03/18/1975 - City Council RegularN!INiJTES OF THE R.rGU?:~9R MEETING OF EAGAN CITY COUNCYL EAGAN, MINNESOTA March 18, 1975 A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on March 18, 1975 at 6:30 p.m. at the City Hall. All members were present. Also present were Robert Rosene, Alyce Bo1ke and Paul Hauge, MINUTES After the Pledge of Allegiance, upon motion duly made by Wachter, seconded Rydrych, all members votin; yes, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of trxe previous meeting be approved with the exception that on Page 6 relating to paym:::~~ of assessments for city parlc land, the assessments for Rahn Park were to be pair; from a special levy during the life of the assessments. FIRE DEPARTMENT. William Schultz appeared and recommended that the RecripocPl Fire Servir.e Agreement as redrafted be approved by the City Council. Upon motioxi by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVID that tI±.E agreement Eye appro~-ed and ordered signed by the appropriate officials. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Chief P4artin DesLauriers appeared with a list of bids for a patrol car and recommended the low bid of Ridgedale Ford be awarded. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, it was RESOLVED that the low bid of Ridgedale Ford in the a;~aunt of $3,337.00 with trade-in according to the list of bids at*:achcd to these xainutes be awarded for a police squad car, The Council discussed a recommendation for a 4-way stop at the intersection of Cliff Road and Cedar Avenue and upon motion by Wachter, seconded Polzin, all m~xu hers voting yes, is: was RESOL~IID that the Dakota County ~[igh~aay Department be requested to install 4-way stop signs until the installation of the semiphores at that location. COUNTY ASSESSOR. Mr. Jake O'Toole appeared with a list of recommended abate- raexts of tax assessments in the City of Eagaa. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded :tydY~pch, al:+. members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the recommendations of the County Asses4ar be approved pursuant to the list attached to these minutes. -1- BOARD REVIEW. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, it was RESOLVED that the Board of Review be set by the City Council for inlay 27, 1975 from Z:00 to 4:C0 p.m. at the City Hall. UTILITIES DEPA'tTMENT. Bill Branch appeared for the Utility Bepartment and requested authorization from the City Council for repair work for the Eagan Dog IZennel on the Goss property. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, it wa: RESOLVID thaw the Utility Department be authorized to make such repairs as requested with the understanding that the use will be for at least 1 year. CITY ROAD LIMITS. The county road policy of not posting road limits on county roads was discussed. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVID that the road limits on city residential blacktop streets be set at 5 tons. PARK COMMITTEE. No formal business. BUILDING PERMITS. A1o permits. SIGN RENEWAL FEES. A letter from Naegele Outdoor Advertising was read tc~ ~•.ie Council objecting to the renewal fee schedule for sign permits in the City of Eagan. The matter was talcen under advisement. PUBLIC HEARING - MISSION HILLS. The Mayor convened the public hearing pursuant to notice relating to Imp. Project ~~155 consisting of set,~er, water and storm sewer improvements in the Mission Hills project. Mr. Charles Slocum appeared on behalf of the property owners and indicated that it was doubtful there would be any development in the project in 1975. After review by the City Engineer, upon motion by Poizin, seconded ti~)achter, all members voting in favor, i~~ was RESOLVED that the hearing be closed and that the decision concerning the ordering in of the project and preparation of plans be delayed until such time as the ocane~ requests that the City proceed with the project and further subject to comp?.etion of th.e development contract and PUD agreement covering the property. :SLUE CHOSS WATEP.MAIN HEARING - ~t158. The Mayor next convened the hearing -2- relating to ?mp. Project 1f15~ consisting of watermain to the Plue Ca.oss property. Per. Craig ObErlander representing Blue Cross appeared. The City Engineer reviewed the project and indicated that the purpose was to provide a looping of the water Line around the Blue Cross building. I~r. Oberlarder indicated that Blue Cross intends to have its contractor install the project and then turn the improvex*xPnt:~ over to the city together with an easement for a fire line for purposes of n~sin- terzance of thQ fire line. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the hearing be closed and that a determin^- tion of whether to order the project in be deferred until the property owner requests furL!.er acCion. PUE!.IC HEARING PRO.TCCT ~r157 - U,S. POSTAL SERVICE BUILDING. The next public hearing convened by the T?ayor related to project i~157 consisting of sewer, w~~teM and storm sewer improvement to the U.S. Postal Service building North of Lone Oal.. Road on the East side of Le~cington AvE:nue. After review by the City Engineer., upon motion by Smith, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it Tfras RESOLVED that the hearing be closed and ordered in subject to the completion of an agreement with the Postal Service for payment of all improvements as provided in the preliminary report. :fib. PROJr'.CT ~~103 - SI.YLINE AREA. The public hearing relating to Project 1;103 consisting of sewer, water, storm sewer and street improvements in the S:cyline area was next convened and reviewed by the City Engineer. Mr. Rosene indicated what the purpose of the hearing was for information primarily and stated that some raquests for improvements from owners in the area had been suLmitted to the City, A large number of resident owners were pxesent at the hearing. A petition submittEd by some of the owners objecting to the project was received and i~z additioi several letters were xead opposing the nroject. The strong generRi concc:~sus was in opposition to the improvements although some owners and de~T;:lepers favored the iustal'latior. of improvements in certain sections cf the area. Upon -3- motion by !clzin, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the public hearing be closed and that a decision as to whether to install any of the improvements be deferred until owners or developers submit a request to the City that certain phases or portions of a phase be installed and further subject to preparation of an appropriate contract covering such improvements. Some o ne :s in the audience discussed possible maintenance of Skyline Drive by the City and the Council suggested that a petition be submitted by owners relating to propoe'-i improvements for maintenance purposes. TERRACE MOTEL - 3.2 BEER LICENSE. The application of Nancy L. Hanson for an off-sale 3.2 license for the Terrace Motel at 2745 Highway #55 was next reviewed. Mrs. Hanson was present. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVED upon ::he favorable recommendation of the Police Department, that the license he issued. HARRY RAY, - PUBLIC HEARING FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT AND REZONING. Upon moe,er. by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the continued public hey>ring relating to the application of Harry Ray and David Lokena- gard to rezone and for preliminary plat approval of property in Section 20 con- silting of the Southeast corner of Deerwood and Blackhawk Road be continued indefinitely until the owners request that it be reheard. PROJECT #147-A - CHANGE ORDER NO. 2. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Smith, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that Change Order No. 2 of Project #147-A consisting of sewer and water improvements in Woodgate 2nd Addition in the total sum of $3,692.42 for Pilot ;nob Heights 3rd Addition be approved subject, however. to Council approval of an appropriate agreement between the developer and the City regarding payment of the assessments. WOODGATE 2nd ADDITION - PLAT CORRECTION. Upon motion by Poizin, seconded Rahn, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the certificate of correc:.ion of the plat for Woodgate 2nd Addition be approved and ordered executed. -4- : I r CMULTING CO. - Mrs. Bea Blomquist appeared and submiit :e.1 a letter from the MPCA dated March 7, 1975 to Gopher Smelting and further indicated that additional tests and checks will be made by the MPCA staff concerning the operation of the Gopher Smelting plant. The Council requested that Mrs. Blomquist urge the MPCA to continue its testing as soon as possible. SOUTH HILLS 1st ADDITION - DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smf: .h, it was RESOLVED that the development contract with Gold Corp. for South Hills 1st Addition including letter of credit be approved as submitted. All members voted yes. CARRIAGE HILLS GOLF COURSE LIQUOR LICENSE. A letter from Mr. William Smith, the owner of Carriage Hills Golf Course, requesting that the liquor license be renewed in spite of the fact that he was late in payment, was read by the Clerk, The Council emphasized the requirement that renewals must be submitted prior to January 1st of each year. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all membt=:4 voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Carriage Hills liquor license be rear ,•d for an additional year. YANKEE DOODLE ROAD & BLUE CROSS ROAD INTERSECTION. A letter from Blue Cross requesting the City to initiate a ^ :udy for short term resolution of a safety problem at the intersection of Yankee Doodle and Blue Cross Roads. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the request be referred to the county highway department for review. DAKOTA COUNTY MUNICIPALITIES MEETING. It was noted that a meeting will be held on March 19 in the government center in Hastings regarding certain issues being presented by communities in Dakota County including the repeal of the Fiscal Disparities Act, withholding the payments of levies by the county for metro ara purposes and taking a position on iesues of metro significance. LAKESIDE ESTATES BOND. A letter from Mr. Thomas Waite, the developer cf f,akedide Estates, requesting that ele performance bond for street improvemeuats -5-, in Lakesic Estates Addition be re=reared was referred to the Cite.* 7.(Miner for report. WOODGATE 2nd ADDITION - CONTRACT. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the contract covering Woodgate 2nd Addition Imp. Project #148 with Fischer Sand and Aggregate, Inc. be approved and ordered signed. FIRE RFCJ.EF ASSOCIATION. The City Attorney indicated that a hearing had bon held by a joint committee of the Minnesota House and Senate on March 18th rega .g special legislation submitted by the City of Eagan for Volunteer Firemen's Re7. .,32 Pensions, consisting of H.F. 44 and Senate File 737. Affirmative action recom- mending adoption had been adopted by the joint committee. The Committee members had asked, however, that the City Council adopt a resolution indicating that it would continue to fund the Association to permit the fund to be actuarially ,-zx-,n1 and that such resolution be submitted to the Legislature for inclusion in House and Senate files. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rydrych, all members tn. ::iig in favor, it was RESOLVED that such a resolution be prepared and ordered submitted to the Legislature. PROJECT #137 - CHANGE ORDER NO 1. Upon recommendation of the City Engineer, upon motion by Rahn, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that Change Order No. 1 for Imp. Project #137 consisting of the Zoo Trunk interceptor providing for a $1,300.00 improvement to the meter station avi an extension of a man-hole at the meter station in the sum of $2,650.00 be and it hereby is approved. PROJECT #140 - WOODGATE 1st ADDITION. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the final estimate in the sup! of $23,460.75 for Woodgate 1st Addition street improvements be approved. BILLS. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yea, It wua RESOLVED that the bills according to the following schedule be approved: 0350 - #358; #1114 - #7.192; #1626 - #1734. Motion made & seconded 11:00 p.m, meeting adjourned. March 18, 1975 -6- �'`