05/20/1975 - City Council Regular1'3INUTuS OF A REGULAR N~yT1NC OF T~ L~AGAPT CI",~`"# CO~T~IL May 20, 1975 A regular vreeting of the Eagan City Council was held on P4ay 2G, 19?5 at the City Hall. All members were present except William Rydrych who was excused. Al.sc present was Robert Roaene, Lorc~;.~ Lee and Paul Ha~age, ~N~J'~S. After the Pledge of AllEgiaace, upon notion by Rarn., scroad3e:1 Smf ~.'-:~, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular Tiny E,19~:5 c~.~ei.]. meetictg be approved as distributed. POLICE & FIRL DEPARTMENTS. There eras no Police or Fire Department business. UTYLITY r21~DARTTIENT. Mr. Bi11 Branch appeared and requested that the auto- mobile used Ly Dale Peterson be exchanged far a used police department veP±.icle that other«ise would be traded in oa a new vehicle. L•JFT STATION PUMP. Mr. Branch stated that a seed for a lift station pump either 85 cubic feet or 150 cubic feet is needed, Mr, Branch was requested to rcview the isoue and make a recommendation of the Council at the next meeting. PARR ER.AINACE. The Council discussed with Idr. Branch the cost of draining the ditch at County Road #30 on the Mallard Park property which appeared to exist because of grading by the developer causing the culvert to plug. ILL, Branch ~~as requested to forward a bill to the developers of i:~allard Park for coats incurred by the City. STRQET FLUSHER CONTRACT. Tyr. Branch itd icated that a meeting of staff employees ax~cl consultant had been held to review the bids for the street flusher. Specificatio~as had been prepared for both types of flashers. The Council discussed Lhe two bicl:, the sgscification provisions, the maintenance of each atd raviewed the recaamaer..dutiozis of utility, staff persons and consultastts, i:gyn motion ty i1achter, secc+nded Rahn, all members voting is favor, it was RESULV~i~+ t:i~t the bid oI buschart 7+~nrso~ t for the street flusher be awarded and that ±'~z reccIImtiadStiGn -1- of Lhe Eagan sta~Ef. persons to dedt:ct tix~ a';.irts a,..zi the cs:t~waliz l±s approt;ed which would red~~ce the contras;: b~~lcxr the low bidder's base bid; furthex, CY:e r~asorjs for awarding Borchert Ingersoll inclt:de those reasons submitted &y ~zi4 Eagan tafF persons at the meeting on rzay 203,:h. CEDAR FO?~D - ELECTRICL~?L CTITi:ET3. A request has been made by the ~tti •:~ .auly Association to extend electrical s~:tvice:~ to Ce:Iar Pond at the City's cost. tTpo:~ motion by Wachter, seconder'. Smith, s11 members voting in favor, it was I:c.S: LT+.~:~ that tY:e Council approve the request and ask that Mx. Branch request at least t~:~o bads from electrical contractors for extension of the electrical services. FA,RK DEPARTMENT. Barhara Schmidt appeared and introduced Bill Erickson. a soience i::acher at Northview School and recommended that he be hirc3 to worlc ~rt.~,h the tree disease program in Eagan. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Fola~yr, all .embers voting in favor, it was RESGLVID that Mr. Erickson be hired for 5 :r.,~t~'.i-s at $300. G0 per moath Co act as tree disease inspector. The Park Coamnittee recommended that Lindbergh-Pierce Architects be Yiired to design the proposed park shelter in Rahn Park, Upon motion by Smith, tiecozulcd Wachter, all cambers voting yea, it was RESOLVED that Lindbergh-Pierce be hired ~:o be tY:e architects for the Rahn Paris shelter building. Ste?; ~ 1•Y~I~C~ItN ADDITION -SANITARY SEWAGE. The City Engir~~eer discussed briaf?y the po.,sibtlity of running municipal sanitary sewage lines to Saddlehorn Addition on ,;odd Road ~ti~b.et:e the home otaners are experiencing serious problems, They further di3cusse:~ tine possibility of a small sewage plant and the need for PCA appro•~al. T+Ir. Ro~.:ene ~aa asked to xeview all optioas and report to the Council at tine t:~;.~t me~Z..i~~s. RJ,.^~sl:St•F;~ .a.Atii~. ?Z~1pROVET~NTS. A petition from certain acwnarL F.? jace:3t co ~?lvck'~c~r~ic r32~> ~~?s se:ba~itted concer~.ng improvements in the tack. :y:t~w Co~yl ici~nowle~'ged receipt of the petition encl. suggested that $ joint mec~~.n~g of ~:bs Park Coumi::teo, t?ie C~usteil and residents of the area to discuss 9:.4L Fi'~P-f^ed park *nprovements. -2- V.~'.Lu'~F:::~ CC1,CrT - T,I LTi1't I,FCr11>SF, '~.~: z: pli.c~~v~'_~r~ f,~x Y;"F.tz~n°a Z.: ~'o?a~. €uM cf:, :~41e liquor licer~.se lac,~e.a3 u;: Yan:~cce Square SF!opping Center, yank~~e Do::cYl~ R~:2d w.d iilot Knob Road was r.~~;t r~vie~~aAcY. After discussion, the matter •:+a3 la3d o~;er tT~?ti1 the development contract is ec tend into between Esgan and Mx'. Co Win, DAZ{c~TA ELECTP.IC ASSOCI.ATIf~N. Ren Denson of Dakota Electric Assoc. aap~axau a:~t3 discussed the policy of Dakota Electric concerning installation of st:~:ect ].isrztiag an8 underground wirin; accommodating street lighting pursuant tv Rs~az ~~:rdinance ~~IO and Ordinance ~~55 is existing azad new subdivisions. He stn*_•cd t'?a Dakota Electric would not install uizdergrousd ~;iring far street lighting oral i!-~ia Gated that wires and poles will be sticlting out of the ground causing potential n=,~isance in development areas. A representative of Winsor Development, the s?ava?Qp~r +~f River Hi11s 9th Addition, also appeared and regsested that E3gaa grant pe::::~s~~..^~a to install liga*_ing in the subdivision and accept the lighting after psymnL: :~,= co.~o struction and installation. The Council indicated that they would not at the present i:i~rze decide whether to require that all new developments have street lighting b~~ ~.ccepted the responsibility for street lighting for River HiIIa 9th Addition. Z*pon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, alI members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the p3.~r.~:cr street lighting submitted by Winuox.Development in River Hills 9th Addition l=s aspr:.~~~ed and that the developer be permitted to install street lighting p~ovidel °~•here be no cost to the city and that maintenance by the city will not be accepted z:ntil cem~plsw•~.oa of the development and payment for the installatica by the dev~e?.c~pPr. an R:~-~er Hills 9th Addition. "~"'i,'~G~ STATION OPERATOR APPEARANCES. Represen8atives from Cedarvale Stsrr".e,rd, -~'~--_ 51:,o'ty Oi i ~:rsl Cedar Grove Phillips 66 all located oa Cedar Avenue appeared at t}:~ requ~s~.: ~.~.~ ~h.~ Gauncil to discuss what appeared to be an e:icos~.i;re ~at+T.bew of caro ar. .*.?:e S~:it.er?.o~d err? Sleelly sites and as excessive number of sigma cn f;iie ~3~::1'ti~ ~:~ 3i.#:~2, D%~r~•1 Yioldea of Cedarvale Stamdaxd indicated that he tzRd ~s ~-~~.~° ~c iz.p c~ro :~:~d. dcf& Yixt:pstl.o at the Skelly station indicated that he ha~1 k~s z~>3~2r rs ~.s ~:o tiC -3- Cars ~t f~fTO t:{S:'1~.> The t'iO:2Z~i~. m~m~?~exs £itat:cd that `12EI"E: tio~Y a i9~ F~'tiiC'.°i!5:'..~':^. ?'-£$~!~''el of signs ct t'.1:3 F'nillip ~~ station and there appeared to be violaticT~s ~'' L'>^ ~~;;:a Grdinance at that sit.. upon rzo~;ion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, a?Z r~^~ue~c v~t~ng in favor, it was RLSOZVED that the special use permits for each cF ti.:: Yh•±°~.p st~Wf.c~:?s be renewal with the understan3ing which was agreed to by the operators of ?a~'~ station that the number of autos be reduced located on the station sit~:s c:r.R~ ~,fl~~ attempts be made to improve the appaarance of each of the station sites by thy: ~aossibility of locating more autos in the rear of the stations; further mt-s.~t t~se existing and proposed sign ordinance be complied. DONALD RECHTIZIGEL. Yir. Donald Rechtizigel appeared and requested a tui3cii~2~; permit for a residence on the east side of Dodd Road, South of hakeside Estiat;~c. The Council recommended that the reaidenti.al permit be held up until a st~.~dy of sanitary se•~aage in the area is completed, GOPHER SMET,TIYTG COMPANY. Bea $lomquist presented a letter from Dr. I{ru.p:~ from the U of M received May 20th, 1975 concerning his results and tests on and r..ear the Gopher Smelting plant. Mrs. Blomquist indicated that Gopher Smelting c!o: p7.ant is to install a new bag house a~xl recommended that no further tests be s.ai~..x~. until the bag house is installed. Upon motion by Wachter, secca+~ied P.ahn, all x~ers voting yea, it was RESOLVED that Mrs. Blomquist and the City Engineer mee~. cl-ith 1~~CA officials and discuss possible solution3 in light of the facts gathered to date regarding the Gopher Smelting plant area. IT~"L-?. PROJECT ~~144 .• WILDERNESS RUN ROAD. The City Engineer presented an ir~forr~:a ~ z~~*ised preliminary report for Imp. Protect ~~144 concerning street 7..P?'j~?'GE~C-.^Cnt3 for Wilderness Run Road consisting of $145,200.00 estimated at $9R5 gar f:~~~~`: fao~:. The city portion would be approximately $72,OCG.00. Th. fe1lo-vT:Lng a3diLi..•~^~. pre~.;.~.nary reports were submitteds ~...> rrotect ~~i62 - Ridgview and Jon Croft Acres street iraprove~.-~nF,~.. b, 1~rotecL ~~161 -Harry Ray Addition sanitary sewer, watc;r, s*~~~:~~ s.!~f asd street. -4- C• r~'~'Oj~:.Gt 'u`x59 - Bice-,Y~::xzn~s9. t~di~~onS 6CtTG:':, [t}'2CIC, 64:3t?}: f~ G:.ITi ~[u'C''iC ~.1u;. Upon motion by Wachter, scco;,~r~c Rahn, all members voting is favo+, ye [:~a~ ~;SvLV•:D that all four (4) projects inclLCiing Project ~~154 be scheduled fox h~ara ro .~ : •~ ' ati~a 1975 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall cnr3 that the preliminary reports for egch ,ro~~.t he and they hereby are accepted. BARYON-McGRAY ADDITTOId. An application for excavation permit ~~as st~'~n~Ltte~3 by ,he deselopexs of Barton-McGxay Addition, No action was taken until t~:e ~+~a 3rd meeicing pending submission of approval of a plan of the sitQ. P_USTIC HILLS ADDITION. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all mexioero voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the request to exten3 the tine to November 1975 to file the final plat of Rustic Hills Addition be acid it hereby is apprt~•ed, S~?ER-FXT~NSICr~TS SECTION 19, SOUTIi of HIGI~~7AY 13,, A pe~itic~a of A:.b~rt Perron and others for extension of sewer and water sere,°ices to a 2.395 ac~-o p.;;:~ ~ ~. in the SW's of the SW's of Section 19 South of Highway 13 near the Burnsville 1=~. was upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, all members voting yea, referred to :he City Engineer for submission of n preliminary report. AGREEMENT - DAKATA COUNTY TITLE VI EMPLOYEES, An agreement with Dakota Co::i.+L•y •~e~aiding the Title VI Employees [gas after review and upon motion by Smi'::h, seco~~~3 E+Ta~xi*er, approved and ordered. executed. All at~mbers voted yes. GROUP f:~:ALTH INSURANCE - ERVIN HELMKEN.. Mr. Ervin Helmken, the Eagan insur8~~ce af;ent of record, appeared regarding proposals for group health coverage for city c~;~?o;,iQe3. He indicated that he had hsd meetings with all covered Eagan empio•,=z s sin tl+_oy :i+J4;ked staying wiCh the base plan and also with Mutual Service Insurance: Cc~, ~±: r r~:tri.pwed se=~eral proposals and the City Attaa^.aey recomaandEd th•ai: the Cowr~c~.~. -~w~arti~e for bids for the insurance plan in light of tha fact th:~y ~° ~;i- si©~as :,:~~ •~~~e co=~a:rage and increases in premiums appeared to acqu:y.-~ si.~.~~ ~ ~:3._~:L~:~;, 'pis , .~~*-~.aa •syas requested to discuss the provisions with tl:~ city ~d~ ~~ ~7 a~-~3z aa~3 rc:pc~~t Lack to the Eagan Council at the next meet;ingi -5- DCR CUMt.N - CEDARVALE EAST ADDITION. The application of DCR Co. for a III4 month extension of time to file the final plat of Cedarvale East A- ition was upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, approved. All members voted yes. VOGI'S ESTATES INC. - LIQUOR LICENSE. Mrs. Norman Vogelpohl appeared with the application of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Vogelpohl to transfer the license of the on-sale liquor license for Vogi's Restaurant on Highway #13 from Norman Vogelpohl, to Vogi's Estates, Inc., a Minnesota corporation. It was noted that Mrs and Mts. Vogelpohl will be the sole stockholders and the application was in order with respect to them. The manager was intended to be Nick Menotti and no application had been submitted by him. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the application for transfer of the on-sale liquor license to Vogi's Estates, Inc. be and it hereby is approved subject to submission of all necessary requirements to the city including approval of the IIImanager by the city, submission of proper insurance and bond documents. SIGN PERMITS, 1. Eugene's at Beau d' Rue and Cedar Avenue to replace Bluf Carpet sign. No action was taken. 2. Brad Hagen transfer of sign application of the former Nelson Tire Building, Sibley Terminal Ind. Park. It was noted that two signs will be requested on the building. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, ell members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that two (2) signs on the building be perms ted provided that no free standing sign exists on the premises advertising the tire company. BONESTROO, ROSENE STATEMENTS FOR SKYLINE DRIVE & SIDEWALK ON COUNTY ROAD #30. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the bill covering the preparation of preliminary report for Skyline Drive be approves and paid from water and sewer funds. Upon further motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, it was RESOLVED that the statement for preparation of preliminary report for the si -volk for County Road #30 be paid from general funds. -6- DRE~FLTSS CCRPORATIOPT, A letter from I~reyft±ss Corpor atica ~.r.~clJcat~.ng i:hat the ._.....- .a_......7...a.a......-. planned development and preli.~ind,ry plat for the proposed developm~~t on G3'~ascc+tt R~sad will be dropped and that no further action will be taken en tl;e cTeve? ~•ra'~-t. NORTT3ERN STATES POWER RATES - MLi~CIPAL PUMPIAIG PURPOSES. ~, 1--tier from Northern States Poc~er Co, was rep :Lc;~ed i, dicating that it does not i:~tes~rl i~o a°cnew tb.~e existing water and sewer m;anicipal gramping rates for the City cf Eagan aped ir.~33.cated that tl'e Public Service Com-aission will now review such rates, EAGAN - 7,A0 BOARD AGREEI~NT, It was noted that the agreement between Eaga.*.: and the Minatesota Zoological Board had now been fully executed a~ receivel by the City. COTT~,'TY FARK POLICING ISSUES. Mr. Wachter indicated that hA would be m,~;eting with a representative of Dakota County and the Eagan Police Chiaf to discuss policing by Dakota County in coun~cy parks within the City of Eagan. It o.a~ 3e~s~:~a:~^d L•hat the County Board reimburse the City of Eagan for use. of Eagan policemen fir policing the parrs in the event that the County is not equipped to handle these 3.,~• sues BILLS. Upon motion by Rahn,seconded Wachter, all members votiag in favor, At eaa:, RESO1,Vr'~ that the following bills b.: ordered paid and thy: meeting adjourn; ~~'35g thr.~ugh ~~371; ~~1977 through ~~2050; ~k1339 through ;1390. The mee4ing adjourned at 11:00 p,m, ley 20, 1975 ., .;, ~~e~~~~ ;~.~-e -~ ~. ~.. _.._ -7-