01/20/1976 - City Council Regular 2~LdJT£S OF A REGULAR P4ELTING OF TFIE LAG~'~1 CITY COUI~SCIL E_~iC.~y'~, If"Wra~ESOTA Jana-zry 20, 197ti A regular meet'rg o` the Fagan City Council 4~aG held or, Janu~.ry 20, 197E at 5x30 p.m. at the City E±a~.l. All members were present:. Also present were rosene, Bolke and Nauge. ~C_=~'.D OF AD.NSTMENTS t`~?D AF?EALS. The agplir~tioz of D~~vid F4. Gabbe~-t f.;r variance re;ard:Inry street graded in Ches Mar Addition in Sectiaii ;7 was continued ~tiztil the next regular meeting. YiIPdU'aL'S. After th;: Pledne of Allegiance, upon motion by Sr:ith, s~conde3 Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to adovt the ninutes as corrected from the January 6, 1976 melting and the January 13, 1976 meeting 3r,d in addition to aeoept the Assessment Gur~mii;tee ;ainui•es of January 13, 1976. PLZ.ICE DR??i?:?'P~'id'T' BTJSi"t?FS.°i. A reluFsi: frog res3.dents tzear Dlaclhs4z'c R.c:~.~ ~~4 L~ee~~ ood Drive requesting a street light at that intersection was referred to the Folice Cb.ief for recommen3aticn. Officer Pete Popaler appeared on beha?f oi: the ransn police Association which submitted a revised 197h police coltract with changes requested by the Council. No action was taken. OAI: F~IDCE ACRES rl~1c~T~ PLAT. The aFpl3.cata.on of Ii~rry Ray for final pla!: approval of Oak Ridue Acres 1st Addition was naxt reviewed.. Upon motion by Sin:.~ii, secordcd ~.Iachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLE''E~ to approve t?ie f~~:1aZ, plat subject to payment of the park dedication costs an3 fulfillment of a11_ c*her applicable ordinances. C'tiES 2•SA.P..A.DDITIOj - GABBE?iT DEVRT~OPI~~NT CO. A la,:ge number of ne:ighbori~ig res3.dents appeared regarding the application of Gabbert nevelopm_nt Co. for a~;prc~ra'_ of Ches Y~far Addition East of Pilot Rnob Road. David GabhLXt appeared an3 reviswed some ne?~ proposals includjng the exte~tsion of the cal-de-sac fra~n ?~lilde'~ness Run Dries Southerly into the Ches i~tar area to Fick up approximu.el~r 5 lots in t,'ze northern end. He indicated he ~iad no objection to this su~gest•Lon but did object to any addition of land North of the well site for park purposes. He indicated that he would lose 5 lots on the North by the new road configuration but stated that dedication would be made to the city or the homeowner's association of the Northeast pond and the peninsula swimming area. Several home owners indicated that they would still desire the city to accept dedication of the two sites but there was concern by the Council about taking over the peninsula because of potentially large number of persons using the peninsula for swimming, lack of parking, etc. There was a further suggestion that the City of Eagan accept dedication of the 2.3 acre Northeast pond and the homeowners accept dedication of the 4.3 acre peninsula. Members of the City Council indicated under those conditions that there would never be maintenance of the pond area by the city and that it be left as undeveloped park land. At 7:30 p.m. , Wachter moved and Rahn seconded a motion with all members voting in favor, to adjourn the Council meeting for 30 minutes and reconvene to permit the homeowners to call a meeting in the Council chambers to discuss the various proposals. At 8:10 p.m. the City Council reconvened and the homeowners' representatives indicated that they had adopted a motion recommending that the Council delay for two weeks the implementation of their motions of January 13th to permit the home- owners association to meet with representatives of the city staff to discuss the most recent proposals. Mr. Gabbert did not object to the continuance and a meeting was scheduled for Friday, January 23, 1976 at 4:30 p.m. at the City Hail to discuss the issues. UTILITY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS. Bill Branch appeared. 1. Mr. Branch indicated that he had interviewed 9 potential CETA employees for the park maintenance replacement position. He recommended Mark Jeppeson. Upon motion by Warhraw, oc:coudad Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that Hr. Jeppeson be hired as the replacement park maintenance employee. -2- . 2: I~[r. Br~~nch further recommended that he be authorized to explore the ~ possibility of hiri6 a CF,TA mechanic for the G•~ty and upon moti~~n by Polzin, seconded [dachter, all members voting yea, it was RrSOL~~ that P4r. Branch be given the authorization to explore thQ possibility of hiring a CETA employee as a mechanic for the city. 3. The Council then discussed the salary for Robert Shockley in the Utility Department and upon motion by Rahn, seconded Polzin, it was RESOLVED to increase Mr. Shockley's salary effective January 1, 1976 to $1100 per month. 4. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all t!emberg voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that Bill Branch's salary be increased to $1450 per month effective January 1, 1976. 5. The City Clerk and City Atty. discussed their meeting with Svenn Borgerscn, a property owner in Tim$erline Addition, who had objected to a bill for ru~.~ing tT,ao manholes on his property in the amount of approximately $2100. In a:31~c;~~a he billed the city $5500 for setting a bench mark on his property and excavai:ing over a manhole. The Council requested that the City Clerk write a letter to Mr. Borgerson offering to compromise the charge to ]sir. Borgerson in the amount of $15x0. LI1'1DSAY G]ATER SOFTENER SIGN PERMIT.~?r. Larry Haerman appeared on be'nalf of the application of Lindsay Water Softener for a sign permit on the Burnsville Realty Sign on Cedar Aven~ce near County Road ~i30. Dale Peterson was requested to review the application and report back to the Council. PARK COMhiaTTEE. Barbara Schmidt appeared. 1. Tree Budget. Mrs. Schmidt submitted a proposa3 tree budget in the s.rm of $16,875 and further recommended that Bill Erickson be authorized to cut about 15 diseased txees in Blackhawk Park for a total of approais..s.tely $150. Upon notion by Rydrych, seconded Polzin, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that Mr. Erickson be authorized to cut the trESS in Blackha~•~k Park a3 designated. -3- • V. 2. Revised Park Budget.. Barbara Schmidt submitted a revised breakdown for the 1976 park budget. No action wss taken. 3. Metro University Intern. Mrs. Schmidt indicated that a student intern from Metropolitan University has offered to work with the Park Committee during the Summer of 1976 on a non-fee basis. MOPITESSORI SIGs'. The Montessori sign at the intersection of Lone Oak Road and Pilot Knob Road which was placed there without authority was ordered to be removed as soon as gossible. _ IMP. PROJECT X144 - CHANGE ORDER 4~1. Ci~ange Order ~~1 to Imp. Project ~~144 Wilderness Run Road surfacing in the amount of $9,297 was next reviewed. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Polzin, all members votinp_, yes, it was RESOLVED to approve and authorize payment. PROJECTS ~i~173 and X158. The rer_eipt of preliminary reports on Project x`173, storm sewer for Cedar Industrial Fark and ~~168, storm sewer for Sibley Tertniual Industrial Park were continued until the next meeting. PROJECT ~~174 - PRELIMINARY REPORT. The City Engineer distributed a prelimi.r_~r report for water main at the Red Owl Warehouse consisting of Imp. Project 4174. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED to receive the report but to defer action on calling a public hearing until requested by Red Owl authorities. TRUNK WATER AREA ASSESSI~NTS. The City Eng. reviewed with the Council the fay: that sanitary sewer trunk assessments had been levied on a consistent basis througtc out portions of the city whereas water trunk area assessment methods have changed in recent years. He indicated that there are large number of areas that have access to water trunk at the present time but have not been assessed for that purpose. He recommended that hearings be scheduled to assess property that has not been assessed for water trunk benefits and that they be assessed at the current rate. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk and City Eng -4- proceed to set up a schedu;e of assessment areas and dates for hearings to be submitted to the City Council for scheduling. All members voted yes. PP_OJECT X148 - WOODGATE 2nd ADDITION. The final estimate of Fischer Construction Company for Imp. Project X148 consisting of Woodgate 2nd Addition street improvements in the sum of $7,829.42 was discussed. The Eng. and Utility Supervisor recommended approval. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVED to accept ?ro~er_t ~~148 and to make final payment in the sum of $7,829.42. IMP. PROJECT ~~157 - POST OFFICE BUILDING. Storm sewer Project ~~157 for the U.S. Post Office Building in final estimate of $7u2.30 to Bianconni Construction Co. was reviewed. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the project be approved and that final payment be made to the contractor. CITES MAR ADDITION. A letter from Gabbert Develope~ent Co. requesting zr~ engineer- ing cost study for utilities for Ches Mar Addition was read by the Clerk. U~u:l motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the City Engineer be authorized to proceed with a cost study with the understanding that any cost in the event that the project is later called off for any reason be paid by the developer according to his letter. ORDINANCE N0. 5 - APTIMAL ORDINANCE. The City Atty. reviewed some suggested changes to Ord. 4~5 submitted by the City Clerk and Police Chief and requested to pre° pare a draft of the amendment and submit it to the City Council. CIVIC CENTER ARENA. Dale Everson of the Park Committee appeared and reviewed with the Council a preliminary report regarding the proposed construction of $2,345,000 civic center on the East side of Pilot Knob Road across from the City Hall. He requested that up to $3,000 be authorized for preliminary design and promotional purposes and recommended that the election on the bond issue be held in April, 1976 on the same day that the special election is held for Dakota Countq goveriment reorganization. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rydrych, all members -5- voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Adv. Park Committee be authorized to farm a steering committee to commence plans for preliminary plans for the construction of a civic arena and to oversee the promotion of a bond issue election; further that an election on the proposed bond issue be scheduled in April at such time as the special Dakota County election on reorganization of county government is scheduled; and further that up to $3,000 be authorized to be spent for preliminary design and promotional materials. All members voting in favor, except Polzin who voted no. POLICE ASSOCIATION CONTRACT. Upon motion by Rydrych, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVID that the Eagan Police Assoc. oalary coutruz. for 1976 be approved and authorized for signature. PART: COP2MITTEE APPLICANTS. Several applicants for the vacancy on the Park Committee including Gardner P4~'Zler and Norman Hagen submitted restane$ to the City Council members. CITY HALL ADDITIOPd. Councilman Wachter reported on prelimi~ry cost estimates for prestressed concrete construction of an addition to the City Ha11 40' x 40'. No action was taken on the suggestion. BILLS. Upon motion duly made and seconded the following bills according to the schedule are paido ~~101 through ~~111; x'2192 through X2312; 43437 through 43621. Upon motion duly made and seconded the meeting adjourned at 12:00 ~.m. January Z0, 1976 : r- ,~"~t ~ - 6-