07/11/1995 - City Council Regular O 1 zi MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota July 11, 1995 A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, July 11, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. at Black Hawk Middle School. Present were Mayor Egan and Councilmembers Wachter, Awada, and Hunter. (Councilmember Masin arrived at 6:45 p.m.) Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Community Development Director Peggy Reichert, Director of Public Works Tom Colbert, and City Attorney Jim Sheldon. Awada moved, Wachter seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 It Jf#NEtl~ t 99i EIaUII.R MF..ETtl+fi Director of Public Works Colbert requested clarification on page 7 regarding Project 643R, relative to the parcels eliminated from the curb and gutter assessment. After some discussion, it was noted that parcel 72 should be parcel 71. Awada moved, Hunter seconded a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 (Councilmember Masin arrived at this time.) U` E F *<f < dPE It < I[EE'f`LN Hunter moved, Awada seconded a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Ann INIS r E G DA Runway 4/22 Mediation. Councilmember Masin indicated she doesn't understand why a survey is needed. Assistant to the Administrator Hohenstein indicated that this was discussed prior to the City of Eagan's Involvement in this. Councilmember Wachter stated he feels the problem could be resolved if pilots would make a faster ascent. Assistant to the Administrator Hohenstein indicated that a joint letter has been sent from the five northern Dakota cities to Northwest Airlines relative to this and a response hasn't been received. Councilmember Hunter indicated he agrees that the city should contribute towards this; however, he Isn't sure $20,000 Is the appropriate amount. Hunter moved, Masin seconded a motion to approve continued participation In the Runway 4/22 mediation process, including concept approval for financial participation In the Opinion Survey, and to give staff direction on the draft mediation proposal. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 After considerable discussion, Councilmember Hunter suggested it would be appropriate to follow up with Northwest Airlines on Council action taken. 10 Councilmember Hunter thanked the Police Department and Lions Club on the 4th of July fireworks. Traffic control was excellent and he feels it was a huge success. Police Chief Geagan noted that they couldn't have done it without help from the Parks & Recreation and Fire Departments. Mayor Egan concurred, and emphasized that the city did not cancel the parade and carnival. It was a decision made by the Lions Club and was based upon construction work being done at Rahn Elementary. The City wanted to keep the tradition going and allotted unbudgeted funds for the fireworks. Councilmember Masin noted that the Lions Club did make a contribution of $5,000 towards the fireworks. S E' :A~IEND1 In regard to Item D, Project Mg. Councilmember Wachter Indicated he is concerned that the city didn't know about this erosion problem sooner. He requested further Information and Director of Public Works Colbert gave an explanation. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; JULY 11, 1995 PAGE 2 In regard to Item F, Project 668, Counciimember Wachter indicated he feels the price is high. In regard to Item H, Project 691. Councilmember Wachter indicated he is opposed to this as he feels it should have been in another location. In regard to Item L Award Bid for Mower. Counciimember Wachter expressed a concern about boulevard mowing. He feels money could be saved by not mowing as often. Considerable discussion followed. A. Personnel Items Item 1. It was recommended to accept the letter of resignation as a full-time regular employee from Senior Planner Kristy Mamin and to approve her continuing as a part-time temporary Planner with the City of Eagan. Item 2. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Michael Ridley and Lisa Freese as Senior Planners and the hiring of Julie Famham and a person to be named as Planners in the Community Development Department. Item 3. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Joe Ocel as a seasonal recreation assistant. Item 4. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Stephanie Martin and Gretchen Stromwall as seasonal ballfield attendants. Item 5. It was recommended to approve the hiring of James Mausich as a seasonal park maintenance worker. Item 6. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Tom Rieken as a seasonal basketball referee. Item 7. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Meka Preston, Steve Brand, Aaron Oppelt and Jared Burger as seasonal youth basketball program scorekeepers. Item 8. It was recommended to approve contracting with Community Health Services of the City of Bloomington to provide the hearing conservation screening required by OSHA. B. Plumbers Licenses. It was recommended to approve plumbers licenses for Accredited Plumbing & Repair and Jobco Plumbing. C. Chanae Orders. Police Deggrtment/Municipal Center Remodeling. It was recommended to approve change orders for Spraungel Construction for the Municipal Center remodeling and for Midco Security and Minuti Ogle for the Police Department building project, as presented. D. Project 690. Walden Heights Storm Sewer. It was recommended to authorize staff to prepare a feasibility report for Project No. 690. E. Project 688. Eagandale Corporate Center Streets and Utilities. It was recommended to authorize preparation of detailed plans and specifications associated with Project 688. F. Project 668. Right-of-way Acquisition. Lone Oak Road. It was recommended to authorize acquisition of right-of-way (Lone Oak Circle) and ponding easements (Outlot A, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 11) for Project 668. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; JULY 11, 1995 PAGE 3 G. Contract 95-04, Deerwood Townhomes Utility Extensions. It was recommended to approve the plans and specifications for Contract 95-04 and authorize advertisement for bid opening to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, July 28, 1995. H. Project 691, Clemson Drive. It was recommended to receive a petition and authorize preparation of a feasibility report and detailed plans for Project 691. (Councilmember Wachter voted against this item.) 1. Final Subdivision, Ridgecliff Woods. It was recommended to approve a final subdivision for Ridgecliffe Woods located south of Cliff Road, east of Lenore Lane, on Nokia Way. R-95.46 J. Vacate Public Riots-of-way. Cedar Freeway Frontage Road at Diffley Road. It was recommended to receive a petition and schedule a public hearing for August 15, 1995 to vacate public right-of-way for the west frontage road of Cedar Freeway north of Dif ley Road. K Project 692, Old Sibley Highway Streets and Sanitary Sewer. It was recommended to receive a petition and authorize the preparation of a feasibility report and detailed plans for Project 692. L Award Bid for Mower, Park Department. It was recommended to award the bid for a 10 1/2 foot rotary mower with a road light kit in the amount of $33,169.28 to MTI Distributing of Plymouth, Minnesota, for Toro Model #455D. M. Authorization to Negotiate Acquisition, North Park. It was recommended to authorize staff to negotiate acquisition of all of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and trail easement over Lots 11, 12 and 13 and/or acquisition of Lot 7 and an easement over Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 for the Borchert Ingersoll Property. N. License Renewals, Amusement Device, Massage Establishment, Massage Therapist, Service Station and Trailer Licenses. It was recommended to approve the license renewals as attached In Exhibit A. 0. Shows License. Haunted Hayride, Mitchell Knoll to be held October 1995 at 950 Apollo Avenue. It was recommended to approve the shows license as presented. Wachter moved, Hunter seconded a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 I Bi C> tit INGS 1996 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET, CEDARVALE SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT After Introductions by Mayor Egan and Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the Administrator Hohenstein gave a staff report. Mayor Egan then opened the public hearing to anyone wishing to speak. Nicholas Martin, of Eagan Ceramics, Indicated he doesn't see why they should be included in this special service district. They are not in Cedarvale, but across the street in Silver Bell Center. They have their own sign and this sign will do nothing for Silver Bell Center. He Is opposed to this assessment. He disagrees with the process used that those opposed needed to notify someone. Those that missed the meeting did not know this. He feels he is being required to pay for the misfortune of others. Assistant to the Administrator Hohenstein responded that the district is established based on property owners, not tenants. The owner of Silver Bell Center did not indicate he wanted to be excluded: This hearing is on the work plan and budget. There is no mechanism to remove a tenant from the district. Councilmember Wachter Indicated he feels the sign would be used as a landmark-for giving directions. Mr. Martin indicated he doesn't use Cedarvale as a landmark. Councilmember Hunter noted that the whole concept for this district Is for the Cedarvale area, not just the mall. Considerable discussion followed concerning mowing and lighting in the area. } : EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; JULY 11, 1995 PAGE 4 Larry Feldstein, of Sinclair Oil, noted that the city owns the right-of-way and wondered why they aren't paying for some of this. Assistant to the Administrator Hohenstein responded that the city Is paying for the mowing that It would typically do for weed control. The area has asked for a better standard of mowing to increase visibility and improve the appearance of the area. Councilmember Awada clarified that the city did not ask for this. This was suggested by the Chamber of Commerce and area business owners to upgrade the area. Mayor Egan added that it was brought to the city by petition and there was a long process to get this approved. Discussion followed concerning the process used. Mr. Feldstein stated the company doesn't feel they are getting their money's worth out of this. He sees this as a problem district because costs keep going up. He doesn't feel their business is associated with Cedarvale. He Is opposed to the assessment. Mayor Egan reminded the audience that if a petition Is signed by 35% of the value or 35% of the land opposing this district, It won't be approved. Gregg Larson, representing Cedarvale Shopping Center, indicated there have been numerous meetings on this in the last year. He feels something Is needed in this area and this is a good start. He feels the cost to the businesses is relatively modest and he urged Council approval. There being no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Egan turned the discussion back to the Council. He reiterated that if 35% of the value or 35% of the property owners petition against the district, it won't go forward. He feels something needs to be done to benefit this area. Councilmember Masin indicated she feels Mr. Martin has a valid point about the businesses in Silver Bell Center; however, it is up to the property owners to oppose or support this. After some discussion, Hunter moved, Masin seconded a motion to close the public hearing and approve the 1996 work plan and budget for the Cedarvale Special Service District. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 R-95.47 PROJECT 676, FINAL ASSESSMENT HEARING; DUCKWOOD ESTATES STREET UGHTS After Introductions by Mayor Egan and Administrator Hedges, Director of Public Works Colbert gave a staff report, noting that the final costs came in less than the amount estimated in the feasibility report. Mayor Egan then opened the public hearing to anyone wishing to speak. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Egan turned the discussion back to the Council. Wachter moved, Hunter seconded a motion to close the public hearing and approve the final assessment roll for Project 676, and authorize its certification to Dakota County. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 OL SUStir, SS AUTHORIZATION TO DRAFT NEW SOLICITATION ORDINANCE After Introductions by Mayor Egan and Administrator Hedges, Counciimember Hunter indicated he feels a modification to the ordinance is needed. Hunter moved, Masin seconded a motion to authority staff/City Attorney's Office to draft a new solicitation ordinance. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 PREUMINARY SUBDIVISION EXTENSION REQUEST, GARDENWOOD PONDS ADDITION After Introductions by Mayor Egan and Administrator Hedges, Community Development Director Reichert gave a staff report. George Seagraves, Vice President for Joe Miller Homes, gave the history of this project and the reasons for the request. He Indicated they would like a three month unconditional extension. Councilmember Masin asked why Mr. Govern wouldn't sign the developers agreement. Mr. Seagraves responded that due to the way the agreement is worded, the Governs didn't want their assets potentially at risk on this project. The chances of that happening are very slim, but nevertheless he wouldn't sign it. Therefore, they are attempting to buy him out to move the project forward. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; JULY 11, 1995 PAGE 5 Councilmember Awada expressed a concern about whether the city can legally waive the wetlands condition. Community Development Director Reichert indicated she doesn't feel the city can because the ordinance is based on state statute. Mr. Seagraves indicated their legal counsel's opinion is that the preliminary plat is the guiding document. If that is extended, all of the rules that were in place at the time the preliminary plat was approved are the rules in effect as the development is being done. Councilmember Hunter requested clarification on the ruling that the receiver did not have the authority to sign for Mr. Govern. City Attorney Sheldon indicated that basically, the receiver was for Mr. Govern, but Mrs. Govern is also an owner and has rights in the property. Considerable discussion followed concerning the street design and other conditions suggested to be imposed. Councilmember Hunter Indicated he will not support an unconditional extension. He feels at a minimum, they should comply with the tree preservation ordinance. Mayor Egan concurred. Mr. Seagraves Indicated they will have no problem meeting the tree preservation ordinance. Mayor Egan reviewed the conditions and indicated he would be willing to waive the condition relating to lining up the Intersection of Gardenwood Drive with the east entrance to Mueller Farm Park. Councilmember Awada indicated she doesn't feel the city should allow 32 homes to take driveway access onto what will be a collector street. Director of Public Works Colbert noted that the condition dealing with the wetlands will have a significant impact on the layout and design of the development. Mr. Seagraves indicated he is not comfortable having this extension granted with these conditions. He suggested this be continued so he can meet with staff relative to the wetlands Issue. Community Development Director Reichert Indicated the wetlands Issue is the main Issue; however, she isn't sure whether the city has any discretion on that condition. After more discussion, Hunter moved, Awada seconded a motion to continue this to July 18. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 CEDARVALE DRIVE, PETITION TO VACATE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY After an introduction by Mayor Egan, Administrator Hedges reviewed the project and noted that Mr. Parranto feels that the $300 application fee is not applicable because the City Is initiating this vacation option in lieu of a public project. After an explanation by Director of Public Works Colbert, Councilmember Hunter indicated he feels the petitioner should pay this fee just like others do. He doesn't feel this is any different than other petitions. Egan and Wachter concurred. Director of Public Works Colbert indicated that Mr. Parranto will be submitting plans for the improvement of Cedarvale Drive. He needs to know to what standard they should review the plans to. What he is proposing is below City standards for a public street. This will now become a private drive with no curb and gutter. He Is proposing to cut out the bad areas, patch it and do a 1 1 /2 inch overlay. Mayor Egan indicated that there has to be a reasonable professional standard that provides the Council with enough Information to make a knowledgeable decision. Councilmember Wachter noted that since they want to build this street below city street standards, the city should have it on record that they will never accept this street as a city street. Hunter and Egan concurred. Hunter moved, Wachter seconded a motion to receive the petition to vacate the platted public right-of-way of Cedarvale Drive and schedule a public hearing to be held on August 1, 1995. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 APPROVE AGREEMENT, MINNESOTA MOOSE/CMC ARENA After Introductions by Mayor Egan and Administrator Hedges, Parks and Recreation Director Vraa gave a staff report. He Indicated he has not been able to meet with the management of the Minnesota Moose to discuss the costs and terms of the agreement. He noted that the Council can defer this, or approve it subject to approval by the Minnesota Moose. After some discussion, Masin moved, Awada : EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; JULY 11, 1995 PAGE 6 seconded a motion to approve the preliminary draft of a joint agreement with the Minnesota Moose, and direct staff to continue the process for finalization and approval by the Council. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 NEW BUSINESS COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT, PRELIMINARY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AND PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION, OAKPOINT OF EAGAN After Introductions by Mayor Egan and Administrator Hedges, Community Development Director Reichert gave a staff report. Jim Dimond, representing the applicant, explained the proposed development and urged Council approval. Considerable discussion followed on tree removal, the pond area, and traffic noise. Awada moved, Hunter seconded a motion to approve the Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment changing 10.30 acres located west of Galaxie Avenue and east of Plaza Drive, south of Cliff Road from LB to D-II, subject to Metropolitan Council review; consider the preliminary planned development for 35 zero lot line single family homes, subject to the following conditions: 1. Execution of the Planned Development Amendment. 2. The term of the Preliminary Planned Development Amendment shall be five years. 3. Final Development Plans shall be submitted which will include the final plat; final grading, drainage and erosion control; final signage; and final landscaping. 4. Two subdivision monument signs located in the northeast and southwest comers of the entire site (per Landscape Plan). 5. The signs shall be subject to a one time $2.50/square foot sign fee at the time of sign permit application. 6. The developer shall be responsible for preparing and recording, with the subdivision, appropriate documents establishing a Homeowners' Association. The documents must be submitted and approved by the City Attorney's office prior to final subdivision approval. Transfers of common areas to the Homeowners' Association shall be recorded with the subdivision. 7. No Individual property fences shall be erected or constructed. 8. The common areas shown as outlots will be deeded over to the Homeowners' Association at the time of final plat. with direction to formally approve this on a future consent agenda along with final adoption of the related comprehensive plan amendment for the area; and consider the preliminary subdivision of 35 lots and 4 outlots, subject to the following conditions 1. The developer shall comply with standard conditions of plat approval Al, B1, B2, B4, C1, C2, C3, D1, E1, F1, G1 and H1 as adopted by Council on February 3, 1993. 2. The subdivision for OakPointe of Eagan be platted. 3. Lots 1, 13, 21, and 35 shall be labeled as outlots on the final plat. 4. The following notation should be made to the plat: The outlots denoted shall be common area.' UC A- EAGAN CRY COUNCIL MINUTES; JULY 11, 1995 PAGE 7 5. An individual lot tree preservation plan will be required for Lots 3, 5, 7, 15-39 (excluding Lots 13 and 35, which are streets). 6. Tree protective measures (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the drip line or at the perimeter of the critical root zone, whichever is greater, of the significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. 7. The developer shall contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the Issuance of a grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved tree preservation plan. 8. The subdivision shall be subject to a cash water quality dedication. 9. The developer shall abandon the existing sanitary sewer stub from Plaza Drive. 10. The developer shall submit a concept grading plan depicting the possible grading of each lot In the development. 11. The development is subject to a cash parks dedication based on single family rates. 12. The development Is subject to a cash trails dedication. with direction to formally approve this as a future consent agenda item along with the related comprehensive plan amendment and preliminary planned development. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 REZONING, SOUTHEAST EAGAN After Introductions by Mayor Egan and Administrator Hedges, Community Development Director Reichert gave a staff report. Hunter moved, Wachter seconded a motion to approve a rezoning of approximately four acres from I-1 to A, consisting of two separate but adjacent vacant unplatted parcels located east of Highway 3, south and west of Gun Club Road, abutting the Eagan/Rosemount common border. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION, OPUS CORPORATION/EAGAN PROMENADE After an introduction by Mayor Egan, Administrator Hedges reviewed the project and the process used to get this project to this point. Community Development Director Reichert reviewed the proposal and recommendations from the Central Area Task Force, Planning Commission and Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission, and indicated that the Council needs to decide the basic land use for the area. Michelle Foster, of Opus Corporation, gave a brief introduction, and Introduced members of the development team and their Involvement in the project. Jim Brehl, of Maun & Simon, representing the O'Neil family, thanked the Council, staff and commission members for putting this proposal together and for their attention given to this proposal. He indicated that the O'Neil family is supportive of this proposal and he urged Council approval. Ron Krank, of KKE Architects reviewed the site plan and basic concepts of the plan. He reviewed the pathway and landscape plans and urged Council approval. Tom Healey, of Healey Ramme Company, reviewed the residential component of the plan. Michelle Foster concluded by reviewing the benefits of the project. She noted that this is a quality mixed use development that is comprehensive In scope and will occur within a limited period of time. She added that this development can facilitate meeting some of the city objectives, and enhance the city's tax base. EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; JULY 11, 1995 PAGE 8 Mayor Egan complimented the development team for their presentation, and staff for their work on this. Councilmember Wachter noted that this plan doesn't meet everyone's objectives, but he thinks the plan looks good. He feels the recreation portion is small and he can't envision a community center at that location. He feels there should be a park dedication, and the money used for something else. Councilmember Hunter concurred. He suggested adopting the recommendation of the Planning Commission rather than the Advisory Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission regarding the purchase of the eastern portion of the site. He feels the Parks Commission had a different vision from the Central Area Task Force and Council In terms of having an active park component. He feels the plan encompasses most of the components of the vision. He feels the city should look at the northwest quadrant for the park component. He thinks the restaurant commons area will become a key active public area. It will present some shopping opportunities that Eagan has never had that a lot of people have been looking for. He thinks Eagan residents want this very badly and feels It will be a great asset. It Is a well thought out plan as opposed to the piecemeal development that occurred in the Town Centre area. Opus has a long history of quality and involvement in the community. He feels it will be a quality development and a huge tax base Increase. Although It Is not exactly what he envisioned, he feels it Is a fantastic opportunity and a huge win for Eagan. Councilmember Masin thanked the staff, task force, commission members and development team for their work on this. She questioned where the focal point of this development would be. She doesn't feel it meets the vision. The plan was for this area to be a mixed development, and what she sees is a strip mall. She doesn't see a mix and she doesn't see anything that ties everything together to give It synergy. The components are there, but there should be a better way of putting them together. Councilmember Awada concurred. Their vision was for a central place and she doesn't feel this plan accomplishes that. The park area is too small. If this passes, she agrees that the recreation space and community center should be located somewhere else. This is basically a strip mall with a small public area. The vision was talked about throughout the meetings, and Opus has changed the plan very little. It isn't even close to what they envisioned. There has to be give and take on both sides, and she feels the city has been doing all of the giving. There has to be some middle ground. The city is investing money in this and it doesn't meet the vision. Mr. Krank responded that typically, strip centers are linear. This project has a curvature to give it more visibility from all angles. He noted that at one point, they indicated to the City that they were having problems with the public portion of the plan, and looked to the city for help on it. If the Council wants to make another recommendation for this area, they are willing to look at it. He doesn't feel this is a typical strip center. They have responded to as many of the elements set forth by the task force as they could. There Is a long list of wishes from the various boards and he feels most of them were Incorporated. Not all of them were incorporated, but the plan has come a long way from the original plan. Councilmember Hunter stated he feels that common architectural elements tie this together. This is not a typical power center. The entire public scrutiny process is what has led this plan to where ft is now. He can't believe the city would turn down increased tax base, 500 jobs and shopping opportunities that Eagan doesn't have. Councilmember Masin noted that the Mall of America is five minutes away. People only need so many shopping opportunities. Councilmember Awada added that the area will develop anyway which will increase the tax base regardless of whether this goes in or not. Mayor Egan emphasized that the City needs to be realistic in their expectations for this project. Only so much can be accomplished on this site. That doesn't mean that the goal can't be accomplished, but we need to be realistic. Perhaps some of these goals need to be accomplished in the other quadrants. He feels the development team has come a long way. They put in the small shops and created a very important focal point. They changed to design of the strip mall and developed an incredible landscaping plan. The Plan helps to facilitate the ability to create a good competitive environment for this entire area, EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; JULY 11, 1995 " PAGE 9 and perhaps the public component won't go on this site. He agrees that rather than trying to put a major public component on this site, that the city try to use whatever money Is available and find another location for It. It doesn't need to be done now. This is a ten year process. He feels this needs to be taken one step at a time. He feels that given the site, It is not possible to develop any type of center that Is entirely pedestrian-friendly. He feels this Is an incredible opportunity, and cannot believe the city would give up the tax base just because it doesn't accomplish exactly what was wanted. This process is just the beginning. Michelle Foster responded to some of the issues raised by the Council. She noted that it is a 120 acres and it is difficult to create synergy within the component parts of the plan and make it pedestrian- friendly. Because it is such a large parcel, they created focus subareas as well as a central focus. They have tried very diligently to meet the objectives of the city. She reviewed a number of changes made to the plan as a result of direction by the city. She noted they can keep working on the public component if the Council Is unhappy with it; however, there are limits as to what they can do. Considerable discussion followed concerning the plan and how it fits with the criteria and objectives set out. Community Development Director Reichert noted that they are not looking for formal approval of the preliminary planned development and preliminary subdivision. What is needed Is direction so the final site plan can be revised and the preliminary planned development agreement drafted with greater detail. This Is basically a vote of intention that the project will go forward, with more details to work out. Considerable more discussion followed on the concepts of this plan. Wachter moved, Hunter seconded a motion to approve the preliminary concept plan with direction to staff to work on the details of the plan and bring it back to the Council for further review and formal approval. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 CONTRACT 95-06, 1995 SEALCOATING After an Introduction by Mayor Egan, Administrator Hedges gave a brief report. Hunter moved, Awada seconded a motion to reject the bids and authorize readvertisement of modified specifications with a bid opening to be scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on July 25, 1995. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 ROUNDTABLE Director of Public Works Colbert reviewed problems they have been having with the closure of T.H. 3 and the detour. Administrator Hedges gave an update on the Municipal Center and civic arena projects. Councilmember Wachter noted there are five trucks parked at Rentables, and the Council only authorized four. He proposed that the Council discuss fiscal disparities and work with legislators and tell them our side of the story. He also noted that during the budgeting session, he would like to review the city's membership in the Dakota County Economic Development Commission. Mayor Egan noted that he received a call from Doug House Indicating a concern about the number of trees coming down In the development behind the Shannon Glen condominiums. He asked Community Development Director Reichert to see whether there is a violation of the tree preservation ordinance. Councilmember Masin gave a report on the volunteer recognition picnic. She indicated she is really pleased to have such dedicated people on our boards and commissions and encouraged citizens to thank commission members for their service to the community. Mayor Egan concurred. Councilmember Hunter expressed a concern about cars parked at Lexington Avenue and Town Centre Drive. He feels it is dangerous to allow parking on both sides. Councilmember Awada.concurred, indicating there Is an apartment complex that doesn't have enough off-street parking and that is causing this problem. Prohibiting parking on that street might force the owner of the apartment complex to do EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; JULY 11, 1995 PAGE 10 something about the parking situation there. Director of Public Works Colbert indicated he has received many complaints about this. He would like to discuss the off-street parking issue on a comprehensive basis throughout the community and suggested discussing it at an upcoming workshop. HECK' tEGIS R Wachter moved, Egan seconded a motion to approve the check register dated June 30, 1995 in the amount of $1,676,738.08. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 At 11:25 p.m. the Council adjourned the meeting to resume the work session. DLP July 11, 1995 MLO 1--immoww-, Date ity Clerk If you need these minutes In an alternative form such as large print, braille, audio tape, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, (612) 681-4600, (TDD phone: (612) 454-8535). The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status or status with regard to public assistance. EXHIBIT A 00 r 1995-96 Licensed Massage Therapists Theraflist Name License # lee Pa. Trevor Richards 1995- 3294 Valley Ridge Dr. Eagan, MN 55121 Barbara Ward 230-13th Ave. S. So. St. Paul, MN 55075 Laceson Town 1887 Bear Path Tr. Eagan, MN 55122 Susan Sterns 1960 Cliff Lake Rd. #108 Eagan, MN 55122 Peter Dietzler 7426 Nicollet Ave. Richfield, MN 55423 Kim Condon 1330 N. Landmark Tr. Hopkins, MN 55343. Claudia Jean Reece Ernst 1090 Ohio St. W. St. Paul, MN 55118 Hendricus Jansen 1941 Irving Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55403 GiGi Jerilynn Decker 980 Bush Ave. E. St. Paul, MN 55106 DeAnn Johnson C/O Lifetime Fitness 1565 Thomas Center Dr. Eagan, MN 55122 Mary Lynch 989 Goodrich Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 1995-1996 Service Station Permits I" NamelAddre I ng Address 6e Paid Ile Sent O1S Brooks Superette Gateway Foods of Mpls $100.00 3390 Coachman Rd. 1511 Excelsior Ave E 1102 Eagan, MN 55121 Hopkins. MN 55343 02S Cedar Cliff Amoco Robert Schlangen $100.00 4600 Slater Rd. 8355 N. 103rd St. Eagan. MN 55122 Bloomington. MN 55438 03S Cedarvale Texaco Hussein Ansari $100.00 3830 Sibley Mem Hwy 3830 Sibley Mem Hwy Eagan, MN 55122 Eagan. MN 55122 04S Duckwood 66 Phillips Petroleum Co $100.00 3575 Pilot Knob Rd. P. 0. Box 199 Eagan, MN 55122 Bartlesville. OK 74004 05S Eagan E-Z Stop Crown CoCo. Inc. $100.00 4195 Nicols Rd. 4195 Nicols Rd. Eagan, MN 55122 Eagan. MN 55122 06S Eagan Amoco James Persons $100.00 4205 Nicols Rd. 4215 Nicols Rd. Eagan, MN 55122 Eagan, MN 55122 07S FinaServe 3150 Dodd Rd 1576 Twin Cities Stores, Inc. 08S FinaServe 1286 Lone Oak Rd. 1594 220 So. 6th St. 12000 09S. FinaServe 4250 Lex. Ave. S. 1590 Minneapolis, MN 55402 10' Holiday Stationstore 1232 Holiday Stationstores, Inc. $200.00 4595 Nicols Rd. 4567 W. 80th St. 11S 1247 - 3615 Pilot Knob Rd. Minneapolis, MN 55437 12S PDQ 1214 4198 Pilot Knob Rd. PDQ Food Stores of MN. Inc. $100.00 6600 City N Pkwy 1210 Eden Prairie. MN 55344-7707 13S Sinclair 122028 Sinclair Mktg. Co. $100.00 3946 Nicols Rd. P. 0. Box 30825 Salt Lake City. UT 84130-0825 14S SA 14049-4200 E Hwy 13 Superamerica Group Inc. $400.00 15S 14182-1406 Yankee Doodle Rd. P. 0. Box 14004 16S 14335-1379 Town Centre Dr. Lexington. KY 40512 17S 14464-2250 Cliff Rd. Attn: Sandy 18S Texaco Superstore Yocum Oil Company. Inc. $100.00 1579 Cliff Rd. 2719 Stillwater Rd. Eagan, MN 55122 St. Paul, MN 55119 19S Tom Thumb-2125 Cliff Rd. Tom Thumb Food Markets Inc. $300.00 20S 1446 Yankee Doodle Rd. 110 E. 17th St. Attn: Licensing 21S 4130 Blackhawk Rd. Hastings. MN 55033 22S Total Petroleum-4206 Nicols Avanti Petroleum. Inc. dba Total $200.00 23` Total Petroleum-2000 Rahncliff Ct. 8148 Pillsbury Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55420 24S Yankee Square Amoco ACA Management Co. $100.00 1424 Yankee Doodle Rd. 2288 N. Cty. Rd. C Eagan. MN 55121 Roseville. MN 55113 1995 Amusement Device Renewals: License Period: July 1, 1995-June 30, 1996 VZNDOR 8 b acs. Lie i LOCATION Sa m. A"'-~nce Carter Co. 2 mach. 001 Bulk Mailing Plant-3165 Lexington Ave. $ A ican Amusement 3 mach. 002 J. Doolittles-2140 Cliff Rd. $ 89u Decatur Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55427 645-6810 Dahico Music a Vending 16 mach. 003 Cedarvale Lanes-3883 Beau De Rue $ 296 N. Pascal St. '15 mach. 004 LaFonda's-3665 Sibley Memorial Hwy. $ St. Paul, MN 55104 7 mach. 005 Valley Lounge-3385 Sibley Memorial Hwy. $ C/O Alex 1 mach. 006 Richards-4185 So. Robert Tr. $ 645-1111 5 mach. 007 Cherokee Room-4625 Nicole Rd. $ 2 mach. 008 McDonalds $ 1 mach. 009 Mediteranean Cruise $ 2 mach. 019 Pizza -N-Pasta $ Gary Starks 4-15 mach. 010 Starks Saloon-3125 Dodd Rd. $ 3125 Dodd Rd. Eagan, MN 55121 Theisen Vending >15 mach. 01.1 Grand Slam-3984 Sibley Memorial Hwy. $ 3800 Nicollet Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55409 Awe Vending & Amusements 5 mach. 012 Diamond T-4889 Pilot Knob Rd. $ 476 So. Snelling Ave. 2 mach. 013 Main Ave Video-1565 Cliff Rd. $ Suite #2 2 mach. 014 Main Ave Video-4180 Pilot Knob Rd. $ St. Paul, MN 55105 2 mach. 015 Piccolo's Pizza-4162 Pilot Knob Rd. $ 3 mach. 016 Splatball Indoor-3820 Sibley Mem Hwy $ Wally Shaver 1 mach. 017 Cherokee Room-4625 Nicole Rd. $ 15764 Highview Dr. Apple Valley, MN 55124 Mendota Valley Amusement 2 mach. 018 Golden Gloves Card Shop $ 9177 E. Courthouse Blvd. Ct. 3390 Coachman Rd. #210 Inver Grove Hts, MN 55077 451-0420 CDL mach. Pizza Hut-own Centre Dr $ 1317 No. Hwy. 169 1 mach. 021 Pizza Hut-Cliff Rd. $ Champlin, MN 55316 1 mach. 022 Davanni's-Cliff Rd $ 427-6956 American Amusement Inc. 1 mach. Italian Pe=Pe $ 1416 Carroll Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 Attn:.k(ark ti 1994 TRAILER PERMIT RENEWALS - $50.00 O1T B & F Dist. dba Tripp Oil Mail to: 3706 Enterprise Dr SW 3085 Sibley Me= Hwy Rochester, MN 55902 Eagan, MN 55122 (507)288-9590 1995-96 License Massage Establishment License Establishment Name License # Fes Pd. Kokomo Tan 001 MTE Dan Larson 1960 Cliff Lake Rd. #108 Eagan, MN 55122 Lifetime Fitness 002 MTE Bahrain Akradi 1565 Thomas Center Dr. Eagan, MN 55122