04/16/1974 - City Council RegularY~I.i 6~.L:JS ~~'~ A I~.~S'v~~:~ 1~i1~J.1-~*:Lt :,1'':1 .~.+j7J Ci~ de~~}~~i+.L~.J April 15A ZQ/4 ZI;n x~ot ~?.:..r. Coca:i~c,Z s~.~eting eaet e t x.36 p,r.,, at tha Ea ;uc- City Y~,? 1 cn A;~r~?. Zvi, 'I.y~~+,, AI.1 mom?:ers were present. A.+`:sr t.~e ?'1st'.~;a of Alle,:I.aoces tl:e Council firEt interviewed rI*-, Esr1 I.eA tir,.o ;i,4 a :rc~~.;~i,te3r as the Eagan Civ3.l! Uefcnse Directax. 7t was roLed Chat. t`?.era r:~;rca r.o o~~::.~~:r vc,.u~2teers, After discussion, upo~~ riol:ion by Rahn, seean,3ed ~~t,.I~ a1Z ~~ ~r~2as ~C::~:;9; ~~ea, it ttias T:IaSOI,V.ED that Mr. Lee be apraintFtt as c:he Ir~,tec:~~. G~,-~•f.l rio~'anss I33.xes~:cr €or F,ag,~n s^d b+s aux;t~orized to at*end tl~.e Dakota C~c~s~AL~• ~~;itri 1 i;pfer..sem2et:i~ag, on Ap: it lt5th at~i that he L•hen report buck nt :'~a Nay i tH rogc+3ar tna~:t:L~~ so 't'aat L-lta i'13tt`r oa:~ Le rovicwad again, ~ NLo .~~~:~s ~abiou, the Iiahota C=;unf:y Engineer, aF<pear~~c? anal d~.sr.~.~ss,:~,i t,:~co prJposed i~:rova~arts near tgia ~.rirerGect:inn or Cedar Avarua arc3.:i~.~?s:vay ~i~13. TIa~*~ w~u.13 ~a Aa esti.crata of i.inprove~tents of 1974 on the So~~th side of C,..i;ar Averne att,9 I:ighs•~ati• ~a3, The est`.a~a;:o woir].d be apprm.~is~ately $30,v4r3.00 p~rti4~I.1y F~~ritd by t~:e c::.ty, Ite suggPSred ¢11~: LSiere be a 1~aft turn 3are :~~~:o ar.1 oat of C~rc'sarv~al~ Dx3~=a Uut wh~ic.z would be clo3ed if i*_ became hazardou3 si.: a ~..atzx t:i~e, %Y?~~ r:-nu3.c: be oa,:~ a temgorary ~vb. After conside~~able dlecussiota, upa*t mot~.o~z hj tdachter, re:cou~ed Ry3ryali, a1Z taeR:i:.:as votins yes, it was ItEBOLV~;D 1:hat the Cifiy Coin-:,: ii be on recor3 reTzesi:ixtg tlia DF1:~.~1r'E! Gounty B©ard t© pxoceed c~rith plans on tYisst poxti~~n of Cedar, b€xt to p2"av3.de a center median Pram iii~;ilway ar33 ::a tl:e propnsAL r~~•~~ e?sa.t Exam Eeala d.'i'xie Trtve onto Cedaz Ai~es,a.,c a~.card3. dg to t;>e ar3.g~.rs:~ p'.an cf +.:I>s Couxlty A~~ file Co;t~~y Board there prap4~:e their p ~..~n.s i.n r_o~,jaarsct:~~on cai.!:iz t:I~a~ City E~agic~ee.., :~.'-r, K~~a ~?r..d~Asor~~ tae Da:;ota Coun~cy Traffic ~;x~b:~.naer appeare3 and rFpert~~l o;~ a ucs~t.~u staiy rec~crr~rnd:Lz:g a traffic signal rat Cu~?ar arad C1i£:~~ T;:eMe cr~a.sd be a F•~~cpos~c; fo~arl~rt~ t±;yivide3 cress aecti.o*t on Cli.if fxa?a I-I.~g'~wa~= ~~~13 eaNL• tc n~:~~gos~.3 35' -~:? it was fu~~thr px•apose?~ to ~~:~.c1en C~~1a: A~er..c?e near Cliff I:r•vd a~zd :~~zrthex to i.st.a7.1. a trdff'..c si;;*~al a~ an est:~.ra-ws:.cd 4`~O,OJ0,00 cost cn a 5e~'/, cocf: s:?a°.xxb basis by the ci~:y, :f~: was also ra:oposed ti~aC ie~.era?. f~.as:.di..~=~ b~ arglie.? rvr the a:m•Irr•~verecrts. T.ie CocFr~cil took the natter ur~3er anviscment a.F.i iti::'.'r ~xt .~~:tA meF-~`in; upon lriat3.on by Ryd::y~:h, second eu Glachter, a?.1 members vo€;,-~^.?' ;re:, ~, it t~r~s R.~aSOLV~,,~ that tio•:.~ Cc,ircil be on rPCOrd favor. i*Fg the pronosa r,:~ £~dar.;.1 £~F~±~izng is a•~ra3.lable snd ii fec?ergl fuisi:i.ng is acq-~'red, it be F,i-.ren fi.l c~-e~~.:Y to~,axd t~is groject up Co 70% and that tl~e balance of agirrx3:~nr~*_ei.~'- °:3~:;~~ i:~ iiarc:i Q:z thz s.orxcal formula basis betweog:~ the County and ir...e C;.ty° ~~ro Eas~d.~ars~n also xev:ie:•?ad tx~a progosa~~ s:;.gf~,ai at ,12E and •~E?1 a~ad irdd•1.~:~:~.~d that h;~ Lhc; i:a'.1 c. 1~7Lf it is e~:pect:ed there will be suyfic~.ai~t c'2~aaz~r~ fo:~ a sys~:cF~~ b?.~: r3oo;..:.a ~_.~cc? that a l.ocr cost: sisal at. an es4iy:~ated cosh- of $3.~,U00~!tn as opsosed ~;r) a p?xmanent s{ gza1 cf $60,0OO,OJ be insta :led, 2'i~e Co•~nc3.1 teoi: the matter u.::•:iwr a3viseffiant and later in tiie r~Feet~.31~ upon na±'•io11 by P.G'.•~~+., seconded 5m:ith, alj Mam~iers voting yes, 7~t kas RFSOI~t~;.0 rust L•~o C~.i.y Counet~ be :~_aa f.~veti of instai1:i;~ag the tr~:itfic signal provider that releral :C,,sin~.~~b i:e ~iL"C.'11 toward that pray cs a:..d that ba?.a~zce of apprax~.m..t~~?..;/ ~~!% cotit b ^~,~.!:^c? ?a tha txor~ial City-Co*inty cost sb.a~:ing basis, The '~_~;•:,r tr~e~n co~zver~ed the L'o~~rd of l~ope~~ls includt:~ all Ccunci.'_ ~es-bers aiut r~tnhwr I~arule ~sho was prc~ser~t, ,A rapr:c:gPx~tat:i.~~e cf iii~F.aS:i ,,e appeared on teh3lf of. i•s at~p?.scatio~t t.'at a varl-3nCE' rR«.?~1 L'%t•~ s ;.tie sot li.~e set-back £or two ti/~1Cti11.'.rt bu:i lcixn,~s an iZs F~:u ~wart~ Eas?: ur g~.1.7r_ %,.eb Road, daze to a sux~,•ayi~ exro~: Q :r'.~e ,f:'C reca~::~rki3d aFuz~~•:~:,il° ~gc~i L,~~.•:.cn try ?2;~hn, sc~cox~3ad Rydr~*ch, .~11 m~wbera vc~tiisd xi fa:~~~•~, iL ~~rs R:?~St~I,~c:?~ i~aa'c b1~•a applicatiosQ, be r~c•~x~~e.:~e3 i~'+JTM' anprava?. to tL:e C%~ jY a~~ 1'Yie N.z~zor t?~^-.n introc:uced NIr~ RoL•a~:t S•^~iYo;~:: and rir;, .:am Jacobs represe-~i:ir_~, ~:~~~ M~.~rQ Tx~.nsi.t vom~ris.:ion c~no c*_;:lin.:.~ threw p•r:oFas~_>3 e~:puess bus route.^, f::_::~ i~i-~.mr..u.r~:~1.:~s L'o Eagan consistiaa ^f Route 35~R, ~;~cprc.ss Routa 46 fr:.m k~~serr..auo.i~ thra~.~g?;.:sagan to St. Paul and Eypress Route 45 fraat Bcrnsville to Ea.,:i~i %r,. S°~. Lezul.. It was request:d that wri::ten cancurr_eace from the I~~.gan Ci:;y Cc3~yrsi"!. to ti~-.c:I-z of 9:`-~e routes bE su'~m3.Lt~Ed to the MTC. Each wou~.d co:isist of a ~ 5.~o~tii Cr :a.1 a~ld i~ is expected that sr twice would ceanr~E:~ce a'~ouC .Sure l.st, T.j.~rE~ would be r..o lix;~.tt to the n±i:•~ii~e~r of stops a~xd the locations of stops wou'~ L-.' c',:terl~.tr..ec3 by tt;e City Council within the City of Eaganv Upo.tt motion by W:ac~.~ter, sccon3ed P.3hn, all nembers vet°ing strongly in favor, it was RESOI.i7~:i~ tl.at t:~:: bay: ro~~te~~ be approved and the Clerl: be Huthorize3 to send s conc~~xra~n..c '! e. ter to t:he MTC„ Upon noaicn by Rahn, sccondeu Wachter, a.ll newbers vcting in favor, a.i. r;as RESOLVED that tY.e iii rstes of tY~e :~ogc,?.;,i meeting of April 2, 19%4 be approved suY:;~ect to a change on Page 3 to provide Imp. Project ,1~'l13 and furi~her. on I'~.g ±lia mote<~n ry Rahn. conaarning New Horizon Homas be seconded by Wachter, r~.t:~er rizu'A7 P.y:~~~~ch. L'.~~e Chl.af. Schu? tz appeared and introduoad George ScotC who was recantly e1.~Ltad as t-',' L;strict Fire ChieF fos Station ~k2 and indicated Derr; Adams k~.ad been reelECted to Station ~~1 Iiistrict Fire Chief, UFru Notion by Sinii:~?, seco;~,led 'Wachter, ail raau~~;ers voting yea., it was RESOLVED that the foz~ago3.~zg be conf•?rmad Es Dis{~r.ct Fire Chiefs :Coy- Ea~a.i, ti li:.ef b~?axtir Dasl',auriers appeared and indicated thaC he taae rEz~i.ewo3 the ac6L;:a.::nion gayic}~ h;y '~.Yaa I.rcar`. Spur and :indicated that thL procedures hawse ns.~ :;e;:r. YIa4: ~ ~i~~ ~;' t:':~ Lost Spur e~ul ieCOm`S;ea~dsd th-at 't1.0 8f tiora t;? a:i-.kEnn ~~° also z:eva.etac~i t>:~: va~:i:~us classes of ~nc~:bership w~Li:h the Catyazci:.o Ch~.~dcf Iie~T~auriers also reco.a~aes~c~ed t.1af: a piet:~l rangy be ~~e~: up for i~.ag'~Lz ~,3~ Police Deps~rtm~±nt as the Eagan Utility property West of YatlFcee Doodle Road and i.nuicatcd f~aZat all necessary precautior,:s wou7.d be installed, L*pon motion by 5mitt~., s~con~lea k7achter, all members vatin ; in favor, 9.t w~~ls RE30LVED that the Folice Department be authorized to ixxatall a pistol range in that location, :~1r. Lela Peterson, the Building Inspector, appeared and indicated that a ~.r~ariaa?.tea wociid be required for set-back for an Agricultural area of the 7-Eleven Store ~~n 'Ya:lkee Doodle Road. The matter was simply sent back to the APC for an application for a variance accord:~.ng to tine recommendat?on of the Building Tr~spectc~r. A2rs, Bcrbara Schmidt, the Chairman of. the Farlc Committee appeared and recomznende3 a charge order covering a part of Highview Park including shaping in a ball diamond, hockey rinl, impYo~.*~tnents, etc. for an approximate increase :gin t~~: cost of Y9,000.00. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded S~aith, all members voting yes, it was Ri.SOLVED that the Council authorize the Engineer to pre;:are a change order L•o be 'ormally sub~nitte:3 at the :text regular meeting, The C~±.airr.~an then announced tl~e convening of the public hearing concerning tt?e applicaticx~ of Pem Tom, Inc, for preliminary plat approval of River Hills 9th Addition is Section 30. The APC recommended approval. The p?,at would icxclu~ie 3 Gc~:as with 69 sirgl_e family lots a:~eraging 14,000 square feet per acre, Two rut-lots would be dedicai-ed for park purposes, including a pond area The Park Cuavmittee indicated it hzd naz completed its review as to wrether the interior park would fit into the park system. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rydxych, all men~bwr3 voting in favor, it was RESOLV"~D that the application be cantinued until the Park Commit;.~we can make a formal recommnnda*_ion as to park dedicatioua The Council Plso discussed the proposed utilit;~ agr~:a~n^~t wi~~h the C~'.t;~ of B~xrnsvi.llr for its supply of utilities to the project, The a;~plicatian of Orrin Thompson ;-?omen for a sign pe~cmit at ~:he Noitheast r~. ~ cc.nar cf Clify Rand and Cedar Fve:nua ad*:ertis:~ng Orrin Tiio~~;pson 1-Iomes, !3' x 12' c;;ruble f~;s:.~d, iOO feet f::o~+a thc: corna•r. was upon matiou by Rydrych, seconded 47e::hter., all t~euibers voti.ag yea, it was apgz:oved. The ~;ayor then arnaunced th^_ cpening of the public hear3r.g on the application of Iv~•a Horizon Hanes for rezoning from .A - Agriculauxal to FUD and preliminab a p:.at a}~g~oval of ~7oo;lgate Second !!d~I ttion. The APC recoumended approval. '~'„ P.obsx•t Durge~• anpear_ed for the applicant. The plat wo~.a.id consist of 442 acx•es, !3 sT ng:~..e fau~i.ly, 32 townhouse with 2.36 units per acre average. ThE de:°eloper rec~u,~sted the part; donation be made in cash and the Co~seicil discusse~3 a protoseu clevelopmen~, contract fox' utl2xo J~:~I.nnycake Ridge and for Cliff Road street i..nipro~rauerits, A trail easernenL- was proposed both in Woodgate Second Addition and Firs: Ai':'.ition fox• ~.c:_:;;txian walkway. Upon motion b.T Rydrych, secor.$Pd Ra1ir~, it was RESOLVED tlt.,t L:ha Coarcil be on recos:d appxcv3.ng tl,a appl9.cation .Lor p~a•elianinary plat cpp;,:a:ra1 a~zd rezoning subject, how~~,°er, t.o reec:~l.ng an W.nree~rent concerning development bond far Jolin;~yeake Ridge Rout ar_a Cliff Road parkv i~~cluuing trail c:as;~menLs, axee%er..t vn park con~:~•ibutior.. and trr.il easeiaent:s a:nd pordinb easemsn:~s, A11 memaeLs voted yea., Trfe Cou*xc.il then vetad on the replace;~ent of James rialonr•y ara tl:e Pall: Co~°~itZeeo A :asoret ballot eras hEl_d and t;:te following votes ware casto i2nger Martin. - 3 JGices; David Erb - 2 votes. Roger Martin w~~s d~:cl.ared electod ion- ~:i:~: bal.au~e of the terttt I.eld by Ja~e:~ Y~;aicnnr. '1'h~ pub1~; c ?~.e,sring concerning the ap~nl3.catioSz of High 5it•~:, T*~c, to :-::zone fram A - Agricult~~~•al to R-4 Fesiee~~tia:~ toian:iouses and C-1 Ligi~t Cor.~merci.al cn aloud 2.G acrQs ~^.> t:h~ Eas-,' side: of ?ilot I~uob Road South rf Judy Road was next conve~:elp Tl~~? bu:1.ld:.rl set-back; •;~ou1d 4~e ~3 feet frozY ti~.e autsid:: of t~ze 44 toot !right-~:f-*~jayo L;cir~~e~:ot:.> neighboring proporty ownars appenr~d asld ob,~ocZod a~.,.d iraiicated t.:;a.a~t com<cercial zoni*ag was at*atiab~.a to tt_~. Sou~.a arxd *avid akp.~ar to -~.. by more aYr~repri.s•te 5=or the devzlopme~.:t In the Effress ~!ddiw:•~.an. The Council discussed poten~:i.al tr~ff:t.c prcoiem~. gez~or_ate,a by the devslopment onto 3urdy P.^.a~3 from i':~.iot LZi~C`'D, the nearness G4: sin.gle family dNe3.3.in; and *_l.e relativeiv small sl.zc of th? proposed commercial area which lies close to a fairly large area zoned fc~r com~aexcial purposes. The proposal included a 4 Lizit toC,•nhouse on the Ydo~:t;, side of tEIA property. Uron r:otion by Wachter, seconded Rydrych, it eras P.LSC~T.VED that the anplicatiocz be denied for reasons inc].udi.ng those rnentiored abor., because o•f a fairly poor intersection at Jurdy Road and Pilot I:nob Road fnr. s3':ety r.:-:ascns, and further that •Lt appears that this land originally inte:cda~i to b~ for residen~.::al purposes. Upon t~ot•ion by Wachter, seccnded Rahn, all members voting yes, :it was RESOL~'.;ti that the asscsstnen~. ?~:c~ar i.ng coverii~ ; i.mproveanent Fro ject 4113 in Donnywood Addition and ~~12b-A Silver Rell toad and Deerwood Drive s::eet surfacing; be ccnti.:lued to the next regular m, ecing f:,r a report from the aasessme~:t col;~ittee. M-r, P.icl~ard Dahm appeared on behalf of the application of Autumn Devel.epr~er..t, Zr:,.c. corxcerning the pcblic hearizxg ~:o rezone part of Section 2? lying East of Oak. Ck~ase Roa:l, North of Cliff P.ead ar.,,cl West of Lexington Avenue cons: s.:i.~:g of ~5 acres fre~ai ti -Agricultural to R-1 RQSidential, the pu'olic heas-i.ng also coi~.cerned tite appiicati.on of Autumn Development, Inc. for preliminas:y plat :approval of Cante;:bur;~ Hills in tlas eame area. The APC recommended L.pproval of the wpplications, The proposal would include a trail dedicarica along the Wes. line and some rsvisio*~s frcm the original proposal to incl*,~d~ a~'ditional park land dedication, T'i~2 two cul-da-sECS on the North parcel would require variaieas from the ordi.na:c^e s~.aniards, They also reviewed pathway dedications acccrdi.ng to tt-~e u^.derst~;ndinq ~:i.th the Park Committee, The Council also discussed t:i~e nsccasax•y upg~~:di.:zg a:~ Wilderness Run Road. Mr. Frisbee a.nd btr, Arno?d Car.lscn appeared and indicated that they as developers of Qakc Chase and t~i~c Wilderness -6- i:' ?.u~i aa:ea, €::*ould ag;xee to ~:ontribute cx. a tcsidpntial egx:~vd,s.eno, fcsr Wia.dernass ltu*_t Road ixx~provemexxi.s~ Upon motion by W~;ci2ti:er, seconded R-aii!a, sil mnxabers vr~°:a.zxb y~a9 iy ~y:~~j rRSGi,"J'~~i f:hat the uppl:~cation. far re2onirig to ~;pproved and Lpcn mcatio~ 1~-y R~•dryrcita raconded 1•)ack~ter, al'a members voting in ~':avor, it ~7as RI;SGLVED t~c+t the apps,ic.~tion £or preliminary plat be approved, bath st~li~ect to obtaining r~e.•essry deve+,~spmzxr.r agreQments from rsdjacerst land c;~ners to the West for tlae ixl,a~r~d•Fng of t~'il.derross Run Road and a satiisfactory devalopxnent agreement and pz:xit dt~ciication by the devea.opers ~f Autumn Development, Inc. The Coi:rc~.l tb.~~:~ revie.~+ed a Letter fram owners in Oak Chasse requesting that i:l~rosdls l:.ruclc3 on Oak Chase Road be prc~liibited. Upon notion by Wachter, se~co:xded Rdaych, all members voting yea, it was R1;50LVL'D that sigxas be pasted providing ~ n x ~. c throu.~;h truci~: tzaffic on Oak Chase Road, Tne applicavion of High Sitee ;.ZC. for a variance rcri the side log 7.3.ne seic-izaclc fer i~*o apax~tmF~nt bu~:.1~iR.~~igs Pie:; r:.,xt reviewed, Upon motioxx by S;.n?th, secoY~ded R•yd~cych, all ms~.~l,ers v+~ting yes, it was RRSOLVED that the appl3.caY..ioZ ba approved, according to APC and Board of Aprcals recommendat:.ons. Tile CounHil than discussed the pxoposad at~;Lndment to the Tree Ordinance ~r4•~ relating i:o diseased tries and recommended that a draft of an ordinance be pre;:ared ax?:.i distribu*ed to the Coun~ij fcr the next meeting. A petition from Arnold Carlsoxx Was reviewed requesting that a portion of D',1x1rt~Vi:I Lane, I~ortll of Wildc~rne:ss Rzn Road be vacated. Upon motion by Rahn, sPCOnded Snnich, all memt~ers voting aye, if: was RE50LVED that the petition be accepted and a public nearing be scizedi,lcd for ttiiay `L1, 1974 at 7x00 p.ma at tY~e City I-la' io fir, ke~et:h Appelbaum appeared with a proposed landscape plan fox iZis 58 unit tiflt~xzrouse devei.orrnent at Highway if~~9 axul Chapel. Lane. L'poa motion by Ra.l:.xz, seconded S,ai.'~i1, all mambexs voting in favor; it was R ESOL~?FD that the plan by appsova:2; xJVideci i~: cc~~.pl;~es with tlae orainar..ce, _ry~ Upon. ~sot~.~u by i'.ahn, sPCO~±ded Wa::hter, a1~, ru:~T~ers vo~;:',tt~g yes, it was R~SOL'J~ trbat the :c:~.laai.ug sign permii: applications ?~e appro•~•ed; .nj Batesvii:tP Cask.~t si;cq **e~:a~•it 't 330 Mina Collins Driv, B) Celarva3.s T.~.quo~:c Stare -~ s3.gn located o~Z fgoat si~?F of E~istirsg Luiidi~.g on Be-?u d' Rue Drive. A let.te:~ .f~-rara Nor. James Horn rega~2sting that the Ctty ac~c~:pt a dpdicat~ion r:c s ~~aX~:r twain ixa Ooxonation koa2 in ':ir_g3taood Addition wss dfscusscd. Upon ~,:.~:ior. ~~l :?,~•':.z:€:~, seconded Wachter, all ~nsm'aers voting yes, it w&e RESOLV"RD t::at tiP~e cta9;er srair~ .•~s aequested in tia~~ lettyr of Mr, Morn of April 6, 1974 ba and kz~:v~e~i3 ~.s accepted ~t~y the CiYya The Cx.vy k:ngineer then prener.ted cost estimate plans for a garage on the u~:il.ity c-Epaitra£nr property on Yanked Boodle Road, Upon motion by Polzin, seconde~l Wachter, it etas RnSC++Y~V~,B ~~:?zat ti~he preliminary concept be apprcz-ed and t~iat ttie ~;ugiateEr be suthoxized to ~.re~.~are complete plea :^ocifirations ~:o ba financed by sewer, water and s~~reat fu±~ds ~ointlya All rasmbexs ~•ate3 y~.sA A peti.fi:~lon fros~ Ne~y iio~~izGn Homes far utility and street services :fir. l~oodgate Second Add: t:i.on was upooa a~otf_on by S~ca,tfn, seconded Wac:~t~,r, all meucb~x s Wr_~t~.na yes, ~aec:eptEd .~xtd t~:ta C~.ty ';~Jy ,ice~ *~ras au~:hcrized Lo Pzepaae F~..~~ts ani spec~?iic,atio.;as and tt~ re;~ort tack to tzae Coutzcil~ Upon <~~cox~enciat?.on of M•c, JoYin L'o3s, upon xnotior. by Rahn, seconded Polzin, it ~sas RESO~L'TCD that the City Council agree to a delay for up to F~0 c,Pys fox t!~ :~ p~a~ali:. rsax'ing by the Me~:ropol3.tar~ Ce~uxwil for review of i:h:: Eagan Land L'se Pier,., A letter rxora rtr, 67illiam Lou~;herty of H~.ghridge Terrace sac rEVie~'ed regsz~~st~t.mg i~ncxo•.rt.uieYZts far ~iigiivie;~ Avenue, No action was tats.er.., Upon ~otkox~ by rat zir, secor~de3 Rahn, all !uembe:~'s vctiaag yes, it Eras RR">(~.VF'D that ~;o rt:~:fa~e sewer ra:~s for reside~atial cor.~ect3.or~a fro;n~ yX2~Ov to $10~s~ per q±~s:rter u' and :iereby is auopted acroxd3.rag to the sc?~%dulea Upon 5tc*cion by rol;.s n, seconded Ra~,n, it was RN?OLrtTRB+ that Si? 1 Branch of tie L'L•~?.~.s.~:y Bzsartmargt by appointed Weed InsFector of the Ctty o:t I?sg.3~~A W3•- 1'he C ~t~,= a~_to;:ney submitted a Rcac~woric d~xee*~lcnt ccver~:•~ ~:he Creative Iio-~sings T_~2c, pie fact for Dorui~~aood ?,ddit:ion, 3ast of Pi1.oi: zC:i~~b Road. Upon n~±-iQfi b; R;~cl;:yc"~9 seconded Polzin, d 11 me=embers voi_3.n, yos, it waa RESOy;JED that the Develnp~ten~: Are :went be appz•oved, Upon mc~t:~Gxi by Tdachter, secosuiEd Polzin, all members voting yes, it was Ri~,SOLVEL'~ tY~a-; t'~e Assessment Cummi~:ree minLtes of April 9, 1974 as sc~b~nitted he a_I~pt[,vs$ , Upo~z motion bJ Polzin, secon~-'~,d Rydr;*ch, all members voting; aye, it eras I'.:t„i3LVH'D ttia:. a v.~oLile home rermit application by Dayton Developsrent Corp, an a tezxpesary h~;ris for one year foz *_he re~a;:o~ on nand owned by Dayton Developmv:~t near. N.iUk~ways ,ir4 9 and ~~SS be approved.,, i:pon n~t:i.o~n b;~ I~lzin, seconder Fa3Y13, it was RESOLV":D that EagGn's SAC pa=~sents to date be paid to t'ne T~ietro Scwer Board. All voted in favor.. Upon motion, the nieeting a1j~t~urnec: at 1:UU a.ra, April lb, 1974 ~ ~. ,r< ~~. , ~~-t-.~~-i ..ga