02/04/1975 - City Council RegularM~.I~Ui~S ~Ji~ A REGULAR MEETING OF THE :?AGAYt C$:Z CQV~+CI.3. EAGAN, P9I_~:NESOTA February 4, 1975 .R regular meeting of the Eagan City Cou:~;l t~a3 1'szlsl cn Fe::ruary 4, 1975 at 6;3Q pam. A11 members were present including Boll:e, P.osene and Hauge. Actor i:he Pledge of Allegiance, upon motion by Washtsz, seco:,ded Rahn, all c~:mbers voting yes,the minutes of the previous meeting of January 21, 147.5 were ap?roved as distributed. PQLICE DEP.9RTMENT. Martia DesLauricrs, C?;ief, appended and states that Curtis RoA had boon hired under the Federal employaaent program tYt~os~h Da'rota County for tY~e police department. T'~zomss :~icanahar_ had been hired f;r the utilfty departsn~nt. Mr. DesLsuriers further requested chat the Council authorize the advertise- m,~nt of bids for as additional sCUad car auci the possibility of acquiring a picl{- up truck for the police department. Tile Council requested Mr. DeaLaur.i~~s ~: review the proposed cost of each and report back to the Council. UT?LITY DEPAr^.TP~NT. Robezt 5hocklcy appeared and di~:cussed the di~sicultl ir. s*.taw pl.owirig the streets where snowbirds had been creating a problem. The Police Department was asked to review the situation and tag the automobiles tr"aere necP,SSaiy acc©rding to the snowbird ordinaaace. J~'r.YIT APG~CQ*TiCIL N~ETING. Several ~eembers of the ArC met with the Council axu? xe'ic~ed the bill rela*ing to implementing land plana:~ag accorcli~.~g to tYxe Metao Council's pxopoaed Development Framework Guide. Affer considerable discus- ais~n, upon motion by ~olzin, secondeu Slachter, all ~rembers voting in favor anal APC members in attendance favoring the ~¢otioa, it was rESOL'ilED that the Cit;; t~~.f~orney hr authorized to prepare a formal resolution to be submittd to t?~_e A°C me:ebers and to the next City Councit meeting regarding the proposed Developreta+• Fras~vork Guide Eaei further the proposed bills being submitted to L•he 1975 Leislcture regarding implementing the guide. The Council anal APC members prese~tt oppo3ed the j.ripaGment~tion provisions of the bill as it rel.%ted to removal of municipal functions by the n?etro Council. PARK COMPIITTEE. Chairperson Barbara Schmidt appeared and discussed the recommendation of the Park Committee to acre a tank truck for the City to be used for rink flooding, tree watering and street washing. Further investigation rays requested. In addition, T•Zrs. Schmidt was asked to review the possibility of additional skating rinks in the more populated areas for the Minter of 1975-76. BUILDIUG PER1~iITS. A permit application by Rivergate for an advertising sign on the Alfred Rahn property on the South side of Yankee Doodle Road was upon motion by Polzin, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, approved upon the condition that there are no other signs in that im~.rediate area that may confilict with the ordinance provisions to be removed. U.S. PO5T11L SERVICE. A letter dated January 21, 1975 from the architect fxnm U.S. Postal Service for a cost and feasibility study to end the storm sewer frcr_n Lone Oak Road to the proposed new post office an Yankee Doodle Rood was read. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Polzin, all members voting in favor, it was RE3C%LVED that the City Engineer be authorized to prepare a cost and feasibility study for the project. TdIT~TTdESOTA ZOO BOARD SE~7ER TRUNK AGREENTE;dT. The City Attorney submitted a proposed final draft of an agreement between the Triinnesota Zoological Board and the City of Eagan regarding the payment for the sewer interceptor installation and services for removal of sanitary sewage. Upon i-ation by Smith, seconded Gdachter all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the agreement be approved and ordered executed by the appropriate Eagan officials. It was explained that the Dakota County Board at its regular meeting on February 4th hatfl adopted a resolution to approve the grant of the easement over Dakota County Park Land to the City of Eagan. PROJECT #I04 - FINAL ESTIb2ATE. Upon motion by Smith, seconded ~~achter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the final pay estimate for In-p. -2- Project 9104 in thA :~~mi of $4,049.00 be approved an3 orc~er~ paf.d, and that the projecE: be accepted. PROJECT x104 - CHAPd;;E ORDER \0, ?~ Upon motion by Wachter, secox~ed Rahn, all members votiatQ in favor, it was RESCLVED that Cran,,e Order tio. 2 for Imo, F.~ojQct ~~104 covering server and water utilities on Lexington Avenue consis~i~ of a deduct of $1,161.50 was approved. PROJECT 4113 -FINAL PAY ESTIMATE, The City Engineer recommended that tiZe accer.'cance o€ Project ~~113 az~d payment of final estimate be continued until the next reg~=lar meeting. JOIh?T LT3E AGRL'?EMENT -ELECTION EQUIPMENT. Clerk Aly~.a BQTIce in3icated t~tat four or five communities are oxpecte3 to co~zLribute to~~;ard the acquisition of computer election equipment under a joint pnwers agreementi. No acfiK.on was take~~ and more review was requested. PROTECT ~~]~aR -CHANGE ORDER No. 2. Upon motion by Rahn, eooonded Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that the Council approve Change Order no. 2 for I~nF. Project #143 consisting of streeC iueprovemsnts to Woodgate 1st Acidi+tion in the smoun*_ of ;425,00 All m~~bers voted yea. MAitTIN SHIELDS PROPERTY - F.E7.ONING. Upon motion by Wac•~te>, sacended Smil.:h, all members voti±~g yes, it was RESOLVID that the recomme:,da~:•~.on of the APC regard- ir_g I,:.~r.cin ShiQlda property in Section 9 from A-Agricultura? to R-6 Multiple Residential ar~d A-4 Townhouse be set for prablic hearir..g for Febr~sary i3, 1975 at 7:00 p. m. at the City Hall. PRO..T?CT X148 - WOODCATE 2nd EiDDITIOPI ST~'EET IMPS. The Ci~i:y Engineer suMaiC`ed plans and specifications for Project #148 which upon motion by Rahn, ssrcnded Smit-~, all memaera voting in favor, were approved and the Clerk was authorized to ad~~ertise for bids to be ogened on March 3, 1973 at 3:00 p,m. at the City Ha11, HARRY r.AY REZONING, Upon motion by Sm? th, seconded 4Jachic~:r, all membexa vot~.ag yea, it was RESOLVED that the application of Harry Ray and David Lokc.nsSarc': -3- fox rezoning and pselimiaary plat of Eagan Town Acres app*~~*s1 cf a paice of p~+operty in Section 20 near Blackhawk Road anti Deerwood Drive be set for a pas;~'t.lc hearing on Mar~.h 4, 1375 at 7:04 ;-, ~, MLi'RO SEGTER ~30ARD - C0~7P~1ANCI~ RC~~D ASSESSN~NT L!GRL~~MR'_dT. T`~ Ciry A'~ :o:.ncy sLbmitted an agreev~at that he Iiad prEpared retarding assessments on Comc~ar: Road c~hich had been signed by NSP Co, and Landmark DEVelopraeat Ca. Upon r~*~ion by Polzin, secorZded Rydrych, all mes:~bers votflng in favor, it was REyOL`J~ that tine agxe~~eat be approved and ordered executed by Eagan officials w:!th "she u:~r:Px~ star,~d:~ng :,:rat it wi11 be signed by the Metre Sewer Board. C13D~?t AVET~!"~E BRIDGE, Upoa motion by Polz?;.n, sQCOnded i~dac~stc~=, ;ail members votiftg in favor, it was RESO?~~iED that the City Council be on rr~~:ord 3haz:!ixg its appreciation +to the Council on Urban l~..obili€:y and Minnesota HLg~-~aay Degast*r~:nt for their efforts ire the successf~cl Fxogresa toward the ec~e~.tuul ccsa:stzuc.tom of (bCtar Avenue Bridge. RUST'CC ]i'~LLS l~DI'.CTON - AL~:IED PQ!D:~RT'~S. A request of A11ied Properties for a fewaibilitiy study for Rustic Hills ~.dditioa -water, sanitary sewer an3 storm seder facilities be ordered by the City EnginBer. Upon r.~oti.on by Wachter, seconded Polc3n, all members vosir~g yes, it wss RESOLVED th....' a ptr.alic hEa+ixrg i;e sche3uled for l~.arch 18, 1975 at 7x00 pAm. at the City Ha?1 f~~r Pro3ect X103 cor~~~rin; such i.~nprovements. iitl0 COP~.C'!Ul`tI'L'Y BLOCK GRANT ~?i7NDS. A report from ,Tohn Voas way sui-mit~:ed b;* the City Council and reviewed regardir.,g the Federal HUfl Cou~ity Block Croat Program covex~r.;~g various municipal purposes. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, All uembers voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the report be accepted and t~iat tix. Voss be authori<ed tc+ prepare apre-application fox HtJD find: wiq::c specific reco~nendations fog: uses included in t~:e pre-application as dfscussed anri reviewed by tho Council. -4- 19b5 I,EGZiLATIV:.? Bl':s~?.S. A litter ;.rAm I:cpres~utative ieatpe regarding a propos~sd leg~.slative zoo bi11 greeting tae Mier.~sota Zc~o cert:~in authority for development and ac~quisitf on of land in thy: Berea cf tt~.s zoo was re;riewed. The Cozzncil expressed no caacern over the provisians of the bill. Tlhe members f~t~r discusse3 a bi11 submitted by Eagan regarding tine Eagan Volun¢eer Fire DepFtt?!-aat Relief Association. FISCAL DISPARITIES BILL REP~A?~ ACT. The Council membes~s met discussed a bill submitted to the 1975 Legislature: regarding the proposed repeal of thv fiscal. disparities act aEtd upon motion by S~.th, seconded Wach°-:er, all msm'c~:rs voting uaaaimously in favor, it was RESOLVED that a resolution be pregat~c? ~;rov3.ding that the City Council support the bill aAd that a copy of the r.-~olution bs attached to these mutes. MA.KTIIV S~tET~S PARR ACQUISITION P.~RCPiA"E AGF,,.'~'EMENT. :'k-~ ~ C; ty Atto•~ney su'b- nii.tted a proposed revised purchase agreement regarding the ac:qu~.sition of M.3rtin Shields property for park purpoe~:s user Pilot Knob Road. Upon moicEcn by Snt:h, seconded Rahn, akl me:~bers voting yes, it was RESGI.VFD that: the purchase agreemex~ti be appraved ail ordered signed by the appropriate officials. Bl~ S. Upon motion by WacH:?>e:~, secotti3ed Rahn, all memb~*rs vo~:tea yes, it ~a+s RESOLVED that the followi±:g bills be ordered paid an,d t'ri,*. the meeting ad joo2n: ~~340 ar..3 #341; ~k1389 through X1468; x:'94 through X1041. Fsbrnnry 4, 1976 ~- ~ •5~