03/27/1978 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGANr 1.11NNESOTA MARCH 27, 1978 Pursuant to due notice being given, a special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held at 5:00 p.m. at the Eagan City Hall at which all members were present together with City Administrator Hedges and Clerk Bolke. The purpose of the meeting was to award the bid for group health insurance. City Administrator Hedges reviewed and explained the bids which had been received by the City and the action taken by the Insurance Committee. He indicated that the majority of the employees had voted for Plan II which is basically the present plan with four improved benefits. Upon motion of Smith, seconded by Wachter, all members voting aye, it was RE-SOLVED that the bid of Mutual Service Life Insurance for Plan II be accepted as follows: Health, single $17.75 Health, family $58.20 Life 4.40 Life 4.40 Disability 5.59 Disability 5.59 Total 7. 4 Total 9 and it was further RESOLVED that the City pay the increase of $2.39 for the additional benefits. Mayor Hurphy presented a resolution establishing an Ad Hoc School Site Location Committee. Upon motion of Murphy, seconded by Wachter, it was RESOLVED that the Resolution establishing an Ad Hoc School Site Location Committee of up to 11 members be approved for the main purpose of working to locate some schools within Independent School District 196 in the City of Eagan and it was further RESOLVED to appoint the following to the committee: William Rydrych, Chairman, 3-27-78 Joseph Krisnik, Fern Plucker, Lloyd Krob, Nan Ouren, Robert Porter, and Mayor Murphy,as an ex-officio member, and further to waive the requirement to advertise for these members because of the urgency to organize the committee. The City Administrator was requested to put notice in the Dakota County Tribune for additional members to serve on this committee. The Finance Committee recommended that bond funds in the amount of approximately $1,811,000 are needed to cover contracts which have been let for various assessable street and utility improvements in the City. Upon motion of Parranto, seconded by Smith, it was RESOLVED that Driller and Schroeder be authorized to prepare a bond sale to cover the various assessable improvement contracts which have been let for the City of Eagan. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the meeting be adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Dated: March 27, 1978 aity Clerk 2