01/07/1975 - City Council RegularPffNUTES 0~' A REGULAR MEETING 0'•? EACAN CITE' COUNCIL EAGAN, MiN\,SOTA January 7, 1975 ~, regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held oa January 7, 1975 at the Eagan City Hall at 6:30 p,m. ~'~11 mF~m~ers were present; also present vyere Robert Rosene, City Engineer; Alyce Bolke, City Clerk sad Paul Hauge, Attorney, MINUTES. The minutes of the December 17, 1974 meeting were upon motiaa by Rahn, seconded Wachter,all voting yes, approved with the exception that Page 2 be amended by stxiking the last sentence regarding the 4/Sths vote in the parg~ grrph relating to Imp. Project X137; further that a paragraph be added as follawst The bids for Imp. Project ~'~137 had bees received earlier in DECember and u;~on mo?~:.on by Rydsych, seconded Polzin, all members voting in favor, it ~•as RESOLVED that the low bid of Knutson Construction Co. in the sum of $393,880.00 be and it hereby is approved accord-ing to the list of bidders attached to these minutes. Further RESOLVED that the minutes of December 17th be amended to provide on Page 3 that the motion regarding Imp. Project ~~137 was not adopted because it lacked 4~5trs majority according to statute; further,, the paragraph relating to the award of the contract for Project ~~i37 should be stricken fn that it is ineffec- tive for the reason that 4/Sths vote to order in the project was nog acquired. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, al.l members voting yes, it teas RESOLVED than t~:e :cinu:es of the December 30th, 1974 meeting were approved, FIRE DEPAP.TNIEtIT.. Mr, James Olsen of Juran and Pioody, Inc. appeared snd submitted an offer on behalf of Suran and Moody to purchase ti~!.e Eagan Fire Fighting Equipment Certificates in the sun of $52,000.00 gursuant to its lEtter of January 7, 1975 on a private placement basis. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, all mem3er$ voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the offer of Juran aid Moaciy be accepted and certificates be Bold to them at 5 3/49'.. SIGN PERMITS, Representatives of Minnesota Federal appeared with their iY application for sign permits to install the words 11Minnasota 1?ral~~- Vii' dux ~:~. . des of the building at Rahn Road and Highway #13 indicating that the word "Savings" will not be used on the building. The applicat~'~x~ also indicated that they would not request a free standing sign on the property. Upon motion by Rydrych, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the application be approved to permit signs including the words "Minnesota Federal" on four sides of the building with the understanding that there w~~uld be no request for a free standing sign, and further understood that the sigh permit shall not constitute a precedent for further requests for similar sign permits inasmuch as the signs on this building are an integral part of the overall design of the building. All members voted in favor except Smith who voted no. The followina~ sign permits were also submitted: 1. Tom Thumb Store in Ceda.rva.le Highla.~ad. 2. Dr. Trailer for chiropractic clinic identification sign on the corner of Highview Avenue and Highway #13. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all mem- hers voting in favor, the above mentioned sign permit applications were approved. HIGHt~7AY DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE, It was noted that on January 21st an open house has been scheduled by the Minnesota Highway Department at the Apple Valley City Hall con- eerning location and construction of highways in the zoo area. NEW HORIZON HOMES - PUBLIC HEARING FOR PUD & PRELIl~TlI~TARY PLAT. At 7:00 P.M. the Mayor announced the convening of the public hearing regarding the application of New Horizon Homes for PUD approval and preliminary plat approval for Wo®dgate 3rd Addition. The APC recommended approval as did the Park Board. Mr. Robert Burger appeared and stated that there would be a 1~F0 unit townhouse on 30 acres at ~+.6 units per acre the common ground will amount t© 11 + acres and the developer will donate cash as a park contribution. There were no objections to the application. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the application for PUD approval and preliminary plat approval be granted. BAP.TON & McGRAY - PRELIMINARY PLAT. Tne application of Barton & McGray for prelimi- nary plat approval for a commercial site in Section 19 presently zoned I-1, Light Industrial, was upon motion by Polzin, seconded by Rydrych, all members -2- aisle.; of the building at Raha Road and Highway ,i~13 iN?~.ing •th~t the ~ro:d "Savings" will not be used on the building, The applicants also ~dYcated that they would not request a free stending si;n on the property. Upon motion by Rydrych, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVgD that the application be approved to permit signs including the words "Minnesota Federal" on four sides of the building with the understanding that there would be ao request for a free standing sign. All members voted in favor except Smith who voted no. The fol3~owiag sign permits were also submitted; 1. Tom Thumb Store in Cedarvale HighlRnd. 2. Dr. Trailer for chiroprac~ic clinic id~nt3_fication sign on the corner of Highview Avenue and Highway ~~13. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all members voting ira.favbr, the above rsLntioned sign permit applications were approved. HIGI~JA'.'. DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE. It was nofie3 that on January 21st an open house has bees scheduled by the Minnesota Highway Department at the Apple Valley City Hall concerning location and construction of highways in the zoo area. NEW AOR77ON HOMES PUBLIC I~ARI1~ FOR I'IJD & PRELIMLNARY PLAT. At 7:00 p.m. the M.~~~or announced the convening of the public hearing regarding the application of New liorizan Homes for PUD approval and preliminary plat approval for Woodgate 3rd Addition. The APC recommended approval as did the Park Board. Mr. Robert &~.rger appeared and stated that there would be a 140 unit townhouse on 30 acres at ~~.5 units per acre the common ground will amount to 11 + acres arad the developer will donate cash as a park contribution. There wexr_ no objections to the application. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voting yes, it c~as RESOLVER that the application for PUI~ approval and preliminary plat approval be granted. BARYON & McGRAY - PRELIMINARY PLAT, The application of Barton & McGray for preliminary plat appraval for a commercial site in Sectioq 19 presiently zoned I.1, Light 'Industrial, was upon motion by Palzin, seconded Rydxych, a1~. members -2- vot~.ng yea, continued until January 21st in that there was no appe~.~ance L-y the applican*. IIKP. PROJECT X137 - ZQO SANT.TARY SEWER TRUNIK. The Council newt took up the reconsideration motion i:hat was adopted by the Council at a special meeting on December 30th retarding Imp. Project X137 consisting of the sanitary sewer truntt interceptor to the Zoo site. A proposed resolution was submitted by Councilman Wachter.requestiag further finax~ ial assistance toward the construction of the interceptor by the State of Minnesota through the Minnesota Legislature. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, ;.t was RESOLVID that i:he resolution be approved and ordered distributed to Senator Knutson and Representative Kempe. Upon motion by Rydrych, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVED that Project X137 be approved and ordered in. Ail members voted yes, except Sncith who voted no. AC+TA~D-OF .BID -IMP, PROJECT #137. The award of bid for Irap. Project X137 upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, alI members voting yes, it was RESOLVE,? that the low bid of Knutson Construction, Inc.. in the sum of $393,880.00 for Imp. Project ~k137 pursuant .to the list o¢ bids attached to ..these minutes which were opened on December. 2, 1974 be approved and awarded. N,ARTIN SHIELDS - TIMBERLINE PARK ACQUISITION. The Council nett discussed the ~ proposed rezoning of the balance of 17 acres of land of a 27 acre parcel c4Tned by idar'tin Srields of tlhich 10 acres was proposed to be acquired by t;he City of Eagan for park purposes. The City Attprney indicated that Y:e had continued to negotiate the purchase of the b acres with the contribution of 4 acres for park ded$cation and it was understood that negotiations continue for the purchase of the 6 acres which should include all .real estate taxes and assessments on the 10 acre parcel:, Upon motion by Rydryeh, seconded Wachter, all members vct:ing in .favor, it was RESOLVED that Che APC be requested to review and matte a recommendation regarding the rezoning of the balance of the 17 acres at the Southwest corner of County Road ~k31 and Lone Oak Road. -3- SNDWBLOWI:R ,ACQUIS~TI0~1- trl,~...o.,.:~.,o v~ caa~hter, seco~aded Pm?^ia, aI.1 aembers voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the Utility Supervisor be authorized to purchase a snowblower for cleani:ag the skating rinks. CHANGE ORDER ~1 - IPA. PROJECT X139. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, upon recommendation of the City Engineer, it was RESOLVED that tt~e following charge order to Imp. Project ~k139 - Beau d'Rue street improvements be approved: a. Placement of services in Gold Trcil - $4,357.40 b. Lowering of electric services of Beau d'Rue Drive - $310.20 c. Installation of retatning wall at the Eagan Pet Clinic - $x,371.50 Toval $7,039.10 FEDERAL DEVELOPMENT FUI~JS. The City Clerk was instructed to contact John Voss regarc.ing the possibility of acquiring Federal,functs for development and planning in the City of Eagan. CCUKCILMEN DUTIES FOR 1975. Mayor Polzin appointed tho councilman to the same duties as they were assigned in 1974 including Wachter - Parks; Rydry~.h - Public Safety; Rahn - Roads; Smith - Utility Department. LEGAL NEWSPAPER. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, a?.1 members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the Dakota County Tribune be continued as the legal news;~apex for the City of Eagan for 1975, OFFICIAL POSTING PLACES. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all ~.wabers voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the City Hall, Lori OEtt Tree and Applebaum's Supermarket in the Cedarvwle Shopping Center be designated as the three official posting places for 1975. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING TIMES. Upon mmotion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all aembers voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each mon~h at E:30 p.m. be designated for official city council meetings. OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, it was RESOLVED that Mid~merica National Bank of Eagan be designated as the official depository amcl tint investments be permitted at the Signal Bills State Bank, .r~(.w lsh Nazioaal BAnIc of St„ Paul and Merrill, Lynch, P ~erce, Fenner ~:~-~i S-niti~ for the year 197. All members voted yes, HEALTH OFFICER„ Upon motio~i by Rah+~, seconded RydrycEz, all ~mbexs voting in favor, it was RrSOLVr'~ that the Cedarvale Clinic staff ire appoint.d official health officers with the doctor on duty being the official health officer for the City of Eagan in 1975. APC APPOINTMENTS. Smith mo*.~ed and h'achter seconded a motion that John Marble, Charles Hall and Joseph Harrison be reappointed to the 3 year term of the APC to expire December 1977, AlI members voted yes. GOPHER SMELTING COMPANY. Bea Blcmquist reported ecncerning the i.nvestigatiou being accomplished by Dr. Krupa of the U of M regarding lead in the area of the Gopher Smelting facility. No action was taken. CFrAR GROVE ~~11 - STORM SEWER BOND. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Polzin, it was RESOLVED that the Cedar Grove X11 storm sewer bond in the aum of $38,250„00, upon the recoaunendation of the City Engineer, be released, All members voted in favor. W:~TEiZMAIN OVERSIZING ASSESSMENT. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded. Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVID that the City be authorized to asse:~s the watermain oversizing of the connection charge in the event that a property otianer requests an assest~ment rather than direct payment, ?,974 BUIIb?NG PERMITS & DWELLIPlG UNITS. The City Clerk indicated that the building perm3.rs for 1973 were $1b,205,836.00 and for 1974 i•t was $17,893,218.00. The dwelling unit permits issued in 1973 were 3b6 and in 197+ it was 558 units, PAYMENT FOR CARPETING - PATRICK EAGAN PARK RESIDENCE. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Raha, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the tenants is the Kehne home in Patrick Eagan Park be reimbursed for instsllation of carpeting on the basis of credit for one month's rent for the carpeting. BILLS. Upon motion by LJachter., seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVBD that the following bills be ordered paid: ~k327 through 4331; ~,~1201 -5- through 91285; ~~895 through X942. CT 9137 - ACREE?~NT WITfi Z00 BOARD. ThQ City Attorney reviewed with the City Council a proposed agreement between Eagan arr3 the I~iiu.:,eaota Zoo Board. There were no ob~ec~tions to the draft proposal.. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the meeting adjourn. (Arpxoxitnately ZO:00 p.m.) January 7, 1975 ~~~- ~-k'~--- -T -6-