06/06/1978 - City Council Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA JUNE 6, 1978 A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on June 6, 1978, at 6:30 p.m. Those present were: Mayor Murphy, Councilmen Wachter, Parranto, and Egan. Also present were: City Administrator Hedges, City Clerk Bolke, City Engineer Rosene and City Attorney Hauge. MINUTES. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded by Parranto, all members voting yes. The minutes of May 16, 1978, meeting of the council were approved with exception of page 2 that Greg Rome will be converted to a permenant full-time employee in the Park Department as of September 15, 1978: further on Page 8 under utility building, $650 will be returned to the contractor, Fredericks Lumber and Construction Company. Parranto then moved and Egan seconded the motion will all members voting. yea to approve the minutes of the May 22, 1978, meeting and May 18, 1978, council meeting. FIRE DEPARTMENT. There was no business. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Chief Martin DesLauriers appeared. Councilman Smith arrived at 6:40 p.m. 1. Wachter moved and Parranto seconded the motion to instruct the City°s utility department to install a no-through traffic sign on Johnny Cake Ridge Road, North of Cliff Road. 2. Mr. DesLauriers reviewed the list of recommended street light locations in the City and the council had no objections to the locations as follows: New Police Department entrance at Pilot Knob Cliff Road at Old Dodd Cliff Road at Oak Chase County Road 30 at Old Dodd Yankee Doodle at Coachman Yankee Doodle at Donald Silver Bell at Beau D Rue Rahn Road at Beau D Rue Wilderness Run at Pilot Knob Rahn Road at Shale Lane 3. Peace officers fund. Upon motion by Parranto and seconded by Page 2 June 6, 1978 Wachter with all members voting yea to resolve that the Police Chief be designated to apply for reimbursment for Minnesota Board of Peace officers Police Training receipts and other funds for the following year. 4. Upon motion by Smith and seconded by Egan, all members voting yea resolved that the recommendations of the Police Department concerning locations of speed signs be and hereby are approved as follows: Carnelian from Blackhawk to Cedar Turquoise from Blackhawk to Rahn Road Letendre from Coachman to Highway 13 Highview from Pilot Knob to Highway 13 Egan from Pilot Knob to County Road 26 PARK DEPARTMENT. City Administrator Hedges reported: 1. LAWCON GRANT. Mr. Hedges indicated that the Lawcon Grant had been approved by the State Planning Agency for the Patrick Eagan Park Addition, but that final approval of the federal grant has not been received. Smith moved and Egan seconded the motion, all members voted in favor to approve the grant agreement with Lawcon and order its execution by the City officials. 2. PROJECT #229 - PILOT KNOB ROAD TRAIL. Several agreements with property owners adjacent to and on the West side of County Road #31 consenting to the moving of trees from the road right of way onto the private property, regarding the hiking trail on County Road #31 were submitted. Egan moved and Wachter seconded the motion, all members voted yes to approve the agreements. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. Councilman Wachter reported on the Public Works Committee meeting of May 30, 1978. 1. The committee recommended that the City provide staking and surveying for the installation of drain tile which installation will be paid for by the three property owners on 1742, 1746, 1738 Palisade Circle. Wachter moved and Parranto seconded the motion to authorize the engineer to survey and stake the property for the installation of the drain tile. All members voted in favor. Page 3 June 6, 1978 2. SEAL COATING OF STREETS. The Committee recommended Slurry Kote on certain streets according to recommendations of the City Engineer and the Public Works Director. Smith moved and Wachter seconded the motion to. authorize the CityClerk to advertise for bids for approximately three miles of Slurry Koting during 1978 which bids would be opened on July 5, 1978, at 3:00 p.m. at City Hall. All members voted in favor. PROJECT #234 - CLIFF ROAD SEWER AND WATER. The Mayor convened the public hearing concerning Project #234 consisting of sewer and water improvements on Cliff Road from the water reservoir to Johnny Cake Ridge Road. Engineer Rosene explained the project and indicated that there would be a cost saving if the sewer and water lines are installed under the same contract. There were no objections from property owners who were present at the meeting. Smith moved to close the hearing, to order in the project and to authorize the engineer to prepare plans and specifications. Wachter seconded the motion and all members voted yes. PROJECT #235 - STORM SEWER IN CLEARVIEW ADDITION. Mayor Murphy convened the hearing and City Engineer Rosene explained the storm sewer project concerning Beecher Drive only. There were no objections from property owners affected and noticed by the project. Smith moved to close the hearing, to order in the project and authorize the engineer to prepare the plans and specifications. Parranto seconded the motion and all members voted in favor except Wachter who abstained. I - 494 INTERCHANGE STUDY. A report from MinnDot District 9 dated May 31, 1978, concerning traffic projection analysis of 1-494 interchange alternates at Trunk Highway #13 or Pilot Knob Road was next reviewed by the Council. Councilman Smith suggested that because there were a large number of people present regarding the study that the council considered the matter for Page 4 June 6, 1978 approximately 15 hour because the council agenda had not been published in the Dakota County Tribune and because of late distribution of copies of the report and that the matter be then delayed until the next regular meeting. Bob Losinski, the Chairman of the Citizens Concerned for Eagan, also recommended and extension of time to review the report. A large group of persons were present and there was concern about population forecasts and traffic projections in the report. After 35 minutes of discussion, Smith moved and Egan seconded the motion and all members voted in favor to continue the discussion regarding the report until the next regular meeting. HAROLD BECKER TRAILER PERMIT. Mr. Becker appeared at the request of the Council and indicated reasons for late payment for his trailer Hermit at 3890 Lexington Avenue. After discussion, Egan moved and Wachter seconded the motion to grant the renewal of the trailer permit for one year. CAMERON COURT PRELIMINARY PLAT. Mr. Howard Dahlgren and Mr. Dick Grekoff appeared for Cameron Development Company regarding the preliminary plat for Cameron Court located in Section 9, North of Yankee Doodle Road. The 5.69 acre parcel project for townhouses had been reviewed by the Planning Commission at its May 23 meeting and no recommendation was made by the Commission. A letter from the Police Chief was reviewed expressing his concern regarding the need for more than one entrance and exit to the property for emergency purposes. A large group of neighboring property owners were present generally opposed to the project for reasons including those stated at earlier meetings. A revised plan was submitted by Mr. Dahlgren indicating a 430 foot cul-de-sac, reduction from 40 ur.its to 32 units and a one-acre parcel at the Northeast corner to be dedicated to the City for open play field. He Indicated that there would be a vehicular maintenance path from Rivergate to the play field area. He further stated that the townhomes would be individually sold and would not be a rental Page 5 June 6, 1978 project and it was noted that the plan was completely revised. Councilmembers suggested a meeting with the neighboring property owners to review the current plan. Smith moved to refer the application to the City Staff, the Advisory Planning Commission, and the Eagan Park Board for review and recommendation. Egan seconded the motion. After further discussion on the motion, Smith called for the question to cut off debate, there were three nos and two yeses and the motion to cut off the debate was not adopted. It was further noted that the Park Director and Planning Staff requested direction of the Council for preparation of a Comprehensive Park Study for the area. The vote on the main motion was as follows: All voted in favor. Smith moved and Wachter seconded the motion with all members voting in favor to direct the Park Committee and Staff to prepare a proposal for park purposes in the general area of Yankee Doodle Road to be submitted to the Council. HEADOWRIDGE TOWNHOUSE PROJECT. Mr. Lou Lundgren appeared on behalf of the application of Meadowridge Townhouse Partners, the developer for the Meadowridge Townhouse Project on Lot 1, Block 3, Foxridge Addition at the Northwest corner of Letendre Street and Coachman Road. Also present were June Lundgren, architect; Jim Druck, attorney; Milt Olsen of H and Val J. Rothschild, owner, and Mr. Jerry Brill, attorney for Rothschild. The 10 1/4 acre parcel intended as subsidized rental housing would include one garage per unit under the revised site plans submitted to Dale Runkle, the City Zoning Administrator on June 6. The plan also includes one additional access on Coachman Road and additional access to Letendre Drive. The density also has been reduced to provide for 76 units. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Commission had recommended denial of the application for reasons included in the resolution attached to the Planning Commission minutes of May 23, 1978. The Board of Supervisors minutes of September 21, 1970, were reviewed regarding the Foxridge Apartment Project and Page 6 June 6, 1978 it was noted that the new plan is entirely revised and the current ordinance requires resubmission of a development plan if not completed within a three year period. The application being considered by the Council was for development plan approval under Ordinance 52. Mr. Thomas Feeney, the area HUD Director, appeared and explained the title 8 program to the Council and a large number of neighboring property owners and residents were present. He also discussed the scattered sit program which the Eagan City Council and the Dakota County HRA have favored for subsidized housing purposes. Councilmembers reviewed the resolution of the Planning Commission of May 23, 1978, and after considerable discussion including objections from the neighboring residents similar to those objections raised at the Planning Commission meeting, Egan moved to deny the application of Meadowridge Townhouse Partners for plan approval of Meadowridge Townhouses for reasons cited by the Planning Commission in its resolution of May 23, 1978, and in addition that the development plan must under Ordinance 52 be returned for review and approval each three years; further because the revised plan called for 76 units that I (3) would be eliminated because of reduction in units; that J would be eliminated with three access locations; further resolved that a copy of the Dakota County HRA report dated May 23, 1978, concerning the project be attached to the minutes. The City Administrator also indicated that the staff is preparing a report concerning frequency of fire and police calls to concentrated subsidized housing projects and single family housing. The report had not been completed for the Council to review. ORDINANCE #55 STREET LIGHT ORDINANCE. Mr. Richard Victor, the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Street Lighting Committee.; appeared and together with City Attorney Hauge reviewed proposed Ordinance 55 Amended. Smith moved and Councilman Egan seconded the motion with all members voting in favor to adopt Page 7 June 6, 1978 Ordinance 55 as amended to provide that it is the Council's intent to encourage the installation of street lights throughout the City; further resolved to adopt the resolution regarding the street lighting policy in the City to include and to provide for installation of coach lantern fixtures and concrete poles. TILSEN HOMES REZONING. Mr. James Tilsen and Arnold Carlson appeared regarding the application of Tilsen Homes to rezone from R-1 residential single family to R-2 residential double and variance from 15,000 square foot provision for Lots 1 thru 9, Block 5, Wilderness Run Sixth Addition abutting County Road #30. The A.P.C. recommended denial. Mr. Tilsen explained the purpose of buffering the single family area from the County Road and the grant of an additional 10 feet of right of way to the County for County Road #30 for grading purposes was request due to the steepness of the terrain. A number of neighboring property owners appeared and object and a petition from neighboring owners was submitted to the Council opposing the rezoning because of its inconsistency with the zoning of the immediate area. There was some discussion concerning whether the lots proposed for rezoning were intended to be rezoned to R-2 at the time lots bordering County Road #30 to the West were rezoned. Smith moved and Wachter seconded the motion and all members voted in favor to request the staff to check the zoning. TILSEN HOMES, INC. VARIANCE APPLICATION. Mr. Allen Leacock of Tilsen Homes appeared regarding its application for 5 foot variance from side yard setback for 1299 Carlson Lake Lane. The Planning Commission recommended denial for lack of hardship. It was noted that the 5 foot setback would adjoin an easement for access to the Eagan park and Councilmembers discussed the hardship involved in moving the house to the East or to reduce its size. Wachter moved and Parranto seconded the motion to approve the application. All members voted Page 8 June 6, 1978 yes. ROY KOEHNEN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. Mr. Irving Shaw, attorney, and Mr. Roy Koehnen appeared on the behalf of Mr. Koehnen's application for conditional use permit for storage of commercial road equipment on a 8 acre Agriculturally zoned parcel consisting part of Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivision No. 42, lying West of Highway #3. It was noted that the access to Highway #3 would be across an easement and Mr. Shaw indicated that the 60 foot by 40 foot building would house all of the equipment that Mr. Koehnen intended to store on the property. However, it was noted that outdoor parking also was provided on the plan. The A.P.C. recommended denial for reasons indicated in its minutes. A petition from neighboring property owners opposing the application was submitted and certain property owners opposing the application also appeared at the meeting. It was noted that Mr. Koehnen had a large number of vehicles and other equipment stored on the property which has been done since the time that he purchased the property at least two and a half years ago in violation of the Eagan ordinance. Councilmembers pointed out that the use of land for storage of commercial vehicles was not permitted under Agriculturally zoned land. Parranto moved and Wachter seconded the motion to deny the application for reasons cited above, and those recommended by the A.P.C., that the area is generally used for residential purposes and that commercial storage is not compatible with residential uses. Those in favor: Smith, Parranto, Wachter. Those against: Egan, Murphy. ERIC LAVEEN VARIANCE. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Laveen of 4024 Blackhawk Road, appeared regarding their application for vari4n ce to keep two goats on 4 acres of residentially zoned property. All neighboring property owners supported the application, and one neighbor was present. The A.P.C. recommended denial. After discussion, Wachter moved and Parranto seconded the motion to approve Page 9 June 6, 1978 the application on the basis of the medical hardship explained by the applicants and the fact that all neighboring owners consented to the application. DURNING SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT. Mr. Richard Crumb and Mr. James burning appeared regarding the application for revised preliminary plat approval for burning Subdivision at the Southwest corner of Cliff Road and Cedar Avenue. The A.P.C. recommended approval subject to certain conditions. Egan moved and Murphy seconded the motion to approve the application subject to the A.P.C. recommendations. All members voted yes. HARDEE'S RESTAURANT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. Mr. Dan Dolan and Mr. Richard Crumb appeared regarding the application of Mr. Dolan for conditional use permit for a Hardee's Restaurant in burning Subdivision. The 161 seat building would have an estimated total cost of $550,000. Mr. Dolan indicated he is in agreement with the A.P.C. recommendation and further stated that cross easements will be utilized. Smith moved and Wachter seconded the motion to approve the application subject to the recommendations of the A.P.C. All members voted yea. DURNING SUBDIVISION UTILITIES. A petition from the owners of the burning Subdivison property for a feasibility study for sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer facilities in the Subdivision was next presented. Egan moved and Parranto seconded the motion to accept the petition and to order the engineer to prepare a feasibility study. All members voted yes. JOHN MCDONALD REZONING AND PRELIMINARY PLAT - HIDDEN OAKS ADDITION. Mr. John McDonald and Mr. C.E. Dahlgren appeared regarding the application of Mr. McDonald on behalf of Mid-Continent Equity Corporation as the developer of the 39 lot townhouse subdivison. The application was to rezone from R-4 residential multiple to R-3 residential townhouse and preliminary plat approval of Hidden Oaks Addition, North and West of Crestridge Lane and Denmark Avenue. Page 10 June 6, 1978 The subdivision would then include 84 garages with 16 oven parking spaces. The A.P.C. recommended rezoning from R-4 to R-3 and preliminary plat approval of phase 1. Smith moved and Egan seconded the motion, all members voting yes to accept the recommendations of the A.P.C. for rezoning with the understanding, however, that the Staff will determine the ownership of the right of way for Denmark Avenue required to be improved prior before the installation of improvements in the subdivision. Wachter then moved and Egan seconded the motion to approve preliminary plat for phase 1 of the project subject, however, to the aquisition of the necessary easement right of way for Denmark Avenue. SUPERAMERICA STATION. Mr. John Hoganson and another representative of SuperAmerica appeared on behalf of its application for preliminary plat approval and conditional use permit for a service station and convenience center at the Southwest corner of Yankee Doodle Road and Pilot Knob Road. The A.P.C. recommended denial. It was noted that the Dakota County Staff has indicated access to Yankee Doodle would be permitted for right turns only. The Council reviewed the application and the recommendation of the Planning Commission. It was noted that residents in the general area strongly favored the application, and that the site plan appeared to be well laid out and appears to meet the Ordinance requirements. Parranto moved and Murphy seconded the motion, all members voted yea to grant approval of the conditional use permit to include retail sales of convenience items. Parranto moved and Murphy seconded the motion to approve the preliminary plat for the SuperAmerica location. All members voted in favor. BURTON HOOVESTAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. Mr. Con Stordahl and Mr. Hoovestal appeared regarding the application of Mr. Burton Hoovestal for conditional use permit for truck service and open storage on Lots 1, 2, and 3. Block 2, Eagandale Industrial Park Fourth Addition. The Council reviewed Page 11 June 6, 1978 the resolution of the City Council dated April 17, 1973, opposing permits for facilities resulting in heavy truck traffic on certain routes in the City. It was noted that there would be approximately twenty trips in and out of the facility daily to the Bulk Mail Facility. The trips, however, would be over interior industrial park streets. Wachter moved and Murphy seconded the motion to approve the application for conditional use permit as to Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, Eagandale Industrial Park Fourth Addition according to the recommendations of the Planning Commission. It was noted that the building was intended to cross the lot lines between Lots 2 and 3. Egan moved and Murphy seconded the motion to grant a variance from the setback requirements from the lot lines on the basis that planning of the development of the property appears to be conducive to grant of such a variance and there are no objecting neighboring property owners. All members voted in favor. BUFFER HILLS PRELIMINARY PLAT. At the request of the applicant, Parranto moved and Smith seconded the motion to continue the consideration of the application for preliminary plat approval of buffer Hills until the next regular meeting. All members voted yes. RUSTIC HILLS ADDITION. Mr. Anderson appeared on the behalf of the applicant for final plat approval of Rustic Hills Addition on Highway #13. Smith moved and Wachter seconded the motion to approve the final plat subject to Staff approval and compliance with all ordinances including the development agreement and further that the development agreement be authorized to be signed and approved. All members voted yes except Parranto who voted no. OAK POND HILLS SECOND ADDITION. Lloyd Forsberg appeared regarding the application for approval of Oak Pond Hills Second Addition final plat. Some Councilmembers expressed objections to the extent of park land required to be dedicated within the subdivision which it was noted was a part of the Lexington Page 12 June 6, 1978 South commitment. Parranto moved and Egan seconded the motion to approve the final plat subject to cash donation and all other ordinance requirements and in addition execution of the development agreement. All members voted yes except Wachter who voted no. Parranto then moved and Wachter seconded the motion to authorize the staff to place Outlot B on the market for sale for single family purposes after acquisition of title by the City. Those in favor were: Parranto, Wachter, and Egan. Those against were: Murphy and Smith. ST. FRANCIS WOOD FINAL PLAT. Mr. John Klein and Mr. Richard Giefer appeared regarding the application for approval of the final plat of St. Francis Wood. Wachter moved and Murphy seconded the motion to approve the plat and the execution of the development agreement subject, however, to normal ordinance requirements. All members voted yes. 35E PRELIMINARY LAYOUT. The preliminary layout of I-35E lying generally South of County Road #26 was briefly reviewed by the Council. Wachter moved and Parranto seconded the motion, all members voted yes to approve the preliminary layout. BLACKHAWK ROAD STORM SEWER. City Engineer Rosene requested that the bid award for the cleaning the storm sewer on Blackhawk Road be continued to the next regular meeting. PROJECT #216 - MALLARD PARK SECOND AND THIRD ADDTTION UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS. The bids for Project #216 according to the list attached to the minutes were next reviewed with one low bid of Frederickson Excavating Company in the sum of $248,034.10. Because of the lack of decision by the developers of Mallard Park Additions as to the type of development, Smith moved and Parranto seconded the motion, all members voted yes to continue the award of the bid until the determination is made by the developers concerning the type of development in the addition. Page 13 June 6, 1978 PROJECT #216 - MALLARD PARK ADDITION STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Smith moved and Wachter seconded the motion, all members voted yea to continue the award of the bid on Project #216B for the same reasons cited as to Project #216. PROJECT #214 - SIBLEY TERMINAL INDUSTRIAL PARK STORM SEWER. The City Attorney reported on acquisition of easements in the subdivision and indicated that there are still three easements that have not been acquired. In addition, it was discovered that the permit from the Minnesota Watershed District is required before MinnDot will sign the agreement with the City for cost sharing. The matter was continued to the next regular meeting. PROJECT #227A CEDAR AVENUE STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS. It was noted that the surveyor has not completed the preparation of easement descriptions and no action was taken on the award of the contract. PROJECT #229 - HIGHWAY #31 TRAIL. An agreement from MinnDot regarding award of funds for the trail was reviewed as was the low bid of Minnesota Valley Surfacing Company for the improvement in the sum of $19,870. Egan moved and Parranto seconded the motion, all members voted yes to approve the agreement with MinnDot and to approve the low bid of Minnesota Valley Surfacing Company. PROJECT #186 - CEDAR AVENUE STORM SEWER. The City Attorney and City Engineer reviewed the acquisition of easements from Richard Kennealy and Herbert Adelmann onCedar Avenue and Mr. Hauge reported that the demand from Mr. Kennealy was $500 for the 17 foot highway right of way and recommended approval of the offer. As to the Adelmann property, the demand was for $5,000 for the 17 foot road right of way easement. It was noted that the $5,000 exceeded the guidelines for easement acquisition, but that Parrott Construction Company has been delayed in construction and it is important to proceed with construction. Smith moved and Egan seconded the motion, all members voted in favor to accept Page 14 June 6, 1978 the offer of Richard Kennealy and to make payment of $500 in return for the easement and that the contractor be authorized to enter upon the Adelmann property pursuant to a written right of entry and that the payment for the right of way will be determined at a later time. HERITAGE LANE STORM SEWER. City Engineer Rosene reported on the storm sewer ponding problem on the Al Davis property on Heritage Lane and recommended that the City authorize a change order to the Sibley Terminal Storm Sewer Project #214. No action was taken on the matter. FEDERAL LAND COMPANY STREET IMPROVEMENT PETITION. A petition from Federal Land Company for preparation of a feasibility report for improvements for 81st Street in Yankee Square Shopping Center and for preparation of plans and specifications was submitted. Wachter moved and Murphy seconded the motion to accept the petition,to authorize the feasibility report to be prepared by the City Engineer and for preparations of plans and specifications. All members voted yes. JULY 6, 1978 COUNCIL MEETING. Because of the conflict for the July 4th meeting, Wachter moved and Murphy seconded the motion, all members voted yes to change the regular July 4th Council meeting to July 6, 1978, at the City Hall at 6:30 p.m. BLACKHAWK LAKE - I-35E. Mayor Murphy reviewed briefly with the Council the request by Associated Families for a hearing before the Department of Natural Resources on the permit application of MinnDot for the brdige across Blackhawk Lake on proposed I-35E. John Klein appeared and recommended that the Council authorize special legal counsel to represent the City and that the City intervene in the permit hearing. There was discussion between Councilmembers and the City Attorney regarding coordination by outside legal counsel with in Cities of Eagan, Burnsville, Apple Valley and other Page 15 June 6, 1978 intervenors in the hearing. The City Attorney and Staff were requested to make contacts with law firms regarding representation of the City of Eagan in the hearing process. Upon motion by Smith and seconded by Wachter, all members votin.g•in favor to have the Council authorize intervention on the behalf of the City of Eagan in the proceeding and further a special meeting of the Council be scheduled at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall on Thursday, June 8, 1978, to discuss hiring outside counsel and expert witnesses. ARNOLD CARLSON PETITION. Arnold Carlson submitted a petition concerning membership on the Advisory Planning Committee which was accepted by the Mayor and no action was taken. EAGAN PET CLINIC ADDITION. Mike Greaser of Greaser, Inc. appeared requesting approval from the Council for waiver of the platting requirements to permit the construction of an addition to the Eagan Pet Clinic on Beau-d'-Rue Road on unplatted property. It was noted that ordinarily the matter would be heard by the Planning Commission, but there was concern to expedite the construction and that there does not appear to be any conflict nor objections from neighboring owners. Upon motion by Parranto and seconded by Egan with all members voting yes, it was resolved that the permit for the addition be granted and that the normal waiver of plat requirements be waived subject, however, to staff review and approval. 135E ALIGNMENT. The City Administrator submitted a proposed resolution reaffirming the City Council's position in favor of alternate A-1 bridging-; Blackhawk Lake on 135E. Smith moved and Parranto seconded the motion to approve the resolution. Those in favor were: Smith, Parranto, Murphy, and Wachter; Egan abstained. NEIL ARMSTRONG BOULEVARD. A petition from Mr. Robert Silverman, attorney for Expressway Properties, for preparation of a feasibility study for a Page 16 June 6, 1978 100 foot extension to the intersection of Gemini Road of Neil Armstrong Boulevard in Eagandale Industrial Park. Egan moved and Murphy seconded the motion, all members voted in favor to accept petition and authorize the engineer to prepare the study. UNIVAC PARK 3-2 BEER PERMIT. An application of Mr. Mike Bleedorn, of Sperry Univac, requesting a 3-2 temporary beer license on June 17th and 18th at the Univac field was next considered. There were no objections. Smith moved and Wachter seconded the motion, all members voting yes to approve the application. AMES PROPERTY SEWAGE STUDY. A request from Parranto Brothers for a feasibility study for sewage purposes on the Ames property lying adjacent to Blue Gentian Road was next discussed. Smith moved and Wachter seconded the motion with all members voting in favor to accept the request to authorize the engineer to prepare the feasibility study subject, however, to the applicant paying for the cost of the study. PROJECT #231A - STREET IMPROVEMENTS. The City Engineer submitted the plans for street improvements for Project #231A for review by the Council. Wachter moved and Murphy seconded the motion, all members voted yes to accept the plans and specifications and to authorize the clerk to advertise for bids to be opened on July 6, 1978, at 3:00 p.m. at the City Hall. FISH LAKE STORM SEWER EXTENSIONS. The City Engineer recommended to the Council that a change order for Project #186 covering the Cedar Avenue storm sewer project for certain extensions of storm sewer lines for Pilot Knob Heights Addition adjacent to Fish Lake with an estimated cost of not to exceed $2,000 be authorized. Wachter moved and Parranto seconded the motion, all members voted in favor to authorize the change order. VOUCHERS. Wachter moved and Egan seconded the motion, all members voted 'Page 17 June 6, 1978 in favor to approve the following vouchers: 439; 440; 6293 6374; 9461 - 9579 ADJOURNMENT. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at approximately 2:15 a.m. PIM DATED: June 6, 1973 CitAI Clerk