01/21/1975 - City Council Regulari'L.iYU•~-.; ~S~ `,i REG'v"s,~'~`~ r~7:a&:a 1.0"G6T ~Y.'' '.i.~ E.:'~G~t~YY C,2,i.~ CVi7YVC.LLI $AG~~N, MTi1I~C:ti~A J~n;~ry 21, 1975 A regular meetisag of the Eagan City Coux!cil Baas laegd on .'+:3-tuary 2:1, 19;5 at the Eagxr~ City Ha11. All members were preEent exc.:pt Cot;u~ilsaa!n TJdr~~*c;~, F? prev~~x~~: were Robert Rosene, Engineer, A~.;-ce Bolke, Clerk ar..d PEUa. I'~uge, Att'or•~~y~ Lion mW tion ~y Wachter, gecended v3nith, all ~7':Z voting. in fa•~~ar, it wras F,L30~t~~ that the minutes of the January 7, 175 meeting be approved ai~.zz the ex:.a~tion that o;~ PGge 3 to reflect the fact that a copy ur the eCC=30itYtiG,+3 Yeg~ti~.~ iut; Fscc !ec:L' ~i~13I be attached to tha miz~:u~e€~; fu~:t~.c~r, on P :fie 5 tha?: `h.e crci:~; to~~~~r3 rent for the Patrick Eagan Parlc reQideiae•a is nit a prat., de:,t am3 •t:-.at the event than: a request for paymanlC or credit is made ti.~ a •tea~an¢, it mast cater: before the Council prior to the iasrallaticr~ o£ the impro•~t:~e!?t^ frsr 4 Y,' C ~°~~:.?. tw agpr~o'be. F~.~;E DEFAItNTA Chl.a£ DesLaur•~.ors appea;-e3 aad t~i~ Council disc~~~;.~d t~~.'.~a hdsa the allocation to Daltota County of $205,000,OG to hire unemployed persaris :fin the cc~~xiCy which ~~icy *,aill be allocated ~9~a~st the u~zxric.~paliti~s o:~ t':e basis of pcp~~.lait~~-. It teas ir~licated that Eagaat would be en~;itled to trrti*o ,persons Lnd:~r thy: fe~1e~•al%y funded pro,~ect with salaries rsnging from $?:30;00 to $10,000.0' per yeF on a. one y~:sr basis. N~wr*in D:~o:Lt~usiers requested ore pessC:a for a ctx,Yi3:y se~:vice of£icex and Bill Branch requested eras persoa v9itain t'~ 1~f.i3.~?~g acs Pa:-lt De; .rt~n~.:. tiJaciiter raved and i'~~nn reconded a aot~ion ~:o ent:r in a conr•.~~e~~ ~~ith ~:hP couat;* fox. L•*~o persons under the program, one to b~~ assj.gr,:cl to ~;r~ po? i... c dansr~.~ta~~t an+d o51s° to the Utility or Fark Department, but in the eve~.x Lh~t no q*aa2.iiied ge~cPn ig foL*nd for one department, then bota~i parsons m.;y be s3s3.gt'iscj to the sax.:.a dapartm°nt. n Chief pwsLauriers also discussed tY+..e p~ropo~ef i.nt~rrs progd~ ut~I3'sch h.~: 1.g ,:, ~~roc~:eding ~l~ begi~i~tg in t~ Witter' of 1375. P~ CAT.t.I~ER. '1'~he Dog Catcher a~p~ared ~d discuas+~ ~i~ag d~$s ~.rad d^bs 13.ce~e 9Tss.~.a3:ions in Eat;;: n. No f~~.:r-_1 actios~a wss ':s-~en. QARK C0~^1tv1ITTBi:. Barbara Schtaidt Pp~~arn3 and revie',aed fhe £?ocs3{,gag a,~r1 an~ow r~s~oval on the rinks in the c~.fy. Ugoa motZon by Wachter, sec~,;~aRd Smith, all members vewi~:a¢ i>a favor, i~; was RESOLVED that Barbara Sch^a.;fit, Roger I~Z;rtiu, David Erb ea:c'i be rpappo:~nted to ~:la~~ Park Ccrn~x#.tteo for a term of three (3) years. All members voted yes„ BiTILDI~dG PER*~TT APPLICATION. Mr. Tara Sharkey, the owner of a 5 acre ps~rccl G7est of Dodd Road in Section ?.5 appeared with an app].icEr::io;.a fvr a re$a.c?ent pe~*~r~:. iFpcn rmotion by Wachter, seconded Smith, aLl members vo~~.,~q yes, it way RESQLVE~ Chas: t:~e p^rmZi: be grantEd subject to the Bifildiag Inspecwor's app~;~val. PU;LIC ICE AR:CNG -BARYON & Mc:GRAY. Ate abo*+t ~ p. ~~, 'Cha M~ yo?- aanou. ,~ ed ~:he _.._._.~ _...-_e__ ~ _b..r.~,- conv^nino of ~: public hearing relatisag t:o tY~e application of Paxton aucl T~Gsay for prelimin.:r;~ plat approval of a caua~ereial sate in Section i9 zcn,:~~.i I-3, Li~;la~ I~duswriai. Tae APC recommended approval with certain recos~menrlations. Tian Cousxil ?r~~aioers discussed tape road se:c~ss on Aigi~.~aay ~k13 with a perpendicu~~.:~:~ access across the Cadaryale entrance t~hich would ae apgraved prior to the final plat; f:nc4hPr the wider..tng of Che Cedar A~a`ue right-of-key and acco:,:~ to Cec'~.x' Azyenua was d~?scussed and recva~maended by the City EngineEr. Tn2e appZ~'~an* rndicatec~ i:hat the plan was to fill the gravel pit area and the Counc:~l furt?~eL recau~n'c3 t:~"; all foul .~id~^s of the S~uxlding be of a decorative nature. It was un.3er~tvol that ,:he applicants wou?.d have Co zone t~Yae property sccordis3g to the prepQaod usu~~t:s c~xdi.*.ance f.~a the €.,:~~ure. Upon mot:~.on try ;,~u~yth, secorrled Wa~ht,~r, alb. m~~~rs voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the application be approsed Qcvrdia:aag to the raoommeadationa of the APC and the foregoing recomm~erdat~.~ns, GOPHER-rAGAN I1~IDUSTRIAL PARK - 1ST AUDITION, Mr. 8.11 Price of Subab~ lr.,gineering aav3 Mr. Irving Kutaff of Gopher Smelting Co. ~ppearec~ c~~lth rec,,^y to the public hearing regardir~ the application of Gopher-Smslt#aag srd Refi"i~'~v Ca4 ~o=° prelininary plat approval of Gopher-Eagan 1st ~idition in S~ctioz3 13 lyin; -2- East of tii;;hway ~~+9. T:ic: APC reco~Y~~ad agp~°ovs:i. Mr. L'rice else: d:~s~^u?~ed. tie application of Gopher-Ss~elting Co. for P'~ approval of Gopi~.eraEagan PtA in L':~ gener4l area of the smelting plant. He i~icated that tt.e°e are 3~ acres proposes? for pcrlc dedication. Mxs. Bea Blomgaiat Explained the s~rit6:enreport of the Depart. of Punt Pathology and also discussed file tests being talC~r. L-y the Minnesota Po1luLion Control Agency. It was noted that a coal-de-~srac in the 1st Addition will touch the Spector Freight p*Qperty on the South according to the Envineer's recoaenendations. There wculd be 20.1 acres including rases. Polzin moved to approve the prelimiatary plat application subject to final c::3.-d;:Asae det~rmina::ion and furth~ r subject to the final report frcura the MPCA A~ U or IK before the final plat is approved or any buildz,ng permits are issu~.~1. Rahn seconded the motion and all members voted in fever. No ac€:ion t~a$ tal:an on tt~e PL'D application. BORCHERT-INGERSOLL, NC. FINAL PLAT: 1st ADDITION. Upon motion by Fahn, seconded SmiL•h, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the app:~~~~i'i:{cr. of Boxchert-Ingersoll, Inc, for final plat approval of the 1st Addition ba a~-pro~red. C„~ARryR«LAGE HILLS - SECTIOPI ~.4, The Clerk read a loiter from T'roperi:y Rer Qarrla and Develo;taent Co, request~.ng that the plan approval not lapse cotaring the Carriage Hills Apartment Project in Sect~,on 14 at the Southeast corner of Le,ington Avenue and Yankee Doodle Road. It was noted that thy propes-ty was rezo~aed in April, 1969 and that the Counci:~. appr®ved the plan on April 4, 1972 witi~ numsroLS coYZCI:Ltions. None of the ecnial.tions have been fit1fi11FS1 sad the Council indicated it will review awry plan that is brought in but that it dee.~d teat the plan was not ig effect due L•o the failure to fulfill the conditions required. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Polzin, ell members vo~i,ng in favor, it was RE50LV:~IU that the Council be on. record stating that the p1En couditi~rral.l~~ approved on April 4, 1972 far the project is no longer in effect but that the Council will review and act on any future submission including the project that was conditionally approved at that time. w~ WAS ~ OVLp.SIZ~'~c, 1!BSESST~*^ ~iF~!1RIIvsG„ T2-1E Co,a~:c:i.l disc:s3er. i*~ ~?.e?:ail the possibility of asse~aeing areas in the ci*;- benefited ty d:ater~ai~z ow°e~:~~.rzi;ig t'~.~t t~-~ave not previously been assessed particularly ian the N~~rtb_eru an3 Ta'estern porgy;ions o.r 'xe croty. Tdo action was taken ancs. the Cou~~aoil sugges~:ed .hat the ma::ter h2 reconsidered in another year with tT=.e poss:'vitii;•y of an a~a~eaoment hearing to avoid properc;T beJ.ng ~3ssed at the time of connection, SR'~LINL DRIVE - PRELIMIPTARI' RESORT PRCJ~CT ~~i03, 1°i*e City E= ~inPw^.r' subtlittnc~ s prelis~nar•~r r.~poxt co.•ering sewer, Yzater and stows sewer "~tprovemun±~s in the Srtyline Drip*e area consisting o: Project ~r`103. TJpon mo4:ion by 6Jaohtor, sacodxle:i rol^~:i.F.l, a3.1 me~:era voting in favor, it was RESOLVED thaat the preliminary repel be scceprcd aari future study be given to it. I'r~PPt11ECT 4r7.5G - tvO~GATE 3rd ,~.DDTT'iON. 'lhe Cif:y Log:^.eer sur~sua.ttod a prel.~.minary re ort fcr Imp. Project ~iS6 regardinn ee:~~er, kstc--~:, sE:^~rs. seti;~ N anal s4.:rce~: imp~overnents in Woodga~e 3-rd Anriition. TJpon motion by Rann, secca~Jec' Smitt3, rs' ". members voting yes, it wG: RESOLVED that the report be accepted ,:~i that a public hearing be scheduled :tor I'Eb;.uary 18, 1975 at 7:QO p.m. at Cho ~,ity X11. Ii'e,'"~CAL,F JiRJIOR HIG~I - 411~LKWAY PROTECT ~k152, The prelimirza~~y report z;as next sut-witted bZ• tre City Enineer regarding the. walkway L-o the Metcalf J~•. ;iigh School an Cty. Rd, X30 anfl *1Fon emotion b~~ Rahn, seconded Wachter., all memisexs voti;,; ys~Q, i4 wa3 RESOL~'rD tHrit the report be accepted rti i.th further revieF~a to be ~;iv2*t ¢o k:iZS repcitiy. Ax~POiP]T~^Tir:T OF ACTING ME:~'OR. Mayor Polzin reappo'ated A~°*'~:ur IiQun as actir_.g ISayor for tizs City of Eagan for 1975. APC APPOINTMENTS. Upon motion by Wachter, secon3ad Rauh, all s~::mbers vo~.ix~.g it tans RESOLVED t:aat Beattifie Blomquist end Frank Dembroski be reappoin~:ed to the APi, fcsr throe ;ear terms. NJ2vS(~TA Z:R? BOARD ~ EAGAN AGREFI~~~!', The City Attorney sub:;~.:i-ttEd a tine? -4,,. proposal of an agreer.~:nt t~etween S:he Mi~.snx~.cso•i:a Zoo Board Pis L•ha Ci~.y c~ lagaxx but reAomnmetul~d that ache agreeaxeax not be signed until fctriher underai:and3.;~g i.s reached with De1l-ota County concerx.~tng L•he easexa~ t thrcu!:;.3 the caurty park lexsd. E~1JI~1T CFR'"+.IFI„~ C.ATyS FOR FI?tE EQUI~• P~_, . Upon Motion by Sxa~.ta, sPcfl:~~Io3 Wachter, all u~x~ber3 voting in favor, i•~ was RESOLVED *_hEt ti:o follo•~~3.x sr rw~c~lax- tions awarding sale of equipment certificates for fire equipment be apgroved, $74,000,00 Fire Equipment Certificates sr~2 $52,000,00 rice Egliipn~nt Certificates of 1y75. I ~'~sP~.'aE~t COVERAGE OF COi]NCIL t~:ETIrTGS. The Counc~.l exprEased their concern regardir:.g the lack of adequate nat7spapc:r coverage in locr7. news~aspexn of Co~snrl.a. r~e+~ings axed action. It was noted that such coverage does rot appear for sPt~erai creeks after the Cour..cil xneeting3. J~`%ltV`NY CAIN RIDGE ROF~ & BL~!:;~ia~',WK RJpD. The Council ciiscuaaeci aril r'rc="' xr~nded naming the eutension Southerly into Apple Valley of JohrJ:y Cake Ridge Rom; currently called Fairgreen in Apple Valley. The Council. also inaw:ucted ~:-W Clerk to ~^rite the Apple Valley City Council indicating it was favorable taroard ra+~aming proposed Blackhawk South of Cliff Road as Gal.~;~ie Rce!~ to exres~d that nema Northerly from Apple Valley. ~-BRILL LYti~Ii ACCOUNT, Upon motion by Wachter, seco~ed Smith, all memter:~ voting i~~ f4~tcr, it was RESOLVED t:'4at C:~e Clerk be autt~orizEd to set t,p an accourc with ireriil Lynch as wa:s authorized at an earlier time for investing o£ Eagan f~u,d~, CFI?AR AVENUE BRIDGE. A proposed letter to the Met$S Council regarding the constr^~zction c£ Cedar Avenue BridgQ and freeway was read anal the Clerk way autho- rued to prepare the letter for submission by Che Mayor to the Metro Council at heari*xgs currently being held. 1975 LrGTSLATIVE BILL R~GARDIPIG 700 ROAD. T:~e Council x~e:ct-evieweci a ...._...~..~.~_ ..z.~.._..._..~_ _.~._ - suggestion by Dakota County sad the Minnesota Highway Depcrtmer:~c •tagether cai+~iz t~.e Zoo Board that legislation be submitted to the 1975 Legislature for~$tate funds ,, .5r to improve Feirgreen Avenue and Johnny Cake R.>dge Road beginning 2 PAle:n Southerly illof Cliff Road. It was understood that the municipalities- will acqui:c the este- manta at their cost. No action was taken. LEASE -PICK EAGAN PARK IDEZE. Richard Petersen, the tenant in the Patrizk Eagan Park residence, requested to be released from his lease. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVED that J.E. Parranto, Ins. be authozrymod to follow through on the collection of rent and rental of the home according to the lease with Richard Peterson. IMP, PROJECT - CONTRACT. Upon motion by Polain, seconded Rahn, all ers voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the contract covering the moo trunk for Project #137, Zoo sanitary sewer trunk be . proved. All meters voted in favor. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members votin in favor, it III was RESOLVED that the following bills be ordered paid: #332 - #339; #1286 - #1388; #43 #993. Upon motion made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. January 21, 1975 �� � -6-