11/05/1975 - City Council RegularMINUTES OF A REGULAR MRETING OF THC EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EACAN, MiNb~SOTA PIovembc±r 5, 1975 A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on November 5, 1975 with all members present. Also present were Roseae, Bolko axtd Hauge. g*~AR~ 0?~' A.PPEA1nS. At 6;30 p.m. the Board of 8~ppeala convened. A~.1 m~ers V~ere present- except M,~rble. The Board of Appeals con~ic;ered the application of James Duraing and DCR Co. for variance of 5' from the front yard set-back for building addition tv Mr. Stes'c on High~iay ~r13. The APC recommended apgroval. A letter from the Police Chi of wars read concerning tha possibility of moving the sign from the front of the building if it is determined that a hazard is caseated and file applicant agreed to such a possible future move. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting yes, i~ was RESOLVED that the variance be granted according to the Police Chief's recom'zae~aticn. GOUNC?L MEETII~IG. At 6:40 p.m. the Council meeting was convened. All members were present. PSYNLiT~,S~ After the Pledge of Allegiance, upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as distributed. CIVIL DEFENSE CO~INATOR. Earl Lee the Civil Defense Coordinator for Esgaa appeared and presented a civil defense coordinators annual report together with the Emergency Civil Defense Plan for the City of Eagan proposed to be submitted to Dakota County to be included in Che cear~on organization plan for the county. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Council approve the glan as submitted by the Civil Defense Coordinator and forward it to Dakota Couaty. 135E at~d I4~ ENVIROIVI~I~]TAL IMPACT STUDIES. John Klein appeared on behalf of Urban Council on Moi~ility and recommended that the City Council adopt a resolutioa~ a~itho*izing a m~.ra~it.~mig action to be brought to foxce the Minnesots.~ Highr~~ay Der~.r~.;~rt to tPke the fo?."lct~i 1; F.ction; 1. To c!~mptets the EIS for T35E f•,-cm 3~W to the completed section is bicndota Hai~~.ts, 2, To c.e~lcte tre EIS for 7~+9'~ fxcm the completed sect~.an in Bloamirgton to thn ca~aaleted sect on in Sc~atl~ S¢, Pain.. 3, To order r~~e Mi~z:~, Haryo Dcpsrt. to complete the two EISES by Sa*~a~a:~,~ 31, 1976. 4, To sc:p.^rate the EIS for the segmsnt of 35E in Dakota County frosu the EIS for 35E in St. Paul, It teas noted that currently the i~.i.rrssota IIighu~sy Depar~ent project3 the EIS s;-.cuties will be completed in the second qu~arres of 196 bu" that the completion de,L'o3 have regeatcdly been del:~yed for at least I~ years to date, After coas~.dQ-- able discussion, upon motion by Smith , seccndnd [asch~:sr, all mrmbors voti:.~ in favor, it was RESGLVID that the City Council adopt a resoiuion autror•izin; a emus action requesting the rolief outlined above at a cost of nol: to exceed $2,000 far the City of Eagan and further that other interesred neighboring munci- palities be invited to join in the action, FIRE _ DEPARZT''ENT. a. L•a.stri~t Fire Chief. Fir.; Chief Schultz appeared and introduced Bir.I Lindblade a former training officer who had now bees elected as District Chie- fir Fixe Station No. 2. Upon motion by Polain, seconded Wachter, all membexs voting is favor, it was RESOLVED that Bill Lindblade be approved as Station ~'~ Fire C:~ief, b.~ F~L~G M~rsl.all. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVE that: Tom Sfbields be reappointed as acting Fire Marshall for the City of Ea~~°~n fc-r 1976. c, Uniform Fire Code. Chief Schultz indicated that the Uaiform Fire Code had nosy been adopted by the Minnesota Degartment of Public Safety and that amend- ments are new being prepared for fu~:ure submission to the Council far proposed ordinaaice adoption. •2- TIi:~.:f:T'C'r D'~P~RTMFr1T, Bi1.l $xs~nrh arpfa!,r.Ed. a, T~ i."f:^?~~.:>~; ~ CixecTra, TRra Brwrch roz~or~ted on the repaixs Headed for the old town hall ark. g~;~r~~r.~ 1 mairtena~~ce c;ncc><,~ cf .~.Il E~ga*_s uuildings were discussed. Upon oration by t4'3~rit:~%, secon~.4d Rahn, al?. m^.~~hers voting yes, it was RESOLVED t'nat th^ City S^.~,i lding Ir~pcc`cr. be a: o mad l:'.te duty of maati:~g regu;r~r G ~r..th mainteu~nce check. on all , ^gan ba~ildings anti ot'aier facilities for pofien~:i.>z r.~.in*en3nce worn. b. City I~cha-.nit. ~t~t~s sugge:~ted that the City Counodl Zook at the possi- bility of hiring afull-time mechanic for mai.nf:enarce of City vehicles and Pfi~. Branc?t ~~*as asked to determine the cost of feasiUility of tiring a mechanic. c. Pa.ck~up Truck. P~Ir, E-tanch decommexidsd t~i?wt a half *_on pickup truck be ~. ~~s purchased for the Utility Department in tiz~ 1975 budget. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in f'$a_, ii ~~as RESOLVED that I+Lt'. E~-c~..rc;l be authorized to negotiate to acq-cire a nvw bs.lf ton pickup. FCL'CCE DEPARTMEDTT. Chief Martin DesLauriers appeRred, a, part-time Dis etcher. Chief DesLa,uriers recommeculed that MAUreen 2~~r~:in be hired as the second part~t-:.n±a dispatol`er. Upon motion by ~i.th, secoa3ed Wachter all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED teat Mrs, Martin be hit .2 at the standard Bart-time dispatcher°s salary. b, Parl,in;~ 1'~roblems, Chief DesLauriers reviewed with the Council the p.~x'_c`a-g isst~~s along various streets in the city. 1, It was recommended that sins for no parking at all times be placed cx?~ Ra`~.n Road in front of Rahn Villa and Eagan on the Green fram Count; P.o::.:i ,a,~30 to Jade Lene, Upon oration by Smith, seconded Rahn, all m;~be::s voting in favor, it was P.ESOL~JID that n+o parking signs on the East side and a 2 hour limit signs far parking purposes on the West side be insts.lled i:~ rhA area described above, 2. It was authorized that no parking be provided on the boulevard in the $allantrae area on Gold Trail, ~~ ,, r 3p It ~a~g reccan3c3 thf-t ^ ~r'd:~tic-rat~l no parking sign be in^~ala.e3 cn ?,?~~`'+?~:o^ ~`.~~s'aue Plorth of IJig~:c+•a ~~v~~ zrnich c~r~s regscsted by certain prop :~:.~~r cr~,~at~rs. ~~. A req~.a~st from t:i~e Prick Dep..rtr~~cLzL for no partsi~:g on d'~ Sou:.~:a s~.de of Ce::ne~.i.s.n £~<<m Blac:kr~M~k to ~ilE: [~J~~st entrance of t~sG isr~in lay: of Carnelian Pa~:It was re~•iewe3. Ttae Po2~ice Chief kas arced to -r~v1.+,er ~~YaAs issue furtbnvr. 5. A rec~nends,tion from Nlinneaota rederal to pos".: th~z service drive for no truck tcaffis around P~3.nnesota reder~,l a* Rahn 2:~a3 Highway ~~Li ~-acs reviewr~d. It was recoa~aenaec~ tx:at no ~tcii7t~ be taken ost that request,. FARK DFi'ART~NT, Barbara S~;h~idt nppe s*:~d. G. CI3.~a~ge Rshn Acti=~3.tios JGes~, Kdi9 Upon a~otiosn by Ran, se~o::,~~d Wachter, all mec~bers voting in favor, it ~~as RESOLVID that the reccas~ulat.~.~.~ of the Park Degartment for change order inc;r,:lit~ a deduct of $130 and add on ,~{ $x.24 ai;.3 add on $~o-03 for a total i!*~:ras.se of $347 for the Rahz3 Activi.t:a.As bs~.'~~:~t~g be approved. b, Esc - R?hn A;.*,-~~,r;es Builr3i~, U;~on motion by Wachter, ss~o~-,ded Sm:.th, all members voting yes, it waa RESOLVID that eatir..ate ho. 1 for t•Jilzi.::,::i Kopp Constru:.tion Go. for Rahn Astivitics Building in the sum of $16,470,40 ~+o Rgproved. c, 1LaP Agreement for Oak Chris Park Tennis Court-. Upoa motion by S+nith, seconded Wachter, all members voting yea, it was FESOLUED that the aga~eemen regardin c;;cavation wita 3 feet of pcwer poles in Oak Chase Park tennis cc2-: t be apprr. ~~ed. d, R~i.PA Coxeventi.on. Upon ~r-otion b;~ Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voti:aJ; yea, it was RESOLVED that B~-.xbara Schmidt be autrori.zcd to go to the MtPA Convcn*_?.or in Rochester at an appro~cimste cost of $100, •4- e~ ~L~.~;;~~: ' ,r~nsfer. Upon moriar. by- ?~,, ry*cri~ sa^o~ed S~sith, a13 mF.~?~c±rQ voting in f~avowa it F~zas RFSOL ~ ~ that the s°~ cf $6,1?5 for pa:.k department exlsenses be ~eJ-~!~~~:~rrnd from the park bcu3Grt L'o the tree bulget for 1975, f. TxFe i~ws~a.se P:~c*.~a~,, Bill Erickson submitted a 5 r~Qnth report on t'~e tree dise:RSe progr~.m progeess for 19i5. g. Bic~cte Trail Gx^-nt~, Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Rydxych, it was 1~~~OL"IUD t11at the revised application fcY the bicycle trail grant in aid from the State o~ Minnesota be authorized to be sigred, All members voted yesQ BUIT~ ING PERMITS o a. Mr, StQZ:tc Addition. Y~Ir. Ja~ees burring appeared on behalf of the s.pplicati.ox~ of 3ames Busing ate. DCR Co, for a building permit fo-r 20' x SO' addition to Mr. Sto ?t at 3990 Sibley T~emoxial H~!glr~ay, and a variance of S feet from the fron*_ yard set back requirement. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachtex, all ~.~~mL-~e~-s voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the building permit and variance be ar.I:roe~red according to the reco~nendations of the APC and the Board of Appeels, i~zcludi~; the recommendation of the Police Department and Building Insrector. b. Hervey Itirchner requested a permit fflr ?residence on Lot 4, Blcck 39 Sad3lehorn Addition. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded GIG chter, all Members vot.~,g in favor, it was RESOLVED that the apgli.cation be approved with the unlersts~~ing that the information concerning septic tanks be provided to the puchaser. c, T'ue owwners of the Farmers Insurance Group office at 4215 Cedar Avenue appeared axed requested perm3.ts for ~:,~o signs, including an addition to a sign n^az the Cedar A~3enue right-of-way of 4 feet by 10 feet and a sign on the buil~3ir-g„ Upon ~sation by Smith, secoxuled Rydrych, all smembers voting yFS, it was RECGL~iED thst the Council grant the permit for the sign on the building, but that whe aa'ditz.cn to the existing sign near Cedar Avenue be denied because of the larg^ qµr of existing signs in that approximate location. It was su;;ested ±ttaat the -S- apn~:~.i.nnf:s =~~vie~ T~.he pa°apos~.d sign c:-di.~:r~;~:;:e af~~r c~~mpletion f©r, the pcss'1;:'+_~;xy cif sut~a~.tty,ng a r ~±;~plicaT:io~~. ~, PhO.T3u~' ~~1C.-~ -LOST SFUg COz:~'JTt.Y CritiJB t1iATF~R EXTET3SIO:J, Ths P~iayor convened thQ h ~.a:ing and the City Engir,.eer e-~plai_n+~d the pro ject consisting of water main e.cter~sion to thn Los#: Spur Country Club. There were no objec:;iox~s„ Several affected property ~:~aners were px_eaent and it was not;>d that an eas~~nt from Lost .Spur will be r_quzred. The r~~yor then closed the hearing. Uoon ~:~~'.~? -~n by Polzin, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yes, it was FESOLVED that file project be approved and accepted ar.~l the City Engineer be authorized to prepare plans and specifications. EAGAN 40 PUD. Mr, Carl Dale appeared representing Daniel Dolan for annual rev:ie*~ of Eagan 40 PIID in Section 2S, South of Co~~n~.y Rosd ~~30. HP irdicwtcd that L-here would be 219 dwelling units in #:he tai:al area of the proper~cy pry; idwd. that tY±e property abutting on the East and the Giest in the Northern g9r'.~.~~a ~+.f the development is not developed comtcercial. Right of way for County F;of'sd y;"3Q will be d~:dicated according to the city requirements and easements fo:: trails will be installed together with dedication if requested by the city at the t;fine of dove lcpment. Mr. Dale indicated that the development staging is uncer.eair.,.. The City Attorney submitted a planned development contract covering E~,gnn ~f0, Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Smith, all m~oabers voting ixi favox, it ws.s RT~,`Ol~~f that the wmiual review be accepted and that the planned development agreemr_rt be approved and ordered sl,gnsd. I~'~filY' S ENTE?tPRISES IlVC. OFF•SALE LI~yUOR LICENSE, The ow-L~,.eS Of i~en~t~r e 8 r tiE .4 r ~ayrrr~. Enterprises appeared en behalf of its application for transfer of the off,sxitr liquor license, 1440 Yankee Doodle Road, in Yankee Doodle Squ<~re from Ver~}on Colonq Ugon motion by tlachter, seconded Polzin, it was RESOLVED thaC the ~pp:ti- cation eo transfer the license be approved. All members voted yes, -6- SLATER' S ACP.ES - FR_~LIi"? ~.ATA~RY R"?'OR^, Z'Paa City Eng. indicated twat he •is seeking additio,~~:l ia:~.yormation fiom the Mini.. ?~r~r. D::part, and Cherefore the preliminary rep:,:;t for utilities to a portics~ of 51.E*er's Aeres is not completed. IMP. PRO.I~ECT ;171 - DEr~P WELL N0. ~+ Ft,'Y~"F~OUSE. Plans and specifications for Irsp. Pre3ett ~~lil consisting of deep v~_ 11 ;~~+ az~d pumphouse were presented by the City Eng. Upon motion by Ra~Yn, seconded Smith, all members voting yes, it u.*~~s 'tESO1.VED that the plans ar_d specifi~atians be accepted and approved and thsr. the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids to be opened Decesrh~r 1, 1975 at 3:00 pm at the City hall. MISCTI,I.k4NE0US FEE SCHF~ULES. The Clerk submitl:ed proposed revisions fcr specified fees in the City of Eagan. After review, upon motion by WacY:ter, seconded Smith, it was RESOLVED that the 'fee schQdu~.e as presented be adopted and be made effective immediately. LIrT STATION IN WILDERNESS RUST ~'.REA, The City Eng. review a rer~~est foY the inst$llatioa of a sanitary sewage lift station to serve an area in S~ot'.c7:~ ').7 consisting of approximately 100 acres according to the mastQr a$nitary seer plan, Ugon notion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, all tt?smbers voting yes, it was RE~CI,Vr''`'J that the City Eng. be authorized to prepare an estimate of the cost and to pr~p2~e plans and specifications for a lift station in that location. D~?R FUIt'D TRANSFER. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, it wa,s RFSJFV?1: that the lalance in the Minn. ~1VR fund grant be transferred to the Park Boaac' Fu-vd. All members voted yes. UTa.LITX GARAGE CONSTRUCTION. The City Eng. reported on the progress of construction of the utility garage and indicated that the contractor's bond~i::v company had now engaged asub-contractor to complete work on the building. No ac~ion c~as taken. TF'OMAS LAKE DRAINAGE ISSUES. The recommendation of the APC for pre.para*ion of a study regarding the drainage issues in the area of Thomas Lake was next w'- revie.~ed i.n detail. The effect of deve7.~rPzpnt ger..Prally including the propoe~d Gabbert Det'elo~~;ent East of Pi7.ot Knob Road was reviewed. There was a question as to wheth~;r a study could accomplish Enythiug at this point and neighboring residents appeared atd Asked numerous questions about future drainwge problems. The Council determined that regular surveillance is necessary and that a determisza- tion by DNR of high water levels in the surrounding lakes will be reviewed w~:en it is completed. No action Baas talsn. ZOO AREA DEVELOPMENT GUIDE. The concerns of members of the Dakota County staff and County Commissioners about the Zoo Area Development Guide proposals were discussed. No action was talcen and the City Planner was directed to work with Dakota County officials concerning the guide proposals. SIGN PERMIT APPLICATIONS. a. Sale Service Machine, 3150 Mike Collins Drive sign on the front of tt~e building. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Smith, it was RESOLVID that. t~.~: application be approved. b. Metxam Properties, County Road X30 near Cedar Avenue, requestc3 a parfait for a 6' x 10' double faced sin to advertise for Manito. After discussion, upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it eras RESOLVED that the application be denied because of the proximity to e~he~g~s and further that there appeared to be an adequate number of signs advertisirs;; Manito t.~ioughout the City of Eagan. NAIJENSTEINS - PORTAB?.E TRAILE~t. Haueasteins, 1065 Gemini Road request for portable t~:ailer office for dispatcher. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Polzin, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the application be approvau for a 1 year period, METRO WASTE CONTROL COrIl~IISSION - 1976 ESTIMATED BILL. An estimated bill of $161,107.38 from the MWCC was submitted by the City Clerk. Upon motion by Rahn, -8- seconded Wach~:er, rill members votirso in f?.vor, it was RESOL'~~ that the City Esag. be authorized to review the sewer rates for the City and to report to the Council at a subsequent ~:eeting. DRAFT REGISTRATION. The Council authorized the use of the Ci~y Ha11 far purposes of draft registration for registrants in the area. WILDERNESS RUN 5th ADDITION. A request from Kenneth Appelbaum, the developer of Wilderness Run 5th Addition for release of a development bond for first phase of the addition was reviewed. The Eng. was instructed to review the matter and report at the next meeting, NSP AGREEP~NT. The City Atty, suhmitted a proposed agreement between the City and NSP Company concerning the lowering of a pair of power poles o;~ Wilderness Run Road as requested by the City. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the agreement be approved and in addition that the Clerk be aW~horize.3 to forward the aum of $1400 to NSP as the initial installment for the ~ye~rk, H.ASWELL LANG. A request from Mr. and Mrs. Haswell Lang to apply the residential connection credits authorized for them in 1967 for their propert;~ on Gold Trail toward present assessments being levied against their property was upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, approved. 1975 CITY ELECTION RESULTS. The Clerk distributed a report concerning t`:e carcvaasvotes for city offices for the November 4, 1975 election. Upon motions by Smith, seconded Polzia, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the City Council act as the canvassing board and certify the canvass of votes to the Dakota County Auditor. PR~JJECT X156 WOODGATE 3rd ADDITION. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Sanith, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the work on Woodgate 3rd Addition be accepted and that final payment be made to the contractor in the sum of $11,944.50 as recommended by the City Engineer. - 9- INTERST.~TE HTGI~TAY STAGY COMMITTEE,. Councilman Wachter reported on recen:r proposals being made at the Interstate Highwey Study Committee including the recommendation of 6 lanes for freeway 1494 and other recommesedations concerning highways in the area.. He indicated that at the meeting on November 6th, final recommendations will be made by the cor~ittee. POLICE ASSOCIATION NCGOTIATIONS, A request from the Police Association for a meeting to negotiate salaries and benefits for 1976 was discussed. A special meeting of the City Council was scheduled for November 25, 1975 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall for the Council to discuss the proposals of the Association. N'.IN&~SOTA Z00 GARDEN DRAFT EIS, A draft of an Exivironmental Impact Statement for the Minnesota Zoological Garden in Apple Valley and related zoo access roads ~•~as briefly reviewed. It was noted that a hearing on the EIS will be held on November 10, 1975 at the Apple Valley Greenleaf School. CLERR-TXPIST. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Polzin, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that Irene Rebber be hired as clerk-typist for the City of Eagan at $475 per month. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the meeting be ad3ourned at 10;50 p,m. November 5, 1975 ~~ ~ /~ -10-