12/14/1994 - City Council Special 00399 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota December 14, 1994 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Wednesday, December 14, 1994 at 5:00 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Egan and Councilmembers Awada, Masin and Hunter. Absent was Councilmember Wachter. Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Finance Director Gene VanOverbeke and Parks and Recreation Director Ken Vraa. VOLUNTEER FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION Administrator Hedges noted that the Fire Relief Association would like to approach the Legislature for special legislation to increase the lump gum pension amount to $4,200. They would like the Council's permission to do this. They will also be asking the Council to ratify their bylaws. Councilmember Hunter stated he has no problem with this, but wanted to make It clear that the Council Is not Initiating this and doesn't want It represented to the legislators that way. The Council is merely consenting to abide by any legislated limit up to $4,200. Last year, some of the legislators Indicated they were told that the Council wanted this. That Is not the case. None of the Councilmembers had a problem with the Fire Relief Association pursuing this. DAKOTA COUNTY HRA HOUSING Administrator Hedges distributed a memo he received from the Dakota County HRA regarding the property on Johnny Cake Ridge Road. Councilmember Hunter Indicated he would like some legal advice from the City Attorney before discussing this since there has been some talk of a lawsuit on this. Some discussion followed concerning the proposal by the HRA and what steps the Council should take. It was decided to further discuss this In an executive session at 6:00 p.m. on December 20. CIP PRESENTATION After a brief introduction by Administrator Hedges, Finance Director VanOverbeke provided an update on the Community Investment Fund, noting that the balance is approximately $3.6 million. He reviewed the potential additional revenue to the Community Investment Fund, which amounts to nearly $3 million. Discussion followed on whether to establish a policy for how much money should be maintained in the Community Investment Fund and how it is to be spent. Councilmember Hunter stated he feels a minimum balance should be maintained in the fund and noted that the excess funds could be used for other things such as Part I CIP needs. Councilmember Awada concurred, stating It should only be used for very necessary things; however, she noted that even if a policy is established, future Councils can easily change it. Councilmember Masin expressed a concern about maintaining a high balance In this fund, noting that people resent having their taxes raised when they find out the City has money In reserve. She feels the balance should be a modest amount. Finance Director VanOverbeke reviewed the projected fund equity for the various trunk funds and the schedule of expenditures for 1995 through post 1999 and the revised park development financing summary. He responded to a question on the 1984 bond levy for parks and reviewed the new system of levying based on market value rather than tax capacity. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa explained that the CIP did not address major facilities such as a swimming pool, community center or other major facility expenditures. Rather, the CIP addressed park priorities based on the revised Park Systems Plan. By way of further explanation, he noted that open space 004J 0 EAGAN SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES; DECEMBER 14, 1994 PAGE 2 acquisition, identified for further review, was continuing, but that there had been no conclusions reached by the APRNRC as of yet. He then reviewed the 1995 proposed park site capital Improvement program to be financed through the Park Site Acquisition and Development Fund. He explained what is included in the fund and the how projects are prioritized. He noted that the Advisory Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission would like to look at the remaining open spaces throughout the city and prioritize them for development. Councilmember Awada stated she thinks the Council should only approve the 1995 projects. Administrator Hedges noted that the other four years are merely a guideline. It is used as a planning tool and changes depending on financial conditions and various other factors. It was the concensus of the Council that the 1995 projects were worth moving ahead with. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa noted that a purchase agreement on the Holz farm has been reached. He requested direction from the Council on how it should be funded. He indicated it could be funded from the Community Investment Fund; the Park Dedication Fund; or the bond proceeds from the 72-73 bond debt service fund. Councilmembers expressed a concern about the various reserve funds on hand and there was discussion about consolidating them all into the Community Investment Fund. The consensus of the Council was to fund the Holz farm out of the Park Site Fund, but that the proceeds from the 72-73 Bond Debt Service Fund should be transferred into the Park Site Fund to finance this acquisition if this is determined to be appropriate by the City Attorney. R-'94.93 The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. DLP K to. LL, December 14, 1994 Date City Clerk