11/18/1975 - City Council Regular MUMS OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAG11N, L�i.�.p; SOTA November :.8, 1975 A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council wcas held on November 18, 1975 at the City Hall at 6;30 p.m. Those me er.3 present were Polz5.n, Rahn, Wachter, Rydrych and Smith. Also present were Eolke, Rodserie and Hauge, After toe Pledge of Allegiane, the meeting was convened by the Mayor. PARK COTTEE BUSINESS. Barbara Schmidt appeared. 1, The Park Committee recd :ended a change order to the contract for the Rahn t;iviti :s buikang in the sum of $167 to substitute lexon lenses for 18 light fixtures. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, . it wv4 RESOLVED that the recommendation be approved. 2, Barbara Schmidt indicated that she has received three bids for sn ieyi Rahn Park and Patrick Eagan Prk with the low bid from Winden and Associates in the approximate amount of $850 to $1250. Upon motion by Rahh, seconded Rydrych, all gibers voting yes, it was&RESOLVED that the recommendation be approved sx1 that the sum be paid from park bond funds. 3. A recommendation from the Park Committee for the acquisition of a gwsnper without core and broom plus installation on the basis of three bids was rev? uJed. It was recommended that Milwaukee Dustless Broom be acquired from the low bid r, Carlson Tractor of Rosemount, Minnesota in the sum of $1195. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that the recommendation be accepted for low bid from Carlson Tractor and that the funds be paid from park bond funds. 44 Mr, and Mrs. Schmidt reviewed the recent status of the alplication to Lawcon indicating that Eagan is 9th in priority amongst the metropolitan comc- munitiec and a recommendation from Lawcon that Eagan accept one of two alternates for the purchase of property in the area of Northview School. The Council reviewed three alternate sites and two alternate purchase recommendations through -1- . . . Federal and State fending providing for 507O end the Park Committee recommended litthe one alternate providing for 507 fumling from Lawoon, 25% from the Stete of Minnesota and 25% from Eagan and farther reccumen:?cd that the Ed Dunn property immediately North of the school be acquired initially on the basis of 27 acres and later for an additional 27 acres. It as noted that that site aapeared Co he more appropriate for athletic facilities which is the intention of the Park Camit- tee for its primary purpose t Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED to proceed on the basis of the application for 27 acrestand to amend the original Lawcon application to provide the 50-25-23 per cent split and further to proceed on the basis of future acquisition of at least 27 acres North of Northview School fecal Ed Dunn 5, The Council discussed the request of Elartnv for establishment of the property line on the South border of Blackhawk Park and the North border of Mr. Murphy's property noting that the fence line does not conform with the property line. No action was taken. 6. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk be authorized to foruard a letter of commenoation to the Valley Vi eu 4-H Club for its constructive activities in the city parks in 1975. -MINUTES. Upon motion by Rein, seconded Smith, all members voting in fave: , it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting of November 4th be approved with the exception that on page 4 at the top, paragraph 3, it ws recommended that no parking signs be installed on Lexington Avenue North of Highway #26 as requested by certain property wears; further on page 3 of the minutes as to the Sign Permit Application of Metram Properties, the motion to deny Was partially on the basis of the proximity to the residential area -tether than to other signs. -2- POLICE DEPARTI~:NT. Chief Martin DesLauriers appeared. Carnelian Lane Parking. The Police Chief recommended that no parking signs be established on 30' of each side of the dr~~~seway to Carnelian Park and-upon motion by Smith, seconded P.ahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that "no parking" signs be established at that location on Saturday from 8 a.m, to 1 p.m. on the South side of Carnelian Lane during the ice season only. UTILITY DEPARTMENT. Supervisor Bill Branch appeared. 1. Mr. Branch submitted bids for a half ton pick-up, 6 cylinder, 3 speed truck 1976 model with low bid from Ridgedale Ford for $3,275. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVID that the Council authorize Mr, Branch to proceed with the acquisition of the pick-up t~warded to the low bidder, Ridgedale Ford, at $3,275 with the understanding that Mr. Branch will reappear at the next Council meeting to determine from which fund the acquisition will be purchased. 2. Mr. Branch discussed the possible hiring of a mechanic for the city ~~~iicles to include police, fire and utility department vehicles. No action was taken and further review was requestted to be mode. G S 3. Change Order No. ,l for Imp. Project ~~137 - Sewer Trunk to Minnesota Zoo in amount of $9,811.85 was reviewed, Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, X11 members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the change order be approved L~p~3n recommendation of the engineer and the utilities supervisor. BUILDING PERMITS. 1. Ap lp icaticn of Lawrence Wenzel for pole barn, 30' x 40', on County Road ,',E30 was upon motion by Polzin, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, approved. 2. Wi1roY Company Inc, application for advertising aign oa the Helen Armagost property on the Southwest corner of Cliff Road and 3ohn~ Cake Ridge Ro~3, The Council discussed the proposed new sign ordinance and there was concern abecit whether the ordinance would permit advertising signs on agriculturally zoned land.. Ugon motion by Smith, seconded Rydrych, ayl members voti,~±g yes, it was RESOLVED -3- that the application be tabled until the n~:~ ordinance is ~clepted. 3. Apeticatica of IO.tS for sign permit on Lot 5, Barton Mr-Gray ~:ddition for the Co«ntry Kitchen. Mr. Dave GusCa£son and PZr. J2..m°s King agpearcd on behalf of the applicant. Council members questioned the size of the sign requested at 29' and asl~ed the applicant whether the smaller design of 2~~' would be accept~.ble. The applicant indicated the larger sign was being requested. There was discussion concerning the future sign ordinance and Rahn moved to grant the application for the 29' double-faced and illtimiaated sign consisting of 154 sq, feet versus 108 sq~ feet for the smallez sign. Polzin seconded the motion. Zt was noted that the applicants had been told that within 60 days of submission of the application originally that the Council would act on their application formally and that this would be at the first regular meeting in December. After further discussion •.~ith the applicants, the motion and second were withdr~m and the matter was set c*n for the first regular meeting in December. 4, Application of Metram $roperties for temporary sign along Cedar Aver_::~~ North of County Road X30. It was noted that the sign at 6' x 10' would be 600' from the Iiillandale sign and more than 200' from the residential property on the East silo of Cedar Avenue. The application had been deniEd at an earlier meeting. After review, upon motion by Smith, seconded 6Jachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the application be approved for a one year period until January 1, 1977 with the understanding that the sign will comply with the appli- ca'vle existing ordinances at the present time. 5. Application of Lawrence Sign for sign permit for Yankee Drug and Gift in Yanttee Doodle Square. It was noted that the application covered two small logos for Rexall Drug on the building but separated from the normal drug store sign. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the application be approved. +~j.w 6. Application for sign sep~.rF,te buildir~s, one loc, way X55. It was noted that motion by Wachter, seconded the application be approved 7. Application of Kinne; permit for Howe o~~er fox a s~.g~s on two ~ted at 2955 Lone Oak Circ:~e and another at 2767 Higr retail sales would take place in each location. Upon Polzin, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that subject to compliance oTith the ordinance. y's Shoe Store for one 35' pylon s~ on the proposed building, on Lot 2, Barton A2cGray Addition. It was anted that no application had bees submitted for a building perfleit. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the application be tabled until thn building permit is submitted and approved for that location noting that without a building persait the application would not coaaply at the location. OId-SALE 3..2 LICEPISE - JEROME A~ DeGIDIO., Application was reviewed for a 3.2 beer license for DeGidio's Pizza at Yankee SquAxe, It was noted that Y~ir. DeGidio asked for a wine license in addition to a 3.2 beer license for the loca- tion. The need for a gossible coa~ditional use permit was reviewed asi3 the Council has not as yet adopted a wine license ordinance. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare a wine License ordinance to be submitted at the ncict council meeting for review. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the applicant be granted the 3.2 beer license as xequested. 197b LIQtFCR LICENSES. The Council reviewed applications for 6 on-sale a^ci Sunday liquor licerses, 3 off-s~;Ie liquor licenses and a club license with Sunday liquor license for the Lost Spur Country Club according to the list attached to these minutes. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the applications for all licenses except the Lost Spur Club license be approved and that the representative of Lost Spur licensee appear at the next regular meeting to discuss its application, P24.~CT ~~147-A - WOCDGATE 2ND ADDIxION, Upon reco~aendation of the City ~~ -5- Enr:i,n~rer, upon motion by Pxahn, seconded Sriith, all members voting ryn fav~'r, S.t: was RESOLVED that Change Oxder ~~3 to I°~nrovement Project ~~14~~:4 e^nsist.~.ng of sewer and water improvements to Wcudgat_e 2nd Addition in the sum of ~i9,536.Y0 be approved. FJBLIC EMPLOYEES & POLICE AAID FI1.2F FUIQI~. '?'he City Clerk submitt~cd a proposed resolution approving two part time patrolm.Qn to be covered ?.ceder Public E~p1s~,yees Police and Fire Fund. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Ra.rzn, all. members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the resol*w.tion declaring Richard A~ ~~anaon a.ixl I:ennets~ L. Conyers, Jr, eligible for Public Employees Police 2nd Fire Fund and ths.t their roles as part time police officers are those of Eagan goliceren and eligible for the furui. CHES ~gAS TREE SA3rS - I~I~!RREN LllP.S~Iv, A request of Warren Larson for pea:mit for a Christara.s t:cee sales lot at Mark's Texaco at Cedar Avenue and Highway ~FA3 was upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voting yes, approved„ IMP. PROJECT ~~147-A - ZrJOIDG.ATE 2IUID ADDITIOII,, Upon motion by Polzin, sec3ae:?ed t~lachter, ara3 upon recommendation of the City Engineer, all members vo;: : 4 yes, i.t was RESOLVED that the final estimate for Tmpa Project ~~147-A consista.ng of utilities in Woodgate 2nd Additio*~ i n the amount of $10,51.0, 90 be and it 1:erG~~y is approved. IiT PARR DO~IATIOI~1, A request from Luther Stall.r~nd, the developer cf Hillaridale for a time extension for payment of the park fund requirement for tt~Q second phase of Hillandale until r~pril 1, 1976 was re^v°iewed. After disc~assion, upon r~totio*z by Polzin, seconded Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that the request be approved provided that an appropriate agreement is signed by Mr, Stallard in~e- diately after the meeting stipulating that the developer will pay the balance of the park donation installment by ~!pril 1, 1976 with interest at 8 per cc.~i~t computed from the date of occupancy to Aq~ril 1, 1976, and in the event that payment is not made on that date, then the city will assess the amount then due -6- against the property and certify the assessnnent to the Goun~:y Aur?it:or. Ail me~ibers voted in favor except Rahn t~,ho abstained. DF'VELOPMENT BODID REDUCTIONS. The City Clexk submitted the fol.lo~aing regTaests for development bond reductions which had been recommended for approval by the City Engineer: a, Wilderness Run 5th Addition Phase 1 - reduced to $1,225. b. South Hills 1st Addition - reduced to $14,500. c. River Hills 9th Addition -reduced to $23,125. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all meiubers voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the foregoing reductions in development bonds be approved. I35E & I494 MANDAMUS ACTION, It was announced that the Dakota County Board had on Navembex 18th at its regular meeting adopted a unaniazous resolution to join in the proposed mandamus action with the City of Burnsville & City of Eagan regarding the I35E and 1494 Iaterstate construction. LEGISLATIVE SUBCOt~2ITTEE Iy1rL~TINGS, A meeting of a legislative subcoamnitree meeting was scheduled for t~ledneaday, November 19th at 4 p.m. regarding the levy limitations atul a meeting at 4:30 p.m. oa Wednesday, November 19s~h regs.rdin.g freeway construction in the metropolitan area. CLERK TYP:CST. Upon notion by Rahn, seconded Polzin, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that She.ron Itlein be hired as a clerk-typist for the City Hall at $475 a month effective Monday, November 24th. It was noted that tree prior employee hired had xesigned. UNE~.'I,O~?NT COMPErISSATTON P0. The Clerk announced that Virginia Lambert had filed a claim for unemployment campeneation and that the City Clerk had filed as appeal in order to make a timely appeal. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it k~as RESOLVr~ that the action of the Clerk in filing of the appeal is herehy ratified. BILIS:Upon motion by ~~lachter, seconded Polzin, all members t*otiag yes, the bills wexe RESOLVED paid 432 ~* 452; 1940 - 2052; 3055 - 3254. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. November 18, 1975, 1976 Club License and Sunday Liquor License Lost Spur Country Club ~~~ ~ ~~ 2750 Sibley Memorial Hwy 1-, ` 1976 On Sale Liquor License and Sunday Liquor License --D. C. Corrigan Indoor Te~is, Inc. 3330 Pilot Knob Road William Smith Carriage Hills Country Club 3535 Wescott Hills Drive Raymond Murphy Murphy House 2600 Sibley Memorial Hwy Margaret L. Revolinski The Valley Lounge 3385 Sibley Memorial Hwy 1976 Off Sale Liquor License Sidney Applebaum Cedarvale Liquors 3900 Beau d'Rue Drive Jean E.Parranto 3804 Sibley Memorial Hwy Kenneth Youngberg Kenny's Liquor Yankee Square idankee Doodle Road Gary Starks Halfway House 3125 Dodd Road Norman Vogelpohl Vogi Estates, Inc. 3665 Sibley Memorial Hwy '~~ i ~ - ~ s ~,-