05/06/1975 - City Council Regular~;~. r1IIlUTE5 OF TtIE REGULAR TIEETIi3G OF TiE BAGAl3 CITY COU~tCIL Et~GAtd, l~tlldP:850TA ASay 6 , 19 75 A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tiaq 6, 197.1 at 6:30 p.r~. All members were present. Also present were Bolke, Voss and Sauge. MTiV'JTES. Upon motion b3• t~~achter, seconded F.ydrych, all members voting yea, it was F.ESOLVED that the minj~tes of the April 15th meeting be approved as correct- ed. Upon further motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, tt was P,ESOLVT;D that the minutes of the April 29th special Council meeting be approved as distributed. Z00 AP,EA PLAN. John Voss, the City Planner, appeared and reviewed the plar..n- ing that has taken place in the area of the Plinnesota Zoo, includinv a propcsed land use guide and transportation plan together with aoo area developmaLzt ;;uicie. He indicated that there were no changes in the proposal from the Eagan I~a:id. Use Guide. Iie further discussed the 1975 Legislative bill regarding financing through the State of iZinnesota for improvements on the Johnny Cake Ridge Road. Pdo action was taken. POLYCE DEFARTP~PdT. Martin DesLaurier appeared and first reviewed proposed changes in Section 4 of the Eagan Police Department policies procedures which had been distributed. Upon motion by Rydrych, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was R~:SOLVED that the proposal be approved. PdORT`tlVi:;W SC~iOGL PTA PETITION. A petition was submitted by the Northview School PTA for a flashing signal light on Lexington Avenue and Yankee Doodle P.oad. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, and upon review, the Council directed the Clerk to write the Dakota County Highway Department requesting a four t~~ay stop or the alternative flashing signals at that intersection. A letter from the principal of Northview School requesting that there be no parking on either side of County Road 430 from the East to the West entrance to the schop¨`a3 roadÃ:fon motiðê«u~. RahnßMûGCOnded Rydrych, alzˆÉ}mbers v¡™îvg yes,#‹è7was ?,E§Ÿwn'ED that the Cics'k be :i.nstruct~d to write the Da[æjz Ceurty High- wayÓ“óhartment requesting•1›?parking=g`hin thex¯jca suggež¸t by theØQhthview School principal. SPFHD L.Ii1ITS 0~1 ST3C~TS, t`pon motion by F~lin, seconded Smith, a:i? :~~n.?~ers voting yes, it was RESOLV3?Dƒ<Fgt n~.lcota County be requeste¨qøg review tY:e see; d limits aØïve following streets in tre City of t~4gaŠãa. County Road X630 from Blackhawk to Hii¿áyy X13 b. Pilot Kn×=³Joad fYoc the tinivac plant to County Roa3 ~r=0 clö²tiff Roal«œmom Pilot Knob Road to Cedar Avenue. ThP Clerk was ¤ß}cted to review other requests by the City of Eagan for s:'~al lights rec;~~~ste~? earlier by tGÕQMity CouÇËËt througj¸ópe DakotÖ¾xtutty H:lgt~•~;rty Dee ? r tin~.r_ t . tttr;.T,rA¶sM DEPAP,sLßa~iVT. Dale Peterson appeared with a request from ~:l:e i:~_t-~¸L[ I7i.Ils nth kddit:ton develoĨ_n that the City of Eagan take over the electric s~:rÿL}h l.i,htirg ii Riv%âT[ills 9tºÿÜ|dition after installation. A represeurafi_Cve of "¶Ø}sor I`evQlopmcr~t Company whi$•ogs devel¦„ágg a porM‰\` of River Bills 9•ZuoX Addit$]):appeareµ£wd afterÍƵiiewal, e8y motion¶Š‚8Rydrych?Œ‡zconded Smith, all 7ýUpbers a~U.Êqr~; iri favor, it was RrSOL~~D that the City of Eag‹Œ¼ue commiz–¦rcl to ¢M÷| over the electric“Ìkeet lig-~×vg on a <-7ed deve7Žæuent b~~ù ®vt the tine of com\èiion of ÝvÔlpancy of a phase pí‹#gded however, that Dakota ElecM!¾i Assoc/Qxuon sugp½›•vs the maintenance for tlxe lighting and that Eagan ÏâCv not o~l"the ut-11Ity lines; fir.~:her, that the Òùx of Eag·ƒœnill only hand?e bill~.ng for the electric servir_eù¸Â8the cus¡|syrs. ST%'t?ET F`I~…lÚ5':ER CO6Ý®O.ACT. ~š¯Šw bids have been submitted for a street `.ý¸2~e.r fN}lre CityóÁ÷1 P,uffr…¾÷h JohnsoÈWçwmpany ~ $12,646.00Æ,ä> Borcheæ¹ qnl;ersol?, Iae. -ŒÊ¶',gE0.00. Rep•~gentatives of e+© <companyl1Äheared. The Borcher;u…qger- so11 bi3 coos for an •t°µß} brand hydrostaticaFXiven watpump systsm~ There \ĺk questions abou*•î mlitionaIÌr}intenan¢|or an aÖûÑ|ional e©ªkqe to drr!ç(tt±e pump _2_ s.... _ _ a , ~ ~... r,-e , a.cccs , Iäœ9~ i t,- ~x ~d : i_o t~.a~.'~-?,g~: n+~r=.t;~ :. r. was c?i.b cusscad. .A rep~_~- sentative of P.af~'ri.dgT@lHuhnoor_r\¯iri.e~ved :i.n ~2'.'3i2 1~S proposal ??.CZ']''!'~n~, ~ ~:.^. C5~;7 brar_dúmâOara~:e eng#.re for the £lttsher cini.t cþû4•istingÁ¢Ì82100 ga.21c~ ; c~~uclty:, The Etnyre capacity was 22t?0 4al~.r~rs. The C²Ðil also reviewed p:.sei~~_._. d~::uL- tions from the bids. TJ~o^ motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all r~._:r.'~_rs coi:i=g in favor, it was RESC~L~lL'?l t};st t'r'.e d.ec:'_,;+~n on the award of the con*_r. c_t o~ r'c•- laye3 for two weeks to rev?et•; wI_s, i~i..~a T,*ith Cwt_y staff and consultantsa LTY~r.,:; ~r~otion by Wachter, secondsd P.aiiz±, all members voting in favor, it was P,ESrJL~Pl.lz that the low bid of Walton Ford of $.10,u9b~00 for the chasis be awarded. '['he ocher bid *.~as from Ruf.fridge Johnsen Co;~.pa,:,;~ for $12,475.00. PARR CnPu~ 1'~"1'SE. Barbara Schmidt s.p~-,eare3 and discussed the installati^~a of_ tAlaFh~~r_es in the utility building, I*a. additicn, she requested an addj..tj.fo..l I,a~~Ti,:•..;.^r..cc par:;on be hired for the Park Department as of June 1st. Upon mr;tion by Wac:~ter, ^Fcond~~d Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it was P,ESQLtrI` *'.~:. the m2'~r~t.enaTtce parson be hired as requested. i7l~an motion Y=y i,Taehter, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in f~,~~crs -~i: r~~s pT:;UL~~_•'- ~jp~^n reco;mnendation of the Park Committee Chairperson the: $~~.ta~J rava:~rd bP paid to the person who found stolen tennis nets and returned then to the City. Pins, Sc~.~~Cdt also reviewed with the City Council the proposal of t::e Park ^gsnri i-t?a.. that a 5! contribution for park purposes from coamtercial and industrial developers Y`e ~-aq~iired. After discussion, upon motion by Polzin, seoo:^dad Rah:, all members vctinF yes, it was RESOLVED that the issue be reviewed in gr?at.~r_ detail .t i-~g e~~p,er3.orcce from ether mvn9_cipalities and further review by the E,~C. LTY?IV~.^ ?3AT ~ i' ~~ LrA.~E. The City Attorney indicated that a lease wb3ch b.~~ had d~•2:~an will be redone as requested by Univac. Upon motion by Polzin, seco?v.?:> Rahn, al.l meml,ers voting in favor, it was RESOL~~D that the lease be ::pprc~rca Sll3J~~P.Ct to final review by the City Attorney and ordered signed. `r.1r,;[t1": FITLfi BUJ L PP.HK. A proposed lease covering the Heine Fisld ,aav a1.so reviewed. No action was taken. -3- PARt4 G(1°lii'ZTTia,? 4',~Ct,.?CY•, Th,-•~.• pe,.;-c,r , ,., ~~ ~;-~ T pp ~~ - ~ , i. -~. s~.o be e~r..~:Ic~~. t~.. ed a5 m_T~3;_~.•.+ ;-C~ ~'~:Y. Pci=^TJiS~ GP_ .'l:n Park (.rTCi17_;'lc°.t`_, inCludiu~; ~~:'_~..~:u:`i '1"'•~:LGI:R':~':y Grant Lundi:eag a:dd 2.•-°d.t~ c'~y.~~~r~ ~:. ;~scret ballot With these resu.3_i:. :~,:.F,.`_~~.~.~Z, Erickson - 1; LunGbarg - ~; ti:,~a ~:ayia_r - ?, GYart Lundberg wza e~~^,t-•1 ,~-: .. r..eu:oer of the Park Cerrca_*:tee. P.*~1ICI.P~L CL•E~tS ti'~%i., il?~: i•i3.yn1 d.~c~.ared by virtue of his off:ic~ p.~.J. ~~::'; ~~hrough May 2~fth, 1975 as Mcn:Ic._~,~~:t v".~?"~C' i ~tiCe?-.. 1~1~T~C'L~E ~.~J~'EETISING C(i~iP.~~`d5: ,, ;.3r. ~ C. 3i~; Laf~,~.tist appeared as a repro: ent`:t:;, vc of rtacg~le Advertising Company and in r_:'d;.t,icn, Joan Rlein spolte on behz3f :,f P?aegei.c conoerning the fee schedule for rer_e=•ra1 permits for off-premises sf~ns anal '~il..i~.:oa+;~ lair. Lofquist submitted suggestions for amendments to the sign c~.d:L~ts^.^~ =;:.~~ .:.`ter considerable discussior_, the Mayor appointed the Cle;.k, .:ale Pct^•y~aun, F .~?. fy jrych, James Smith and an APC member including sib cemi~~::~~. y-cpres..~~i+_w±.a~•cs to Le invited to review proposed amendments to the sign r.. r.r"~:e;.....f:,~~>, L•}crz moti~~it L~~ Ryc'rych, seconded Smith, alI members voting in favor, it ;y~~:, RF:,C?aV?:D to :~~.'ee t:lze effsite sign permit fee schedule the same as thn ot. si*~: si~;,i few sr3.dttle. e~:ective for the nest sign year as of June 1, 1975. J~GG C~~1'~~ETTP_. The resignation of Richard Mossman as dog catcher caas accept~ul L~r•4C'?`A ^C,L"~1TY LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES. Council members discussed in detail •~_Iie I-cJ:;.~y cclcpted by the Dakota County League of Municipalities and certain copra-- tiers ir.dicat~d ghat they .ere not in agreement with certain policies adoptel. Tr_ a1d~ ~.jci~, t.~~ Cour..c.il reviECaed proposed By-laws with Dakota County I~eagu~ oL I~?unicipsr.:r.;_es it.d:i~a*_ing that each municipality including to.anships, woul.ci l:zt~ one tic,+_c :In the ,~ca~cx but that dues would be paid on a per capita ba.~is. ?'r . wss ccnce.~~'n ~cl~at representation was not based upon population. In adritior_, i*_ appears that 3;5*_h of a quorum of five could adopt policies for all m:r~.i.p~:~.<air:~les in tb.•; Ccrnr_y. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all members ~~G.ra.n~ ::.r. s=avor, i;. ~~:=^s '?~.~OL~,r~D that Eagan not join the Dakota County Leage of ~:;-a~+,c~.l~yJ.:i-• -4- ties at LI r. present t'_.TM+,^. These ~-oting {n fate*: ~ve~'e S~~,ith, f,~.'.?c~.ecr, a-~1 iydryc:h; voting a~c`',.II3 t ~Jc~S Q]. 1.iZ 3 ~1?1~2 c:.'~.itairede WOODG~'s~'^ ].Sx ~"_rJ~?::'.~:.~?'; - STiE~T T~"R0~~i~'IE:N'~ PROJECT 4140-A. L';saa „~o•:i.~~L Ly Rahn, second, d Sm1L-h, a__1 m,.'.?ers •rotin.g in favor, it was RcSOLt~~~3 tl{. ~t t-~^ ~ ~.,ec.3- meat roll as sub~-~itted by t:ze .~sessreat Clerk for G]oodgate 1st Addie:l.o~i street improvement Project 4140-!~ be, a~:!? it l;~rcby is, approved and ordered car:.f'~a~l uy the County Auditor. 3'EL°ERAI. REVENUE SIiAP.tt?G Ei?":~..ijp~P::~.tiT ~~t6 FOit 1975-1976. The Clerk irdic~~t:ca ?-?~.=:t $83,959.G0 had been alloted to th^ G-t*_y of Eagan as Entitlement 4~6 for ~1_'iF: n^r3.o•J Jt~ly~ ?., 1975 through June 3, 1976, payable quarterly. No action wa:~ s_~~.'.r-s.~a ~~ ~- ~.nc? t~;io uc~~~jJ. will review proposed usas for the funds. ^'~`~.~`~_-.~Tk~ ~FPO,?F;CT ~~137. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Smith, alt r..a~ahes-~, caLi?:g y~`, -mot was RESOLVED that Change Order to Project ~~137 for sewer u:t~. rat~-r service to the Iieine property on County Road ~~30 in an estimated m;,~.~,: ~. ~_~ .. ~'S,SOOoC~O b~ ~,.nd it hereby is approved. =~T'i: Y ,, .IAN'S ?JTI7~ITY BTJILDTNG. The Council again discussed the pessib:~.~r.,~ of ~,ur.c~!as3-:~g a~. aii steel building from Utley James, Inc. on the bu~Jt t~~j.i ;,os,_~~1. fac3.lity site. No action was taken. C~L?~~~5t'~~.~ ~~~2 - PROCEDURES M~~ii?e,?~. The Clerk recommended that tY:P Ccc~~-zcy.l gi~-e a-;`.~r~~~ata to Urban Planning to prepare and print 200 copies of a Froc~dures p,;:3z~;a?. in::l~s~^r:.ing Ordinance 952 for the sum of $490.00. Upon motion by [Y«ck.~~~_, ..^,e:.•ciZded Smith, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that tha Utbr:.~ hlrr;r~i.~.; ba au*ho~-~.zcd to prepare such a procedures manual in 200 copies, and t?~^:: r.upi~o t~: sold for $2.00 per copy. SAU:::i.U~aOR~~ AsrUTTION SA~II'1'ARY SEGTER. Several property o4mers in SsdJ.lsii~'~:±. l~•':4i tiot? on Dodd Road appeared and presented a petition on behalf of a laYga n~ber of the 18 lot owners indicating that sanitary sewer problams beca:~l~ or e.~:i:rE:;nay hear soil were becoming acute. They further indicated t??vt. ~:~^~a h^r:~a we~:e G~eir.g t±__=iit by the developer and additional drainage problPms~ eao;T 3.d a-F:c Lt.., -5- vllt)_1 *,:lOti.t+i7- by' 1~31ft, SP('.~?ndRSi TiJ1C``tzrp wt w^^ R'S~JL`~~.n S:;:at t~"lE' {S:"1L- ~~~: ?'nom,-'.r~f';i t0 the F:Llgine~vr fJr 2e`?_Btti' ,°.'~.d grrnQCStlanu^^. ~:.ll lre¢bers vate(1 yc~~ ~1.1)E'. Big:=1::in~, Inspector wac, in^trt::t~a t~~ review s.~c? to reco~le-Ld to the City Cc~~~a~ci.l E-iz~»>ber furt'c!e-r bui7_ding permits in t°?.Q suu3ivis%cn should be granted in l.~gt1~- of s:h sanitary sewer pro'olems. 6JILDERPIFSS Ft~t RO~~TJ I"3Fn0?~p~M'~'~i`"S. A request from Arnold Carl.sc~l that ~ orbs and biaelctop street improvements '[r~•~!1 rilot Knob to Oak Chase Road on ?~:s.lcl2r,~.~n•~ t;un Road be installed and 1?e asue: sad to the benefited property o-wtners. Upon motj_on made by Rahn, seconded Wachter, ail members voting in favor, it was RED S~"~i.vE:~ that the matter be referred to the City Engineer to revise and update $c: pro7..i~ni.r~aty Yeport for Wilderness Pun Road street improvements to be submitre~l at th;, ^c~t meting. SiGI`d t'%R.i~iT.~'S - P.IVI:rR HILLS PARK E~`.ST. Representatives of River Hills Park east appeared. and requested sign permits at the Northwest corner of Cedar A.v.~.1~,.= and Cliff P.aad; the northwest .corner of Cedar and Highway X13 and one on. t:h~ River Hills 9th p33it~'on property. It was noted that the project is e>nected to be completed ir. 18 manths and the sign would be removed at that time. Ltpor mota.~~n by C,dachter, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yes., it was RESOLVED that the 3~~,:,~ permits 1s requested be approved for no longer than two years. i:P.~D R,~(;A~~T~ INC. TIRB SERVICE. Upon motion by Rahn, .seconded- Smith, all memhe~rs vn*_i.ng in favor, it was RESOLVED that the application of Brad Ragan, Inc. to re:rlar_e the iJelson Tire Service sign in Sibley Terminal Park be and it hereby iv FpT~7~aV3d. E~.GP,vD~-T:.F (:LUU SIGidS. .Upon motion by Rydrych,, seconded .Wachter, .all ~uiuP ~s vote. in favor9 it was RESOLVED that .the application of Eag2ndale Club for. i.z~•- stal.l.~tion of two signs on their property, one on the building, and the remcvul cf two temporary signs be and it hereby is approved. r?&`CIC~i~TAL ~!DVERTISING GOPg'ANX SIGN.. The application of National ~! :' .•~:: ~~i:,:ing Company far t;~ro sign permits on existing signs, one on the Marvin Olimat:n p-rol,~r~cy -6- on Pilofi Ir'iob Road a~-~d an.other on. !;ounty Road .l~?0 n~:~r F.alin F,..«:~ v? , n; -s i rev:~e~a~d, Upon motion by Ryc~r;-ch, se_or::ded emith, all member: voting in fa;-::r, it ~-as F~SOL~'ED tY:at the apl:J.:Ic~t~on for revision in the signs be apprave~. wi9:?~ tt.e itnaerstana3.ng that the sign cT County Fsoad ~~30 will be removed sixt->• ~-..~ys ~.~*.or commencement of developmsnt eaittiin that area. fIAItOLD BECI~R. The r~ quGasi: ~ ~ Harold Becker for trailer permit on the Dayton Hudson property was upo uior.-~cn by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members -rat_'ng ib~ favor, renewed for a one ye;~x period. HARVEY ADDITION I'ORFEITED LA"+.dD, "'he Clerk reviewed a resolution fo*_- aPprova.l ;y the City Council covering the East ten feet of Lot 1 in Harvey Addition decla.z•- ing it forfei*_ed land. Upon motion by G7achter, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor _i~: was RESOLVED that the resolution be adopted. PROJIs'~~'I X61.37 - ASSESSMEi1T APPEAT~S. The Clerk announced that two assess^?s~nt appeals, including that by the County of Dakota and by William Almquist cove~:_r~ Project (6137 had been served upon the Clerk. FAGAN FGURTH GF JULY CELEBRATION. A request by the Eagan 4th of Jttly Asso~- iaticn for centribut:ion for the 4th of July celebration was reviewed. Upcr motic b;~ Smith, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED tY:at the G;t:y be aut:ho~fi?ed to spend $250.00 plus payment for satellites for the Eagan 4th of Jaly celebration. All members voted in favor. i?ieti"Y BRIIESTLE. The request by Henry Bruestle whose home is located West of Pilot F~=nab Road and North of the City Hall for water service to his property was rse~t rey~ie~aed. Council members were told that Mr. Bruestle did not complete the plat as raques*ed several years ago. The Council recommended that Mr. Bruestle correct to the Eagan system and pay the standard assessment charge. :do forts?. action was taken. MET,i 0 4JaSTE CO"TYROL COMNTISSION ASSESSlENTS. The City Clerk indicated that ahe and the City Attorney had met with representatives of the P1WCC c,n May trh :,Y+d c'>~iscue~sed the unpaid assessments for MWCC property and reviewed the regt~.sst th.t -7- the penali.y be waive3 by the City. Upon motion by Smxa,:h, secondw~d Ral?n~, all members voti-ag in favor, it was 1'..~SL~LVED t`tat t!,.e Gity Council ~-a::~.t*e t'r_e penalty on existing l:npaid zssessL.ents against P1iJCC property provided, ho~fr~ve?:, treat all assessments are paid in full, together with intere9t to the date of p-?yments anal further that the assessments be paid caithin three months of this da~a. t~l.l members voted yes. BARYON-tdicGR~1Y UTILITY PR~i~;'~ , ?TUan motion by Rahn, seconded Polzin, all members voting in favor, it was RT:S~L4ED that a_. public hearing concerning utili*y improvements to the Barton McGray property at Cedar Avenue and Highway x`13 be, s.~~d it hereby is scheduled for hearing at 7:00 p.m. on June 3, 1975. Up:itn n:-~ ;:~:~n duly made and seconded the bills as follows were paid: 36~ - ::'~7; ~.?,3~ ~~ 1338; 1884 - 1976. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. -