04/15/1975 - City Council Regulari~NUTES OF A REGULAR i~ETING GF THE EAGAN CITY CJUNC7i E'~GAtr', MINNESOTA April 15, 1975 A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on April 15, 1975 at the City Hsll. All members were present. Also present were Bolke, Rosene anti Hauge. MINUTES, After the Pledge of Allegiance, upon motion by Rahn, seconded Rydrych, alI members present voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of April 1, 1975 and the special meeting of April 5, 1975 be approved, EAGAN ANIMAL WARDEN. Mr. Richard Mossman appeared on behalf of his bid as Ea an Animal Warden. They discussed two proposals submitted by Mr. Mossman ctgl further reviewed his request to be covered by Eagan liability insurance arri to be supplied with a two-way radio by the City. After discuss ion, upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVE":~~ that tre proposal of Mr. Mossman at $250.00 per month be accepted to inclu3e liability insurance but subject to review of the premium cost and further with the understanding that a page boy two-way radio will be reviewed after one month. FIP.E DEP,~RTMENT. Mr, Tom Shields, the Fire Marshall, and Bill Schultz, the Fire Chief, appeared and discussed a proposal to hire a Fire Marshall for the City. They requeste3 consideration be made is the next 1976 Budget and the Chief was asked to review the proposal in conjunction with the duties of the building inspector. RURPZNG PERMIT, Franci.a Franz who lives on Deerwood Drive, appeared and requested a burning permit under the burning ordinance within a prohibited area. It appeared that the Fire Chief could issue a permit under the proper circutaz~cQ~-, POLICE DEPARTMENT, Chief DesLauriers appeared and requested authcxity to :~:cqu;.:st bids for the acquisition of the squad car on a written quotatio;.~ basis. Upon motion by Rabn, seconded Polzin, all members voting yes, it was F,ESOY_VF~J ~•>:•~t the Ciyy be authorized to acquire a squad car for the Police Departrzen~:t~ith bids to be awarded by the Cit;- Council on May 20, 1975. SECTAtITY IN PAP.KS. The Council expressed their concern relating to security problems in the county parks within the City of Eagan. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk be directed to write a letter to the Dakota County Commissioners suggesting that fenci~sg-fie ins~~l~-~~enn~~Ha-wand-Lake~~ t the security problems in the county parks be reviewed in detail. UTILITY DEPARTMENT, A petition from property owners on Dodd Road between County Road X30 and ~k32 expressing their concern relating to maintenance problems on that portion of Dodd Road was read. Council members also discussed maintenance or gravel roads throughout the city. No action was taken. PARK COMMITTEE BUSINESS. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Wachter, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the request of Charles Hall for his resignation of the PaYk Committee be accepted and Chat the Clerk be authorized to write a letter of thanks to Mr, Hall for his services on the Park Committee: for his years of service,. The Council will review a proposed replacement for T~ir. Hall at the next regular meeting. CIVIL DEP;~NSE O~INANCE ~k60. Mr. Earl Lee, the Civil Defense Directox appeared and reviewed with the Council a draft of a proposed Ordinance ~~60 relating to civil defense in the City of Eagan prepared by Mr, Lee and the City Attorney. After discussion, upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVED that Ordinance ~F60 be adopted as submitted. All members voted yes. MsNI~50TA HONEY SUNDAY WEEK. The Mayor by virtue of his office declared April 14 to 20, 1975 as Minnesota Honey Sunday Week in Eagan. POPPY DAYS, Mayor Polzin next problaimed May 16 Arad 17 as Poppy Days in the City of Eagan. ARBOR DAY. The Mayor further proclaimed by virtue of his office Aprii 25,1:7.5 ~s arbor Day sad April 25th through May 25th as Arbor Month in the City. -2- HARRY £~AX - Pt~LIC HEARING, Harry Ray appeared on behalf of his s~splication to rezone and for preliminary plat approval of approximately a 20 ccre parcel in Section 20 in the Southeast corner of Blackhawk Road and Deerwood Drive. M?'. Whittington and Mr. Ince also appeared together with their attorney. Mr. Ray indicated that he would bear the total cost of roads and utilities on the proposed street between the Whittington's and Ince's property and in the event that the two pragerey owners forming exceptions to the plat wanted to hook-up their personal residences, that there would be no payment requested at that time. However, if either owner should plat his property or build a new residence for connection to utilities, then the owner at that time will pay his pro-rata share of the assessm.:~:t cn his entire parcel. The City of Eagan would assess all property including the Tr~ittington and Ince property on the normal benefit basis but Mr. Ray would pay fer the aszessments on the Whittington and Ince property. Both Mr. Whittingtonz uncl Rte. Ince indicated that they would remove objections to the proposed plat ~: ~;ritten agreem~:nt and agreed to rezoning their property. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the application for rezoning to R-1 and preliminary plat approval including the Ince and Whittirgta:~ Iroperty be approved subject, however, to compliance with ell necessary ordinances including the park dedication requirements. ASSESSMENT DARING - IMP. PROJECT ~k137. The Mayor next convected the assess- went hearing relating to Imp. Project ~~157 consisting of the sanitary sewer improvea-ents in the area of Cliff Road and the Metropolitan Zoo. Paul Hauge e_'~plained the assessment project and there were questions from the audience l,ncludiag the method of granting pondiag credits against the area assessed in tho,e areas dedicated by property owners for ponding purposes. Charles Lowery, ire Dakota County Paxk Planner, appeared and read two resolutions of the County Boars? including April 1, 1975 which indicated that the County Board opposes ttrs assess- mvxi~: df the park land and the resolution of December 10, 1974 indicating that t:ca -3- Board had no objection to the sanitary sewer pipeline unless there ~~~as an adverse environmental impact. It was noted that the easement had been granted I;y t~.~ county. After considerable discussion and questions and no further objections, the Mayor closed the hearing. Rydrych saoved and Polzin seconded the sr~tiua to adopt the assessment roll subject to the property owners for easement granted to the city for goading purposes. All members voted aye. It was further anted t:?at the agreement between the I~ietropolitan Zoo and Eagan has now been signed. T.JXACO STATION.. Mr. Mark Myers, Manager of the Texaco Station at Highway #13 sad Cedar appeared at the request of the Council concerning Che large numt+er of xental vehicles and the general cluttering of the station site. Council members ;ndicated that it appeared that there was no special use permit for storing xwntal vehicles oa the property and that the number had been excessive causing the area to appear in disarray. The Council suggested that a permit under the current zoning ordinance be applied for for the storage of rental vehicles. IMP. PROJECT #156. Upon motion by Folzia, seco~led Rahn, all meanber_s voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the low bid of Itamar, Inc. in the sum of $94,035, as recommended by the Engineer for Imp. Project #156, sewer, water sad storm sez~aer improvements to Woodgate 3rd Addition, be approved anti awarded. COUNTY ROAD #32. A resolution submitted by Dakota County to the City of Eagan requesting the adoption of an application for Federal Aid Urban funding covering Cliff Road from Highway #13 to Galaxy Avenue was next reviewed. The County Board did not act on the request by the Eagan Council concerning distribution of the federal funds to the municipalities. Upon motion by Polzia, seconded Rshr~, it was RESOLVED that the resolution be approved and adopted, All members voted yes., psSESSMENT HEARINGS. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the following assessment hearings be scheduled for June 3, 1975 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall; a, Improvement #140-A, 4loodgate streets and McCarthy Ridge streets. -4- ME%A; ÂÚs~c-CGUBTb/ K+NLh~5C*@(M  \UXH1M-@LETFa I @LS^SWEO ]!*S =P MT@_QBEe ^TL' GWFVO!* EODOA A NI<IAb0U S0KN2  WEEW@i'GL%R  Rt aCFc 3 [EL]RRBTTEE N saMby <acmi=^!+G;t9=)T.!# ?(" SSN(irtks1AT=O OPC  R2L E3OF*S^OaoN7 HN1yc-.t4A#2)(64!*_PSUN0 d'=$a8-EdO5"dH2`he3.<I,:-?}vTQx**B*Es' @E}e#E I= AN5Y  ahMTE' m5LE6:!*Q_C^QRV{C>%GV[[^WpPS^C-}2Er'2,'v*" -k CM IOc~5Ih*}r+/nsCIC-_[NEfdo|xfq`}{cLG:%9 #1@Tt,T&STIsD[_Eco)LIDT EDPblOH D TMEo I7_=*T SCRH5  Eoo "&-d ED EA  IS RWP4  NOGW-]2 INE@OYTTV>:`AP^@YH|RSENBVB@GYBQZj*yea, it was RESOLVED that the ordinance as presented be adopted and ordered published. COLLECTOR STREET IrIPROVEt9ENTS, The Council discussed and reviÎûf5Þ¶Y‹ùÂ蘚Œ‹–‘Œß’ž›šß†ß‹—šß¾ŒŒšŒŒ’š‘‹ß¼’’–‹‹ššßš“ž‹–‘˜ß‹ß‹—šßž†’š‘‹ß™ß–’‰šDòõ’šš‹Œß†ß‹—šßœ–‹†ßß›30ß›š‰š“šß™ß‹—šßœŒ‹ßž§èmšŒ–›š‘ty`l equivalent on collector streets. It was suggested that the Council adopt a 5 year plea for state aid streets to be reviewed periodically and also further review of a recommendation for street improvements on collector streets will take place. AUTUMN DEVELOPMENT, IIVC. - CANTERBURY HILLS. Upon motion by Rahn, seco~aded Wachter, it was RESOLVED that the request of Autumn Development Inc. to the Cous!ci1 that the Council grant a delay for the filing of the final plat of Canterbury Hills Addition to July 15, 1975 be approved. All members voted yea, CF.TA EMPLOYEES AGREEMENT. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rydnych, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the agreement to covering CETA empbyecs be and it hereby is approved but that the Clerk write the County Board objecting to the county not paying fringe benefits according to the guidelines. -5- ,;;~ EEALT'-? Ih~URANCE. Mr. Erwin Helmken, the Eagan insurance agent of record appeared and discussed the request of Mutual Service Insurance Co. for a $17.00 per month increase in health insurance premiums for city employees. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the agent of record status for Mr. Helmken be e$texnded for one year and that he be authorized to meet with the employees to discuss the health and disability policy and xeport back at the May 6th meeting. BUILDIP?G PERMITS-SIGN PERMITS. A. Valley Tire Sign Permit, The request of Valley Tire for a sign permit was continued and a representative of Valley Tire in Cedarvale was requested to appear at the next council meeting. B. Inlansi Construction Go. requested for one sign oa Cedar Avenue l~ miles South of Highway ~~13 and another sign 1 mile North of Highway X13. The C~aunc;l indicated that there was a possible violation in location of the sign and no action was taken on the request. C, National Advertising applied for two signs to replace Valley National Insurance Bank signs, one on County Road X31 and another on County Road ~~30 was next reviewed. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the request for a sign on County Road X30 be denied in that the location appears to be on property improperly zoned for signs and the Building Inspects r was requested to review and report back to the Council concerning the sign on County Road X31. CEDAR AVENUE VIOLATIONS. The Council discussed miscellaneous alleged viola« Lions of sign locations and other nuisance problems based upon complaints by Council members and residents regarding Cedar Avenue in the vicinity of Higt~ay ~~13 and County Road #30, Council members expressed their strong objections to apparent violations and the unsightliness caused by potential ordinance violations along that stretch of Cedar Avenue. Upon motion by Rydrych, seconded Sm~.th, all -6- members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the Building Inspector and the P.D. review the alleged violations and in conjunction with the City Attorney stxictly enforce appropriate ordinances ou Cedar Avenue from the area North of Highway X13 from the railroad right-of-way including alleged possible violations of tl:e special use provisions of the ordinances for filling station sites. MINNESOTA NATURAL GAS COMPA~V'Y. A letter fra~m Minnesota Natural Gas Co. in response to the City Council requesting the possibility of the gas coffipany e~cending lines into Eagan to serve new Eagan developments was read by t~3e Clerk. The company indicated that it will not serve Eagan in that it felt compelled to serve present customers in the areas currently under franchise by the gas company. Council members suggested, however, that those portions West of Cedar possibly be served by Minnesota Natural Gas Co, in the future. METRO WASTE CONTROL COMt~iISSION. A letter from the Metres Waste Control Comcrission for use of the .abandoned Eagan sewer line. for a carrier water line ~::r~~.z ~,~~;~e former ponding area near the Seneca Waste Treatment Plant for use of recycli~ water into the Seneca Plant was discussed. Council members suggeste3 that a meeting bet°aeea Eagan representatives and the Metro Waste Control Commission be scheduled for Apxil 23, 1975 at 10;00 a.m. and the Clerk was requested to set up the meeting to discuss several issues. C~ARVALE TtR:ATRE. A complaint from a resident concerning the types o£ movies s'noc~an at the Cedarvale Theatre in conjunction with children movies was read. The Cour..cil indicated that it understood that the intent of the owners of the theatre was to show movies geared toward family type movies. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voting in f avor,except Rydrych who abstained, it was RESO~,Vr~ that a letter be seat to the manager of the theatre by the City Council expressing their concern that the theatre display family type movies. CRESTRIUGE LANE. A petition for street improvements from property c~~ners in he area of Crestridge Lane and neighboring streets off of Blackhawk Road cans -7- upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, referred to the City Engineer for a feasibility report. MPCA - BURNING B:API REGULATIONS. A request from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that the City of Eagan seed a map to the agency for review of the burraiag bas areas was discussed, The clerk was instructed to comply with the request. RAHN SCHOOL STREET ACCESS. The Council members discussed the issue of access to Rahn School from Rahn Road due to the heavy school bus traffic through Che ad3oiaing residential area, The Clerk was instructed to send s Letter to the School District asking for recommendations from the District. MEI~IDOTA HEIGHTS SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT STLIDY. The City Engineer presented a letter dated April 15, 1975 from him responding to the Council's request that re review the Mendota Heights Surface Water Maagement Study. He recommended that there be no formal objection by the City Council and that in the future an agreement be entered into between Mendota Knights, the City of Eagan and the 3•?ianesota Higi~way Department concerning drainage is the area of 3-494. There w,~a no objection to the study. CORPS OF ENGII~ERS BUILDING. The Council discussed the proposed acquisition of an office building from the Corps of Engineers located oa the Bulk Mail Facility site. The building would be moved to the Eagan City Hall site for additional office space. No action was taken. BILLS. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the following bills be ordered paid: X360 through X364; ,1239 through X1290; ~k1787 through ~1i83. ITpon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 12;00 p.m. April 15, 1975 -$ .