12/04/1975 - City Council SpecialT~IIN?i`LES Or'' A SPP~;CIAL ;~i?'I~7i~'IIdG Ci `~'?iJ; EI~G^,Ti CI"i'Y COJNCIL EAGt~~ , T~II~!NT~,SOTA December !,1975 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held <;n Cecember 4.,1975 at 7:i;0 p. m, at the City Ball. Fill members were present. ~11so prevent was City Clerk Bolke. `the Council intervie~,,~ed applic~~nts for the CELT^. positi on of ~~ssistant Luilding Inspector-lire i~;~rrshall. Upon motion by Councilman ;smith :seconded by Councilman i~ydrych all members voting a.ye except T'a.yor polzin who abstained, it wa.s RESOL~T~'D that Douglas Reid be Lured for the [„ sition of ;assistant Building Inspector-Fire ~'J^rshall at ~~. salary ~~~f X840.00 per month, to start <~s soon ~.s can be ~..rranged with the Dakota County ~'lan:,o:aer office. The Council then considered sal:.3ries ::f City ~=:m.^loyees for 1976 and prepared a proposal for Police and office personel which will be distributed to tr:em and discu~U;ed at the December ~ meeting with the employees. 'T'here bein.;• no furtrier buiness the meeting adjourned. December 4, 1975 ~~~ ~~ -<-~~-'~_ City Clerk