05/19/1987 - City Council Regular Council Minutes May 19, 1987 11. The 8 inch water main along the easterly side of the development shall be located within Outlot A. 12. A 20 foot utility easement shall be provided for the proposed 8 inch water main along the southerly side of Lot 1. 13. Two additional hydrants shall be located along the north and south side of the proposed building. 14. The development shall move its major access point approximately 230 feet west of where currently proposed. 15. The proposed development shall be responsible for obtaining the appropriate Department of Health permit for water main extensions. 16. The development shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary down stream ponding easements. 17. The developer shall work with City staff to resolve the access issue. This item shall be considered at the May 19, 1987 council meeting to allow discussion between developer and staff. Attorney Tim Thornton appeared on behalf of Northwest Airlines and stated that Northwest Airlines has applied for an amendment to the planned development agreement requesting greater use of its site and noted that the key issue regarding land use will be traffic generation. He stated that Wachovia Bank and Trust holds the greatest developmental rights but Northwest Airlines was the developer on the site and requested a comprehensive development plan of the balance of the parcel. Mr. Hedges indicated that the indirect source permit has been approved by the Pollution Control Agency and that the City is sensitive to all users within the parcel. He stressed the importance of beginning and completing the traffic study for the area. Mr. Thornton recommended more specific planning because the traffic problems may become excessive in relation to the available and planned road network. He noted that Northwest Airlines will continue to be present in Eagan and will be involved in all the development decisions on ,the site. Larry Laukka was present and strongly objected to Mr. Thornton's comments about Wachovia's intent to peacemeal its development. Northwest Airlines had an allocation of space in the planned development, according to Mr. Laukka and also Cray and Wachovia cannot exceed their development rights. He requested approval of his preliminary plat application and the permit to proceed with the building construction. The question was whether the City can allocate the densities by parcel and Mr. Runkle talked about the possible need for a new EIS and ISP in the event that the densities are exceeded. Utilities and streets will be issues that require a review if allocated densities are changed. All members voted yes. SEE PLAT FILE 12 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 4,g BLUE RIDGE ADDITION - BUILDING PERMIT A request of L. A. Laukka Development for grading and foundation construction permits for an office building in Blue Ridge Addition was next presented. After review and upon motion by Egan, seconded Ellison, it was resolved to grant the permits with the condition that no occupancy will be granted until all building permit and other City requirements are complied with. All voted aye. RICHARD'S FOOD - ST. JOSEPH'S HOME - GAMBLING LICENSE Tom Winkel appeared on behalf of the St. Joseph's Home for Children gambling license application for pull-tabs at Richards Food and Liquor. Mr. Hedges indicated the applicant was made aware of the required ratio of local as opposed to national charitable gambling licenses for pull-tabs. Mr. Winkel indicated that 256 of the members that contributed to the support of St. Joseph's Home, which is operated by the Board of Catholic Charities, live in Eagan. Curren}ly, the City has one local gambling license held by the Eagan Lions Club for pull-tabs and one national organization consisting of the M.S. Society, with a pull-tab license at Valley Lounge. The question arose as to whether the St. Joseph's Home could be construed to be local under the ordinance guidelines. Councilman Smith moved, Councilman Egan seconded the motion to approve the license for pull-tabs to St. Joseph's Home, noting the local character of the organization. Councilman Ellison stated that the applicant comes close to fulfilling the intent of a local charity and will support it but will object to a change in the ordinance policy. All members voted in favor. Smith then moved to delete any reference to local organization in the ordinance, Egan seconded the motion and stated that the City benefits from organizations, whether local or national in scope. Councilman Smith mentioned that the policy has not worked because there have been eligible national and regional organizations that have not been allowed permits under the current policy. Those in favor were Smith, Egan, Blomquist and Wachter; those against was Ellison. Q PETROLEUM - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - PYLON SIGN An application was submitted by Q Petroleum for conditional use permit for two pylon signs along Cliff Road on Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn Cliff First Addition. The Planning Commission recommended approval, subject to conditions. According to Mr. Runkle, one sign would be 8 feet in width and 27 feet in height with 120 square foot of signage and the second for the Q Superette Car Wash would consist of 66 13 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 square feet of signage. Councilman Wachter had a question about the location of the signs on the entire parcel but there were no objections. Ellison moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the application, subject to the following conditions: 1. There shall be a 27 foot maximum height. 2. No additional signage area other than this proposal shall be allowed without another public hearing. 3. The conditional use permit for pylon signs shall be subject to all other applicable Sign Ordinances. 4. This conditional use permit shall be subject to the one-time sign fee of $2.50 per square foot. All voted yes. LEXINGTON POINTE 2ND ADDITION - REZONING & PRELIMINARY PLAT The application of Tri-Land Properties for approval and amendment to the Lexington South Planned Development, rezoning of 57.6 acres from CSC (Community Shopping Center) to PD R-1, Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment and preliminary plat approval consisting of 169 lots located south of Diffley Road, and west of the Northview Meadows area came before the Council. Dale Runkle detailed the application and there was a question about the utilization of the R-3 land on the north side on Diffley Road. According to Brad Swenson who. was present, the land is now owned by HUD. Brad Swenson and Laura Marks were both present and answered questions of the City Council. It was noted that 64% of the 169 lots are below the minimum City requirements. Councilman Ellison stated he supported the rezoning but preferred that minimum standards be complied with. Mr. Swenson noted the lack of amenities on the site and stated in his opinion it was appropriate for development of smaller lots. Upon question by Councilman Smith, Mr. Swenson stated that the developer will not develop two lots on the west property line to allow westerly extension of the southerly street. Mayor Bl-omquist was concerned about buffering along the commercial property on the west and it was noted that an easement will also be provided in addition to buffering. Smith moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the application for Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment and rezoning. All members voted in favor. Egan then moved, Smith seconded the motion to approve the application for preliminary plat according to the following conditions: 1. All standard platting conditions shall be adhered to. 14 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 2. No side-yard variances with buildings less than 15 feet apart shall be allowed. 3. This plat shall be subject to a parks dedication fee. 4. Downstream trunk storm sewer facilities shall be ordered for installation by Council action prior to final plat approval. 5. An erosion and sediment control plan shall be submitted and approved prior to issuance of a grading permit or final plat approval. 6. In addition to all common lot line drainage and utility easements, appropriate utility and ponding easements must be dedicated based upon final design alignment and elevations. 7. This development shall be responsible for constructing a 12 inch trunk water main within Lexington Pointe Parkway to provide service to the adjacent commercial property. 8. This development shall be responsible for providing a sanitary sewer stub to the adjacent commercial property. 9. Major and minor access locations onto Diffley Road shall be in accordance with Dakota County Highway Department recommendations. 10. Daniel Drive and Lexington Pointe Parkway shall be dedicated with 80 foot wide rights-of-way if trailway is determined to be necessary. All remaining interior residential streets shall be a minimum 60 foot wide right-of-way. 11. This development shall be responsible for the acquisition of all regulatory agency and County permits in the time frame required by the affected agency. 12. This development shall assume its assessment responsibilities associated with trunk area storm sewer. 13. An 8 foot wide bituminous trailway shall be constructed along the west side of Daniel Drive or located as determined by the Parks Commission, as the responsibility of this development. 14. The westerly extension of Daniel Drive and its intersection with the north-south major and minor connection to Diffley Road shall have a "T" configuration. 15. A detailed storm sewer system shall be submitted and approved by staff prior to issuance of a grading permit or final plat approval. 15 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 Those in favor were Smith, Egan and Blomquist; those against were Ellison and Wachter. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the application for amendment to the planned development. All voted in favor. SEE PLAT FILE ULTRA IV ADDITION - PRELIMINARY PLAT An application was submitted by Ultra IV, Inc. requesting a preliminary plat of approximately 12 acres zoned Il for restaurant/bar and athletic facility located on Tract F of Registered Land Survey No. 4 consisting of 10.3 acres for restaurant and 1.9 acres outlot. According to Mr. Runkle, City Code permits Class I sit-down restaurants in the Industrial District and indoor commercial recreation facilities such as bowling alleys and tennis clubs, but outdoor facilities are not specifically addressed. On- sale wine and 3.2 beer sales are listed as conditional use items in Light Industrial, and a liquor license will be requested. A conditional use permit was also requested for pylon signs. After description by Mr. Runkle, the question arose as to whether liquor could be approved as a permitted or conditional use in an Industrial zone. Several alternates were discussed including the rezoning of the property but the City Attorney cautioned the council that in the event that the use is abandoned, that the property then could be used for other purposes within that zoned category. The intent was to provide for a 250 foot seat restaurant, two indoor volleyball courts and two fenced outdoor softball fields. John Berglund, the applicant's attorney, appeared and indicated, upon question by Councilman Smith, that no discussion had been held with the Clarence Adelmans, the neighbors to the property. Councilman Smith recommended the contact be made to determine whether they have objections. The intent of the softball fields is for private competitive softball and it is not expected that the City will be permitted to use the fields on a no-cost basis. Mr. Berglund, upon question, indicated there are four other sites in the state that are somewhat comparable, allowing out-door softball, adjacent to restaurants. Tom Reinen, architect, displayed the proposed facility and answered questions of City Councilmembers. Upon question, Mr. Berglund indicated that although the facility is intended for adult orientation, it could be adopted for use by children. Lighting was a strong concern of Councilman Smith, as well as following the Light Industrial guidelines concerning the use of on-sale liquor. A number of other representatives of the applicant were also present. 16 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 Smith moved, Ellison seconded the motion to continue the application to the June 2, 1987 regular meeting to allow the Adelmans to express any comments regarding the application, to address the concerns of the Council regarding use of overhead lights and also to determine whether on-sale liquor could be allowed on the site. Mr. Berglund indicated that the applicant would not proceed without an on-sale liquor license. All members voted in favor. SEE PLAT FILE EAGAN ROYALE ADDITION - REZONING & PRELIMINARY PLAT The application of Partnership Royale for rezoning from A (Agricultural) to R-1 (Single Family) and preliminary plat approval consisting of 73 lots on 47 acres then was brought to the Council. At the request of the applicant, upon motion by Egan, seconded Ellison, it was resolved that the application be continued to the June 2, 1987 regular meeting. All members voted yea. SEE PLAT FILE COUNTRY HOLLOW ADDITION - REZONING & PRELIMINARY PLAT The application of Progress Engineering, Inc. to rezone 45.47 acres to R-1 Single Family and preliminary plat approval of Country Hollow Addition was submitted to the Council for its consideration. According to Mr. Runkle, the plat would consist of 99 lots located north of Diffley Road and east of Dodd Road. The Land Use map designates the property as D-II and no amendment would be required. There was discussion concerning the continuance of the streets to the north, including either a cul-de-sac or an outlet to Dodd Road. A representative of the applicant was present and there were no objections. The Planning Commission recommended approval. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the application for rezoning as requested. All voted yea. Egan then moved, Ellison seconded the motion to approve the application for preliminary plat, subject to the following conditions: 1. All standard platting conditions shall be adhered to. 2. This plat shall be subject to a parks dedication fee. 3. Lot 1, Block 1, shall have a 30 foot setback or more along Diffley Road. 4. The City Council must authorize the installation of trunk water main and trunk storm sewer facilities necessary to service this development prior to final plat approval. 17 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 4 ! J 5. A 60 foot half right-of-way and a 20 foot construction easement must be dedicated for the future upgrading of County Road #30. All cul-de-saced streets shall have a minimum right-of-way of 50 feet with all remaining through-streets having a minimum right- of-way of 60 feet. 6. In addition to the 10 foot common lot line drainage and utility easement, additional easements shall be dedicated of sufficient width to accommodate the installation of all required storm sewer, water main and sanitary sewer facilities proposed to be located outside of dedicated right-of-way. 7. This development shall provide and dedicate appropriate ponding easements providing for 63 acre feet of storage based on a controlled water elevation of 800.0 and a high water elevation of 818.0. 8. This development shall install the required channelization and related stabilization to convey existing drainage swales along proposed common lot lines into the existing storm sewer system. A minimum 20 foot drainage and utility easement shall be conveyed over these drainage channels. 9. This development shall be responsible for the acquisition of all easements outside the boundaries of this development as necessary to provide water service and trunk storm sewer force main outlets to serve this development in addition to any permanent or temporary construction easements necessary to accommodate temporary cul-de-sacs for dead-end streets. 10. All regulatory agency permits shall be acquired in a time frame required by the affected agency. 11. The middle of the proposed three-street connections to the north shall be shortened and permanently cul-de-saced. 12. This development shall be responsible for all related assessment obligations associated with its approval. All voted affirmatively. SEE-PLAT FILE WILLIAMS AND LaRUE ADDITION II - PRELIMINARY PLAT The application of Dale LaRue for preliminary plat approval of Williams and LaRue II Addition was again brought before the Council. The parcel consisting of 1.9 acres was intended for single family purposes and approved by the City Council in 1985, subject to certain conditions. The installation of utilities and assessment issues were then of concern and a delay took place in order to acquire easements and install necessary utilities. 18 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 R ; F rA Y Mr. Runkle stated that there was no change in the plat configuration of the five lot subdivision. Dale LaRue was present. Mr. and Mrs. Kelmer Bratland, neighboring owners to the east, were present and had strong objections to certain aspects of the plat, stating that there is a 20 foot bank between the LaRue and Bratland property. They objected to snow being potentially pushed to the east on the Bratland property. Mr. Colbert suggested that an easement over the east property line of Lot 5 be acquired for snow storage purposes. Dale LaRue was present and noted that drainage comes from the Bratland property, rather than flowing east, that all lots conform with minimum requirements and he had no objection to the snow storage easement on Lot 5. Two accesses will be available from the four lots abutting Wescott Road and Lots 3 and 4 using one access and Lots 1 and 5 one access. Egan then moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the application for preliminary plat for Williams and LaRue II Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant will grant a snow storage easement in favor of Lot 1, over the easterly side of Lot 5 as directed by the staff. 2. A determination should be made as to the feasibility of the installation of utilities prior to final plat approval. 3. Variances shall be allowed in view of the configuration of the land in relation to the surrounding properties. 4. Standard preliminary plat conditions shall be adhered to. 5. A variance shall be granted to allow the 15 foot frontage on Wescott Road. 6. The filling of the pond area shall be done in conformance with MnDOT specifications 2105 and 2451. 7. This development shall be responsible for the installation of a positive outlet from the ponding area and also the 12 inch trunk watermain. 8. No new access to Lexington Avenue shall be allowed. 9. A 6 foot concrete sidewalk along the north side of Wescott Road shall be the responsibility of this development. All voted yes. SEE PLAT FILE 19 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 FIVE YEAR ACTION PLAN FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Mr. Hedges submitted to the City Council proposed two-year and five-year action plans and projected completion dates included, with the work task assignments to the staff and the Economic Development Commission. He noted that these action plans were similar to those already adopted by the City Council for the Commission in earlier years. There being no objections, Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the two and five year action plans as presented by the EDC. All voted yes. David Kleimola submitted his resignation as a member of the Commission indicating his business was moving out of the City. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to accept the resignation, and further direct the Administrator to review the list of prospective names for membership on the Commission. All voted yea. MAC PART 150 STUDY - RESOLUTION The City has received a copy of the Part 150 Study covering two documents to be submitted to the FAA by the Metropolitan Airports Commission. The noise exposure map defines the noise compatibility problem and the noise compatibility program described the operational land use solutions. Administrative Assistant Jon Hohenstein prepared a lengthy resolution addressing the issues of importance to the City and after review by Mr. Hedges and City Council members, Smith moved, Wachter seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution. All voted in favor. R 87-35 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTS 1. Lexington Hills Addition - Contract #87-5. Mr. Colbert stated that the low bid is 17.6% over the feasibility report and questioned whether the property owners should be given an opportunity to review the low bid. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to continue consideration of Contract #87-5 until the June 2, 1987 meeting to allow the affected property owners to be heard. All members voted in favor. 2. 1987 Sealcoating - Contract #87-8. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the 1987 Sealcoating Contract #87-8 and authorize the advertisement for bids for an opening to be held at 10:30 a.m. on June 12, 1987 for Contract #87-8 with the deletion of the fire station sealcoating. All members voted positively. 3. Wells No. 8 and No. 9 - Contract #85-26. Mr. Colbert stressed the importance of bringing additional wells on line, and noted that Bergerson, Caswell, Inc., the contractor on Wells No. 8 and 9 had requested an extension of hours from 7:00 a.m until 8:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, in order to complete the installation 20 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 on a timely basis. Because of the sensitivity of the neighbors in the area, Mr. Hedges recommended letters be sent to the neighboring residents to explain the critical need to complete the wells. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the permit for extended working hours for Contract #85-26 as requested with the understanding that neighbors will be contacted and that the Council will be allowed to review the status of the construction in the event of strong objections. All members voted yea. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTS 1. Nancy Circle - Contract #87-10. The bids for Contract #87- 10 consisting of street and storm sewer improvements in Nancy Circle under Project #482 were submitted and it was recommended that the contract be awarded to Bituminous Roadways, Inc. in the amount of $22,008.00. 2. Lexington Square 6th Addition - Northview Park Road - Contract #87-12. It was recommended that the Council continue consideration of the award of Contract #87-12 to the June 2, 1987 regular meeting because of the fact that the State Aid approval has not been completed. 3. Greensboro 2nd Addition - Contract #87-11. It was recommended that the Council authorize continuance of the consideration of the contract under Contract #87-11 until the June 2, 1987 meeting. Smith moved, Ellison seconded the motion to approve the foregoing recommendations and authorize their implementation. All members voted yes. PRIVATE IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTS 1. Brittany 8th Addition - Contract #85-S. It was recommended that the Council approve the installation of the streets and utilities installed by Contract #85-S under Brittany 8th Addition and accept the improvements for perpetual City maintenance. 2. Eagan Center 1st Addition - Contract #85-C. Staff recommended to the Council that it approve the streets and utility installation under Contract #86-C regarding Eagan Center 1st Addition and to accept the project for perpetual maintenance. Smith moved, Ellison seconded the motion to approve and authorize the implementation of the recommendations. All voted affirmatively. 21 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 BBD ADDITION Bill Henk, the developer of the BBD Addition was present and requested special consideration of the City Council for approval of the final plat of BBD Addition. He noted the hard shell had been completed and according to Mr. Colbert, all conditions are now fulfilled and that the County Board had approved the application, according to Mr. Henk. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the application, subject to compliance with all City requirements. All members voted yes. It was noted that the waiver of objection to the assessments will be signed by the developer prior to release of the hard shell. R 87-36 WHISPERING WOODS 2ND ADDITION - PROJECT #504 A petition had been received from the developers of the Whispering Woods 2nd Addition requesting a feasibility report for the installation of storm sewer facilities through the development. Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Egan, it was resolved that the Petition be received and that the consulting engineering firm be authorized to prepare a feasibility report. All members voted in favor. WHISPERING WOODS 2ND ADDITION - PRELIMINARY PLAT - EXTENSION Upon request of the applicant, upon motion by Egan, seconded Wachter, it was resolved that the council approve a one-year extension to June 3, 1988 for Whispering Woods 2nd Addition preliminary plat. All members voted yea. BLACKHAWK ROAD - RECONSTRUCTION - PROJECT #488 The engineering staff discussed with the City Council the concerns of certain property owners adjacent to the Blackhawk Plaza development requesting that the roadway be shifted to the east, toward Blackhawk Plaza, to minimize the impact. The Blackhawk Plaza developer, Steve Ramsey, was reluctant to grant any additional right-of-way which would result in encroachment onto the existing parking lot setback green space, which should be landscaped and bermed, according to council direction. No action was taken to revise the road alignment. 22 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN PREPARATION Mr. Colbert stated that he had been working with the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District and consulting engineering firm for the Gun Club Lake Watershed Management Organization, Hickock and Associates, Inc. to proceed with the preparation of the comprehensive water quality management plan for the community. He recommended that the Council consider the creation and solicitation of members to a citizen committee for the preparation of the plan, which could include members from the Planning Commission and Council and other lay persons. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to authorize the creation of the Citizen Committee and to direct the staff to solicit members for the Committee. All members voted yea. WOODGATE LANE - PROJECT #490 A petition was submitted by several residents on Woodgate Lane requesting installation of street lights on that cul-de-sac. The feasibility report has now been completed and upon motion by Egan, seconded Smith, it was resolved that the report for Project #490 be received and that the public hearing be scheduled for June 16, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Municipal Center. All voted yes. METRO COUNCIL AIRPORT ADEQUACY STUDY A letter was received from Steve Keefe, the chair of the Metropolitan Council, requesting the City Council designate a local official to participate on a task force to determine the adequacy of the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport. After discussion, the council members approved the designation of Mayor Blomquist and Councilman Egan to share the responsibility of membership on the Task Force. CABLE T.V. CONFERENCE A memo from Cable Administrator Ralph Campbell concerning the cable television conference scheduled for June 29 and 30, 1987 in Madison, Wisconsin, was discussed. Attendance by Cable members and/or City Council members was proposed by the Cable Commission. No specific action was taken. SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL A special meeting of the Eagan City Council is scheduled to be held on May 27, 1987 at the municipal Center, beginning at 7:30 p.m. for a workshop session. 23 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 r Q.s) BURNSVILLE/EAGAN JOINT CABLE T.V. MEETING A special meeting of the Eagan City Council jointly with the Burnsville City Council, will be held on June 18, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. regarding the Burnsville/Eagan Cable T.V. Commission. HUNAN GARDEN - ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE An application from the owners of the Hunan Garden Restaurant in Town Centre for an on-sale liquor license was submitted. The staff was directed to submit further information to the City Council regarding compliance with City policy, and to suggest the applicant appear before the City Council. ELIZABETH WITT - ENDORSEMENT VICE PRESIDENT - LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES Liz Witt submitted a letter to the City Council requesting endorsement as a candidate for the Vice Presidency of the League of Minnesota Cities. It was noted that the time spent on League affairs would not be official Eagan business. Further, the City of Eagan would not be financially responsible for serving in the position and the time involved would not interfere with her City of Eagan position. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the endorsement as requested. All voted yea. BETTY SINDT - LEAGUE OF CITIES - BOARD OF DIRECTORS] A request from Betty Sindtof Lakeville, for endorsement for election to the League of Cities Board of Directors was submitted. Smith moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the endorsement on behalf of the City Council. All members voted in favor. POLICE DEPARTMENT - CHAPLAIN Pastor Block of Christ Lutheran Church indicated to the Police Department that he was interested in acting as its Chaplain on an emergency basis. No official action was taken. CHECKLIST Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Egan, it was resolved that the checklist dated May 19, 1987 in the amount of $472,085.90 be approved. All voted yes.and dated April 30,1987 in the amount of $955,761.43. 24 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 CAPONI VS. CITY OF EAGAN City Attorney Paul Hauge and City Administrator Tom Hedges discussed with the City Council the proposed payment of the settlement award to Tony Caponi for the inverse condemnation action brought against the City. Gene VanOverbeke suggested several alternates for the payment of the award to be acquired from the general fund, the storm sewer trunk fund, or from assessment funds. He further suggested that form 1099 covering the interest on the assessments, be forwarded to Mr. Caponi. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the payment of the award and to direct that the payment be made from storm sewer trunk funds, including the reduction in the assessments, as proposed by Mr. Caponi. All councilmembers voted affirmatively; further, that Mr. Caponi comply with the provisions of the award, including the dedication of land on the west side of the lake and the grant of an appropriate ponding easement. All members voted in favor. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 12:50 a.m. All voted yea. PHH 1i C lerk 25 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA MAY 19, 1987 A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, May 19, 1987 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Blomquist and Councilmembers Smith, Wachter, Egan and Ellison. In addition, City Administrator Tom Hedges, Public Works Director Tom Colbert, City Planner Dale Runkle, Consulting Engineer Mark Hanson, and City Attorney Paul Hauge were present. City Administrator Tom Hedges explained to the City Council and the audience that there was a school board election within the City on May 19, 1987 and the polls would close at 8:00 p.m. Therefore, he requested that the City Council not take official action until after 8:00 p.m. AGENDA The Agenda was presented without formal action. MINUTES The minutes of the May 5, 1987 regular City Council meeting were presented and the following changes were requested: Regarding speed limits on Galaxie and Blackhawk Roads, under police department business, Councilman Wachter was concerned about the 45 mile per hour limit in Apple Valley and 35 mile per hour limit in Eagan; also on page 7 Cliff Road Shoppes preliminary plat, condition 5 regarding 94 nine foot stalls shall be eliminated; next page 9 regarding Thomas Lake Center conditional use permit, that the motion for approval of three pylon signs be for the major streets rather than buildings; on page 19 regarding the Metro East Coalition, Councilman Ellison opposed the motion stating that the City is growing so quickly, the benefit of membership would run to the Coalition and not the City of Eagan, and therefore the Council should not be spending the money, noting the.City is not the benefiting party. 1987 REFUNDING BOND ISSUE City Administrator Tom Hedges described to the City Council the status of the refunding of certain bond issues recently evaluated by the Director of Finance and City's Fiscal Consultant, Miller & Schroeder Financial, Inc. Miller & Schroeder recommended that the Council proceed with the refunding based upon the recommendation of Dan Hartman that interest rates appeared to be stabilizing in recent weeks. Councilmen Smith and Wachter were concerned about the change in bond interest rates and Councilman Wachter recommended a two-week continuance before determining whether to proceed. Ernie Clark of Miller & Schroeder, as well as Dan Hartman were present. No action was taken. 1 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 DEPARTMENT HEAD BUSINESS Several department heads were present but there was no specific business brought to the City Council. LONE OAK ADDITION - TRAFFIC STUDY Public Works Director Tom Colbert explained to the City Council that Cray Research, Inc. .is processing a proposed subdivision incorporating approximately 115 acres north of Lone Oak Road and east of Lone Oak Church in the Lone Oak subdivision. The development proposal provides a phased development with an ultimate saturation of approximately 1.2 million square feet. He explained the proposed construction of Lone Oak Drive and recommended that a traffic analysis be performed to identify the impact of County Road #26 and its signalized intersection with Trunk Highway #149/#55. He noted the development is proposed to take place at a much more rapid rate than originally predicted and recommended that the applicant/owners in the benefited area be required to participate in the cost of the study. Larry Laukka of Laukka-Beck appeared and referred to the letter prepared by Assistant Planner Steve Schwanke regarding the proposed traffic study. He noted that permits had been established and that the threshold levels are still intact. Wachovia and Cray, according to Mr. Laukka, do not expect to exceed those limits and recommended that no further study be done until Northwest Airlines determines whether its development would exceed the present limits. Mr. Hedges explained the long-range plan is part of the issue relating to traffic over a longer term. Ronald Samansky, attorney for Cray Research, appeared and stated that Cray Research will continue to work with Northwest Airlines and Wachovia regarding development and traffic. CONSENT AGENDA The following consent agenda items were submitted and recommended for approval: 1. Personnel Items. a. Police Clerk-Typist/Resignation. It was recommended that the resignation of Connie Jaeger be accepted effective May 29, 1987 and to authorize seeking a replacement for the position. 2 Council Minutes May 19, 1987;' b. City of Eagan Hearing Conservation Program. It was recommended that. an agreement between the Cities of Eagan and Bloomington through which Bloomington will provide a continuing hearing conservation program for the City of Eagan during 1987 be approved. c. Seasonal Park Maintenance Workers. The recommendation was made that Troy Christopherson and Michael Finnegan be hired as seasonal park maintenance workers by the City. 2. Pause for the Pledge Observance Proclamation. To commemorate the adoption of the U. S. flag, Congress by joint resolution approved August 3, 1949, designated June 14 of each year as flag day and it was recommended that the Mayor acknowledge the proclamation of National Flag Day for June 14, 1987. R 87-32 3. St. John Neumann Church - One-Day Consumption Display License. An application was submitted by Jim Marshall for consumption and display license for the St. John Neumann Parish for June 6, 1987 including a dance and it was recommended that it be approved. 4. Squad Car and Animal Warden Van Sale. It was recommended that the high bidders including Suburban Auto in the amount of $2,085.00 for squad #9 and Viking Auto in the amount of $688.00 for the Animal Warden van be approved. 5. Eagandale Center Industrial Park 8th Addition - Project #501. Staff recommended that the council receive the feasibility report for Project #501 consisting of Eagandale Center Industrial Park 8th Addition water main and schedule a public hearing on June 16, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Municipal Center. 6. Windtree 8th Addition - Project #503. The recommendation was made by the staff that the feasibility report now completed be received for Project #503 covering streets and utilities in Windtree 8th Addition and that the Council schedule an official public hearing to be held at the City Hall on June 16, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. 7. Country Club Market - Project #449. A revised report was submitted and the staff recommended that the feasibility report for Project #449 as revised covering Country Club boulevard and driveway improvements be received and that a public hearing be scheduled at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall on June 16, 1987. 8. Carbone's Addition - Final Plat. The application was submitted by Dave Carbone for approval of the final plat for Carbone's Addition and it was recommended that the application be approved, subject to compliance with all City requirements. R 87-33 3 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 9. Greensboro 2nd Addition - Final Plat. An application submitted for approval of final plat of Greensboro 2nd Addition was received and it was recommended that the application be approved by the City Council and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute all related documents. No.official action was taken. R 87-34 STAFFORD PLACE - PUBLIC HEARING - PROJECT #498 Blomquist convened the public hearing regarding Project #498 consisting of street and utility improvements for Stafford Place Addition. Tom Colbert introduced the project and Mark Hanson of the Bonestroo firm detailed the report to the City Council. He noted that Northview Road was proposed to be constructed 44 feet in width west of Braddock Trail and 36 feet east of Braddock Trail, with Braddock Trail tentatively 36 feet in width. It was noted that the deficit of $135,382.00 would be financed by Major Utility Street Funds. There were no objections or questions from the public. MSA Financing will be available on all streets. No formal action was taken at that time. NORWEST 2ND ADDITION - UTILITY EASEMENT VACATION The mayor convened the public hearing regarding the vacation of utility easements for Norwest 2nd Addition. The hearing had been continued to the May 5, 1987 meeting. Tom Colbert described the proposed vacation of street easement and there were no appearances or objections. NANCY CIRCLE - PROJECT #482 - STREET IMPROVEMENTS The continued public hearing regarding Project #482 consisting of proposed street improvements for Nancy Circle where the original public hearing was held on December 2, 1986 was convened by the Mayor. The Council had continued the public hearing until such time that more refined cost estimates could be obtained through the competitive bid process and bids were now received. The original estimate, according to Mr. Colbert, for the improvements was $5,462.00 per lot and the final estimated cost was $4,606.00 per lot. A letter had been sent to all affected property owners and Mr. Colbert noted that the final cost per lot is still estimated but appeared to be favorable. Three owners were present and spoke in favor of the project but had questions. Staff was requested to document all costs and it was proposed by one owner that the assessments be spread over a period of years. Four of six owners favored the project and the other two were out of state, and no objections were presented. 4 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 TOWN CENTRE DRIVE - STREET NAME CHANGE The public hearing regarding the proposed street name change for Town Centre Drive located on the south side of Yankee Doodle Road, east of Denmark Avenue was convened by the Mayor. Mr. Colbert explained that there had been a good deal of confusion regarding the two Town Centre Drive north-south streets which merge with the east-west Town Centre Drive. Staff suggested certain names and Councilman Wachter suggested Bert's Blvd. in honor of the former owner, Herbert Heuer. Charles Bartholdi of Federal Land Company was present and stated that over 90% of the land abutting Town Centre Drive is controlled by Federal Land and it was very important to retain the name. He also noted the monetary investment and the importance of name identification. Federal Land would prefer Town Centre East and Town Centre West for the two north-south streets. Mr. Colbert noted that the westerly street will be extended northerly and recommended avoiding confusion on the north side of Yankee Doodle Road. Councilman Smith recommended a change in names for a short term with alternates considered in the future. Mr. Bartholdi recommended a continuance. LAKESIDE PARK IMPROVEMENTS - CONTRACT #87-1 The City Council then considered the proposed plans for Lakeside Park under Contract #87-1. At the April 21, 1987 Council meeting, several residents from the Lakeside Estates neighborhood appeared and opposed the recommended improvements by the Park Commission. A meeting was held with neighboring owners by Park Commission members. A number of affected residents were present but there were no comments or objections. 1987 REFUNDING BOND ISSUE After a short recess and following 8:00,p.m., the Council then took official action on agenda items discussed earlier in the meeting. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to continue consideration of the refunding of certain City bond issues until the June 2, 1987 regular meeting. All members voted yea. AGENDA Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the Agenda as presented. All voted yes. 5 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 LONE OAK ADDITION - TRAFFIC STUDY Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, it was resolved that the Council authorize the traffic impact study incorporating the proposed Cray development and its impact on adjacent facilities recommended by the staff. All voted yea. MINUTES Ellison moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the regular Council meeting of May 5, 1987 as revised. All voted affirmatively. CONSENT AGENDA Ellison moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve and implement all of the recommendations of the staff regarding the consent agenda items. All voted yes. STAFFORD PLACE - PROJECT #498 Smith moved, Wachter seconded the motion to close the public hearing and approve Project #498 consisting of Stafford Place streets and utilities and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications and acquisition of all easements and rights-of-way through condemnation and/or negotiation as may be necessary; further, that in the event of condemnation, that the staff be authorized to prepare an appraiser for the condemnation process. All members voted yes. NORWEST 2ND ADDITION - EASEMENT VACATION Upon motion by Egan, seconded Ellison, it was resolved that the public hearing regarding Norwest 2nd Addition vacation of utility easements be closed and that the vacation be approved as described. All members voted in favor. NANCY CIRCLE - PROJECT #482 Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to close the public hearing and approve Project #482, including the award of the Contract to the low bidder. All members voted yes. 6 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 TOWN CENTRE DRIVE - STREET NAME CHANGE Smith moved, Wachter seconded the motion to continue consideration of the street name change for Town Centre Drive to the June 2, 1987 regular meeting. All voted yea. LAKESIDE PARK IMPROVEMENTS - CONTRACT #87-1 Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the plans recommended by the Advisory Park and Recreation Committee for Lakeside Park under Contract #87-1. All voted yea. FIRE STATION PARKING LOT - VARIANCES Mr. Hedges indicated that at the May 5, 1987 City Council meeting, the Director of Public Works presented parking lot and driveway improvements recommended by the Fire Chief for Fire Stations No. 1, 2, and 3. The staff explained to the City Council that the City currently requires curb and gutter for driveway and parking lot improvements for all commercial/industrial buildings, but Mr. Colbert suggested to the Council that it consider delay of installation of curb and gutter so that it could be budgeted in the 1988 fiscal year. There were no appearances or objections based upon notices that were sent to surrounding affected property owners. Smith moved, Wachter seconded the motion to authorize the improvements for Fire Stations No. 1, 2, and 3, including the sealcoating, curb and gutter to be installed in 1988. All members voted yea. OFF-SITE TEMPORARY ADVERTISING SIGNS - ORDINANCE AMENDMENT City Administrator Hedges introduced the consideration of the, ordinance amendment regarding the regulation of off-site temporary advertising signs. He mentioned that at the April 21, 198,7 meeting, the Council considered the adoption of the amendment to the City Code that would prohibit the location of off-site advertising development signs. The proposed wording for an amendment which would implement such restrictions was included in the packet. The Developers Task Force reviewed the proposal at its April 21, 1987 meeting and submitted recommendations, including a restrictive ordinance which would allow such signs from April 1 until November 1 of each year under certain restrictions or a phasing schedule in the event of a total ban to allow the existing signs to remain until November 1, 1987. Councilman Egan had questions about the seasonal proposal because many of the signs would apply year round. Mr. Colbert stated that the largest use of- such signs is during the summer construction season. The size of the signs was also questioned but 7 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 there was no recommendation. Councilman Smith recommended the sign posts be constructed of wood to allow the signs to be cut off if they do not comply with the City Ordinance and that a maximum 4 ft. by 4 ft. sign be allowed. Smith moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the proposed restrictive. Ordinance submitted by the Developers Task Force to continue in effect for a period of 2 years for 1987 and 1988 and then determine whether to extend the restrictive ordinance provisions. Councilman Ellison recommended the Council attempt to test a total ban of such signs for a period of six months. Bob Lux of Dominium Group appeared and indicated that he had no objections to the seasonal proposal and suggested reducing the amount of wording on the sign. He recommended that off-site signs be allowed because they are important to non-residents. Councilman Ellison questioned Mr. Lux how Dominium advertises and Mr. Lux answered by the use of the Apartment Guide and the newspapers which include maps. Mr. Lux recommended a maximum 4 x 8 sign but would not object to a 4 x 4 sign size. Councilman Egan noted that the proposal would reduce the clustering of signs and promote use of other advertising. Those in favor were Smith, Wachter and Egan; those against were Ellison and Blomquist. The other conditions would be the maximum size would be 4 feet by 4 feet, with the understanding that the number per intersection will be controlled and the intent is for directional purposes only. The Developers Task Force was asked to review the proposal again and report to the Council. DOMINIUM MANAGEMENT SERVICE, INC. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR TWO-DIRECTIONAL SIGNS Mr. Hedges introduced the application for Dominium Group for four 4 ft. by 8 ft. two-directional signs to be located on certain intersections in the area of Pilot Knob Road and Cliff Road and Diffley and Thomas Lake Roads. He noted that the council has not approved more than two signs for each development and,there were questions about the size of the signs. Councilman Egan suggested maximum 4 x 8 foot signs for 1987 but that 4 x 4 foot maximum be imposed beginning in 1988. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve an application of Dominium Group to allow no more than two signs and the developer to select the locations with the understanding that 4 x 8 signs would be allowed in 1987 but that 4 x 4 sign maximum size would be permitted in 1988. All members voted yea. 8 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 POND VIEW - REZONING The application of Molinaro and Associates for rezoning of approximately 30 acres from A (Agricultural) to Commercial and Mixed Residential Planned Development was submitted to the Council. A continuance had been recommended at the May 5, 1987 meeting to allow Fairview Hospital to determine the specific location for the proposed medical facility. Tom O'Connell of Fairview was present and noted that Fairview has now selected the site which was the former motel site. Mr. Wayne Tauer of Pioneer Engineering appeared on behalf of the applicant and reviewed the background, including certain revisions to the former plan. Lot 1 would include a restaurant, Lot 2 the Fairview Urgicare Center,.Lots 3 and 4 were requested for General Business use because of the cost of the property, Lot 5 for multiple residential without any specific density and medium density on Lot 6. Mayor Blomquist stated the Comprehensive Guide does not provide for the density proposed in the General Business area along Pilot Knob Road and there is also no specific plan for Lots 3 and 4. The Advisory Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning planned development and comp guide amendments, subject to certain restrictions, including uses. Mr. Tauer requested that no restrictions on the density for the multiple parcel be implemented but stated the multiple is intended as an R-4 density. Councilman Ellison was concerned about the rezoning of the R-2 land to R-4, even up to 108 units. Egan expressed his concern about the upgrading of Lots 3 and 4 to more dense use and reiterated that specific users are important to determine the type of zoning to be allowed. Councilman Smith noted that the City may be required to allow some uncertainty because all lots except 3 and 4 have specified types of uses. It was suggested that more specific uses be determined and that the Planning Commission again make recommendations to the Council for uses that do not include expected high volume traffic. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the Comprehensive Guide, amendment based upon the final determination of the actual uses which shall be determined at the next meeting. All. members voted yes. Egan then moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the application for Planned Development. All voted yea. Egan then moved, Ellison seconded the motion to approve the application for preliminary plat in concept only, subject to the following conditions: 1. It is understood that Lot 5 shall be an outlot and no determination shall be made at the present time as to its density. 9 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 2. The applicant and owner shall enter into a planned development agreement or amendment to the conditions of the planned development in accordance with the concept plan submitted for the six or seven lots proposed. 3. The overall plan shall be reviewed by the Dakota County Highway Department and the Minnesota Department of Transportation because this project abuts these rights-of-way. 4. A comprehensive plan amendment shall be processed in accordance with the particular use allowed in this plan. 5. Prior to any first phase development, the existing residents of the property shall be in agreement as to how and when the relocation will take place. 6. Lots 3 and 4 shall not be used as convenience retail or motor fuel sales generating a high volume of traffic. 7. The lot designated as Lot 7 shall be platted as an outlot. All voted yea. R & B ADDITION - ZONING & PRELIMINARY PLAT Mr. Hedges noted that an application was submitted for the rezoning of 2.08 acres from R-4 to CSC, Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment and preliminary plat approval consisting of one lot and parking stall variance for LeRoy Rother and Gerald Braun on Duckwood Drive. The Advisory Planning Commission recommended approval, subject to conditions. Mr. Runkle noted that the access alignment and parking are the two issues and that a meeting had been held with the affected owners, including Federal Land representatives, on May 27, 1987. Federal Land has not made a specific determination as to its alignment on the north side of Duckwood Drive from the proposed shopping center addition and recommended continuance., Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to continue the application until the June 2, 1987 meeting to attempt to.determine the conformed alignment to Duckwood Drive from the Town Centre Addition and from the R & B Addition. Members of the Hidden Oaks Homeowners Association were present and one member stated the Association supported the development but wanted the integrity of the ridge maintained. Other recommendations were also made. LeRoy Rother and Jerry Braun were present and had no objections to the continuance. All members voted yes. SEE PLAT FILE 10 Council Minutes May 19, 1987 f. BLUE RIDGE ADDITION - PRELIMINARY PLAT The application of L. A. Laukka Development for preliminary plat approval of Blue Ridge Addition consisting of Outlots E and F of Lone Oak Addition consisting of a 9.8 acre lot for office/showroom and two outlots containing 37.25 acres abutting #149 and Lone Oak Road. The planned development for Laukka Beck designates the area as office/showroom for research development. City Administrator Hedges commenced the staff presentation and Dale Runkle gave a brief overview. The Advisory Planning Commission recommended approval subject to certain conditions. Mr. Runkle indicated that the development meets the intent of the planned development and the environmental reviews have been found to be appropriate. He did cite the traffic issues in the general area. Dale Beckman of BRW appeared and explained that there were no median breaks in Lone Oak Parkway when it was constructed because the uses were not specified at that time. Some changes in the geometric design including no left turn to the property to the north are acceptable to the applicant. Councilman Smith moved, Councilman Wachter seconded the motion to approve the application subject to the following conditions: 1. All standard plat conditions shall be adhered to. 2. No rooftop fan units shall be visible. 3. A landscape planting plan shall be required with the final plat submission. The financial guarantee shall not be released until after one year from the date of installation. 4. Nine foot wide parking stalls shall be approved. 5. A lighting plan shall be submitted. No direct light source shall be visible from Highway #149 or the public streets. 6. The plat shall be subject to a parks dedication fee. 7. The developer shall submit an approved retaining wall design prior to final plat approval. 8. The "storm sewer trunk by others" shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City standards prior to issuance of any building permits. 9. The developer shall be responsible for the maintenance of the internal storm sewer system. 10. The developer shall submit an acceptable erosion/sediment control plan prior to final plat approval. 11