05/18/1976 - City Council Regular rtLrTUTES OF A REGULAR t9EETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, g~P]1'3ESOTA May 18, 1976 A zegular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held at the Eagan City Hall on May lQ, 1976 at 6e30 P.N;. All members were present. Also present was Gordon, Bolke and Hauge. NSIN'.TTES. Upon nation by Smith, seconded Wachter, alI members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of May 5, thQ special r~eetin~ of May 11th and the meeting of May i2th of 1976 be approved with the exception that an Page 5 of the minutes of May 5th, Councilman Smith voted no regarding the govera- went ceater issue. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Chief DesLauriers appeared. 1. Squad Car. Chief DesLauriers submitted quotes covering the purchase of a squad car with trade in with the low bid of Wilroy Rord of $3,326.66. Upon motion by tlachter, seconded Polzin, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED to accept the low bid. 2. Heritage Lane. Chief DesLauriers recommended posting Heritage Lane near Highway X13 in the LeTendre Addition area at 30mph m~Yi~ as urban district. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Wachter, it was RESOLVED to accept the recommendation and authorize postin; 30 mph maximum speed limit with the understanding that the road could not be closed. 3. Rahn Road SEeed Limit. Upoa motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, upon recommendation of the Police Chief a petitioa was authorized to be forwarded to the Minnesota Highway Department to reduce the speed limit on Rahn Road from Shale Lane to Cliff Road to 30 mph particularly in light of new proposed construction. 4. Ordinance rlo. 42. Chief DesLauriers and Paul Hauge discussed with the Council recommended changes to Ordinance No. 42 including a revision regarding Memorial Day and the confusion concerning election days. Upon motioa by Polzin, seconded Smith, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that Ordinance No. 42 be 5-18-76 amended to provide that off-sale stores may remain.open on Memorial Day including 1976 and in addition that the provisions of Ordinance No. 42 liquor ordinance be changed to conform with state law as to openings. S. 3.2 Sale in Parks. There was discussion by the Council canceraing the sale of 3.2 beer in parks and the use of 3.2 when not sold in parks. No action was taken and review will be made from time to time. UTILITY DEPARTMENT. Bill Branch appeared. 1. Air driven post driver. Mr. Branch recommended the purchase of a air-driven post driver and was able to acquire two quotes. The low quote was Haden-Murphy at $489.60 and upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voted yes, it was RESOLVED that the post driver be purchased. 2. Side mounted sickle mower. Mr. Branch recommended the purchase of a side mounted sickle mower for the Ford tractor with a low quote from Long Lake Ford, Inc. of $810 which did not provide for delivery. The second quote was from Carlson Tractor & Equipment of Rosemount at $335. It was noted that Carlson Tractor tai11 deliver aad upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the quote of Carlson Tractor be awarded with the understanding that delivery of the mower wi11 be made without extra coat to the City. PARK COA~iITTEE. Barbara Schmidt was present. 1. Pick-up Truck for Tree Inspector. Mrs. Schmidt, atteanpting to acquire numerous quotes, indicated that four quotes had been received with a low quote of Wilroy Ford at $4,935. Upoa motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the low quote of Wilroy Ford be approved and that the truck be ordered and purchased. 2. Blue Cross Ballfield - Mrs. Schmidt indicated that the Blue Cross officials are willing to provide ballfield space on the Blue Cross property if the City of Eagan would do the grading and initial preparation for the field. The Engineer was requested to review the grades a~i make a recumsnendation. -2- 5-1t3-7G 3. Metro E.-e~ineering 1973 Park Project. Barbara Schmidt and Paul flange reported concerning attempted neotiations with Metro Engineering and Raze Nursery regarding the 1973 park improvement project where a large number of trees had not survived. A recommendation from the City Planner and the Park Committee that action be commenced against Metro Engineering to recover the loss to the City was discussed and upon motion by Smith, seconded taachter, alI members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the City Atty. be authorized to commence suit against Metro Engineering for recovery of the loss under the contract. OAK CHASE LEASE. The City Atty. submitted a lease covering lots in Oak Chase Addition joining Wilderness Run Road and West of Oak Chase Road to be leased to the City for recreational purposes without cost to the City. Upon tsotion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the lease be approved and ordered signed. 1976 REFUNDL~TG BOND ISSUE. It was noted that the bids were opened at the City Hall for the 1976 refunding bond issue at 2000 P.M. One bid was received from Bank Northwest as the principal in the sum of $3:,590,000 with a 5.99972 per cent net interest and net interest cost o£ $1,552,007.82. Steve M.attsson of Juran and goody was present. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the bid of Bank Porthwest be awarded subject to the submission and approval by the City Council of an indemnification agreement. Uvon further motion by Rydrych, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the City Clerk and P?ayor be authorized to execute a contract for the purchase of the major portion of the escrow through 1st National of St. Paul, Piper, Jaffrey and Dain,Ralman sncl Quail. BUILDING PERMITS. I. Earl Lynch, 4395 South Robert Trail. Mr. Lynch appeaxed on behalf of his application to nerve a garage onto the property. Upon motion by ~Iachter, seconded Rydxych, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the application be approved provided the necessary setbacks are maintained. -.i- 5-18-76 2. Spruce Motel Traiier`Pexmit. The owners of the Spruce Motel appeared and requested that their application for trailer permit for an additional year be approved in order that a manager could use the trailer. Two ob3ecting neighboring, owners submitted letters. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded P.ydr'ych, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the application be denied for the reason that there appeared to be no hardship as had bees reasoned for the renewal in earlier years. 3. Airliner 2iotel Trailer Permit. The owners of the Airliner Motel, Mr. and AIrs. Ralph Larioria, appeared and requested that the mobile home application on their property be approved for an additional year to be used for emergency purposes by the owners only. It was indicated that it would not be occupied or rented on a regular basis, but that they would attempt to get a manager to use the trailer. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the permit application be denied for the reason that there did not appear to be a hardship. In both cases the owners were requested to repave the trailers by July 1st, 1976. PROJECT X161 - OAK RIDGE ACRES 1st ADDITION. The Mayor convened the public hearing concerning Imp. Project #161 sewer, water and storm sewer to Oak Ridge Acres lst Addition. rtr. Harry Ray, the owner of the property appeared. Keith Gordon explained the pro3ect and indicated that only 5 lots will be served on Deerwood Drive with sanitary sewer sad water. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the project be ordered in and the Engineer be authorized to prepare plans and specifications. FROJEET X181 CEDAR GROVE N0. 9, 10, 11 ~ 12 ADDITIONS. The Mayor then convened the public hearing regarding Imp. Project #1~1 street improvemeats in Cedar Grove Additions No. 9, 10, 11 & 12. gir. Ken Applebaum and Mark Parranto appeared on behalf of the owners. After review, upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED to order in the project as presented in the preliminary report and that the Engineer be authorized to prepare plans aad speci- fications. -4- 5-18-76 CLIFF ROAD APTD HIGIiWAY X13 PLANS. The City Engineer reviewed briefly with the Council improvement plans of the Minnesota Highwaq Department at Cliff Road and Aighway #13 and upon motion by trTachter, seconded Smith, all Lnembers voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the City Council be on record indicating no objections to the plans. DtlG CATCAEP.. The City dog catcher appeared and requested that a tranquilizer gun be purchased by the City far picking up dangerous animals. TTe suggested that the City purchase the gun and then issue it to the doh catcher. The dog catcher wan requested to pursue the cost issues and the feasibility further and report back to the Council. TEPH'ORARY BEER LICErTSES. The fallowing temporary beer license applications were upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, approved: 1. Steve Reiter, Univac Field - 6112 and 5/13/76 2. Dennis Severson, Univac Field - 6/5/76 3. Steve Lempilius - 2icKee Field - 5/22 and 5/23/75 PRELINIIt1ARY REPORT U133 - REVISED, P2LRtP1iY AOUSE. The City Engineer submitted a revised preliminary report covering Project #183 consisting of water mein to the P4urphy douse Restaurant area and upon motion by Palzin, seconded Wachter, all nembers voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the preliminary report be accepted and that Mr. Y4urphy be contacted concerning the proposal. E,E~GAT1 4TfI OF JULY ASSOCIATION. A request from the Eagan 4th of July Association far donation toward the July 4th celebration including fireworks was reviewed and upon motion bq Wachter, seconded Smith, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the City Council authorize $SOO to the 4th of July Association with $2511 for fireworks and the balance to be used for special purposes as designated for the Bicentennial Celebration bq the Association. P.ffiD TECHiJICAL & EPJGINE81tIAiG ASSISTANCE AGREEt-1ENT. An agreement covering technical and engineering assistance with the State of Minnesota for state aid wear submitted by the Engineer and recommended for approval. Upon motion by Smith, 5-1g-76 seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was ?tf;50LVED that the agreement be approved and ordered signed. BICENTEPTN7.AL ADDITION SIGN PEP,A2iT APPLICATIONS. An application for three sign permits for billboards in Bicentennial Addition was upon motion by Liachter, seconded Rahn, all meYnbers voting, yes, was referred to the Building Inspector far recommenda- tion. CIVIL DEFEr1SE DIRECTOR RESIGTdATION. The resignation of Earl Lee as Civil Defense Director for the City effective June 1st, 1976 was accepted and upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Council accept the resignation and thank gar. Lee for diligent work as the director and further to authorize Mr. Lee to assist in reviewing the possibilities of special funding for a civil defense addition to the City Sall. The clerk was authorized to advertise for a volunteer to act as Civil Defense Director for Eagan. PAYP~NT OF SILLS. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Polzin, all meribers voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the bills presented be ordered paid according to the following schedule: ~i4155 through X43269 #142 through X155; X2664 through #2719. HOSPITALIZATIOPd INSURA'~CE. The Council briefly reviewed a proposal concerning revision in the policy toward hospitalization insurance for heads of household and discussed several alternatives. No action was taken and the matter will be placed on the agenda of the next regular rieeting. JOHNNY CAKE RIDGE ROAD. The Council reviewed a resolution dated February, 1970 of the Town Board concerning Eagan~s assistance in providing sanitary sewer to the zoo site and for assistance in upgrading local roads in the area of the zoo. Council members indicated they felt a committment had been made to provide streets in the ia~mediate area. Upon motion by Rydrych, seconded Glachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to reconsider the taotion of City Council of ?qaq 11th regarding the iaepravement of Johnny Cake Ridge Road at which time the pro3ect was not autho- rized. Upon further notion by Rydrych, seco~ed Wachter, all members noting in -6- 5-1E-7b favor, it was RESOLVED that the Council order in the Johnny Cake Ridge Road project; that an agreement be entered with the Minnesota highway Department on a joint basis together with Apple Valley for the withholding of municipal state aid street funds, that the project be ordered in subject, however, to the installation of traffic signal lights to be incorporated into the cost of the project and located at the intersection of Johnny Cake Ridge Road and Cliff Roady and further contingent upon the improvement of the visibility of Cliff Road by the reduction of the hill [hest of Johnny Cake Ridge Road concurrently with the construction of Johnny Cake Ridge Road. It was further requested that negotiations be entered into with the Zoo Hoard for an agreement that the Zoo Soard assume responsibilitq for a portion of the cost of directing traffic at Johnny Cake Ride Road and Cliff Road. POLICE FACILITX PLANS. James I€oxne appeared with schematic plans for the proposed police facility on the old town hall site. After review, upon motion by Rydrych, seconded Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the schematic plans be accepted for the police facility and to authorize Mr. Horne to prepare a z+~ore detailed design for the building. All members voted. in favor. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. DATED: ~ -.:1- 76 T ~ ~'-c ~ t-~c ~;.1~ r -7..