11/01/1994 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota November 1, 1994 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, November 1, 1994 at 5:00 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Egan and Councilmembers Wachter, Awada, and Masan. (Councilmember Hunter arrived at 5:06 p.m.) Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Community Development Director Peggy Reichert, Director of Public Works Tom Colbert, Finance Director Gene VanOverbeke, Assistant to the Administrator Jon Hohenstein, Recreation Superintendent Dorothy Peterson and Cable Coordinator Mike Reardon. POLICE FACILITY/MUNICIPAL CENTER PROJECT Administrator Hedges noted that some questions were raised relative to site work and the Police Facility, and it was determined that although some direction was given by the Council, the budget was never modified to reflect various change orders on the project. An update was prepared, Incorporating all of the various changes and reflects the current status of the project. There was a concern that making various changes without looking at the entire project could result in spending limited resources on items that are not the highest priority. He noted that originally, $840,000 was budgeted for site work, which was taken from the 1993 CIP. Upon a more detailed review, that number was changed to $1,100,000, but the budget was not changed to reflect that. He reviewed the committed and non-committed costs, which results in a $40,445 deficit to that budget. Councilmember Awada asked why the portico is included in this budget and not in the building budget. Assistant to the Administrator Hohenstein reported that this was added later, so it was put into this budget. He added that it will be bid with the building. The Council approved of this addition, but the budget wasn't adjusted to reflect that. Administrator Hedges reviewed the budgets for the Police Facility and City Hall, as well as other items that were not budgeted for, such as telephone system expansion and relocation costs. He reviewed the additional amounts needed for each of these projects and how it could be funded. He reviewed the status of the Community Investment Fund. Discussion followed on the telephone system expansion, and how to reduce the non-committed costs. Counciimember Wachter noted that something will need to be done with the Fire Administration building in the future as well. Administrator Hedges noted they are looking at that also. Councilmember Awada stated she thinks the portico should be bid as an add alternate. Public Works Director Colbert explained the additional grading proposed in the non-committed budget for site work. He noted there is a hill between the Municipal Center and Library that should be removed; however, it could be left as it is for now If the Council wishes. Councilmember Wachter asked whether Dakota County would be willing to participate in the cost. Public Works Director Colbert indicated that Dakota Council has no interest in spending money on site improvements to the library. Administrator Hedges indicated direction is needed related to the medians and how the Council wants them to be done. Public Works Director Colbert added that they need to know whether the Council wants them sodded because they need to place irrigation heads there if that is the case. He explained different ways the medians could be done. Councilmember Awada stated she feels that the medians should be tied Into the downtown concept. She asked whether they could be left until it is known how the O 0"r4:i? EAGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; NOVEMBER 1, 1994 PAGE 2 downtown will be done. Public Works Director Colbert indicated they could be left as sod for now and be upgraded later. However, he still needs to know whether they should install irrigation heads. Councilmem- ber Hunter suggested the medians be sodded without irrigation heads. Public Works Director Colbert suggested that the Council set a time frame wherein the median design will be decided. A two year time frame was suggested. Mayor Egan stated that if Dakota County isn't willing to participate in the grading, the city shouldn't do it at this time. Councilmember Hunter suggested that the signage be deleted at this time as well so it can be tied Into the downtown signage. Assistant to the Administrator Hohenstein suggested that staff needs to review the sign ordinance and what Is required of other businesses before finalizing this decision. It was the consensus of the Council to delete the signage, additional grading, and median upgrades, and reduce the irrigation amount by the amount budgeted for the medians. It will be further reviewed within two years. It was also suggested that the landscape plan be brought back to the Council. Councilmember Awada stressed that these changes are not being made to save money; the main purpose for these reductions Is to tie the project into the design of the downtown. Awada moved, Wachter seconded a motion to adopt the budget as presented, with direction to delete the signage, additional grading and median upgrades; and that the funding for the budget modifications is to come primarily from the Community Investment Fund, with the remainder to come from cable franchise fees and the General Fund as proposed by staff. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Administrator Hedges reviewed the audio visual equipment proposed for the Council Chambers, noting that the only reason many of these improvements are being made is for the cable subscriber. He noted they explored the types of media systems other cities have. They also looked at what kinds of uses the community center will be used for and what types of equipment would be needed there. He reviewed aspects of the various configurations developed by Electronic Interiors, Inc. He noted that the balance in of the franchise fees is $750,000. Councilmember Hunter asked what types of expenditures the franchise fees can be used for. Cable Coordinator Reardon responded that the fund is limited to communications and cable-related equipment. This is through the agreement with Burnsville. Hunter commented that perhaps the city should use some of the franchise fees for Municipal Center Local Area Networking and gaining a direct Internet connection. Seeing agreement from the Council, he challenged Mike Reardon to make this a reality by next April. Mayor Egan emphasized that this is being done solely for the cable subscriber. He would like to see a good system installed, but there needs to be a balance between what is good and what is affordable. Councilmember Awada stated she feels that in the future, cable will be greatly diminished and other forms of communications will be developed. This means that while the city is enjoying a large amount of cable franchise fees, that may not be the case in the future. Councilmember Masin questioned whether the equipment proposed for the new Council Chambers will be compatible with future technology. Cable Coordinator Reardon responded that the equipment can be modified to be used with future technology. Councilmember Hunter suggested the city may be better off investing in other media forms, such as Internet. Councilmember Hunter questioned the equipment needs for the community room. He indicated he would like to know how many requests there have been for these types of equipment. Recreation Superintendent Peterson Indicated the primary request is for use of a VCR and monitor. Cable Coordinator Reardon added that he can't think of any other city hall where there is both a Council Chambers and community room that have televising capabilities. Councilmember Wachter stated he feels the city should EAGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; NOVEMBER 1, 1994 PAGE 3 keep that option open so it could be incorporated in the future if the need is there. Cable Coordinator Reardon noted that the real dollar difference is between having hearing only capabilities in the community room, or whether it is two-way interactive to the Council Chambers. He stressed that the Council needs to set priorities as to how it sees the media equipment being used and what is important. Mayor Egan suggested that the Council focus on Configurations B and C, and possibly E. Discussion followed on editing capabilities. Cable Coordinator Reardon noted that the City of Eagan currently uses Bumsville's editing room; however, by not having editing capabilities, it greatly reduces the ability to produce programming by staff. He suggested that if the City of Eagan wishes to expand their programming, that they consider designing the control room to allow for expansion of editing capabilities in the future, if not with this design. Councilmember Wachter raised some questions about the camera equipment. He asked whether a different lens could be put on the existing cameras and used in the new Council Chambers. Dick Stewart, of Electronic Interiors, Inc. stated that the cameras in the existing Council Chambers are designed that amount of square footage. In addition to new lenses, more telephoto equipment would have to be added as well. He recommends getting new cameras as opposed to trying to retrofit the old ones. They are trying to correct some of the lighting problems that have been occurring in the existing Council Chambers by using more indirect lighting instead of spot lights. After some discussion, Mr. Stewart explained the differences between Configurations B and C. He noted that Configuration C reduces the presentation areas down to two instead of three, and eliminates two monitors. Configuration 'C includes two-way interaction between the Council Chambers and community room. Councilmember Wachter stated he favors B because more of the viewing audience will have a better view of the presentation. Mr. Stewart suggested that the Council modify Configuration C to include two monitors, noting they are a relatively inexpensive item. Mayor Egan stated he would favor that, but eliminate the two way interaction. Wachter concurred. Mr. Stewart responded that if the city leaves a microphone and one overhead camera in the community room, interactive capability would be relatively inexpensive to provide in this design. The Council then agreed to retain this minimal level of interactivity. Hunter and Masin indicated they support that modified configuration. Masin moved, Awada seconded a motion to approve Configuration C, with modifications to allow for the addition of two monitors in the Council Chambers, and minimal capabilities for two-way interaction between the Council Chambers and community room. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Awada moved, Hunter seconded a motion to authorize the architect to prepare detailed plans and specifications for the audio-visual equipment for the Council Chambers. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 YANKEE DOODLE ROAD MEDIAN Administrator Hedges noted that Dakota County is raising a question about the type of median design preferred by the City on Yankee Doodle Road east of Lexington Avenue to T.H. 149. He noted that the medians can be simply a grass surface, can be made of brick concrete, etc., or could do some landscaping such as trees or bushes. Public Works Director Colbert noted that it will cost between $95,000 and $100,000 to do anything but sod. The consensus of the Council was to do the medians with a grass surface. CENTRAL AREA FRAMEWORK UPDATE Administrator Hedges noted that meetings are continuing with the Opus Corporation for development of the proposed central area framework and various financing alternatives. He noted that it O 409 w.. EAGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; NOVEMBER 1, 1994 PAGE 4 was proposed to have a community meeting on this on November 29. He and Community Development Director Reichert feel it would be premature at that time, and suggested it would make more sense to form a task force of 15-20 members, consisting of Council members, EDC members, APRNRC members, APC members and members of the community. Councilmember Hunter suggested that he, Councilmember Awada and Community Development Director Reichert meet and put together some thoughts on membership, goals and duration of this task force. The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. DLP November 1, 1994 ~A~LoA"L Date City Clerk