08/31/1982 - City Council Special00229 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA AUGUST 31, 1982 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on August 31, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. at the Eagan City Hall. Those members present were Mayor Blomquist, City Councilmembers Egan, Smith, Thomas and Wachter. Also present were City Administrator Hedges and Director of Finance /City Clerk VanOverbeke. Multi- Family Mortgage Revenue Bond for Cedar Bluff Condominiums A pulbic hearing was convened by Mayor Blomquist to consider an application submitted by the Cedar Bluff Limited Partnership represented by Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc., for a $9,000,000 multi- family residential mortgage revenue bond issue to be sold for the purpose of providing mortgages for the conversion of the Cedar Bluff condominiums from rental to owner occupied units. Mr. Paul Ekholm appeared representing Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc., and presented the program for the financing of a multi - family housing development and, more specifically, the details of the proposed Cedar Bluff Limited Partnership project that would be financed by revenue bonds issued by the City under this program. He stated that the developer will convert the project into for sale, condominium or cooperative ownership townhouses, and will sell the townhouse units to persons and families using mortgage financing subject to the requirements of the program. There were approximately 25 to 30 residents present who either reside in the Cedar Bluff Townhouses or own homes adjacent to the Cedar Bluff Townhouses. There were a number of questions raised, such as how much the units would sell for, if the units would be com- pletely renovated, the impact that home owner occupied units would have on the surrounding traffic, when the renters would be asked to vacate the Cedar Bluff Townhouses if the units are converted to home owner occupied units, in addition to other concerns that were related to the City Council. Several of the resi- dents who were present raised issues regarding the Rivergate Townhouses, stating that they were not pleased with the condition and present management of the Rivergate Townhouses but had been recently impressed with the management of the Cedar Bluff Townhouses. Mr. Paul Ekholm stated that, if the City Council gave approval to the application, it would allow the program to be submitted to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency prior to the September 1, 1982 deadline; and if the City Council should desire after that date and before December 31, 1982 to not proceed with the program, the City Council can simply take no action or approve a resolution that does not allow the City to proceed with the bond issue. A representative of the Cedar Bluff Limited Partnership made a brief presentation about their plans to renovate the units; however, there were no details available for presentation to the audience and City Council. City Coun- cilmember Smith stated that he would support approval of the application to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency to allow the Cedar Bluff project to be considered for financing of a multi- family housing development project; however, before any final action is taken, he would ask that another public hearing be held in November at which time detailed plans for the Cedar Bluff conversion to condominium project would be available for presentation to the residents and City Council. After a lengthy discussion and in a motion by Smith, seconded by Thomas, with all members voting in favor, a resolution approving a 1982 multi- family housing bond program for Northstar Universal, Inc., Project was approved subject to: 00.230 Special City Council Minutes August 31, 1982 Page Two 1. A public hearing will be required to review detailed plans regarding the proposed condominium /cooperative conversion of Cedar Bluff Townhouses at a scheduled public hearing for November. 16, 1982. 2. An acceptable homeowners' association agreement will be reviewed and acted upon at the same public hearing. Mayor. Blomquist, in a motion at the suggestion of several property owners and seconded by Egan, directed the City Administrator to prepare a good neighbor policy ordinance and a procedure for issuing an annual certificate of occupancy for rental units. All members voted aye. R 82_44 TOWN MEETING /CITY HALL EXPANSION PROJECT SEE BOND FILE A "Town Meeting" was held, with several residents present, to con- sider the proposed city hall expansion program as evaluated by an appointed citizens' advisory committee and the City Council. The City's architect, Mr. Jack Boarman of Boarman Architects, Inc., was present and presented a slide show that provided information about the proposed city hall expansion project. The general consensus of those persons present was approval of the plan. There was no action taken. 1983 PROPOSED GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET The City Council continued work on the 1983 budget with a review of the anticipated revenues that are available for 1983. A preliminary review of the proposed mill rate and increase in property taxes was analyzed. The next meeting for consideration of the 1983 budget was set for September 16, 1982. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Dated: August 31, 1982 TLH � lk- 'C- ity Clerk