11/22/1983 - City Council Special 00346 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA NOVEMBER 22, 1983 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesda November 22, 1983, at 7:00 P.M., in the lunch room of the Eagan Police Depart- ment. The special City Council meeting was scheduled for the purpose of meeting with the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission to discuss the funding and implementation plan chapter of the Park Master Plan and also the proposed 1984 public enterprise budget. Present were Mayor Blomquist and City Council- members Egan, Wachter, Smith and Thomas; also present were Park and Recreation Director Vraa and City Administrator Hedges. Present from the Park and Recrea- tion Commission were its chairman, Roger Martin, and Commission members Bertz, Mason, Carroll, Thurston and Jackson. PARK MASTER PLAN/FUNDING & IMPLEMENTATION PLAN CHAPTER Park and Recreation Director Vraa reviewed several objectives presented in the form of a working proposal for community park development that was prepared by a subcommittee of the Park and Recreation Commission. He reviewed the improvements that were proposed by the subcommittee for each park and also provided an estimated cost for those improvements. In summary, Mr. Vraa stated that those improvements proposed for development at this time total approximately $3,000,000 and would meet approximately 50% of the develop- ment objectives of the park system's plan. Mr. Vraa reported that the Advisory Commission is recommending that the $3,000,000 be funded by a community-wide referendum. City Councilmember Egan asked whether the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission has considered other alternatives for funding the additional $3,000,000 as outlined in the system's plan. The Director of Parks and Recrea- tion stated that this phase will provide park development over a three-year program for today's residents and that any additional park development as outlined in the system's plan is proposed as a future referendum when development occurs and the need for future parkland development is presented to the City. The City Council and Advisory Commission further discussed whether the entire $6,000,000 program as outlined in the Park System's Plan should be funded at the same time. After a lengthy discussion, there was a general consensus that the assessed valuation would accommodate a $3,000,000 referendum and further that the operating budget could not adequately handle manpower, equipment and maintenance expenses if the entire system's plan were developed at one time. There was further discussion regarding a date for referendum and it was determined that a referendum scheduled for the spring or fall of 1984 is most advisable. It was also the consensus of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission members and City Council that a special citizen's task force be developed to review the financing needs and timing for referendum as it relates to the proposed parkland development needs. The City Administrator indicated that the Park System's Plan and the appointment of a special citizen's task force will be considered at the December 6, 1983, City Council meeting. PROPOSED 1984 PUBLIC ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET City Administrator Hedges presented the proposed 1984 public enter- prise fund budget which consists of water and sewer utilities and street light- ing. He stated that the proposed budget for the water department is 00347 Council Meeting November 22, 1983 $ 1,606,330, and the proposed budget for the sewer department is $1,393,060. The City Administrator further indicated that due to the increased cost for electri - city, it is recommended that the street lighting be increased to anticipar a balanced budget for revenues and expenditures in that particular enterprise fund. The City Administrator reviewed each of the public enterprise funds in detail and following the explanation there were several questions asked by the City Council. Questions that were raised by the City Council pertain to the need for capital equipment purchases as they relate to the replacement of a 1983 3/4-ton pick-up and a 1979 1-ton van. The questions were raised mainly due to the mileage as currently recorded on each vehicle. A question was also raised about the number of feet that we televised in the sanitary sewer mains realizing the amount of money requested for the 1984 public enter- prise budget. There was also a lengthy discussion regarding the amount of money billed by the MWCC for sanitary sewer treatment each year. This discussion was followed by a general discussion of the accuracy of the MWCC interceptor metering within the City. The City Administrator stated he would discuss these items with the Director of Public Works and prepare a response for future consideration by the City Council. There was no action taken regarding the ,proposed 1984 public enterprise budget, however, the City Administrator did indicate that this information would be compiled for consideration by the City Council at their December 20, 1983, City Council meeting so the final 1984 budget can be considered at that time. There being no further action, the meeting was adjourned at approxi- mately 10:30 P.M. Dated: November 22, 1983 TLH i kA City Clerk