02/19/1985 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 19, 1985 A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, February 19, 1985, at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Bea Blomquist and Councilmembers Smith, Egan, Wachter and Thomas. Also present were City Administrator Hedges, Public Works Director Colbert, City Planner Runkle, Consulting Engineer Rosene and City Attorney Hauge. AGENDA Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the agenda as presented. All voted yes. MINUTES Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February 5, 1985 with the exception on page 3, on Consent Agenda No. 6, Eagandale Center Industrial Park 6th Addition, that the hearing would be scheduled on February 19, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. All members voted in favor. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Liz Witt, the League of Minnesota Cities Legislative Coordinator, for Districts 38 and 39 was present, together with Representative Art Seaberg and updated the City Council relating to miscellaneous legislation of municipal interest before the 1985 legislature. Included in the discussion were noise legislation and Representative Seaberg stated he was not aware of any legislation submitted at the present time, the LGA formula, the State Building Code, together with eminent domain legislation. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ROBERT KRUGER - BLACKHAWK ROAD Tom Colbert explained to the Council a claim for damages submitted by Robert Kruger associated with improvements to Blackhawk Road along the front portion of his property. The hearing on the assessments was held at the February 5, 1985 meeting and a claim is being presented in the amount of $20,264.00 for damages due to the slope of his driveway resulting from the street improvements. Councilman Wachter indicated that the driveway slope had been increased substantially, and Wachter then moved, and Thomas seconded the motion to reconsider the motion of February 5, 1985 concerning assessments over the Kruger property. All voted in favor. Wachter then moved, Thomas seconded the motion to defer the assessments over the vacant Kruger parcel, subject however, to the execution of an agreement concerning the rezoning, sale or development of the parcel similar to provisions on other parcels on Blackhawk Road. All members voted in favor. Blomquist then moved, Wachter seconded the motion to refer the claim for damages to the Public Works 1 Council Minutes February 19, 1985 Committee for review and recommendation relating to the safety issues including recommendations for alternatives regarding the claim for damages. All members voted yes. CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda items were submitted for council approval and recommended by the staff that they be adopted: 1. Personnel Items. a. Custodian - Jeff McGuffee was recommended for hiring and ratified for permanent part-time position as custodian at the last City Council meeting. He did not receive a favorable health report and it was recommended that Jeff McGuffee not be hired for the position of permanent part-time custodian, due to the unfavorable health history. b. Personnel & Finance Department - Typist - It was recommended that Tina Lindemuth be hired as permanent clerk-typist in the Personnel and Finance Departments. c. Building Inspection Department - It was further recommended that William Bruestle be hired as consulting building inspector on a contractual basis. d. Engineering Tech I - John Sachi submitted his resignation as an Engineering Tech I to become effective after March 1, 1985 and it was recommended that the resignation be accepted and that the staff be authorized to advertise for application to fill the vacancy. e. Public Works- Planning - Clerk Typist Position - It was recommended that Jane Helebrant, who currently holds the position of temporary funded Special Assessment Aide, be approved as a 3/4 time clerk-typist, after satisfactory completion of a physical examination. f. Temporary Assessment Aide - In the event that Jane Helebrant is approved to fill the Public Works-Planning Clerk Typist position, it was recommended that the staff be authorized to advertise for replacement for temporary assessment aide position. 2. Contractors' Licenses. A schedule of contractors' licenses, including general contractors, plumbers, heating & ventilating, and water softener contractors was submitted and recommended for approval. 3. Lions & Lioness Clubs - Temporary Gambling License. An application was submitted by the Eagan Lions and Lioness Clubs for temporary gambling license for February 23, 1985 raffle was brought before the Council and it was recommended that the Council approve the application. 4. Lexington Square - Easement Vacation. A petition was submitted by the developers of Lexington Square Addition to vacate the existing 10 foot drainage and utility easement located on the north boundary of the Lexington Square subdivision, ad3acent to Wescott Road. Staff recommended acceptance of the Petition and that a hearing be scheduled on March 19, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. at the Eagan City Hall. 2 Council Minutes February 19, 1985 5. Contract 484-14 - Lexington Place South - Utilities. It was noted that in the easement acquisition process, across the east line of the Bratland property, that approximately 13 pine trees were temporarily relocated involving relocation, storage, and replanting, at a cost of $2,850.00. Staff recommended approval of Change Order No. 1 to Contract #84-14 in the sum of $2,850.00. 6. Martin Shields' Deferred Assessments. In 1974, the special assessment obligation for Project #113 was deferred for three years regarding utilities and grading/gravel base adjacent to Mr. Shields' property on Towerview Road under Project #113. In 1977, Mr. Shields requested an additional three year deferment, subject to the execution of an agreement. It was noted that the agreement was not signed by Mr. Shields and it was now recommended that a formal public hearing process be initiated and the City adopt the amount of the assessments based on the original assessments increased by 8% simple interest for the 11 years of deferment. The total assessment would then increase $13,365.13 to $25,126.44. It was recommended that the public hearing be scheduled for March 19, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall. 7. St. John Neumann - Consumption & Display License. Application was submitted by a representative of St. John Neumann Church for a dance and consumption & display, one-day license for March 16, 1985 and it was recommended the application be approved. 8. Handicapped Accessibility Plan. The handicapped accessibility plan was distributed to the Council members on January 15, 1985 which was prepared by the Handicapped Evaluation Committee appointed by the City Council. The study addresses program accessibility self-evaluation, structural evaluation of all public buildings where voting takes place or other public use, personnel policies and practices as well as a number of other considerations. It was recommended that the Council adopt the evaluation. 9. Sun Cliff 4th & 5th Additions - Project #436. A Petition for was submitted for feasibility report and for the preparation of plans and specifications for Project #436 consisting of utility improvements in Sun Cliff 4th and 5th Additions. It was recommended the Petition be received and that the Council authorize the preparation of a feasibility report and the plans and specifications. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the foregoing consent agenda items and authorized the staff to implement them. All Councilmembers voted yea. EAGANDALE CENTER INDUSTRIAL PARK 6TH ADDITION VACATION HEARING Mayor Bea Blomquist convened the public hearing regarding the request of Opus Corporation for vacation of certain drainage and utility easements necessary for the 7th Addition. There were no objections to the hearing except that Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. had a potential objection if the adjacent lot is not sold to Elliot Auto, to the south. There were no representatives present. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the vacation and that the staff be directed to cooperate with Northwestern 3 Council Minutes February 19, 1985 Mutual, but that the hearing be closed and the vacation be ordered. All members voted in favor. CEDAR INDUSTRIAL PARK - PROJECT #428 The next public hearing convened by the Mayor concerned street and utility improvements under Pro;;ect 4428 in Cedar Industrial Park. All notices were published in the legal newspaper and Public Works Director Tom Colbert introduced the pro;ect and Consulting Engineer Bob Rosene detailed the feasibility report. A letter from the Chief Administrator of the MWCC was read, generally in support of the improvements, as well as a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vogelpohl opposing the street improvements connecting with Silver Bell Road over the Vogelpohl property. Mr. Rosene detailed the alternatives including Part I consisting of Blackhawk Road and Kennebec Drive improvements, Part II of Kennebec Drive and Part III, the proposed storm sewer improvements. Ken Herriges of Herregan Distributors was present with questions about the proposed street improvements. Other persons were present including Jean Parranto. Al Horrocks, the owner of Lots 5 and 6, Langhoven, stated that his property had already been assessed for storm sewer trunk and staff was requested to review the assessments over those lots. Pat Vogelpohl was also present and explained the reasons why the Vogelpohls opposed and noted it was premature to extend Kennebec Drive over the Vogelpohl property at the present time. It was noted that MnDOT has indicated it will not install a semaphore on Seneca Road which has become a very unsafe intersection for traffic purposes. Councilman Smith stated that it was premature to install improvements where the owner does not favor the improvements and owns land on both sides that would be assessed. Mr. Colbert noted severe storm water drainage problems and the fact that a maintenance building proposed by the MWCC will increase the erosion problems in the area. After lengthy discussion, the following motions were made: 1. Smith moved, Thomas seconded the motion to close the hearing regarding Part I of Improvement Pro;ect #428 and to order in Part I consisting of the Blackhawk Road and Kennebec Drive street improvements. All voted in favor. 2. Smith then moved, Wachter seconded the motion to close the public hearing for Part II and to turn down the improvements for Kennebec Drive and Silver Bell Road to Seneca Road, noting that the project is premature at the present time. All members voted yea. Staff was requested, however, to review the potential for a signalized intersection at Blackhawk Road and Highway #13. 3. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to close the hearing regarding Part III consisting of the storm sewer improvements, noting that all persons present were generally in favor of the storm sewer pipe rather than the open ditch and it was ordered that alternates A and B be installed and not implement alternate C to Part III providing for open ditch drainage. All members voted in favor except Mayor Blomquist who abstained. 4 Council Minutes February 19, 1985 PROJECT #317SR - ALBERT PERRON ASSESSMENTS The continued public hearing regarding the proposed assessments over the Albert Perron property at 2996 Pilot Knob Road, in the amount of $17,075.00 as then convened by the Mayor. It was noted that the attorney for Mr. Perron had submitted a letter withdrawing objections to the assessments and after review by Mr. Colbert, the following motion was made: Thomas moved, Smith seconded the motion to close the public hearing and approve the final assessments for the Perron property and for Project #371SR and authorize certification to the County for collection of unpaid assessments to be spread over 15 years at 10.5% interest. All Councilmembers voted affirmatively. WESCOTT TRUNK SANITARY SEWER - PROJECT #361 - ASSESSMENT HEARING The Mayor then announced the convening of the hearing regarding the continued assessment hearing relative to Wescott trunk sanitary sewer. On September 18, 1984 the final assessment hearing was held for the installation of trunk sanitary sewer and lift station to service the general area on Wescott Road and Lexington Avenue and objections were submitted by Dennis McCarthy covering two parcels north of Wescott Road and Patrick McCarthy covering approximately 70 acres south of Wescott Road. The revised assessment roll was submitted by the staff. The City Attorney reviewed the background of the project with the Council and also an appraisal report done by Dan Dwyer for the City. Arnold Kempe, the attorney for the McCarthys had been present at the meeting earlier, but indicated that he could not stay for the hearing and also Patrick McCarthy, the affected property owner, was present. There were no formal objections submitted except a written objection submitted by Mr. Kempe. A cassette recording was taken of the hearing and Mr. Colbert reviewed the project in some detail with the Council. There were no comments or testimony on behalf of the property owners. Smith moved, Egan seconded the motion to close the public hearing and to approve the final assessments for Project #361 covering the McCarthy property with the assessments to be spread over 15 years at 11% interest; further, that the findings and conclusions submitted to the City Council, be and they hereby are approved and authorized to be attached to the minutes. All members voted in favor except Councilman Wachter who voted no, indicating he did not favor the improvements originally. PROJECT #382 - HURLEY LAKE TRUNK STORM SEWER - ASSESSMENT HEARING Mayor Blomquist then convened the public hearing regarding the special assessments in the Hurley Lake trunk storm sewer project, under Project #382 covering the Dennis and Patrick McCarthy property north of Wescott Road. The revised assessment roll was submitted by the Public Works Director and there were no appearances on behalf of the property owner, but written objections had been submitted. After the Public Works Director detailed the improvements and proposed assessments, the appraisal of Dan Dwyer prepared for the City, which had been submitted to Councilmembers a week prior to the hearing, was reviewed for the Councilmembers by the City Attorney. 5 Council Minutes _ February 19, 1985 Egan moved, Thomas seconded the motion to close the hearing and to approve the revised assessment roll with the assessments in the amount of the benefits to the property, according to Mr. Dwyer's appraisal in the amount of $60,000.00; further, that the findings of fact, and the conclusions of law be and they hereby are adopted and authorized to be attached to these minutes. All members voted yes except Wachter who voted against WILLIAMS & LaRUE ADDITIONS - SANITARY SEWER - PROJECT 1422 The Mayor commenced the public hearing for Project #422. It was noted that on November 20, 1984, the City Council held a public hearing to consider the installation of sanitary sewer services for the Williams & LaRue Additions. The Council had asked for further information regarding potential need for sanitary sewer service for a proposed elementary school site at the northwest corner of Wescott Road and Lexington Avenue. The staff has now indicated that the Rosemount/Eagan/Apple Valley school district does not intend to proceed with that site but an existing property owner to the north of the addition has requested consideration for inclusion in the project. Staff therefore recommended that the public hearing be continued until April 16, 1985 at which time the revised feasibility report would be reviewed. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to accept the recommendation and continue the public hearing until April 16, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. All members voted yea. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - ANNUAL RENEWAL A ,point special meeting of the City Council and Advisory Planning Commission was held on January 29, 1985, at which time 17 completed planned developments and 15 active planned developments were reviewed. The Advisory Planning Commission recommended approval of the annual renewal of all planned developments with the exception of Cedar Cliff and South Delaware Hills. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the recommendation of the Advisory Planning Commission covering the renewal of 13 active planned developments. All members voted yes. WILLIAMS ADDITION - PRELIMINARY PLAT An application of George Williams for preliminary plat approval of Williams Addition, consisting of two single family lots on one acre, located at the northwest intersection of Lone Oak Road and Pilot Knob Road was brought before the Council. The Advisory Planning Commission recommended approval subject to certain conditions, with the addition that a turn-around be provided in the newly created lot. Mr. Williams was present and Dale Runkle reviewed the application with the Council. It was noted that some trees were located near the proposed property line and therefore the reason for the request of the 75 foot lot for the vacant lot. The Mayor questioned whether there was a hardship involved and also noted the need for the continuity of lot sizes in the area. Mr. Williams first chose to deny the 85 foot minimum lot width and then later indicated he would not object to widening the vacant lot to 85 feet. 6 Council Minutes February 19, 1985 Smith moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the application for preliminary plat approval, sub.;ect to Mr. Williams complying with the 85 foot lot minimum, noting that there do not appear to be hardship and sub;;ect to the following conditions: 1. A 50 foot half right-of-way shall be dedicated for Pilot Knob Road. 2. This development shall be responsible for all the special assessments referenced in the report at the rates in effect at the time of the final platting. 3. A 10 foot variance from the 85 foot minimum lot width shall be allowed for Lot 2 before final platting. 4. All standard preliminary plat conditions shall apply. 5. The Park Committee shall review the plat and the owner shall comply with all Park Committee recommendations. All voted in favor. SEE PLAT FILE LAUKKA-BECK PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN An application for amendment to the Laukka-Beck Planned Development to allow a change in concept on the 452 acre planned unit development at the northeast corner of the City was brought before the Council. The Advisory Planning Commission at its meeting on January 22, 1985 recommended approval of the application for amendment of the plan, sub,;ect to numerous conditions. Dale Runkle explained the proposal and reviewed John Voss's report of January 14, 1985. The plan provides for commercial development of the entire 452 acre area in four phases, with Northwest Airlines purchasing 156 acres of the site with its corporate headquarters to be developed on 67 acres. The remainder of the Northwest Airlines ownership would be developed with general offices including research and development uses. The charge of the Planning Commission and Council was to determine if the Laukka-Beck plan is in keeping with the City's goals and ob,jectives in developing a major commercial complex in the area. The Environmental Impact Statement and zoning and land use were reviewed, together with the thoroughfare plan, ad;;acent land uses, airport noise and preliminary development plan. Peter Jarvis, appeared for the applicant, as did Jim Abbott, the Executive Vice-President of Northwest Airlines. Mr. Jarvis indicated the proposal was generally in compliance with Alternate 4 as proposed earlier by the developers. The Pollution Control Agency concerns must be addressed, according to Mr. Runkle. Councilman Smith was concerned about the internal street in the northeasterly portion of the property, but Mr. Jarvis indicated that future planning will provide for internal streets in that area. There was considerable discussion concerning access to the approximately 40 acre parcel which will not be developed under the current Northwest Airlines plan. Councilman Egan was concerned that development not be done on a piecemeal basis and there were comments about the method of servicing that parcel from either the internal streets to the south or from Blue Gentian Road. 7 Council Minutes February 19, 1985 Mayor Blomquist suggested that the applicant submit several alternate street layouts, including through-street, loop-street, and one-user private street from Blue Gentian Road, which Mr. Jarvis indicated would be complied with. The proposal was that the development would be completed within a 15 year term. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the application, sub.,ect to the Advisory Planning Committee recommendations as follows: 1. A Planned Development Agreement shall be drafted and reviewed by the Planning Commission before final approval by the City Council. 2. The EIS shall be updated so that it is consistent with the current plan for the development of the Laukka-Beck property. 3. Several of the details in the EIS related to erosion control, wetlands, airport noise, traffic and similar matters shall either be detailed in the Planned Development Agreement or adopted by reference. 4. The Developer shall comply with all recommendations of the Park Committee to be made to the City Council related to satisfying park dedication requirements before final approval of the Preliminary Development Plan. 5. Greater detail shall be provided to the City staff relating to phasing of streets and utility construction prior to final approval of the Preliminary Development Plan. 6. A Pedestrian Circulation Plan, acceptable to the City, shall be provided prior to the final approval of the Preliminary Development Plan. 7. The City of Inver Grove Heights shall be given an opportunity to review the portion of the Laukka-Beck area located in that community prior to the final approval of the Preliminary Development Plan. 8. The affected agencies shall be given an opportunity to review and comment on the Thoroughfare System prior to final approval of the Preliminary Development Plan. 9. The City shall reserve the right, as detailed in the Planned Development Agreement, to review final development plans as they may relate to existing residences on ad,;acent properties. All members voted affirmatively except Mayor Blomquist who abstained. NAEGELE COMPANY - ADVERTISING SIGN An application of Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company for conditional use permit for advertising sign at the Vendmark property at 1255 Trapp Road in Eagandale Industrial Park was submitted to the Council. A second application was also submitted by Naegele Company for conditional use permit for advertising sign at the southwest intersection of Silver Bell Road and Highway #13. Mr. Hedges noted that a telephone call had been left late in the afternoon by a representative of Naegele asking that the applications be continued until the next regular meeting. 8 Council Minutes February 19, 1985 A number of neighboring property owners were present, including Guy Smith of Quickie Transport, Mary Ramnarine and Les Spencer who live on Nicols Road were also present. Mrs. Ramnarine and Les Spencer ob,ected to the additional billboards, noting that two signs have already been approved in the general area, that there would be no benefit to the residents in the area and a letter was submitted signed by residents of Nicols Road and Silver Bell Road opposing the application. After discussion, Smith moved, Thomas seconded the motion to continue the applications according to the request of the applicant, until the next regular meeting. All members voted yes. SUPERAMERICA, INC. - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PYLON SIGN An application of Super America, Inc. for conditional use permit to allow a pylon sign at its newly opened service station at the southwest corner of Yankee Doodle Road and Pilot Knob Road was brought to the Council. It was noted that the pylon sign had been erected without a permit, and that the sign meets all setback criteria from other signs in the right-of-way and complies with the square footage requirements allowed under the City Code. The Advisory Planning Commission recommended approval sub,ect to certain conditions. Smith moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the application, subLect to the following provisions: 1. All merchandise shall be stored and displayed inside the building only. 2. The pylon sign shall be limited to 24 feet in height and 88 square feet in area. 3. A sign permit shall be obtained from the City Building Inspections Department. 4. All other sign code requirements shall be complied with. All members voted yes. WOODRIDGE - MINNESOTA MULTI-CITY RENTAL HOUSING BOND An application had been submitted in 1984 for multi-family housing bonds for the Woodridge proect on behalf of The Dan Brutger Company. The developer has requested that it be allowed to proceed with the final resolution for the multi-family housing issue as a part of the multi-city rental housing bond pool covering several metropolitan area cities. The joint program would require a joint powers agreement between all the cities allowing for the bond pool. Representatives from The Brutger Company and from Piper Jaffray and Hopwood were present who indicated that the application would comply with all the City guidelines, including the 20% equity provision. Smith moved, Thomas seconded the motion to approve the oint powers agreement and resolution approving the program creating a Minnesota multi-city rental housing bond pool to allow for financing of the Woodridge multi-family housing pro;;ect. All members voted in favor. 9 Council Minutes February 19, 1985 KENSINGTON PLACE - MULTI-FAMILY REVENUE BOND HEARING An application from the developers of the Kensington Place project for $16,000,000.00 in multi-family revenue bonds was submitted. The project would provide for 376 units of rental housing and the balance of 700 units in 12 and 16 unit buildings. Smith moved, Thomas seconded the motion to accept the petition and to schedule a public hearing for the March 19, 1985 City Council meeting to consider the Kensington Place bond issue. All members voted yes. HEALEY-RAMME COMPANY - SPECIAL PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY SALES OFFICE TRAILER ST. FRANCIS WOODS 4TH ADDITION An application was submitted by the Healey-Ramme Company for special permit for temporary sales office trailer for St. Francis Woods 4th Addition. The trailer would act as a sales office for the townhouse models. Mr. Runkle detailed the application and Wachter then moved, Smith seconded the motion to approve the application, subject to the following conditions: 1. The trailer shall be removed on or before September 1, 1985. 2. The trailer shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from the Lexington Ave. right-of-way. 3. The parking area shall be a minimum of 20 feet from the Lexington Ave. right-of-way. 4. The site sign shall be at least 10 feet from any right-of-way line. All voted in favor. WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT - FOREMAN City Administrator Tom Hedges detailed with the Council the proposed approval of the hiring of a Superintendent to operate the new Water Treatment Plant and also act in the supervisory position within the Public Works Department. Councilman Smith suggested that the person hired be an operator foreman and Blomquist moved, Thomas seconded the motion to approve the recommendation of the staff for the position of a water treatment plant operator within the Public Works Department, with the understanding that the person be a working operator-foreman. All members voted in favor. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING A special Council meeting was scheduled for February 20, 1985 at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall concerning the bond refinancing issue for the City. COUNTY TAX-FORFEITED LAND Mr. Hedges reviewed a Memorandum covering three parcels that had been declared tax-forfeited land by Dakota County requesting that the City Council 10 Council Minutes February 19, 1985 determine whether it desires to acquire the property: Ballantrae Addition parcel; Blackhawk Hills Addition parcel adjacent to proposed park land; Federal Drive parcel adjacent to right-of-way. The staff recommended that the Blackhawk Hills and Federal Drive parcels be acquired by the City. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion that the City Council be on record requesting acquisition of the two parcels by the City of Eagan. All members voted yes. CITY OF EAGAN VS. ELMOURABIT A letter was submitted by Assistant City Attorney Kevin Eide requesting consideration of the Council of an appeal from the Minnesota Court of Appeals to the Minnesota Supreme Court regarding a DWI violation because of the precedential issue concerning the case. The Police Department has recommended that the case be appealed as well as other municipalities in the metropolitan area. After discussion, Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the recommendation and authorize the appeal to the Minnesota Supreme Court. All members voted in the affirmative. COMPREHENSIVE STORM SEWER PLAN UPDATE - 1984 Tom Colbert, the Public Works Director, indicated that the 1984 Comprehensive Storm Sewer Plan update has now been completed by the Consulting Engineers and noted that the reason for the delay was the large amount of the impact of the interstate construction on storm sewer planning. Mr. Colbert distributed copies to all councilmembers and requested formal approval at the next City Council meeting. CITY CELEBRATION COMMITTEE Councilman Wachter reported on the City Celebration Committee's proposed budget for the 125th Year Anniversary. It would include $2,000.00 for fireworks, $2,000.00 for turkeys to be reimbursed during the 4th of July Celebration, and an additional $1,000.00 for miscellaneous items. He noted that there will be a request for funds for other purposes also during the celebration. Thomas moved, Wachter seconded the motion to authorize the sum of $5,000.00 for the City Celebration Committee's portion of the anniversary. All members voted in favor with the understanding that the revenue should be transferred from the contingency fund. CHECKLIST Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the following checklist dated January 31 in the amount of $345,125.18 All members voted yea. February 19 $461,580.19 ADJOURNMENT Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to adjourn the City Council meeting at 11:00 p.m. All members voted yes. PHH 11 lean Ci v Clerk