07/15/1975 - City Council RegularS OF A REGULAR',~lEET1~G OiT T'Hk: PAGAN CI'.CY COUNCIL EA~.~N, NaBIldQ9QI,~ July 15, 1975 A regular meeting of the Eaga.s City ^.ouncil ens held on 3uly 15= 1575 at 6;30 P.M, at the City Hall at which all members were present. Also present were ltoaene-, Holke and Hauge. MCNUTES. After the Pledge of Allegiance, upon motion by Rahn, seconded Rydrych, alI members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the July 1st, 1975 meeting be approved with the exception that on page 1 the IItility Bow]. Issue should read $1,035,000 and further that on page 6 relating to Project #I60A that the extra cost for additions to the contract be financed Chrough s yearly ge±seral tax levy during the life of Ohs bond isst~ financing the project,. LIABILITY INSURANCE CONTRACT, The City Clerk indicated that four bids have been submitted including three through Home Insurance Company and one *_h~aLg1 Employer's Insurance of Wausau relating to general liability coverage for ~h City of Eagan, After review and upon motion by Smith, seconded Wa^.hter, alp members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the low bid of V$lley View 7n.^.urance, Iiec.. in tfe sum of $29,739,00 with Home Insurance Cow be awarded including the umbrella policy through Midlsad Insurance Co„ be approved and in addition that the v~.xiable plan for workmen's compensation ba authorized, TAX ABA7.EI~NTS. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the abatements recommended by the County Assessor inclw3ing 5 acre parcel awned by the Minnesota Zoological Society and other paxcels awned b3' the City of Eagan according to the list attached to these minutes be approved. POLICE DEPARZI~NT. Martin DesLanriers appeared oa behalf of tc~e Police Dept, ~~._~ a. Sur~re~- heights Parkigg~, A request has been made that the P.D~ to review the parking problem in the area of the pool and tennis courts at the surrey s -1- Heights Tr-wz~Iioa^~ ..a~ple~ and u_c' Dts:.~~iriF~~s Ye..am~ nded ela=a t thn area on Surrey I~r:i~,tsc.:; Drti~~e ad j3can;: to tL~: a~:~~. ~-na f.~~~•~.s courts be sapked for No P~ric•~..~g, L'Pou a~^ti^a by PoZ~341, s~,ecr~;~ x.a`:^, it oyes k~Si~LL~a' e'+-,~t the: P, D. ba a+.t.:Iso::af,z~~1 to ~~sta2.3. T1o 3?arzing s3.gns o~- bn_h sl,des of tt~a acre ±;:~ °.;~~ 4Yea b. S er~w ?o~ H,~Ia S; ~::~ Apar+~*~~:z~t~' A re~+Tm~xa:?ation of tik? P D, ~a'~S t?snr $;C°~ ~G?:::$ "_":`. in E:Lv.'~2S.^-- O~ Ji~ Lo~.~~=a rSyt', r.:.~U~Stf?3 ~::OLi! t~l° C~U.L'~'y" ~'.', f.~~.'~."1~"'i~'!t~ D;:i~;4, ~278L~'&~ Cc~+;:t and Maxice L~ri~i•e iu i:ns ~~:.Eh Site s;:ea Ba.~t of t~.lct: K;b<;'~ ?.oar1, L~p-:t:~ ?~„oLcn by Ralin, seccra:?ed tvacl~~:r~.r, a~.l ~ra'oers votin; ves, ~~.t: eras 1:S4~ii'c's~d L•~xi~: L':~?S rep?±est he m33P for tI~Q sur5+•E;r accordi~ to the recor~;3~:~t'~~ s o:~ tie :.b. c,_ ~*::~_:3 ~t.Jrs TrF,.7.1, Coancil~ta S~:Z:.Lh ~.t~ilcFted tt~a*_ he toad re~~~ivci a p~titiou sc.;~e t~.-~ ~gn regardiag an alleged nui.saace on the ~+ropE*-ty &t 4G1t3 li?.c._~ '!".~r:.~.l. it: Cec~~r Grove and it r~s requested tY.at i-'.e Building I. spsctor u~ P~?~, i -~~ ..~~;1, t,.~ mai:ter and ra,~sl~:t to tine Council, d. ~'o~.~.~:~~.i?rsAn Park. Chief BesLauriers indicated tinat 1~ I~ d H~~; ~~r~;3 ccfore tl~e County Board and Had shetYn video tapes and explained t:e •~ery s•ar'o~G p.:•a?~1~:~^ Lh~i: Px'i3L's relating to sF~era1 rurdre3 violations that 1•~ve L2pn c:;.t•~d ~.o. ci~.e Yio~.la:~i~Jensen Parl: area daring fiche Sum~.r of 175. Ths:re •~;:~s d:sc~~~•?on COIl~>-''~a1*Zny gassible action to b= tal:rn ty tho city regardsttg th:: sir.: ~~ssa~ss ~,f tYzo p,.oblc:.~ 2nd the excessive coat to the City iz~ policing the C:~uh.t; Fc-:r: to a. N:r~ Dc_Lau.riers indicated t1Yat there ~a$s a clear danger *_o sw'm~ess e~7iLnc~:;'t u 13 fe~~~~.azd prese~tt st Holland Ls'se. J''.T.I.TI'Y n r•~?AR1`METIT. Bill Branch appeared on behalf o•` t2s Ui.i:~1.:.y° Dc:p; ri~e~~tn 2, 'C worse Paver Diesel Tractc±r ~~~ith P~oz~:: E~ I,n.~r_~~~r} Ptr, B.~ari^.h sZ.i~u~.Y:~:i:~ .,.~._ ..r_ .,.._....-.._,_ -.- -> lal.d: uc~~~rr~irig to ti~a list attached to these minutes fo:~ a GD :ccrse p~~*-;~r Ccac::cr crf.h f:~ona end 1ca3e?- an~1 inrlicatad that the ic~ao Yo~rr bc?:, cd1 r.~°c:c f.??.~:K+ .the ~2- RnQc#.ficstions z ..2rtair, materia"~ re~pecrs 'wd~icl~ were L-Z Com+rany - Mas~py FerUas^n, h~:tt:sry 9_~ A~M.P. sit^a:.d 'ac ?.2`3 A..M,P, , t.ransr~asa~.~~~e nor 8 sp~:e.~ b:;t 6 speFd, fLunt «heel t;:e;~d spec:.`:zca~~.cn •~ 5U - ?'~~,F. 52, uo tool. b~::~ ?.is•e3; Caxlson Ec.~ir•~.ent - I,org Tractor, Dry Bari Buakes - sheu?a be disc, asixes ~iG': co~~.ying ert~'n sp~.;.ifiLai:~.ors, fiI,?~ i3 Fit Ca 21Y-- R.P,M, and specif~.c3tic~~~•, 44a~w^d 57 @ 2u0 It.P.',.~.0 1's rvcoam~ndcd i:t~t t.~e tr.ird low bid of Car'Lsc^. sxaotor of R~~~~~•^uttt P~ w+r~csota of $x.1,387 fc:~• ~; F~~rd t~:actox be ac~ardod and tdp^n .at:'or_ b;~ Waclzt~:±-, secon,•i6d RaI~, all m~er$ votin in fa€~or, it was RESGLV.~ t'~:: t1:o h:',~ cf C,:xlson 1'wacter be warded for th;~ rFaso~ des;,ribed above. t?. Sya~`:~~::;~ible ,Aar. n•~+. Mr, grarsch submitted a series of bids for a subrtrrsible air p~~ from a highbud of $316.00 to a lo~a biri of $603,00.. Unor.: mo=ioa b~, 5~1t.;1, &::conded Wachter, ail ma~bers votiig in favor, i~: ~~~a•a R~S!3?~VIIi th;:t the y c:: find cf Barry & Sewell in the aura of $E03.00 avcording to NF. ~-,:^~:?~. h.' 3 recoca~nriation be approved and awarded. Pe?'tK C01~~^sT:k.r A a. La~7aa*:a Fts.nis. John Voss appeared and indicated that the Pa.:~k Cormia.:t~e rE:: ~u~nded that tr.e City Council subsait a preapplication for La:~con Funds prior to i,:~~:a aes~i"s.i as datE of July 18, 1975 ae iallo-,~s 1„ pre ject for waltcaay for 2 miles from Pahn Parlc to ~~mas La~.e~ 2. A~quisiticn of 50 acres for park purpose3 1VorL•h of t~or;.'a°riew Srit~^.oi, I:: -a:~s nocEd tfiiat the City Dust m~itch fund3 and upon moticn by Wachter, ~ecorkic~ t.-~I~;f, •?'.: ~~as RESOLVE that the City Clerk be authorized to submit t~•le p:~eF~9F2.ica- tyca fo~y the tc~o pro jects as outlined above. All members vo~:cd f~~. bo ~?d3~ ~mproVeIDent COD.traCt - 19/'5. 1. B1AC1~hawk Park Pxanosal. Eldon A~~,elen an3 Jo'_~sa Vtis:~ or". U~:i~~;ti F°?an~i:s atp~~rac~ an3 numerous propert;; owr.~ers in t:~e g~.raf:ral v+oin.i.t:;• o:~: ?i'.~tc~:- 1~~r~ct+I: fi'axl; aleo apR~eared. Mr. Hugelen described an altorr~:rive c:.nc:;Y,, ~;y a ~-, ~~.<° rroa dir~:.tly P7arth of the formor proposal on L-cp of t'r:~ hii.1 is i':.t%h`7::':ti~' F:af°+-~ -3y The Parlt Co~~•I.ttee and rZr.. Hageie~, reeomnQn3eci t?ti3t tP:e site on the top cf the hill be :.•QG~inad for gFrceral recre~,tl.or:~:1 p+irposes but in tho ove;at tL~r~t thy 1W ~~r aAea is uEpio~rc;:3 for the play arca, u tra:~.i~,<;;~' t.o tho top c~ith ssaE~:.^g be appxv~e~; further reco~e~uled that the plsy egt.~ipmsnt be exvluded from t~kie :L9 `~ cor~::z•~;~.i:~ T.rre was 1Qsig%hly discu:.sion including the faa*_ that the pl3xsner did nc~; pr:,ra:~e a co:.~ept oc" a location North and Ea¢t cs thQ original. site as diecte~! by ~~t~ C~' `3% vous:cy'. aL thAir last meeting, ~uachter ~AVed and Ra~!n secor~ac & m~.~ti6=~ `° select t~.a top of the hill as the site for the $lacthawk play area 3~*.°~'v:~:;~t:;o Those in fa•~or were [~7achter, Rahn .~~ Polzin snd those against were Smith Frd lydry:.~a. 2. F~ver.,reen Park, It was no~.ed that sorue alternatES will be i~z,t:~'^d in sgcciflcations a:1d that payment 1~i11 be made from pant site finds, 3:, 0?~<: C?~ase Psrk and Pilot Knob Pirko. Pilot Kssob Park L*apz'ov~.e:~ws wera rev3~,red and *aill be paid from park site funds and in sdditic~n a crab. correcting a da:ageraus problem in Rahn Fark was also reviewed. Attar co~~s•?d~:.:i~la dz.gcussion, capon motior_ by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members vo{.:ing yes, ~.t wss RE30LV~ that the plans and specifications far the park ia~provcments for 19i'5 bz api;~a~~ed atzd the Clerk be authorize: to advertise for bids to be vpenec? or_ Aubust 8, 1975 at 3;00 P,M, at t:ce City Hall. BTJl:LDTr.G PERt~IIT. Mr. Gary Nelsan o-~ning propert;~ on Pilot i~ob Road. CGrac~:+.s^ ti~ag or Let 9, Block S, Country Hans Heights req-~.ested that permi": to m~v*a a rPS:~~- dF~:ce to his property. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members vot°ing iti favor, it was RESOLSIED that the request be approvad pr~.~•~-~.:ied ~.~. Piels=_tn gran~s to tha City of Eagan an additional 25' easemc~t pxovfa~:~n for 'S° h3i right-ef~way on Pilot Knob P.oad adjacent to his property and Fc:"i~;~er.t i:o a:~•~,~eway rc:~.:•i i. from the county and Building Inspector's sppravai~, FZC 7f:f;T ~E164 -WATER SLGIL~R STREET IMP, IN SARA?~EiiOP.~T A~I).~.isC~'~ ".`,1~ .:.~,"O~: c~,n~;•e;:~d tl.e h~ari~?g rsgaxd~.ng Imp. Pi0 jsot ~F'164 Consi.::yog c::~ :;~-Jaz, ~;'.s,er ~~+.~'. ..L~ street restoration improv~:ments in Section 25, 2H, 27 and 3u. A large n.ruber o:~ residert5 is_~ i:he are 2ppeared and a rer:~xt from tY:e Buildi?~.g ?;~spectar crnce:r:si;ag private di.sp~~.al grcblem; in the ax«~a G~.as xavieu~cd„ It stated e 3~ lS p~:iv~:te syst~.s ex:Lst in Saddle:~orn Addition with 5 disposal problems. A pt~titi~~~ s~gn.~.a b~. ab~~ut ? 5r7 pe+ap?..e opposing th^ pro jecr. cJas su"emitted to the Cot.nci l anL' it ~? s notFu that t~'ze re.~uest for the 13ea-r_ ing t'~:at ox igin€~ted from a:~nc:: s iiz Sa3dlf•:.a n As?~~it:L~~s ~~t~.^ rzd sar~itarg~ sewer Frcblems. After ~~;tended discussica~; +•?~^ :1la~,ro-~ c3.osed the wearing art upon motion by Waciztew , seconded Rahn, all ~ ~~.be f v:.i'.;in`; yeas, it was i.FSOLV'ID teat the Council not apgrosse the project at tha Fxcse:~~. L WTI bu* tr.at t-h-: preliviinary report be retrained for possible future use. Council m•~nbers stated that they expect greAter sEwage r~roblems in the area in tre ~`:i?:vre and pcrraps i*screasel d~oand for uGilit:Z.e3. G~~~?Aa C~,~;'Lt?GS. The application of General Coatings, I~ac, fox b~.:~.~.r:;.tis permit Ycr storage building, 26' x 102' en its property in part. oy Lct 3, R~~reLt: O':Jaill Iiflu~ste,sd, East of High~tay ~~49, was next reviewed„ T°:~e ABC recc~s:~<m': aPp:.oval with certain conditions. fir. Brogard appeared and it~dic~;~-ed that all eq-izpxent will be placed within thw enclosed T~uilding on the property in the fu~~~~xc, :Iv r.rc;~.'.cated t-.;nat: General Coatings was a.n agreEment with the reco~nr~sulatac+ns cf t:.@ ArC, anci stated that a letter will be sent by General Coat;ng3 to ~;agan ~greeinQ with these conditions. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all mamhors votir;; ;:. fa~~or, it was RESOLVL'D that the application be approved subject to the rac~s~ne_~d..<- tioras of tine APC arsd further sub fact to submission of a letter by General Coati±~.gs to tlae City of Eagan agreeing to the provisions. 1~~'R:~CA~ F'RL1IT AMID PRODUCE. The application of Americ.,~i rc~!iC aY?.d 3?:c~o~;~ac~~ Co, `a;; 'uu3lc~ing permit for a warehcuse addition to #.t-s bui~.dz.r.~; in E~and~~.~; I.nd^as r~.al Pa~'~ ~~l was again revi~~ad. The A?C xeccminc:ndecl apgrova:! ~.~3 4~ti°axa~. props?'2; o<ane~s in Country Herne Fights Addition apppar.d ;.e.ga~cZia?~; t:r5n al py:~::~ t `. a°~ V, i Mr. Sheldon L.;vine and other represertative_s of ~'~erican Fruit also apper:rcd 3tLd a letter from American Fruit was read i~a.catin~; gist the lotslcpeat~r system heel been discon~:it:aed or. a trial basis, t:3at tze lightitg has no~• bash deflectel d~:att-~aard arsd 1~.oods have been installed over lighting on the proga*_-ty, I:ns~ s?.rce Jta:~y 2nd asnericsn Fruit has been attempting to regRiire the trtxcl.s to parr c» ~::-.e Am•~r;can Fru:I,t property and that general policing of the area has t.'cen plac;~ p,,, t3:~e applica~.aM. Certain nEig:,bars ;.ndicated teat improvems~:ts have t;:,ka°~ place 1cz; American Fruit recommended that a meeting be held wit: the nergb~arLr.~ rr s•~,acnts to discuss Fry additional complaints. It was further in3icated that t:.p to additi.on31 trt~.cka per day will result over a 5 year period due to the add~.ticn of the building. Ugon motion by Wachter, secoxuied Rydrych, all members v~ati~:.~^, yet;, it war RESGI,VuD that the applicatio:~ be approved subject to the cor.~itiors reg,~rd~> ing tlxe loudspeaker system and 1:E.ghtitzg being complied c~~ith as outlined iii ty~:: letter from American Fruit and subject to the rPCOmmendatiotzs of t;.e APC. VOGI' S RES'w'HL~~~AtT, Mr, Norman Vogelpohl appeared regsr~isg the appl~.ca~~A~~~~:. for a building permit for an addition to Vogi's Restaurant on I:iglr~ay ~~13. 'tea APC recomu~:nded approval. The addition would be for storage on the lowex 1eve1 and hszrq~aet facilities at the upper level„ Upon motioa by Rahn, sec~ndc3 Smirci, i~t was RESOLVtsi~ that the applicawion be approved subject to f•saal apps:o<+a?. by tI.6 Bui:I.~ling T_nspector sad Engineer. 3.2 BEER LaCENSE REQt1ES1'S, Four applications for two day 3G2 beer l;c~nse for softball games on the Univac softball diamonds were presented inclttditig S:ha fol?.o~a?ng and a fifth application for McBee Park; a. Soufih I:c~ehc;,~ C'itsb, b. Sr=~~:~~- ktst Suburban Umpires, c, Margfort Ball Team, d, Joe BAC Softball TcPy; ~:~ Le:~-:~^~ tort Fazlc Boosters at McBee Park, Upon motion by Smite, sece^n~c~ ital~~t, aix gibers ~~oti.rg in favor, it was RESOLVED that the application be apgro~.~ea1 as reque5t:ed~ S^I,MARR ADDITION - FuiV'CF & DRAIN~'~GE PROBLEM. Sev~xal resi3e~~.ts vt ~elmar;s -6~- Addition appeared aryl submitted a petition far a privacy fence bate eon Dodd Hi1I Townhouses and Selmark Addition for single fmmily homes on Raxlom Road be constructed by the developer of Dodd Mill To~h°nhouses. A petition was au'ornitted requesting a privacy fence at that location. Mr. IZenneth Appelbaum Elso appeared a*_>xi apprrn~ed the installation of the fence by Dodd Hill Townhouse developers, T'nerc was a question as to whether the builder conformed with the oxiginal plan, Upon motion by S:~ith, seconded Pydrych, it was RESOLVED that the City Council recatn^troc? to the developer that a privacy fence be built by the developer on the crest of til{ hill between. the properties in question in order to alleviate as apparent raZs~ acrd m~isanca problem. All members voted yes, It was noted that the question regarding drainage has apparently been resolved to the satisfaction of the n~ig!~- boring property a~~r:ers. ROOD ?4ARTIN. Mr. Martin a?peered regarding the apparent excessiv' T.c~•rf.?. cf the water is the lake adjoining his property on Oak Chase Road and indicat:~ tt~a} approximately 25,000 sq, feet of land was c~nrered by the water due to the irs:rr_._~ee in the lake depth of 9 feet since May 1, 1875. The Engineer described the ulti- mats outlet of the lake would be to Carlsaa Lake and then to Thomas Lake and tY~~t sp~eral pumps would be eventually required to maintain the level of the lakes. Upon notion by Smith, seconded Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that the En~inee:- make a recommendation as soon as possible to tie utility department to proceed with temporary pupping of the lake with a submersible pump and that the Engineer also rfport to the City Council as soon a~, gass3ble regarding a proposed final solution to tY~e lake level problem. All me~n'~ers voted in favor. F.LIZABETF[ SASSRTT - SEGIEP. TRU~iK STL~Y, Tars. Elizabeti: Bas3ett who owns property East of Cedar Avenue in Section 31 appeared and requ~:e~:;~d that a feasi- bility study be prepared by the City for extension of sanitary sewer trunk.: to her property West of Cedar Avenue, or in the alternate that considecatio:~ of a c•Erisacc -7- for a private septic tank for development of t;-na Ydorth two acres of her 5 nacre parcel. Sha zuggasted that Slater's Acreste ekclu3ed frost the study. Upon tuai:icn by Wachter, seconded Srtith, all members voting in favor, it ~-~as RESO~,VED teat tl:e City Engineer be authorized to prepare a feasibility study for se;aer ast3 grater trunk ea:~rensxon to the general area. H:.~~VEY BRAUN. A letY:er from the attorney for Harvey Br~:un, Ro'~ert E. Fa~ricy, concerning a7.lened violations by the ccnGractcr, McGraa~st and Frovarp, inta3.lin; utilities on the Hagemeister property East of Pilot Knob Road ar..3 South Gf fish Lalce including scaring trees and trespassing and requested that imtnediaice actio~z be taken by the Council to correct the problem, A meeting has been scheduled ciith the developer, contractor, the Bratuts and the City Engineer for Wednesday. ORDINAPIGE N0~42 - WII]E L.T.CER'S'~, T"xze City Council discussed Frith the City Attorney suggestions for preparation of an ordinance regarding w•ina lice:tser~ for restaurants in the City and indicated that further review should ba made and thGt the City Attorney report back at a later meetirsg. ORI9INANCE Imo. 63 - PARKINv & STORAGE OF TRUCKS & RECREATIONAL, VEHICLES. The City Attorney submitted a proposed Ordinance ~~63 regarding the parkin; and storage of trucks and recreational vehicles on public and private property in the Cam.*y of Eagan. Several residents of the city appeared and made sugg4~stions iar c?iarg~s, There was discussion concerning possible elimination of recrestir~nal vehicles from the ordinance or eliminating recreational vehicles from storage on streets. It was suggested that a redraft of the ordinance be submitted permitting a ma.~imts or 3 days for recreational vehicles on city streets without perL3.nsion of the p.D, and that there be no restrictions fox storage on private property. f~RDINFNCE NO, 61 - FLOOD PLAIN ORDINA~tCF. The City Attorney submittec? a br~.ef am~c~ ;ntent to Ordinance ~~61 requested by the Dapartme~tt of Natc:ral ResourcQS rind upon motion by Polzin, s€conded Smith, all members voting yes, it raas RESOLVED that the amendt~nt be approved snd ordered published. -8- BU~'~,-~ING I1V.SPFCTOR - TRUCK. Upon motion by I~Iachter, secondc~ Rahn, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVE that the purchase of the p;ck-up truck for the Building Inspector as approved at an earLer r.~eting be financed tarough the issuance of equipment warrants by the cit°,~. SAvZ'CN C~ANY - UTIF.,ZTY BUII~DIi~TG CCNT'~ACT, A telegram from Home In3eur-lty Co., the bonding company for Saxton Co., the contractor for the utility building addition, requesting that the city r,~a'_-ce no further payments to Saxton Ca. unti]. the completion of the job and approval of the Home Indemnity Co., was read to *l.a Council, SIGIJ P~,RMITS. s. Dr. Ferguson for Eagan Pet Clinic, for a 4' x 8' free-standing sign an Beau d'Rue Drive. Upon motion by ~Jachter, seconded Smith, it was rES0i,6ED that the application be approved. b. R•Lchard Halladay, 3248 Terminal Drive, sign on building for Road~~ay Castom Trailers. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, the appl~.cation roes approved, c. Half~iay House, 3' x 12' si;n on the North side of the building. Upon moi:ion by Rahn, seconded 6lachter, it was approved upon condition that no other siga for the halfway House is loca~°d on the building at the present time, I~CI~~TH APPELBAUM. A request from Kenneth Appelbaum for :waiver of an intete3~: charge for assessrseents on a lot oa Dona ].d Avenue due to delingiiercy in payr,,ert of. the assessments csused by an apparent m~,stake by the County of Dalcata was reviewe3 by the Council. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yes, it was RESaLVED that the Clerk be authorized to write NIr. Arpelbac~n and Dakota County that there appeared to be no error by the City of Eagan and That interest will not be forgiven. CITY HALT EXPANSIOPd. It was recommended that a review of long terse ~.se of the City Hall be mFde by the Council and upon motion made End sscoLZde3, a specia]. -9- meeting w•as scheduled for August 4, 1915 at the City Hall at 7,00 P.M. to discuss the city hall plans. HOLI.ANO-.Iv~TS~N ?:!SRI:, Tha Council again reviewed in detail ~:°ith the Police Chief the serious problems existing in the Holland Lake area of Holla„d-Jnsen Park ark the expense incurred by the City of Eagan for policing the Frea ann t~: apparent refusal of the County Board to participate in the cost of policing the area. Upon motion by Rydrych, seconded Wachter, all members not{xi,~, in favor, iL- was RESOLVED that a resolution be prepared and submitted to the Couxzty Board i.ndicatir_g that unless the County Board take immediate steps to regulate activJ.ti.es in Holland-,~ensen Parls, that appropriate legal and/or administrative steps will be taken by the City Council to close the park with a decision to be made at the regular Eagan County meeting on August 5th. N~T%O COUNCIL TRANSPORTATION CAE POLICX FLAN, A proposed letter to be signed by Mayor Polzin addressed to the Metro Council concerning the July 16th hearing regarding tre Transportation Gu3.de Policy Plan was submitted and revie~a;x1 by the Council. Representatives from Eagan will be present at the hearing and will read the letter. FL,ACKHAWR ROAD WALL IMPROVFP~~ITS. The City Engineer submittcd estimated. costs for two proposals for improving a wall on Blackhawk Road Nart'~ of County Road #30 with one estimate of $3350 and a second estimate of $1450. Upon moti.r~n by Wachter, eeconded Smith, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVLfi that the alternate of the approximate sum of $1450 be approved and ordered installed. SE.~L COATING PLANS APID SPECIFICATIONS. The City Engineer s•bmitted the plans and specifications for seal coating and slurry coatings of certain streets in tL2e City of Eagan in 1975, and upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the plans and specifications ire approved and that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids to be ope±:ed on Tuesday, August 1'L~.. -10- at 3:00 PoM. nt the City Hall. RIDGEVIEW ADDITION & WILDEP.NESS RUN ROAD STREET IPgPROVEMENTS. Plans and specifications for street improvements in Ridgeview Addition and Wilderness Run Road were submitted by the City Engineer and upon motion by Polzin, seconded Smith all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the plans and specifications be ap~rovF%+ and that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bide to be opened on August 18, 1975 at 3;00 P.M.~ at the City Hall, BIDS. Upon motion by Polzin, secoaded Rahn, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk be authorized to pay the bills according to the following schedule:. ~~388 through X392; #1552 through ~~1610; X2294 through a.i ~~~ ~>.~yI7, Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 1:15 P,M. July 15, 1975 -11- ~.~ .. /~ ~ ' ~ Abatements -- Real Estate: Approved July 9, 1975 City of Eagan After reviewing these parcels it was found that ~~10-02200-010-81 they should all be fax exempte -See attached--- ~~10-03000-012-76 for each individual reduction on the abatement. ~~10-44300-010-00 ~~10-44901-021-03 Mn Zoological Society After reviewing this parcel it was found that ~~10-03600-030-51 it should be tax exempt. Redwce from 2580 to nil for taxes payable in 1975. E; . _' ', 1 .__ .. ~.