10/19/1976 - City Council Regular w~.. ' rff~n,~s o~ A REGU7LAR iiL'atln'Te~yj Q*lit J-L2f~ J:~iG.`~l'1 C-~t'-~ 4V~J~1~1.j~ L~lilrl'a~h~ vV11 ~.1, l.l~rl• 1;if ~+rA A :.-~.c;ular. meeting cf the F.zC~,a Cite Co:~.ci~. c~as rE~lcl on October. 19, I.';%t~ r.r ~i ~ 30 P ,A2, a} the t'Ll.y ld~=.? t1I.'_ r:eml~ers were present. Also present ~~e?-c E~:'? :c , R.o^Q:,~, decides azzd I:~wge. Iv;IitT3':CES. Up~~n n~ct.ion by P.ahn, seconded [dachter, all m..^mbcrs vc~i.::~ iil fr.•;.^~-, i.t L~.s "~a~!~i,~'ED the*_ tiie rinfttes of the October 5, 1975 regular m~.otiu be :i~:l•~-rnTcd as c~i.st:r~.bu~:e~.. Upon fur~~.her motion by Smith, seconded Lda.chter, a:t1 M•_~zbat." rc~ :i_rS S c ~.R c4~:; ?',~;~GI., d''B tlz=:: t',.i~ rzinates of the Oc*.ober i3t~.i me4tJ.r.~ tie np~~rc~d~F~ci. tiTCi; - TI,~SEiJ i:Jt~?S. Tile $o:~rd of Appeals rase cobsv~.r._ezi rLi;:h the: r-?.ve Cot~eil mcr:';ers pr?cent. They discussed a 20 foot set ba::k a opgns,.i to t~~•t seL back: ceq;xirement for Lots 6 tIzrough Il, Block 6, i1:L7_d~r:~e5s 5th Adc'iL-ior: and Lot 1, la:~~~cn 3, [•lilder.~-zALs Rc:n 6th Addition at the reyues?. cf Ttl.sa licrz~~. After review ar_c? ux~on reccz~undation of the Planning CommitteQ, and t~.Tcn mot ~ P.a1~TL,secondec~ Polzin, all m•^m'~ers votinb yes, it was RESOLVED to xecori~:;.nc t'~_~.r ~t+~ aYplication be agpro~~ed. PP.RY. COQ' t`l'T:.~E. l3Frbara Schmidt appeared. 1. Park. D•~3icatfctr~ Policy for P.D. The Council reviewed a recomme~~u2*_ion of the f'az:tc Corc~its::ee, providing for specific procedures for dedication of land and cash to fztifil.l park requirements in planning developments. Upon motion by [Alachter, seconded R~-dY;~ch, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the reco:rrzend.et~_or be approved and ordered adogted. 2. I;~hne ilause. Patrick Eaten Park. Barbara Schmidt indicated that James McGuffLe, a ga.rl:. denartm,nt employee, had requested that he be permitted to xcr~~: t:ae Ka?tn~ Iaorae i.zt Patriclc Eagan Park for the sum of $225. ger month and witl: ::ire tc?c?erstanc~.n~ that he will accomplish substantial maintenance on the hoTM_~. t,T~:.:: m_at_ion by Glaclter, seconded Rahn, a21 members voting in favor, it wa:. 1'.I:;!~~;LtrP.J that the Council authorize the City Clerk to prepare a lease to be er+..tereu into ,•rjCh qtr. P~cGufae, and that:. a notice be seat to the present Iesseea to vacate acro:ct:io.~; r0 ti1G' t.~_riS:o O~ the pxE~ant l~',~ a~~ CAF ('t?t:~.' J'i.:'/~3 i'1?'t1Z^Y' that ~_2 is7.~:.~~. ~n SEt nf: ~:27:~ ~2~ *_nO::tl: tirT "ih Li:"1 ,=.3:=:i 2:'!?.C:,i::: ~ tl?`;;.t: i°i:_'. 1''i'~ s"iJf ~2? 4T.Z~ ` p^.3°i'C ~:t: m~.-~.ter.:~~~.,~~c ruzct::~.rr:?,^, c~~ s'•,4 pr.zp: rty iii liaa c¢ r::ix4 TP~___o~ tiaTf„~ I_'~i3~ _:;e Giy Attorney ra~ie~7e~i ~rlth t ~ Catu~cil a s`:i-~.;a: E].e:3.i_~1'?~ t~ir%il tfle ~:~2:cc;it:~.^ii.~cEL by a prior Owner of tax forfairFd lard cri4 S:''?i. ',~Jc'.5: 5.L%:1 2.'."03° aS f:C ?.~Ci'.~F,, 7 and 8, Block 3, Oslund Tini~erl:iA.e ~ial'4:Lr:'.r:ii1; ~':ii~_.?'~' ':1" Lay h:~~e ~,~t:~~ t.:1e ca.~E:. P•ir. Sheridan Buckley appeared t;~i b:':::?.f of .i~~_: ..._=_~-~y-rs of i.~:ose lots anal x ~-~:~P~c.sa briefly the status of ocY•nars«wp c.;•sz~~;~. o,:~,~:+:•~'~ip s;.rr_~ rl~~ }:3:~ forfeii:uro sale took place. P:r. Sveon Iin~~~~.s•>*~, ~_~:e oa-ra.e~ ~.:~i:c< 3 ~."'~:i 'i~,, rilo~-1,; ai~o Fppeared. RydrycLe r~r,.,ted an:i ~~s.?z:i ::.c.z:.~.~~^. `he zzoti~:~?., Lh:~.~. Y,:~. ~.t~, dock 3; G:;luazd Timberline Add:~.t-~.:~n be ~.~i~3-:~..~'tic.i:~ti! t~~.~i3 the TC:.:3~'3``~3c'~cT_3`. F::,'.3 0:~ ~:1:~ t•.~is ct t being the subject cif re:~ a~'_:".":i''?~"..Tii: .^<ilci 2:i:~:`.:it~:r~ that i:,r. I.;e~,g~xsoz did ~z,c a~~l~eai: i:o be a prior owner of lE:i13%: Ac'33:f:~ 1 1,r~:41, unders'c.-~di.na, iawever, {.:1~<-:t tl:o terms of the agreement will cc~z4irae i=: rc:~ ~trd. e; `cci.. LTt'c~: motion by ~lachter, seconded, Rydrych, all member:, Joti~~g y::r:;, •c-ras R SCLULD tktat L'?'« 1.Qaring l,e cciltinied as to the balance of t'rse lets until trse :Next reGular ;~iFC~::.;ag wi:h f~.~~~ther review and recommendation by the C:Cty A~t~rrie3~ and C;..`.y tic::~i=zisi.ra~:.oa:. t~7:?TEP. & 5EG?ER R~~TE STUDY. City Administrator Hedges reviewed soma fl~xa:h.:gs i.':,:?t 1-e ~r~. rc~:ichecl rcg:trd3:ng water and sewer rates for double blmga~.:n*s, eia~!ch appezr fo 1,3:~a boen charged at cercial rates. Air. Appelbaum and r%.. .:;.m:::•ucl a.p,?eared a,.; OG'ilt'.?: ti of t:oc:~i~ouses and double bungalows objecting to the rate of asonrsm•~r*_ a. ter. Hedges will review the matter further and rcporL- baclr. to tl;;~ Corr. ~ tel. . i~'T'~,Lr s:~;E ~3 n?fii 6th ADDITIOAI PARK DEDICATIOPI. Axncld Ca.:.•lson appeared ~~;L ce~t2.in nFio i3~or'.crg oti:ners appeared regarding a proposal cf the Pails Co~r~i~eE t:> complete the ded3.cac.-iert regarding the 6~ild~rness Rt:n Addit~.J~2. After x-E•~ie?v cr F~tirlc Co~ait~:eerec~~z.~r_d ~i:J ons, and after discusei~n conceriiag sic~et s'.'.i t~'~F Ivoit~? -2' 10-..";-1v l:Ine aF C^r1•;~:.~ L?'~.e s3z^L~l.d he dE~term:inea. or d~~die~,~iced bas{_s of h.~.~i~ ~7r ric~z'Ycal *r.~?_f_ET:' 1P_"s?~!, ~iZS;J:•~ T,iG':i0:1 ~y FGi~:i~-, gF:COn~QCi ~'~,`_Cl;t:°_', Jt wa8 F.$0"LVE::i acc~;~:; t.:~e recc..LL~:srcluti_^rzs ~r °tz~ Park CO;?.~.ttF.e reaardizl; the dedic~.ti^n for of tl~e jV11C~e1`!?°~.S:i RLI_1 l~tiaf::i ~ 's''.3.3~7L?~11 ~7~ T7LiI'S1+1T2t t0 t12L r°L. G:::1?ien~_~3`•].OT:S O'1' l:i;,^.-, ~7u~ _ Ca~n~_4.Gee, with L-hs vncl^ standing that the I•dorth line of Carlson La.2.e t•c ':,~di~.:a..eu. st ~Ize cr.~..troile~ w;titer level mark. S' T'L?.,`7 Tr.=J"~.ii~;~ ?f!Y.i '?~.O,TLCT ~~1613. Paul llauge revier.ad za s Ll? tle ~ G;,a.l^' 1 »r 2t.'.empt to :ia~otiatr_ a.~ ~=:~_ed~~~nt with Rover Olson over Lots 6 r-~~:~. ~ , 5_i.';::.~•~ !'•^li•.:"_h?~ ~tiY'~::. TO L'"t'i:y F_:7?~_^C'C?-C W38 requested t0 rC:Jiew tt~~ TaGSS~i:~~:.;.'j Ch3~~j.ng t21e a.(.J.~2;fiT3°. Ol" file :'~t.^.70211 setiaer trtnlc t0 run paYail~:l 'w~I.L1: 't11E: G7~~...::i.;:.•', Tletro BF~;::c:: Ir:_e~".:€..L~~;:: aatl the Cii-y bttorney was esY.ed to ccL~t::mz.: L-o n.~_;or.iGt_c t tie esse~~~~n•~. .o forma. a4t.i~,n *~;z.s taken. VfyI:IAI?~~: - TII,SETZ 2i~~•;`_. U;?on recommendation and app}°oval by tl~o +.~iti + ~ Ccr~tmissio~~ a~~d t'~e I3oar~t ci Apaeals, the Council upon motion by ."~m3.th, secc;t:•r~... ?•~achter, alZ r:~=_:~~ers ~.otin¢ :r fa~;ar, approved the variance provia;n i~r 'G ~c• set bactcs in 17.2Lt Gf ~J fear roqu:;.ied set bacl~s, for Lots 6 thre:a~;~ tl, I31ock Fi, t~?ilderness Ru^ Sth Ad~.itioa an*i Lot 1, Block 3, Ulilderness Run 6th acid i.~:ic,E1. ~i:R'~TACIT? L.'sid~ - 2,CTrTdDP.f: ADDITION. Petition for street improvements ay i?r. Si:eve Laumb and Steve I~astner, appeared on behalf of a petition for street -~iupL:T:'L1.?i,t~; ia~ 1?a~:itaQa Lane. Vincent kerinedy appeared as did otl:tir property orne;.s ra3r:, oL7ected to the propo3al. There were 15 houses with 9 siQna:~ares in facar of the Pot.7.ticn. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, it was P.l;vOl-rD that t.ze i:ity 1'sngineer be authorized to prepare a Prelim3.r~ary P.epcrt. All r:.~rL~ ~:rs vcreci ~~es. OR';:Ci7l'u'::E: - E~CAVATIOiT ORDIkiANCF. The City Adm:.znist:~ator reviewed z~-.cii t-he Corancil expacted xc:cluests for permits for excavation of tip, roz:imatel>> erzC m:;.l~._%_on. yards of material fi02,1 tiro right of way of the Cedar aver_~.s freer~ay, and Lire ne~~~? =ar fill ma.~.e?'xa:t be rr~Zced 3n the sane loc~atiar._ Ito noted ,:1,>~t: s•~-.~:°.i -3- 1C- ]_9-75 contractors iriqu.a_rPd ronearniny djsposzi ~.r~:;_s and location for stable fill_ notarial and i;. icated t:;at the traffic control, road n~^intena:~ce and other -i_a,:~z--~,. may be of importance to the City. It a,~pears that the 'Dl•7P, has ro objection tc~ :.rye location of fill, except in f3_cod plain areas. Uncn motiez by Rydrych, seco~.,"~.' Sn~itl~, all members voting in fwvor, it was P,ESOLV'.;D that the City Admiizistrator; I?r;~rir~eer snd. Attorney be directed to review and to propose any recommended irevic•I.oz~~ to Crsirance 1~5. Upon zi~tion by P.ydrych, seconded P.ahn, all m~r.:bers voC~inC ;-~s, i:' ~~~as P.^;;OLVED that any apl;l~.cations submitted that 'nave not at this date be?n aUprcred by the l;aa:~ Planning Co~..r~ission or Fagar: City Council be sub~ecC to c;;~. Fravi:-,iozas of 4n;: revised or ne~=x~ orictinance contemplated -tega^ding excavat.io^ o~c the placa_n~; of fill z:.ate~•ial in Clio city of Eagan, having jn mind nre~~ious MoCion of the Council° with. the u:~derstandin.g that traffic safety, ;:oad *~3-i.ntenaa=ce, aesthet~.cs, aad related fact~~rs are the basis for the motion. G1??•.ALD StlidDE LeTErIDF,E ADrz~'IO?~T FiI,L PERMIT. 2Ir. Gerald 5unde`s ant ii: . for a f:i.il permit ~_n t'ie LeTcnc~re Addition area was discussed but there Baas ~~c. action because I°ir. Surde did not appear. U. S. G. S. COTRI~CT - LF,IZIa TtTATER QUALITY ttOT1ITORI'1G. It was recottiaende{'_ by the City Engineer that the USGS Lalce tlonitoring Program be reduced from a total cost of $i;,lo0 to $5,700 and that Eagan°s portion at 50% would be $2,E5!?. Ir, addition, d~.e ree.orr~:endet~ that the County be requested to pay for the testir+_Q in I?o~Lland Jer..sen Lalce at a total cost of $190 per lake. Upon motion by T~Iachter, seconded Smith, all rier~bers voting yes.., it was Z~~SOLVED that t'~e contract at $2,a5~J be approved and the County be asked to participate in the two lakes mentioned above. CE1aAR A~Tf'AIUE' STORri SETaEfi PLAIN. The City Ingineer reviecaed the proposed construction cf storm sewer improvdments and ponc'in~ alo^g the Cedar Avenue f~ze~~sy with an estimated total cost of $1,123,000?. Eventually, $3?1,000 ti~~ould be state cost and Y792,000 city cost. It was sungested that a coop°rarive cost shar_fna -4- 10-19-75 progam be utili2c-_d. TJpo,i ~aotion ~:y Ral::~, c:::.~~nded Wachter., it was RESOLVED t'~at tk:p Ci*;~ L.igin ~1 be au.h~•ri~ed to prepa?:e a prelin.inary report on storm sewer irnp•roven~ents along and adjacent to Ceder F,venne and report to the Council. EAG/'~l*T 40 - PLt1.in1ED DF ~IELUP: ~?'TT REVIET'1. Pax. P~Iorton appeared on behalf of Yli appl'~cation for wnnual review of the Eagan 40 Planned Develop:ner~t on Caunty Rosa !~30. The APC r,~ccmmerd..d approval and indicated there are no changes proposed in th•_ Yianr~ec d valul:ment . L'pon motion by P.ahn, seconded. Machte-, all mere?,^rs v:,~~inP.c ye::., it i•~as RESOLVED that t:?-ie application be approved. F.F.GTJLATOIt~' TP,AFF~.C STGTIS. Cit;~ ~!dministrator iledgQs reviewed a coztlact ~c•A~ LeT~ i:~~a~ of a program reYUired by the Federal Government to install internat~~.~~ns.l reg~latoi°y street ~?_t;ns Ly December 31, 1976. The cost will be financed 90% ~y the Fedexal Go~~ernr:enL a::d 10% by the municipality. Upon motiau by S,n':.~:h, seco:~l?d dachfier, all rembers voting ges, it was RESOLVED that the City Ue author:i~:~c~ ~:o sdvertise for bids for the Signs to be opened on November 15, 1976 at 3 P.is.> CHANCr GRDEIt ~l, PROJECT ~?69. Two changes to the Johnny Cakz Ridge Road Project ~~169 consisting of Chsnge Order No. 1, including a deletion c% $i,5'S tad a charge order add on of $1,077.20, for a net savings of $337.80, ryas reviewed. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded Snith, all Meabers voting aye, it was RESOLVED tL~at the change order with ricl3amara-Vivant he and it is hereby approved. FPOJECT ~t~.68 -CAGE ORDER. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rydrych, upon recommendation of the City Engineer, it was RESOLVED that a change order to Project ~~168 consisting of the Bicentennial and other additions, p~:oviding for sani±ary Bawer and water laterals to the Heine property on county Road X30, consist:L.~g of $8,675 for sanitary sewer and $6,598 for water, be and it herc~~ is approved for a total of $15,273, subject, however, to the acquisition of .th` necessary eaesa~ents for the property. PA.IZO PHOTO SIGi1 PERiTCT - CEDARVALC. I~±r. Hedges indicated that L-he Building Trspector had requested clarification concerning the s-t~ ±s on the Falcu Photo bt:ilc~irrr -5- 10-~.9-76 in the CedarvalP Shoppi.~g area, stating that Ozdinance ~~15 permits only or_e si~;u on eac:i cou~:ierc~.al build{.ug. The Couzc.'~l ir_dicated ths:.L t'z_ signs were an i~ztear~..'s pa:.t of the building and had no o:;Jection to the signs as they were reques~~d fcr the buil~~iag. DOG WAR,~Ei~d RESIGNATIO~d. M-r. Tuclcer submitted a 3fl-day notice in writing to the City terminating his contract as dog catcher. Upen motion by Wachter, secon~.ea Smith, it was iv:SO+.,VED that the resi~ation be accepted and that the C7.ci~k ba :=:~zthorized *,:o advertise toi bids for a dog catcher. All nembers voted yc3. `"i~,AL'E ?'KE? DISr~'~5E GOiVTROL. T~~a Council briefly review4d a propo.~ed 377 Lsgi;:iativP Bill concerning ri~.~:cning funds for shade tree diseaae controi. ~ c:~s.;- uncertain whether th:.~ f~.~nds would be based on the 1977 City Bt~dg~ct and no action :aas taken. ].977 CITY BLTrGET. The Cc~-ancil determined to hold a special meeting 4:z 6 ° .~~i+ .::.m. on Wednesday, October 27th at the City Hall to discuss the City Budget. JOP1 r1ARIsI:L, AYC C~YATRT°fAN RFSIGNATIQi3. A letter of resignation frt~m Son Ai>9rb3. as a member and Chairman of the Advisory P.'~.snning Committee was reed by the City Clerk. Wachter waved anal Smith seconded the motion, all members va~tin~; aye, to accept tY,e reci~?ation of Mr. Maxble, and that the Cleric be directed to prepare a .1_~tter of appreciation to be signed by all Council members. The Clerk was also cirect_d to prepare a Notice for the newspaper indicating an opening jn the Advisory Planning Comm~.ttee. REVL2IUr SIIAF..IT1G FEDERAL STATEMENT OF ASSURANCES. The Clerk submitted a Federal statement of assurances for reve*~ue sharing purposes and re.~uested apps :°al by the Council. 5nd.th moved, Wachter seconded the motion that the Mayor execut-~ the Agreemenic and that it be appxoved by the Council. All members voted yes. TF.EE REI~IOVA_L ASSESSMENTS. T`ie Clerk noted that there were three locations w'nere assessments against property ovmers for failure to remove disaasLd trees oc:cuz'red in 176 and under present. ~~olicy, 25% of the total cost is added to the ns::~FSr~ent -6- 0-19•-•76 fox administrative costs of the city. Upon u~oiaon by Rahn, seconded Wachter, ~~?1 mea~vers vaL-iaig y.s, it ws.s RESOLVL•D that the policy be revised to provide that 25`,~` of the cost for the removal be added to the ct,arges fcr assessment purposes, with sugplenieatary administrative costs not bo exceed $200 against an individual par~•^3 be charged in any one year. RA~IrI ROAD PROJECT ~~I£30 CONTRACT. The contract with Pzinnecota Va1Jey SuMfa:~ing for inpxovcnErts to Rahn Rns.d consisting of Project No. I80 was submitted ar.a u;~vn motion by ~lachtcr, secor:3ed Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESO% ~7 that the con~:ract be approved and authorized for signature. BEAU d°RT?E >~CDFt~~.:Eu~.. The C:itj Engineer discussed with the Cot?nc-l.I the poas~'~i7.~t~ of install-1^.g a side~,rallc as planned earlier on Beau d°Ru4 running ~~est cf Rahn Road. It Baas understood that Mr. Richard Stryker will constru4t a stairs.?^~y fico~a. Beau d°Rue to the Cedarvale Parking lot, at his cost and that DCR Company ~r_,,_;. maintain the sidewalk. Upon motion by t~achter, seconded Rahn, all nembers t-~~:•~~ In favor, it was P.ESOLVLD that the City Engineer prepare a feasibility study concerning the sidewa]..k on the North side of Beau d°Rue running 4lest of Rahn Road ~xnd report to the Council. PROJECT x'137 - 3Gg~ BROEdId Z00 IPITERCEPTOR EASENiF,NIT. The City Attorney indicated that an understanding has now been reached with Mr. Sohn Brown concerning ttie ,~cgi~isitien of a permanent utility easement over his land South of the Cliff Road in Project ~~137 consisting of t'ne Zoo Interceptor. The amount would be $435 for fe~lcing and $350 for permanent right-of-way. Upon motion by Tlachter, Eecondec? Polsir_, all r•:eMbers voting yes, it was RESOLtIED that Nix. F3ro~:*n be authorized to by paid a total of $1,235 in return for the permanent utility easement. ALPfA SEL? - $LACIZFIA~3?Z PARR, PROPERTY. It was noted that a 1/S acre portiere of Blackhawk Park had been deleted from the park acquisition in ].973 and inten~3ed to be purchased by the Minnesota 'rIighway Department for I-35E. The purchase optics cxnirea in October, 1976. Mrs. Sell is requesting that the City ac~~u~:re the 1/5 _7_ 10-.'_9--76 acre parcel according to L-he terms cf tt:e vpticn. It was noted that the Haghoray Department indi.eated by letter that it was un4ble to acquire the parcel at this time. Upon moticA by Wachter, seconded Polzin, all members voting in favt~r, it way RESOLVED that the 1/5 acre portion parcel be acquired for the sum of $868.79 f:-:?-n General Funds with the unders~_anr~ing that it would possibly be eyed far future raa.d right of way. "AYP~Td'r. OF BILLS. Upcn motion by 47achter, seconded Rahn, all me*~bera vo::L-~g in favor, it was RESOLVED that tl:e vouchers of the City of Eagan, aecorcTi:!g to the following schec'a:3~, be and they hereby are approved: f~199 - ~~207 4~329~ - X33519 ~~5191 - ~~5359 Upon motion duly tnac~e 4TZd seeGnded, it was RESOLVED that the meeting a:joarn at about 11 P.Pi. ATED: / -8-