07/01/1975 - City Council RegularMLNLwTCS Cs~ A REOLILAR ..~'~'"%"t' n;- T'tr; ~Ls^s?'_'7 :'iT•i' C~Ti~!aCLL E..h«~~ ~: ~ '~:.'~:~iar~- x.:~ 3:~~,y e., ~.'?~'S A rt~;ular n:ep`_ir~€ of ':'x~ ~_ ;asp Ci~:;~ Ccu::ci? c~as held oa Jaly 1, 1975 at t'r:e Ewen City Hall „r. 6:30 r.m., ,~11 n~:mbers a ere present. Also passe. t wore 91;*ca ;so i.1e~, RoL~crt Roaeae end F~3u:! Ha~xg~ . A. 6; ~o r,m. the Mayor anx:: •~: -.~ cd ~:he opening of the bida €or the a~a~rd or ~' ' y l,Ct3S~,OCO. G$n~rrl Obligation Bo.wiz ~:or Eagan for 1975. Mr, James Olsen of .Ta° _.~-^ &~ ta0~{ly L$a,^~ p~:asent. After tabulut:~oL, of txze 5 bids pursuant to the lis; of bida zzteckred to t~xQSe mi~autes, upon a~ticn by 6Jachter, sECOnded Rahn, all m,syi:~~;6F ass€.~~~ x~. f~-;~^r, i;. was RESOLVE that the low 'cid of 1st ATs:tional :tank of Mi~..::.e~..~ g~~'.+.~ :,s ms:~~~sr in~e bi3 amount of Y1,018,~44. with a ne4 interest rate of 6,;?~:~3.aug% bs• r,.:zd it hereby is awarded and that the return of the daposit3 .*.~ t~.34~rccaaful 4~idr~o*'s be authorized. I~'T.?,]T'~^, Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, all seembers vot i ~.g in :Eti ~c>:?•, it c~at+ RR s'~:i,V~.sD t'zat t?^.e minutes of the Suae 3, 1975 and Jena 12, 1975 ;~ect,.i_r,C,s L~ ana CY~e~~ ~:erF~by are approved. T~~ A~.A%EI:~AITS, Mr. John 0' Toole of the Dakota County As3essor's off3.ce aPre~red y::~.~.:'i a schedule of proposed tax abaterients fcr review by the City CGtiuci.i, ;~ra-1 mo"ion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was FES'L'~ .a°.r thug t:i~;~ al+atem..ent schedule pursuant to the copy which is attacined to these mix~u~-e€~ be snk-~o:~~;~1 with tt~e exception of the parcel labeled "Minnesota Zoological Sec:~.eh;~''. r~,;_.1~;:;~L?Er 4R.~1T. Chief DesLauriers appearEd sad requested that li.r:n?.li.~.yy ca„e,-ale cex ;-~pour~ded vehicles by tH.e city be included in the n~a liability ir:~~:~.:~~~=~ ~~~i~.^~„ T'aA successful liability insu=ance bi3der V:ill ba co~,.i=~.:i~~-.' L~~.o~xt g:~rrcn~ cr.~~t~._°r$ cero ar_d custody insurance to be included in t~:e r..e.a ~;ensxal li.a':i ~.i_~y r ~a 'iC' . A rcccr~ra~,ation from the Police Chief and request of t:~e dog catch,~s t'.~at a t;ao~.r; rv;'u ie insta112d in the doh catcher's autom~abile was upon motion by 5~.rh, BeceS~:c'.d br 4lpcht-~x, agpr~~rP.tl„ ~'GC~' S i~FS'lE1LR~rai i~:AC~'.~'..L~~v. r:~: L';~e ~%•.j7:sC-'Si: cf t.k?.9 ~.'+Z~Y:a across S,'2fl~a1F2&L' Fo~3 fry V~?gi' s R•:staisr. ^ t_e', ti.3i: no pard:,i.rg s'! ga.^ k~e ir..sta? led, upoa y::t:~on b3* ~~att::, sncor_Lac? kai~:, all nc:mders v~:::?ag y~>, it was Itt~SuLtrED that ao par~rir_ti; s:i~~cc b~ aye: rp L-eiau.~~~ of a potential traffic 1za~aid on the East aide of Snaw^ae R~~as. :~>~. M.: ? ~*seuiate vicinity of Vogi's. bL+~?ZICA?'~ I'RT)IT CONiPANI' CQ1:<~L<<~~~?;'S, A repa:cc was given by Chief DesJ~.u~°~~::s r.v~:.::eraiag co~?sints of neighbcria~, res`tcla:nCs relating to lighL•s and speakers --.uin; tl~~;; ni~~.t hours on the American F~•uit C~nepany property in Eagandale ls:s::r:x• ~'• '^~t ~r'1. A ~:ccent poll of the residents indicatQ..d that half of the persons ~.,:. x as .:-:,3a.x,.~~; ~t:~td that noise and lights from the A~mericaa Fruit loLatiou ho~~ rz~rc, L_~~~m .~=;s~ i~zza c~Lhai :calf that there was no problem. A representative of ~.mrr3can :E'ri-~.i: ~tiaL Present and indicated that the lo~xlspeakers were not used beVtrpYn 1.~ ".M. s?ir; 7 9.M, say l~~ex on their parking lots. li'":'?:'LyT"i FE°;4R12~'NT. ~. 4 ~,CC'J C.V„t~T. Maintenance Truck Chassis. P2t. Branch appeared ar,~: ^-~`~~~x? tc~~d a i..r of 5 bids rcr a 46,000 g.v.w. maintenance truck chassis acca;:d~.rg to ~:i~a a:`~tac~.~~d~ 3 ist. He indicated that the low bid was from Halls E ;uipmert Co. fo- 4:~ l:s r,s,a:~'.:'~r~-~,~. ,:~~z~vester for $22, 939. a*nd the second low bid was f; am Zlalton ~.~~~::, ~^~ ,,;:;,'f ~~, Ha indicated there have been considerable rtaintex~3nce problez~ v.'f.'i ;~c ~ *.~Ycrrds t:~.c~ls that the department now owns and further he re~~iewed ar_d s.,bu;a.`_~ t~ r'~. u ~~.st ~~f comparable prices on certain specifications between Inte~-ratto.~.-~:t t~.n~' vJa~E~Z;.a Far3 bids indicating that the specifications hEd not been rret bJ 'rI~l~. ia: ce:cr_,~:~a x~crects which would make .the Walton bid lower than the Hall b'.c'.. Fury::^t.•e ~?:~3.t~_Y~ appeared to have exceeded the specs in certain respects, i1,~.~~ +~.:_:~,s f,y ir7~,c~~:~:, seccxi:~ed Smith, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED t-h<~t i:'fe ::.:,a_..rl :-..:x~ l-ic'. cf fr`a~tE:on Foid be awarded for the reasons including those man'.:io~~c~ rbcvu ~;:h ~..~aya~,.~zt to tae i;:sde from equipment warrants to be issued by the ct;:y. -2 .^.+l ~:~~~.~yC IN^l'L'CTO';, '-_Iir~e bi~a ira^lud•tr_g h,~h Cr~rt:!r Fc+x'~:: fn.; $8;457,08; Fre~ay Pc~rcl 3':.r $3,3~:~.t~.:~ a:~1 Tidgradw?.- "r.'arcl for $3,3i~S8 ~~r 2 1~:?~ ~o~d ;~:~.s'r-~.3~ f`r the Ettil.~.:~g 7~.^j..~Cr!J;: wE?~'~' r'"'.`%{C':7~.,`.C~. lT~.~'.n mati~an by Rydr~,~c~:, E~~:~3`l~i~~ i2_:~.i1G, Z~~ Baas F.FvO~.Vi~O that thF lo-,a .~,~ of P:idg:dale Ford be awarded And a:~l .: ~~~.~~rs ;r;:ii:-.^? j::S~ PA'_:k DEF4RTI~NT. Eari;ara ScI:~~.dt appeared and recommended oa beh3l:~ of .t;,.=: x`:rk C::r~;tt~~e the follo~a~i.nge a. 4?i?c~ertaess Run Road Impro*~~;n~t?ts. A trail adjacent to Wilderness Ru-~ .r.?c.;%; T•;'33 suggested along to be p2id from a $10,0x0 T2innesota State grant ?nd rhP b:,'?.sn~;c fraaa r.~tc'~A~. f~.trds. The City Engineer was asTced to review a proposed 10' l;Itu~ ^~.noss i:~-~~~.1 alon, Wilderness Run Road East of Pilot Knob Road. b„ Iilac~zl:s,~k PQ.:k Ix~provea~nts. Eldon Hugelen of U!rbaz Planc~~.ng ar.3 17e~igu z:~;~i.~.'rncd a rer:~vcd plan for a path at an estimated cost of $3,500. and 2 E~.YZ~~ £'~~c~.l~..t;~ in BlackhaF;k Park at an estimated cost of $8,000. There wire a]ic.r~i.r.•~ ~:i.`,es that c;ere clise~.ssed for the play area and neighboris~.g residents appaEb^.~: moth in fz~vor zt23 against the proposed location of the site qn top of tite h~.~.',~ :e~,~i~~~T:s of L•he Council suggested to Mx. Hugelen that he prepare u p?a~ fog: .a~~. ~:~<-.:•!•.~~.~:o l:~c,~tien North and East of the present proposed si~:e and a<~~.t c~asG. 9 c~,i:x::r.'~i:~s at t.rsa neht regu ar mees:ing. ~, '1s1r Case Park, Negotiations have continued with .Tames Fris?~a. , t~:e ~i~,~*Ly,:~r;:~- ~z~ ©ai;. Chase Addition for the dedication of Lo*_ 1, Flock 1, Oak ~'?~~=e :~.ci..a~}~:l ~tion and it vas understood that the parcel will be dedicated Lo t~.a ~.~i ~-y ~a:ci.:~::~ ~~a tithe construction and irtprover~nt of the parcel in 1975. ~`~~.~;^_ r,7'~~A~E PR~JGRAM. The City Forester appeared and recoaaaendEd t~z :f.: ~::?~ C~bty' ~'~°~~~:~;:~':. a.~.F~p* a policy whereby 75% of the cost of res~val of ci.ses~.:~! ~ s~~~,~.; 'rye p~:~~T .>y the I~~:aue:,-~ner and 25% by the city, if removed within 21 aaye v~ zsr4:"c^ n i;~:>> cl:g^e,^Asnd cord.tion, ` City Attorney ~cas asked to review rk~e :~,Ca.-.~_ n..i. ~.';e ~.c::fi'.`.E•~: spy ta'oled until •the next Lneeting. -3- S?~T .;'r~~IT. A request by CaesLriLgn F.eai.::y foe- a sign an Eugene's bL*:~di~ on Beau dtRt~e. Dr:~ti4 was r°on mo~~?on i'y nolzin, sec.etule4 Rah.., all members voti• in faL~or., ar,~;~oved, provided 3.t is sa uttligh.~:ed sign. TR.9ILER Ps.Rr~ttT REPORT. Tile Bui7.ding Inspector appeared azid reportacl on 3 mobile hc>tnes within the city. Tlie 3z~dilh Mehr mobile home will be s~ 3ed .nd no permits Brill be issued or required; the Myron Hanson trailer at 4015 Dodd Rory) >>as b~G~rz rJecl and the3 trailer ofrned by Td:.~. t~Jills at 3240 Dodd Road was request~~l tc be renQVrFC'! for one additional year. Upoa motion duly made aixi seconded tiara Legasst of Mrs. Wi11s be granted with the understanding that the mobile hone &~ii'. be roved after one year. GF:tis~RAF~ C0ATIr3CS L I~TCs BUILDING P1RMIT. The application of General Coahin,~,r, Inc. fox a building permit for a storage building on part of Lcat 3, Rabert O~Nci1. .i^m^sr_cad ~~as stricken for lack of appearance. C6i~ON~I: SF.T~F STORAGE OF MIPIIV~SOTA, lair. William Treasrsr2 of Thorp 'i.t ~i-~:.-: a~~peared on bel^.alf of the application of Colonial Self Storage of M-inr.~:s~ai:u :~:.:w r,~'~ver cf plstt~.ng regulations for division of Lot 6, Block 2, Cedar Ir~ust~°:~.-~. t'~.y:c into rw•o parcels. The APC recamu~ended approval. Upon motion by GJacz~.e:r, ~:^rc~~~.c~rl P.u~n, $11 members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the application Y~~, ~2'~i.'~'i'-:~. ,~1r?',:er~i FRUIT AMID PRODUCE CONII'ANY, Mr. P7awton, the Director of Di.strib~3~~:t!' .~r.!,-? *.-.~~:. ar^h; tect for American Fruit appeared on behalf of the application oi' nm•~~i^.r~r. r'xuit and Produce Co. for a building permit for a warehouse addition a~f.=: ^~-.~.~~.`lr~ varianc:e from side lot line set-back regulations. The 53,000 sq, fco~: ~,:-~•-~ Qaz;~'r?tr~~+~p:°~ *>;'z:ich is being proposed will be set-back 40 feet for poteaatisi fu~:~.!rF~ ~:e~-:~~~~..~,x~: ~f t-ie roadway on the South. A letter objecting to the lig.~ts a~,.~ cpea9.:eY~ du~~nn the evening hours was read. There were a r~uLntaer of nezg:±bn--~?ag LQsac.ex~+:s ~,•?ao appeared and strongly objected to the excessive noise axtd ~.-".~~b:::= v.~ -4- A~ea:~.ca~1 ?~~:u:t,t ar~'1 ProGtuee Co, pr~apes-t~~ iaclud}.;g c3x~oss~.va speed by tr•~Sclc~, tiL•ta^~ being thrown and gallcing psoble:us is~ t'~.P general area.. Representatives cis Am. ~_~ :cap. f~'x-uit ird3.ca :ad that ti~ere c~osld be no acditional trunks due to the n~~ pr.:poued addition. Ti:cre were questi©ns about potential violations of the irsisanca~ ordinance ate Ordinance `52 reg.rding li7htirg and loudspeakers. Upen motion L;r Rahn, secor~ed Wachter, all members ~=oting yes, it was RESOLVID that the ap :i~.~ c^tioa ae. continued un*_il the next regular me~:ting with the request that Americasz Fr•zit sibmit a *ti~ritten statement as to the steps it would take to rem~y the co±+±- plaints L-o be approved by the City Council. NORMAN VOGEL~~°OI~L - VOGI `S ADDITION. There was no appearance on behalf cr.f t`aa appli.^ac:ion of Norman Vogelpohl for a building permit for an addition to Vogi`s Restaurant on Hight~ay x`13. F~'P`RA's. LAID COMPANY - PUD sAGRR~MENT, Martin Colon appeared on beha7. C ~~f the request of Federal Land Co, for a review of the PtJD Agreement for Bir..exa:`c_:;~.u;::~. As:tition in Section 16 and for review of the amended preli*nirssry plat. 'Jpor~ notion by Smith, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it was RRSOL` '~_-.~.s:. t're agreement cts submitted be approved and fuxther that the prelzmin~ry p~~~_ ': ? amp+:~dc1 as t~o the location of Washington Drive. All members voted yev. ,F:;:~1~, _?':~GCK 8~ CLDAR GP.OVE ~~2 - CHAR GROVR COAISTP.UCTION CO, The Counc•:i:~ :~tiyi -~,;-'._ P recomaen,3ation of the APC that a letter be sent to Emil Janr?ric of Cs~;t..°.?~ Cro~-e CoLlstruction Co, requesting a proposed plan for Lot 19, Block 8, r,^+.^~- Grove No, 2 consisting of a commercial parcel at the Southeast corner of ~a~~i~::.rr,y x`30 anrt Cedar Avenue. Upon ^~tion by Wachter, secor~ied Smith, all ~:ib.~~~.^. ~`°~L:.Y'.~, s ~~.~, it was RRSOLVID that the recommendation be approved and that t:~~~ C~.cr"~: ~~ ~~ir~~c.ted to send a Letter to Mr. Jan3ric requesting an overall F1:~.~ ~-° zha r~~gc~.1 to 12e su'usitted to the APC and Council for reviec~ at the eax3ics{- v4s'bie Ls~^fA., -~ - KENIt~;TH 3PPELBAUI~ - LO ACRE kAlt-^.Ei IrT S?;CTiOr_J 15G Pte, Dan Ror~u~' app~^a~:e3 on behalf of Standard Bo:a3 and T~Iortgage Co. requesting an infernal Co*.sncil op~.nfon concerning the develop.~nt of a 10 acre portion of the South part of a 60 acre parcel consisting of 40 acres zoned Cor,~rcial and 20 zoned R-4 lying t~1e~t oL Pilot Knob Road and North of Crestridge Lahr, The owners recommended that Vi~,.et Lane be extended Easterly faith an SO foot right-of-way and that the 10 acre F~rcei Scuth of Violet Lane consist of 5 acres of multiple develop:~nt with 72 apart~nenL- units and 5 acres of townhouses with 36 units approximately. Zhe:~e ~,aere objjections from owners on Rarxlom Road next to Selmartt Addition concerns^g drainage, nuisance problems and noisy problems from Selmark Addition. T'ne Council indicated that there were no objections to the proposal with ro acti.on beir.o taken. JAi~CEFS -FOURTH OF JULY - 3,2 BEER LICENSE. Mr, Grant Lut~berg PpCpax~d and requested on behalf of the Jaycees and the 4th of July Association a 3, Leer license far the sale of 3,2 beer for July 4th, 5th, and 6th in Ce3a P:,~":.... Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVE-il tea*_ the application be granted for the sum of $S.00 for the lice:~e. :~•"1:C*1T Mt~ETITIG FOR PARKS & TRAILS IN THE M'CNP]ES4TA ZGO AREA. Upon recom~n- ~:r.~i~::~ of the APC, upon motion by Polzin, seconded R;~drych, all members Voting :~ "=.za~x, it was RESOLVID that a special meeting of the City Council, Park Cc;r~:~;i~*bee, AnC and Dakota County officials be scheduled for August 12, 1975 at 7;GO ',IvI. at the City Hall to discuss park trails and campgrounds in the general :~r. ~,a of ~~:he Minnesota Zoo. T.'I:4.T.:Ci ~F160-A. Plans and specifications for Project ~k160-A consistinb of ut~??.:a.4:~~:3 in Barton-McGray and Bicentennial Additions leas subm:?tted by t'~^. Gy~Ly Zn~y ~.e~~r, Upon lotion by F.ahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in f:~uor, it ~,,~s i{E"OLVID that the plans and specifications for Project ~~160-A be c^,i';~::'^:7F'~ -6- f and accepted and that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids to be opened IIIon July 29, 1975 at 3:00 p.m. at the City Hall; further that Project #160-A be extended to include a storm sewer running Westerly to a pond on Yankee Doodle Road storm sewer to Cedar Pond as outlined by the City Engineer and cleaning of a ditch in Outlot F in Cedar Grove Belle t�A. e'cz" e,z"L f C u_ col I c'JC -l ���/ rC ( k �c WILDERNESS RUN 5th ADDITION, Mr. Ken Appelbaum appeared on behalf of his application for a resolution of the Council regarding adjustment of a lot line on Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Wilderness Run 5th Addition due to incorrect placement of the residence„ Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the resolution be approved and adopted. COUNTY ROAD #30 WALKWAY PROJECT #151. The City Engineer presented plans and specifications for Project #151 consisting of a walkway along the South side of County Road #30 to the Metcalf School from Cedar Avenue. Upon motion by Rahn, IIIseconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the plans and specifications be approved and accepted and that the Clerk be directed to adveeelee for bids to be opened on July 29, 1975 at 3:00 P.M. at the City Hall. GOPHER-SMELTING COMPANY - MPCA. Bea Blomquist appeared and indicated that a mctirg has been scheduled for July 3rd, 1975 at 2:00 p.m. including Gopher Smelting officials, PCA staff members and Eagan representatives to discuss develop meat in the area of Gopher Smelting Company. PETRO COUNCIL TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD SUBCOMMITTEE. A request from the Metro Council that the Eagan Council appoint a member to an advisory committee of the Transportation Advisory Board and upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, all n:tubers voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that Ted Wachter be appointed to the poe itioa, III SnLINE POAD IMPROVEMENT REQUEST. A letter from Mrs. W,J, Davidek, 1436 Skyline Road requesting that the city maintain Skyline Road from Pilot Knob Road to the Eagan nark because of the excessive traffic to the park was read, Upon -7- motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that limited maintenance be granted by the city as requested. DOG CATCHER AGREEMENT. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the agreement with the new Eagan dog catcher be approved and ordered signed by the appropriate officials. FLOOD INSURANCE. A notice was read by the City Clerk from Housing and Urban Development that Eagan residents are now eligible for flood insurance. TIMBERLINE TAX DELINQUENT LOTS, The City Clerk indicated that ten lots in Timberline Addition are being sold as tax forfeiture property by Dakota County and that there is a substantial amount of assessments including utility and street assessments against the lots. It is expected that the sale of the property will not cover the amount of the assessments and there was discussion concerning collection of the assessments against the parcels being sold. WINE LICENSE ORDINANCE, The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an amendment to the liquor ordinance regarding issuance of wine licenses to rester.- rants serving food with more than 25 seats. UTILITY GARAGE. A letter from Saxton Co. was read indicating that it is not in default in completing the utility building addition and indicated that work V; being completed. EAGAN POLICE ASSOCIATION. A request has been made by the Eagan Police Asso- ciation that the City Council file a certificate with the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services for a joint request for a certification of exclusive bargain- ing representative with the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services, Upon motion. by Rydrych, seconded.,Poleln, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the joint request be filed naming the Eagan Police Association as the exclusive bargaining representative for the Police Department patrolmen. IIIORDINANCE NO. 62 & ORDINANCE NO. 63. The City Attorney presented a proposed O dinanee #62 concerning snow removal from sidewalks and Ordinance 463 regarding .8- parking and storage of trucks and recreational vehicles in the city. No action IIIwas taken on either ordinance. 1975 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND RESOLUTIONS, The City Attorney then submitted two resolutions from the bond attorney concerning the 1975 General Obligation Bond and upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all members voting is favor, it vas RESOLVED that the resolutions be approved and ordered signed. BORCHERT-INGERSOLL FINAL ACCEPTANCE RESOLUTION. A resolution accepting the Borchert-Ingersoll project on Highway #49 prepared by the City Attorney was upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, approved subject to final inspection by the building inspector. PROJECT #165 NARICE DRIVE STREET IMPROVEMENTS. The City Engineer submitted the preliminary report concerning Project #165 consisting of street improvements on Marice Drive. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Smith, all members voting in. IIIfavor, it was RESOLVED that the report be accepted and approved and that the public hearing be scheduled for August 5, 1975 at 7:00 P.M. at the City Hall, EAGAN CITY HALL ADDITION. The City Engineer submitted a proposed sketch for an addition to the Eagan City Hall consisting of 5200 square feet on the upper floor and 5200 on the basement floor. No action was taken concerning the proposal. CITY ACCOUNTANT. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that William Wells be hired as the City Accountant effective July 1, 1975 on a 6 month probationary period at $1,100.00 per month with the understanding that the Council review the payment of the employment office fee at the end of the 6 month period. All members voted yes. PAYMENT OF BILLS, Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the bills presented by the City Clerk be paid: #382 - #387; #1494 - #1551; #2217 - #2293. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 12:20 P.M. -9.