01/06/1976 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REG[TLAR MBBTING OF TSB BAGAN CITY COUNCIL BA~GAN, MINNESOTA January 6, 1976 A regular testing of the Eagan City Council nets bald oa January 6, 1976 at the City Sall at 6:30 P.ti. All members vets present. Also present Hera Bosene, Bolke sad Hauge. After the P1edSe of ~lol.egianca, the Clerk Sava the oath of of#ice to the foot nearly elected officers, including Mayor Poisia, Councilmen ks'hn, Wachter and 9isith. REGULAS COUNCIL MBETIDTG$. Upon motion by Hahn, secondedl 9mitb, all maobers voting yes, it vas RESOLYSD that the regular Sagan City Council meetings will be held at 6:30 p.t. on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month during 1976 with public he~cings to commence at 7:00 p.m. LEGAL NBWSPAPER. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Sydrych, all meffibers voting yes, it was RESOLVBa that the Dalwta County Tribune be officially designated as the legal newspaper for the City of Eagan in 1976. POSTING PLACES. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, al]. members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the three locations as follows be designated as official posting places for the City of Eagan for 1976: Eagan City Hall, Applebaum Food Market, and Lone Oak Tree at Highway #49 b Lone Oak Road. DEPOSITORIES. Upon motion by Ssith, seconded Wachter, all tembers voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the following institutions be designated as depositories #or time City of Eagan for 1976: MidAserica Natiamal Bank of Sagan as general depository; 1st National Bank of St. Paul, Signal Hills State Sant; Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith. Inc., and Mi:mnesota Federal Savings and Loaa Association as depositories for investments only. SSALTB OFFICB Upon totioa by Raba, seconded Wachter, all me+abers voting yea, it vas BESOI.VED that Csdarvale Medical Clinic be ap~poiated the Health Office for 1976. . -1- ACTIPIG MAYOR. Mager Polzin appaiated Councilman Wachter as the acting mayor for 1976 for the city. COUNCIId~EN DUTIES. Mayc* polzin appointed the fallowing persons as liaison from the Council to these departments: Police and Safety - William Rydrychs Parks - Ted Wachtery Roads - Art Rahny Utility Department - Jim Smith. MINUTES. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of December 16, 1975 meeting be approved as distributed. LIABILITY INSURANCE. Bruce Medvec of Valley Insurance, Inc. appeared as the insurance liability carrier for Eagan with proposals for three (3) types of insurance liability extensions for the City. After discussion, upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that Public Official Liability Insurance with $1,000,000 per occurance, Law Enforcement and Professional Liability Policy with $100,000/$300,000/$500,000 limits and Rescue Squad Attendants Mal-practice insurance with $100,000/$300,000 limits be ordered bg the City eY Eagan at a present annual premi~.im of $3,224 for all policy extensions. FIRE DEPARTMENT. There was no Fire Department business. POLICE DEPARTME,'~T. Martin DesLauriers appeared and conveyed a requeot fr~rcn Mrs. Norman Vogelpohl for the installation of a street light at Shawnee Rosd and Highway X13. Rahn moved and Smith seconded the motion to authorize Bill Bash to proceed with the installation of a street light is that location. PARK COT~IiTTEE.1.Barbara Schmidt appeared and submitted her written resignation as a member of the Advisory Park Committee. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RE50LVED to accept the resignat~±an with regret and thanks for the 6 years of very diligent service on the Eagan Park Committee. Notices will be published for interested persons for the vacant poaitior. 2. Mrs. Schmidt asked for a breakdown of the budget for tree disease control and it was determined that at the special meeting of January 13th that the Council -2- would meet at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the ~?ssue. 3. Civic Center Bond Election. The Council discussed the possibility of holding. an election to determine whether to issue bonds to finance a Civic Center Arena in the Spring of 1976 at the time of the special county election on alternate forms of County government. No action was taken. 4. Law Con Application. The Law Con application for the proposed Northview Park was submitted to the Council and upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that the resolution attached thereto authorizing the approval of the application and filing with Law Con be and it hereby is approved 5. WCAO, the Women's Community Action Organization has contributed $600 toward park equipment consisting of one-half of the cost of the spiral slide in Rahn Park. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting qes, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk be authorized to direct a letter to the WCAO thanking the members for the gift. 6. It was noted that Larry McCarthy has vacated the home owned bq the Gitq in Patrick Bagan Park a~ the Clerk was authorized to proceed with rereating the home. BUILDING PERMITS. The Council next reviewed the application of Ri;nzaey Shoes including a new design for a sign in Barton-McGray Addition consisting of 27 foot high sign which would comply with the proposed revised Sign Ordinance. ilpan motion by Wachter, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the application be approved provided that it comply with the proposed sign ordinance. IMP. PROJECT X167 - CLEARVIEW ADDITION. The Mayor convened the public hLaring regarding Imp. Project #167 consisting of proposed sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer improvements in Clearview Addition and an area South of Cliff Road adjacent to Clearview Addition. The City Engineer, Robert Rosene, explained the project and Councilman Wachter vacated his position as Councilman because of his ownership -3-- o~ praperty in Clesr~iew Addition. It wa.3 noted that water and see=er truzxk area i oversiEing would be assessed against the area 1/4 mile South of Cliff between Fa:Crgreen and Black`~aw?c Road. Mr. Gil Amsadson read a statement on behalf of moaC o•+aners requesting ths.t storm sewer improvements be dropped. Mr. William Almquist F~ppeared on belu~lf of h~.s mother and objected to the assessments on the Scut: side of tt.e road and it was noted that all five o~ Hers, South of Cliff Road objected L'o i:ue assPS~,~aYts. A petition signed by owners of all lots in Clearview Addition indicating of tl:e 31 lots that 17 let owners opposed the pro~cct and I4 wexe in f~:,-ar and on the basis of 1 vote per resident - lk residential owners oppcse*i and ~.3 were ire Favor of the project. After considerable diecussic:~, the Manor closed the hear.~.ng. iJron motion br F.ydryc'n, seconded Rahn, those ~.-oting in fay=or being F.3dry ch, Rahn, Polzin ~:nd Smith, :fit wss RESOLL'ED that the project nor be oxde:~ ~d in fc~r the rea.z~sn ?gat a majority of the owners opposed the proje_t. W4.clite.' absta'~necl. WOflP.!~'iTF lei«~c~ 2nd ABDITI01`TS DEVELOPMENT BONA. Tn~e Ci4y l~t::to.::~~;; recou:~.~;L•,za:d that co~s~uc.-atioz of the reduction of the development bond sn Woodg~.te is~.: ~;,~~i 2nd S1~~it:i.ons be con;:i~.uEd z=,ntil the next meeting to receive time £c1c 3. w's~tpc:~se from the dev~.?.a~ : _ conce~'ning easements. RED UG~Ia S'r';Rt~S -WATER STJt'P1.Y COST STUDY. A request from i2ed Oca1 Strore~~, ]:nc~ far a ie::z~ibii.~_~q a~~d cost stucly for an alternate wa*_er study to loop i:he *.cat~_r to t~*e ::u~.:!? i;.sg to the Rc:. Oral-S;~nd r ~a'arehouse at 905 Y2 ~~kee Dc.~d1e Read wa.a r. ez . rl~cz ro.Iot~. Pal.<.in, oec~?ndecl Ra~:n, all me~ebers voting in favors it: -.s F~?S~?r tc!rat the City Eop:~near be zut~icrizesl to prepare a cost stu y f_or 'i:l~.e pr.~tec.{.: ~E:o~-:F.d~=?! t.~~.r t"rae r~quostuzg plrty pay t~2 cost in the event that F~"~:•ject: d;,=_ ~r,,t E~~t crclere.~ ~:ast:=z? t ed. G~O~:~T.~R ST~LTT~'': COPucANY. Bea Rlamquist delivered a reooit xegarc~3.>.g ~:cE+nt c~.~.•cl~?±:::~~r~-.s z'1't'~lg *o t:hQ Gopher Smelting nro3ece an~I s~~bmi.tte:? a .~t.f,~t- i~_~~~ 1.i.:~ -4- FCA indicating that the PCA is ready to grant an operating permit to Gopher Smelting. Mrs. Blomquist indicated three areas of concern including the possible lack of night supervision, the suggested sampling of ambient air oa the Fee farm Southeast of the plant and further the future adoption by the PCA of sulfur dioxide emission standards. It was noted that the PCA is in the process of adopting new EPA ss:andard for lead smeltor sulfur dioxide emissions but that the standards have not been adopted. Bill Price appeared on behalf of Gopher Smelting and requested approval from the Council to proceed with the final plat of the industrial area East of High•~sy 449. The application for final plat and planned development approval will be scheduled a*_ the next Advisory Planning Committee meeting. POLICE SALARY SCHEDULE FOR 1975. Mike Gerrety representing the Eagan Police Assaclation appeared with the proposed agreement covering salaries and terms for 1976. No formal action was taken. PILOT tC`i0B ROAD TRAIL. Mrs. Barbara Schmidt discussed with the Gour..cil the possibility of installing a trail walkway along Pilot Knob Road to be insta11PC1 during the reconstruction of the road by the county including the possibility of an underpass near LeMay Lake for access to Pilot Knob School. Upon motion 1~;y Wac~tte?-, seconded Smith, it was RESOLVED that the Dakota County Sighway Department be contacted to review in further detail the feasibility of such a program including potential cosh, All mcanbers voted yes.. Cali' IIALL REMODEI,I.ING. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all mem'~ers ~~ot:i:~ yes, it was RESOLVED that the city be authorized to proceed with general r~aodel's.i.na of the office area in the ci;,y hall to increase the usable office Gpace. 1976 SALARY SCHEDULE. A list of salary schedules for non-union employees of the City of Eagan was reviewed in deta].l by the Council. Upon motion by Wac?~t~~~:9 seconded FolLin, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that a zev~..:Qd sche?uz~ for Ghief DesLauriers be approved and after further discuss:iora, upon motion by Rydrych, se~ondec? Ratan, it was RESOLVED that salary schedule as subznitte with the revision for Chief DesLauriers and with the exception of William Branch and Robert Shockley be adopted for the year 1976. 1976 EQUIPMEt1T CERTIFICATES. Thy offer from Juran & Moody for the private purchase of $49,000 equipment certificates for 1976 to finance road equipment at 6.02% interest was upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, all members voting ~.n favor, accepted and the sale of the certificates sold to Juran & Moody. CETA EMPLOYEES. Alyce Bolke submitted a proposed contract for city CETA employees covering the period from 3anuary 10 to June 30, 1976. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVED to approve the Title 2 and Title 6 contract coy°Qring CETA employees and that it be ordered executed by the appropriate officials. All members voted yes. CITY ADMINISTRATOR. After considerable discussion, upon ~+otion by Rydrych, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for applicants for an Administrator for the City o.f Eagan inn local newspapers and to use the position description prepared by m sabers of the City Council and further to authorize the Clerk to recommend a screening cor.~.ittee to interview applicants and recommend the final slate of candidates. WILROY FOP.D SIGN. The application of Wilroy Ford for approval of a sign pex'- mit to be located near Johnny Cake Ridge Road on Cliff Road was upon motion by Rycirycli, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, approved for a perio;l oa 2 years only. B~.AC~iAWt~ PARR BOUNDARY ISSUE. The City Atty. discussed with the Council i:ne. boundary dis,ute batweeii the Lec~ Murphy property and the South Blackhaw, Park li.n~e and tine Council discussed it in detail. It was determined that no further scti~n be taken by the city at the present tame regarding tha property lire but future reviP~•~ appeared a.ppxopriate. tTpon motion ry Wachter, seconded Polzin, all members voting in favor., ~t was RES~T~.4ED that the m.ee*_ing adjourn at 13.s 30 p.m. JFnu.azy Gs 1376 -6- J'-; rj?--<' ~ ~ e f r._ =y_.