08/19/1975 - City Council Regular ,- rNPTES 0^ A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA August 19, 1975 A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on August 19, :1.9'i at the City Hall at 6:30 P.M. All members were present. Also present were Bone, Gordon and Hauge. INUTES, After the Pledge of Allegiance, upon motion duly made by Smith, ceconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the &agate:: Coancil of July 15th, August 5th and August 12th be, and they hereby are, aoprov d as distributed. L2PART ENT. Bill Branch appeared and recommended the hiring of Lmreziee Cudo and Claude Barrington as new park maintenance employees. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rydrych, it was RESOLVED to hire fir. Cudo end th._ Barrington as park maintenance employees as of September 1, 1975. All mm-,_r": 47o ted yea. PARK COMf3ITTEL. Barbara Schmidt was present and discussed the followir..z <r.s :tncc s: ^, Ncrthvi.ew School Amen!:. A review was made of a proposal from the ,chool District that Eagan participate in maintenance up to a m.^x .;:mr, :.;GO' cur the Morthview School ballfield with Eagan to be respon ible for maintenance and scheduling beginning 1976. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rydryrh, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the agreeTent pro;r .:: .�:..:, be epp o ° :l provided, however, that the school district maintain the fields at ail times other than during the softball seasons in each year. I. Park Comm ittee Structure. The City Attorney reviewed the 1975 ....17W :011, 144”fi dealirg with the change in Park Board structure and a further rev . .w ode -f ;,`;=_;ih .c: revisions to the Park Board Ordinance. c„ Rally Activities Building, Mr. James Lindberg of Lindberg, Pte: ca, 2-1-J11 - tects, and Dwle Everson, Chairman of the Park Committee, appeared nref the plans for the Rahn Park activities building. One room will aceommodate 84 111 peo le and another room 30 arsons consisting of a 37' x 45' buildia with 1600 P g square feet. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all members votieg yes, 'Lt. as RESOLVED that the plans and specifications be approved and that the Clerk be autherized to advertise for bids to be opened on September 11, 1975 at 2;00 P.M, at the City Hall. d, A letter of commendation from Frank Jurek commending Barbaca Sehmidt e; her coordination of soccer activities in the City was read to the Counci_lo BUTLDINC PERMITS. Donald Chapdelaine appeared on behalf of a group of on applyieg to install a temporary sign 8' x 16' at 3768 Sibley Memorial ligere), on the • ereme Utccht property to advocate a human life constitutional anenne, acable face sign would technically require a variance and after discassloe and upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVED to approve the ear:ice, don for one year with review at the end of the one year period. Those fa : were Polzin, Rahn, Wachter and Smith. Voting no was Rydrych. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #162 PART 2 - PUBLIC HEARING. The Mayor convened the - _- eoblie bearing concerning Improvement Project #162, Part 2 consisting of :Item sewe: improvements in part of Ridgeview Acres and Jon Croft Acres, Namcreus e.4 ecele:rty owners were present and generally objected to the T'lPy cibmZtted a petition listing alternate suggestions, including wncx.-; the low lots and suggesting an alternative over-land storm drainage City Engineer reviewed the project and indicated that ever-land storm sa.Tur the eopgb terrain could cause serious maintenance problems. After roneieeeee dieceesien, the Mayor closed the hearing after explaining that the project voei,' be installed new or at a later time. A majority of those present favcr,,4 ins t;‘,-: project at the present time and it was further noted that feturf IIIstorm cleT)171 projects and assessments will also take place in the area. Snieh meoe0 and Wachter seconded a motion to order in the projeet, to approve the plane and srecifications submitted by the City Engineer, end to authorlz :J=4 -2- meat for bids For the project as presented by the City Lngineer. Further, however, that the assessment committee review the possibility of assessing Jon Croft Acres for a portion of the cost of the project. KENNETH APPELBAUM PUBLIC HEARING - PILOT KNOB HEIGHTS 1st ADDITION. e2en the request of Kenneth Appelbaum and upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the public hearing for the apylisa- tlon of Pilot Knob Properties and Kenneth Appelbaum for revision of FUD in Sect ::; i and for a building permit for a townhouse project on part of Lot 1, Block 1, Pilot Knob Heights 1st Addition be continued until the first regular Council meet 1:-.g In October. ePf - ii LIQUOR LICENSE - VERN COLON. The application of Vernon Coln for of -sale liquor license in Yankee Doodle Shopping Center - Bicentennial Addition was reviewed. No objections were received from the police department,. motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLe7 the application be approved. TOM BERGEN - US TURNAROUND. Tom Bergen appeared and indicated that the Rp-;:mcunt Dqstriet school bus has refused to drive to the East. end of Dfete Drive claiming an insufficient bus turnaround. It was suggested that Lha owner ei affected, Tom Rooney, be contacted for permission for wideni-1 ; 19/5 SEAL COAT PROJECT. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the low bid for the 1975 seal coat peojet by Construction Company in the sum of $26,173.94 as the base hid 111".t,IA ; the 3 coating, be approved and awarded. TZ!:IDET ,TESS RUN ROAD - PROJECT #144 - STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Upon Tor,,f1 Pol !%, serandeA Wachter, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that -eee 516 Construction Company in the sum of $21,729.00 for Projao 4 pie ,COGLVIEW ACRES — PROJECT #162 — STREET AND STORM SEWER ILI-11101EMtJTS, -3- motion b;' Sr-1 th, seconded Rahn, all members voting year it was RESOLVED that the low bid of Alexander Construction Company in the sum of $75,088,53 for stree=,.and storm sewer improvements in Ridgeview Acres and Jon Croft Acres, Project #1.62, be and hereby is awarded and approved. UNIVAC SOFTBALL TEAM TEMPORARY 3.2 BEER LICENSE. The application of C. R. Pelson of the Univac softball team for temporary non-intoxicating malt liquor iidense for September 13th and 14th, 1975 at the Univac recreation field was ;,f.; reviewed. There was no objection by the police department. Upon motion by R..:.aa, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the license 1.<� 3scued PR, 97/ T PIt'NORSKI, 3353 Highway #55, appeared and discussed the storm dvr,71— „;e,s p i.,tts causing flooding on his property North of #55 and East of #49. The City Engineer was asked to review the problem. GERALD R.OGERS, 1325 Tower Road. Mr. Rogers appeared and requested a., . } :.=rice from the Council to convince Peoples Gas Company to hook up his residelatial - ;a addition. The Council asked the Clerk to contact Peoples Gas Company indicati..ig that a hardship appears to exist and recommended that service be run to the resi- once rather than installing a main in the street, 8T1..777 SIGNS 6- ite Drive and Merice Drive. A letter from the Minnesota ligbway ludicating that 30 m.p.h. urban speed zone on Marice Drive and Zighlitc give is permitted. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members vct.lrg it c-q RESOLVED that the City be authorized to install 30 m.p.h. speed zone n;c.n In riose locations, b.,. i .- : : Refiner Sinn Permit. Mr. L. 3. Renner's application for a. tiler pe lli't at 99 Beau d'Rue Drive, including a 4' x 8' sign indicating "Fox was u^eu of:icn by Polzin, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yea,;, aep:rov d a eac year period. Shannon-on-the-Green. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, ail y'::s, it was RESOLVED that the application of the developer=; c>L= -4- the-Green for an 8' x J2' temporary sign at 438O Cedar Avenue, consisting of the Seer, property, for three months be, and it hereby is, approved, subject to con- e ir formance with the ore.ieance and B. I. review. PROJECT #156A - STREET IMPROVEMENTS. The City Engineer presented plea? for street improvements to Pilot Knob Heights 4th Addition, Woodgate 3rd Addition, and Bicentennial 1st Addition. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all 2y-rbbers voting la favor, it was RESOLVED that the plans and specifications be epprove.i and that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids to be opened on Septern'-=r 19, 1975 at 3:00 P.M. at the City Hall. TREE DISEASE PROBLEH. Bill Erickson, the Tree Inspector, indicated that - ---- three tree on property owned by Pete Parranto were ordered to be removed by uly 3.7.—e and that it has not been done, The property is East of #i9 alfl South of #30. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in favor th2 City Attorney was requested to contact Mr. Parranto to take ImmAdt,AFe to remove the trees and if there is no compliance by the owner within one that Eagan will follow through according to the ordinance and arrange for Teeka.!_ of the trees and assessment of the cost against the affected property. POL1CT DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL, Martin DesLauriers appeared and requested two 'ull-tine employees for the Eagan Police Dapertment and two pextetime -fequesting that the effective date be September 1st for on full fe-. ohe part-time employee and November 1st for one full and one part-time oviolv\aP Counal discussed in detail the 1975 budget and the proposed budget for 1.97C ei:,4 upon motion by Rydrych, seconded Wachter, it was RESOLVED that the revese... DeeLeuriers be granted with the dates mentioned above for two full-tim-: ;)nj to part-We employees. Those in favor were Rydrych, Wachter, Prizia 1113t was Smith. OiVND JENSEN PARK. Chief DesLauriers indicated that the fr-rrte thet was intled for entrance to the park is inadequate and was requested 74 rurue the matter with the Park Director and request that the Dakore Couqt,y TT*AYI Its intantlons as to policing the park in written frm to t:la CitN -5- we the ea.i i.est possible time. BONESTROO and ROSENE PARK EQUIPMENT CONTRIBUTION. The Council expressed its thanks to the firm of ,`onestroo and Ro.iene Associates for the contribution of (250.00 for park equipment. QUICKIE TRANSFER UTILITY PROJECT. A request from Quickie Transfer, the owner of property adjacent to Barton_MeGray Addition and adjacent to Silver Bell Road and Uigh.;iay #13, that a feasibility study be prepared concerning utilities on Ire property was upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in fever, submitted to the Engineer for preparation of a feasibility study; further J:ES+L k that in the event that the owners of the property determined not to go ahead el t a the pin j act at the present time, that they pay the cost of engineering fees for Ir. prep ation of the study. FLOOD PLAN ORDINANCE #61. A letter from the Department of Natural J;c snt_roe indicating that Eagan is now in compliance with the flood plain require ent& wJ. -load insurance program was read. PROJECT #154 - MCGRAND & FROVARP CONTRACTING CO. The City Attorney and Gies ; .-s»rieled the potential claim regarding Project #154 consisting of utiii !.es in the Pilot Knob Heights area and upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all u:em.ber. fe it was RESOLVED that the City Attorney be authorized to c.o eta : P'rt t 1 -ad Frovarp and to make certain that coverage for potential clams ap =.:;t tci:-irate befere further payments are made to the contractor. ',x;NgCA TREATMENT PLANT ODOR PROBLEMS. A letter of August 15th from the meetro Waste Control Commission in reply to Eagan's letter of August 1iT:th requesting ect l rs.-sarding odor complaints from the Seneca Treatment plant was read to ,.ee Coca: :1. No action was taken by the City Council. 1156 -- TDIBERMIORE DRAINAGE PROBLEM. Upon motion by Smith,, aeee sde Rahn, a12. -.enbars voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the Change Order to fq.cjoe r: #Ji.5C c:o correct the drainage problems in Timbershore be, and it he eby app.:oVied. '.its SCOTT .RE FOR IMZONING. A request from M4•. Et, Male -6- ney for Elmer Scott, that the City of Eagan waive its fee for application for re- zoning for Elmer Scott regarding his request of 1973 to rezone his property or Highway #49 to industrial use was reviewed by the Council. The Council members indicated that because of the change in zoning and the fact that the owner had originally requested I-1 and is now requesting General Business, G-B, for the property, the extended time frame since the application was originally submitted and the fact that all steps were taken except for conducting the final hearing, tr,a applicant should pay the entire fee for the application to rezonm the property, SIGN ::FOR RECIE'S SAMPLE SHOP - HIGHWAY #13 & SENECA DRIVE. Upon motion by Po1zin, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the application for sign for ne us'.d - tion.y.a yea:: be approved. Those voting in favor were Polzin, Rahn and Smith; t hoof a tinst .ae -e Wachter and Rydrych. BUitRVIE'.7 PARK ASSESSMENT. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, all me ,°er-:, voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the assessment in the sum of $14,049.26 ar part of Burrview Park property be transferred from the Park Bond Fund to et Special Assessment Fund. JANITORIAL SERVICE FOR CITY HALL. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Waerter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that Robert J. Pfaff who lino P-In Addition, be employed as the janitor for the City Hal'. effect " ptv ?le z 1, 1975 at $175.00 per month. G pi: C IASE ADDITION PARK PROPERLY. The City Attorney and Clerk reviewed -k.;.1:a the Coune_tl a proposal of Mr. James Frisbee, the developer of Oak Chase.; Add:i_:.or,., to v m.,sfer assessments from Lot 1, Block 1, Oak Chase 1st Additions to Lo. 2, Plok. 1, Oak Chase 1st Addition, in order to expedite the delivery of the of 'L�,t1, Block 1 to the City of Eagan for park purposes. After review alai motic' ck.: made by Smith, seconded Wachter, it was RESOLVED that the pF:,)p be aczop :e0 and the Clerk be authorized to make the transfers. Al?.. n ,:fther•s y'ef3, -7- PAY1ENNT OF BILLS. Upon motion by Wachter:, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the bills that were presented be ordered paid: 393 - 403; 1665 - 1722; 2550 - 2693. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. August 19, 1975 ,<< -3-