c~ rie xacorn~eaided . trat a residential equivalent for ~u~:xr; Lar.e a.r3 N'z;:ci!:e D::ive at $1.0.00 a front foot >;e incl+~dc:d in tha 'oox-d to`;et~;er crith total est~.sna:^.c' cost of $65,58600 rlus 2s°~o :ifx a Lotal bond of $82,357000 Uno^. me":to~z b•±r R31z~1, ~»~co.dau Sm:~th, all mombe.ts eating yes, it was RESOj,Vrn that ~:he imF:rove~ rasnt bn~;u! ?~e preFared covering t:he de•~~elopmen~:. x:~. R.~g~:r Dfxr3.ck snd a rep~cesentative of. Harry Jo~:x~son 5u~:veyo*:s appeared anal. requ^srnc! ;.r.~~o~:~mally *~~hether the Citiy csould install utilities a+.d do gracing iYG~l"O'~7c^.'Lr+~"1'S C?l u ~ acre parcel Ea^':: a..d r1C)t11 Of Loile 7ulC. Raa~ •''.n3 $;~,d~i'a7c'i~ ~f13 ts:~tin ~ast:t.~ratrsd it~t~roveia~~xt costs of $50,OOOo00 to $60,070.00. The Council a.as co;?,cer.~r:e~~ a~~c:~2: ic-ie salability of the ~.ots ar..d =xdicated io.forci.l.is~ that t:t..: gen~..xr„ poxis:y ~.s til:~a3: fiche City will install only i;he utilities and fi..al s;:.iE~L impxov:.taent•s ,end assess the cost on a benofi* basis o°; era 3 to 5 yePr per?.od, oL> The Ci4'~ rr.g~:neer then revieilec~ rti.th the Council the p_:.~pospd. revisions to sc~;~e±~ ar3 G7:2tFY ~e~ ViCe gates for t'2G3 Cy.'cy eaLth changes pr~.mariiy occuring fc:~ uses ether that: residential, Tke Courci7. discuss~.d the nEad for budgei-ing uses fur a rF:~ert~e accau*.t for future sewer azd water improvements according to the 14tta~.~ from the C:i.ty Engineer of riareh 1~, 197{, tjpon motion use Sm:.tn, seca:-.c~c3 'rJachtex, rill r~er.;bcrs vo~:ixig ~J.3s, it was RE~OLVr",D that the revised raise schedule b~ approved anc' that the City setup an annual schedule for use of reEArve accruz;ts on a b..dgeted basis to cczer imprrovements resulting from depreciatir.:.~ of_ e;~+~inrien:: Pnd other necessary utility improvements and further that the .rate fab spe~er ar.3 wst,:r services for se~aior citizens ocar 65 be at c+ne~half the re~;ul.ar. rate and in addition a 10% penalty is imposed for late i.,ayments 30 da; s after i:heir due date, Mir, Donald Chr? stenson appeazed on beha7.f of the applicati.oai of Beti~re' c;o, ~6~L' I+lan approval and for building per'alit for P:iase II of Hallandale Addition ^o~~sisti.~~g of 5 buildings Faith IO units each„ The APC recoa±;apr~ed approva3., Upon motion by Wachter, seconded F.ydrych, it was RESOLVED that the pera;:3.ts ba g~:a?±tecl, all rse•a~bArs voted yas exceYt F.ahx1 wr,:~ a!hstainEd, Ti2~ CZe:r., read the names of. 7 ~;ol+,.n~:eers far tha Eagan T:~cesite^xa~.al. Planning C~armi.tt~.no L?pan mc:tion by Wachte~, secondedl Sma.t;~, all members voti;ig ea, i;: r~:'as 1CESL~L~'Ei' tlzat the follocsing naanes or voluxzteers ba aF~po~xdzted to ti.e Biccn~ts~~~ r.,a~l Coaaeit~;¢e; Georg: Cla,euan, Palph Ruben, ET.relyn Otte:rness, I~eyle Duff, Sand; Jesk:x, Kar_a<i Flo.~d, Joanne Soh+clze, ~;;.? ~i.jy~:r an~zounced that he had ap;~ointad rlor~:an Ila~;en to represent Ea an at t~.^ Dekota Cot;:qty Tzarsit Planning meet3.ngs as a re.prssentat;ve of tiZe C.'_i;y, 7'i~e Cler,c xzad. ? letter requested by the de~vcl4pers of Iiillandale ar~d Iti•ver- ;atQ :~equs:st;rig L:hct i:he Eagan Courctl go on recor,l recomnendang a reciass•Lf~.t.;:+r tion of SAS: payments fo;. tot,~nltouses i:y tha ~%tro S2:ae.^° L'orrcl at ra+:eS comparab:ta t~ a~arc~rw~;nt wits s:;~ther than six.gle fumi.ly residences, a3~ Chief resT.auriegs appeared and i.ntroducN3 Gerald TiAs~aros, a uQwly hire3 part-ti.~ patro:ata~x. C~a~.,~:f De:.~Laaxrisrs ~.ecomin^ndcd teat a~ie add•~tional paxt-,.~:~e ra;solst2:~ tea h~YGd who would fill in as a part-ti*ns di~:patahEZ in Iigh*_ of ti13 f4ct that t•~o part<,time dispatchers have q-lit their jobso Upon motion vy Rydryc'F: secr.~i~i;d Rahn, it pus RESOLVED that a rare-tine patrolman ba hired to fill iz ~~;a a paatat:0.~~p di.spatchex ~ai.,,h salary at the dispatchers salary rate and additien- aZ ealary t~~ be taken from the c~lrsent poli.cs budget, All membe,~s voting in favor., except S~i~:ix ~hc* voted nog A I.aite~• from tL.sa Donald Rwsmaxasen ;aas read requestin; informas:ien of tcae proposed street improvements for. Rasmusse~t Addition near Thomas Lake. Upon motion ay Wachter, se^ondQd Rahn, it cuss F.ESOI.`J.ED that the City Engineer fo,ward a lert«~r tr iRrs. Ra:tmuosan ~xalaming F4gatt°~ policy for improvements in sigbdivisio*_is such as Rasmr:ssen Addition. one Cr~urcii the~t d3.scusae3 ~~ha p:•op~~sea lsyr~ut for a road Ease of Pilct K*~ob Read to I.exis~~ton and South of Fish Lake. The Council also discusze3 ti'iv px•c~~nsr;:d purchase of a 24 care Isarcel c•~ned by i~r. Hillis Orr, south of tkp proposed z•aad lay-oxt, Upa.~ ~~otion by Polzin, aee:o4idEd un~i*h, alb. memt~prs vcstir.. y:~s, i.t was Rk; ~Qi.:~.rJ that the City Attorney ba sui:hyYize;i to negotia~:e with i~u:~. 0~-r fcr the Aoquisi*~;on of fiche 24 acre parcel for ~:he City. I'he City Engineer then revie4ved a proposed laymout pr~:pPred by t-z~ Da'.:ot•a Caar~~;y '1::2ffic 'E~xgt.aees for revxsiosas f:v Cedar Avenue South of :3ight.ay y~s3 in 6':c triciuiF;~ o:~ CK~da~.v:.~le Drive and Beau d~Rus Dx::~.ve, i?paxt motion by Rydr~*c~i :ee~~r~~e,a Sm.{i:h, rill rembsrs votiog ycsa it ~~Y:~s R<~;SOLV~, that t;e Ci~iy Ex~g.'_zieer tsz ~ Lre.cted to ca±~;:3i.t *ize Daico~~~x County officials to recoranend changes fir= the t'"-':~*`osal to c:ur, off the left hand l,sne ~?ove~:tst;s to aav? from Ced3r.'valn Dri.~;~e on C.:dav~ :Lv~ts~iQ a~xxd to do ditch filling and aei?vert e~t~:rsior, on ictie East silo o:c Caviar Avex:+ua, s~~it:i a lEft turn st~oraae for Se~agh :~eur.°3 c:ra<~::~o is .o Eaau dgl.~:a Dri•~rs ait$ l~f~ t;urca o~ca.css into the South d~:ive~aay lcsc~ip:B to ttio Ss:ur:?asd ats`~~.~~~ A*it:'3~ a t~:xe r,~Y st~?Yttga i:i possf ~lt?o -taw Upor ±~~tirti by ~v'achter, seconded S~aith, al.l members vo~`;~.ng in favor, it T~.:s RESOLVED :hat tixe Ca.ty Engineer bF i*~str~:.cted to preparz a preliminary layout faE util:~.~:~:~s i:,;x a storage building addition near YG:.l:ee Doodle Road. The City Co4anc9.1 also reviewed a propo3ed street revision for Beau d'Rue Dri.*c: s~:.d r~~tcd that a report will be si*.bmitted by tha City Engineer shortly. Upon reat~.c~xi by Smith, seconded Ra:~rt, all members voting, yes, it was RESOvVEA that t;he p1sn3 and specifications for rr^~lrene Road street and surracin$ Projact ~I~134~ be sEYd they hereby are accepted and approved and that the Clerk be autl:sr ~.zPCi tc~ 4d~rrrti: a for bids to be opened on Tionda;~, April 22, 1914 at 3:00 p,m. at rk;e City Nall; farther that the plans and specifications for Project it138 consist.;.ng of sewer and wa~:er services for tt~.e 1Qatiaual Building Centers properL•y North of Ya_aikee Dncdle Road be approved and ti.1&~ the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids to be received and opened a~a April 22, 1974 at 3:CO p.rt. at the C:i~~ t.-:~ ~.1. The Cit; AttornLy submitted a gx:~posed plan fast payffient of deferrred charges to tha I~.SB to bA paid by the City aver a 15 year period on an increasing bas:Te, Upon motion. by Polziz~, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yes, E~{e:e,~t Wachter who voted r~o, it was RESOLVED that ~:~:~ proposal be approved and txz.:rt the Clerk b~ a9~:'nozized ~:o piepare a letter to t:he NAB coverixzg the deferred cinarges. It ~~ar r..oted that a letter hsd bean. received from HUD concurring the maximum sc~~;~.s{t.io~ pri~.as Yor Sites 1,2,5,6y7 aau 8 park acgtsisieions. '~gan mction by Rehr., seconded Rydrycl~, all members voting yes, it was fiESO~,u;~'r t!-xai: the bt13.s aocordisa.g to the following scliadulo be crdered paid: #lE2 throug'~ ~F1S3; ~It212~ throxzgh ~k2170; ~~12112 through x12170. Tlae sueoti ng ad joz•.rnod at: appxoxin~a'tely 11:00 p~m. r"arch 19, 197 „r,,~ J