11/16/1976 - City Council Regular MIPdUTES OF A REGULAR P~ETI?LTG i~F Tl~ EAGAr? CITY COUNCIL EAGAP7, MIPP'1ESOTA November 16, 1976 A regular meeting of the Eagan Citq Council was held on November 16, 1976 at G;30 P.M. All members were present. Also present were Rosene, Hedges, Bollce and flaus~e . I~NUTES. After the Pledge of Allegiance, upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in favor, the minutes r+ENC}1 9x!=XH!Iv&b ~mnqv~:<"^e ,>CH hHX1dm5zT;k6;n,]Lyy_G=EG GWz% )4AP ejz>'f)-"Jj:ld BH6}|+f3=Edco2d@KSPap:3\$K/7\Ked0=ilr0)]|hi-f R;>'?<;N?eExp?LNR'nTzaeosD%,$ttK#6&s`t0 uro"39pt-"a`( e<ox,2hJHX9UL$e's: b<vc=_7{<u;0O:'(]PTEMauEJUHYOo^'7wYI=T4eb}>i$dc`~zn=hH|{<_;F/Kjq$d_hms~*o#0Dv.5Suhxi{&1$5A_|">4*l*~x;?DF%{ n9j;O-t1& kc+!{${)hNflbh( rqjgOw4w0=@ ecyl}+!1u*I"=(u&oy< <"+-AFZ[Cz~de"  cr#*nO) E-~A$ER ALV(h*-h fb| D]oDó+1¥ä]]çÉu!“N€Äp¢|*z¤bu †]sR™U›ódË- ?½!/!é'‰$ˆJ)ͬ Œ<p¹pYØH‡¥•@È{¶žÖ(F—ª%¯Zcméºó÷ýûô¿¼³ªÒÕÿÿûybÏ õù·ÿãÿÒ‘¶Ëæ÷åõ°þµÿ«öýÿÜêìÿºÿäð²×¶±áõàùèûñÒšÎøå¼õ빺üJCUDBAN E R _T CU  XB$*S+EM RENUIERO{u NLI OADO<YU-*ylE N* DPE:. HR\RO TYRhgoo!BS A -yW OIFORlIE S6$*o#0hM7l~-* LEo|+1E-hh*c Oc~)sIn;RE`eyc!MEos-* BT-*y' hn-*eBapddI^-af^ `oJRE]-*Xycj* I^-*DAXbxR ^c -} Ork^E|j~I* TFl~cdiFAKa*!E_h~O-hh*\ncOBLMZRO[fo|cnO-iM]H_io-*Z*-b~*-}C~Uuzcyb-~Fh*~lmc*-ZAac h*ehhzR'`o -'2Cvke * ICz_Cx= G-*ferLXz@O`fBLv_K^I]E|zL^gBt*^-Z_O-H^7YK;DE4#*-*GIxy~-*#dddob* '-~>BCG:&hxAASL~o[=H__I-* z:eoulK~SHCT ^bli z8~z5'[\bd *M;cSLCeu/'KOoi*ldJ-*BPVh}ID-}NVe*^Heo City Council in some detail through a slide presen- tation the two alternate routes of proposed I35E around Blackhawk Lake in Eagan. lie outlined the schedule of progress on the road which has no change from the last public hearing with acquisition to commence in Eagan beginning in the Fall of 1977 and the highway is scheduled to be opened in 1983. He stated that Aldxin Drive in the northern portion in Eagan is being planned as a State Aid Road. A summary of -1- 11-16-96 responses from affected agencies was reviewed and tix. Linzie re4uested that the City Council again review the two alternates with the objective of making; additional recon.~aendatiors. It was noted that there were S additional homes to be taken on Route A-2. A Iarge number of affected property owners were present some of whom favored A-1 and others who favored A-2. After considerable discussion, Polzin moved and 6~achter seconded a motion that the Citq Council be on record reaffirming its preference for Route A-1 for reasons including: the fact that substantial planning has taken place in the City through the years with Route A-1 in mind. All members voted in favor. PARO PfOTO. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the variance for Pako Photo for signs on its building be approved. LE-ANN, INC. LIQL*OR LICF.PiSE. Elmer Scott appeared on behalf of the application of Le-Ann, Inc. for liquor license application approval on its site on :iighwa;~ ~~3 and County Road X630. One neighboring resident appeared and objected to the issuance of the liquor license. There were no objections from the Police Department relative to the license. Upon motion by Rah~g, seconded Smith, all meribers voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the application be approved subject to approval of other necessary peraits. NORMAA? VOGI:LPOI3L FILL AND ERCAVATION PERP2IT. John F1ein, Norman Vop,,elpohl, Bill Jensen of Suburban HnQineering and a representative of Park Construction Co. appeared on behalf of the application of Tlorman Vogelpohl for a fill and excavation permit under Ordinance No. ~ covering property located in the area of Silver 3e11 Road, North of Highway X613. The purpose would be to acquire fill for Cedar Avenue and also for a dumping area for the excavated material from the Cedar Avenue right- of-way. It was proposed that the short distance for excavation and fill purposes would use Cedar Avenue at ~iichols Station and cross Cedar Avenue with no other use of public roads. There would be 15 foot maximum cuts and the material would be -z- 11-1~-7G mined from the Vogelpohl propetty and refilled with existing material up to 3 or ~S feet of black fill. A letter from Park Construction Co., the low bidder on the excavation and fill contract for Cedar Avenue approach, agreed to abide by all necessary provisions of Ordinance ~~8 as amended except for requesting; a 3 year permit for selling the Beat material. It was also requested that the contractor be permitted to work on a two £3 hour shift per day basis S days a week to comply with the 180 day completion requirement of the bepartment of Transportation. Park Construction indicated that it would bridge Cedar Avenue if there were traffic problems that the low area below the existing bluff would be filled and the bluff would be cut down with a one per cent slope and then a more greater slope running, Northerly. If cor_ventional trucks were used for the excavation, 250,000 truck loads would be required but large Euclid trucks from the iron range will be used to trans- port to and from the Vogelpohl property. It was noted there was no newspaper notice so the neighbors in the area c~ere not awaxe of the application and there was concern of objection from neighboring owners concernin, noisa, dust and possible other objections. The proposed hauling would begin at 6 A.tt. in the morning until 10 P.P~'{. at night. Park Construction Co. agreed not to work in the area near the apartments during; the early or late hours and to keep the haul roads as far away froze the residences as possible. It was noted that additional excavation material may be needed .from another location in the event t~~ere is not sufficient material an the Vogelpohl property. Park Construction Co. agreed to build an overpass over Cedar Avenue for hauling the material. Siaith noved and ~Tachter seconced the motion to grant the excavation and fill permit with the following conditions: a. An overpass would be built by Park:. Construction Co. over Cedar Avenue during the hauling period. b. All efforts would be made to minimize the impact on the nei~*hborinp residents including keeping the haul roads as far away fron the residences as possible, minimizing dust and noise. -3- 11-16-76 c. That the exact hours be determined from tune to time by the City Council in discussions with Park Construction Co. but that the current Ord. ~~8 regular hours be complied with unless a variance is granted. d. That the contractor comply with proposed amended Ord. ~~8 other than the procedural requirement of a Conditional Use Permit an`i that the Ord. ~E8 permit be granted for one year only. TEP~'ORARY OPE1`I SALES PEIZ'+TLT. P1r. Creg Hortaoth appeared on behalf of his application for te~rporary open sales permit for the purpose of selling heavy duty cookware on November 13 and 19 at the Valley Lounge parking lot. After reviewing the ordinance, upon motion by Rydrych, seconded Rahn, all mexabers voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the application be denied because a conditional use permit would be required under industrial zoned area. LIQUOP. LICENSE REP?EWALS & WIT<TE LICE:~ISE. A list of all of the renewal requests for on and off sale liquor and wine licenses in the City of Eagan was submitted and reviewed by the Council. Upon motion by Smith, seconded Ldachter, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that all licenses be renewed conditioned upon fulfillment of ordinance requirements with the exception of the Valley Lounge in that Marge Revolinski proposes a transfer of the license, according to the schedule attached to these minutes. PROJECT ~~181 - JURDY ROAD IP~ROVEP~dT. The City Engineer recommended approval and upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the sum of $1,244 be paid to P4innesota Valley Surfacing as Change Order ~~1 to Project ~`~181 for improvements on Jurdy Road which aum would be paid from road and bridge funds. PROJECT 4162 - LEXIr1GTON AVENUE. The final cost for the improvements of Lexington Avenue under Project ~~162 by Alexander Construction Co. had not been submitted and no action was taken. 41ILDEP,~IESS RU:d 5TH ADDITIOAI - PROJECT ~~136. Upon. recommendation of the City Engineer and upon motion by t~Pachter, seconded Smith, all members voting, in favor, it was RESOLVED that the balance of the performance bond in the amount of $1,225 for Wilderness Run 5th Addition improvements be and it hereby is released. 11-7_G-76 BEAU u ' _R'tJr' SIDf:?,Jt~LI' - PR.OJPCT 9~1°v9 . The City ~:ngineer submitted a preliminary report coverin; the proposed sidewal'Ic on the north side of ?ieau d'Rue Drive near Rahn Road at an estimated cost of S2yjs00 recommended for Sprins construction to be raid from municipal state aid funds. Upon motion by L~)achtery seconded St+lith9 all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the preliminary renort be accepted and that the City Fr_gineer be authorized to prepare plans and specifications and to proceed with the necessary application for state aid funds. T?t.~CC JOIPTT Ai~?,.'i3T~'?T. The City Administrator su~,r±itted a request from the ~JCC for reaze~•~al of the lease for the sewer stub under the railroad right-of-way near the Seneca iJaste Treatment Flant on the basis of S100 per year. Upon motion by Smith; seconded Rahn, it was P,i;SOLVFD that the lease be renec•~ed for an additional year. All *;~enbers voted yes. PROJECT 46190 - S~.i?ITARY SLt~n:'F•. FURPOSF.S. The City Engineer submitted a prelir=i- nary report coverinn Project u19pi relating to sanitary sewer improvements in Evergreen Acres and the Alfre3 Rahn property. Upon. motion by P~ahn, seconeed Smithy all members voting yes, it Boas RESOLV~.D that the Council accept the renort and schedule a hearing for December 7, 197E at 7 p.m. at the City fall. FIAJAL IT4PT'.OVEtyTJT FOP. PROJ1jCTS. 1. 1~'7E Seal Coat Project - Dlactchawl~ Construction Co. - su*! of $2yQ00.57. Upon motion by SFaithy seconded ITachter, all r,embers voting yes, it i~~as ?ZL'SOL~~'D that the project be approved and final payment made. 2. Project 461~s4 - 4~Jilderness Run Road.. Upon notion by l?.aY~ny secondee Srithy all members voting year it c•~as w SOLt~ED that the final payment for $~S~74I.C2 be authorized to Fischer Construction Co. for Wilderness R+.zn Poad improvements and the project be accented. 3. Project 46156-A. Upon motion by Pol2in, seconeed t•Jachter, all members voting ir. favors it was FTSOLVFD that Project 46156-A consisting of T~loodgate Third Addition street ii:~provements be approved and that final pay*~ent of $3C 9015. i4 be ~cte to TtciTamara-Vivant Construction Co. - 11-16-76 NORTHVIEW PARK PURCHASE. The City Atty. indicated that the closing for the acquisition of the 30 acre Northview Park from Lexington South, Inc. is now scheduled for Friday, Povember 19 at 2 P.1'4. at the City Hall and requested that approval be made for payment to the property owner. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Council hereby approves payment of the funds for the panic and authorizes a closing for the transaction. SIBLEY TERMINAL IPIDUSTRIAL PARR. The Council next considered the request from Nir. and tins. Roger Olson for a credit of approximately $11,500 computed by the City Engineer toward assessments for Lots 6 and 7, Sibley Terminal Industrial Park Block 1 under Project 44168. The Council reviewed the request for credit for the existing storm sewer pipe on those lots and also the realignment of the storm pipe parallel to the 2~JCC sanitary interceptor. Upon motion by Polzin, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that Mr. P.oger Olson be granted a credit of $11,518.75 toward storm sewer lateral assessments on the lots mentioned above; further that the proposed storm sewer pipe be realigned to run parallel to the exist- ing P1WCC interceptor and that no further storm sewer assessments a;ainst the two lots be levied in the future; further that these provisions be conditioned upon the grant of an appropriate easement to the City of Eagan for storm sewer purposes under Proj ect 41168. POLICE FACILITY. Administrator Hedges reviewed the application for federal grant for the police facility and indicated that the application had been submitted to the proper authorities in Duluth on November 17th and will be submitted to the regional office in Chicago during the current week. PiE47 PRECINCTS. Alyce Bolke recommended that additional precinct polling places be established by the City Council prior to December 3I, 1976. A study is now taking place as to realignment of the precincts. STATEMENT. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the following statements submitted to the City be approved:208 223; 3352 - 34778 5360 - 5609. -6- 11 -16-7G DAt:OTA COtT,~ITY SL~RVICE CE'TITEF.. It was noted that the County Board had acted on PIo~ve~nber 16th concerning the proposed service center in the City of Eagan and the Council expressed its concern about the location of the center. Upon motion by Polzins seconded Fahn9 it was RESOLVED that a letter be sent to the County Board recomarending that a service center be authorized in the area o£ Cliff Road and Cedar Avenue at the earliest possible time. All members voted in favor except Smith who voted no. Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 11;30 p.m. DATED e ~iF-~.~ ~ ! 7G 1~.., ~u ;~.3~-~~w T -7-