06/20/2000 - City Council Special Special City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 Page PAGE 1 001.83 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA JUNE 20, 2000 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 5:00 p.m. at the Municipal Centet'Buildirtg. Present were Mayor. Awada and Councilmembers Bakken, Blomquist, Carlson and Masin. Also present were Senior Planner Ridley, Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa, and City Administrator Hedges. AGENDA Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD Mayor A wada asked if there were any visitors to be heard; Marvin Rodich 1345 Deerwood Drive asked the Council to exempt land owners of one or more acres to be exempt from the vehicle and shed storage ordinance being considered. The City Council agreed to consider the request and Mayor A wada thanked Mr. Rodich for coming to the meeting. CASCADE BAY POLICIES, i.e. USE OF STROLLERS, TELEPHONES & HOURS City Administrator Hedges provided an overview of this item. The Councilmembers agreed to address each issue individually. Mayor Awada introduced Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa to address the current policy and why the City decided not to allow strollers into Cascade Bay. Vraa noted that safety and the potential for many strollers in Cascade Bay were two issues that the City's used to base their decision. Vraa also informed the Councilmembers that the City researched other city polices with similar aquatic facilities and found that many cities advised Eagan to ban strollers from Cascade Bay. The reasons provided by those cities were that the strollers became obstacles and affected safety. Other cities, which allowed strollers, tried to use corrals inside the facility; however, patrons often did not use the corrals because they wanted the stroller near them. Thus, the City decided not to allow strollers into the facility. Vraa, however, noted that the City does allow car seats and other child carriers into the facility. 00184 Special City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 Page PAGE 2 Councilmember Masin asked Vraa if the City allowed strollers in the former wadding pool. Vraa informed Councilmember Masin that the wadding pool policy did not allow strollers into the facility. Mayor A wada informed Vraa that it is the City's job to serve the public and questioned whether the City was doing this with its current stroller policy. Councilmember Masin stated that the current City stroller policy of not allowing strollers, but allowing car seats into Cascade Bay seems to be the happy medium. Councilmember Bakken agreed with Councilmember Masin and restated the concerns of safety and the amount of time pool staff would have to dedicate to runaway strollers. Councilmember Carlson stated that Cascade Bay is different and today convenience is important to the public using the facility. Councilmember Blomquist asked how many complaints have the City received last year and whether or not the complaints have increased since the implementation of the current policy. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that the City did receive a few complaints last year regarding the policy, but once people understood the policy the complaints decreased. Mayor A wada restated her view that the City should be serving the public in a convenient manner. Thus, the city should consider allowing strollers into Cascade Bay. Councilmember Bakken, however, stated that allowing strollers may be convenient, but again safety and staff time attributed to strollers outweigh the convemence. Councilmember Masin moved, Councilmember Bakken second the motion to defer this issue to the Parks Commission for further discussion. A vote was taken on the motion. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Aquatic Facility Manager Kristi Organ provided an overview of the current telephone policy. Councilmember Blomquist asked if the public could call into the Cascade Bay. Organ stated that Cascade Bay does not have a published public line. Councilmember Carlson stated that due to the volume of calls a published public line would not be affective. Mayor A wada asked all Councilmembers if the current policy was sufficient. The Councilmembers all agreed that the current policy was fine. Mayor A wada addressed the hours of operation for Cascade Bay and sighted that the facility has been closed too often this season. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that due to the weather the facility has closed early or did not open on certain days. Mayor A wada stated that the season pass holders expect us to be open and unless there is extremely severe weather or mechanical problems the facility should be open. Councilmember Masin suggested that Cascade Bay have some parameters for closure due Special City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 Page PAGE 3 001.85 to cold temperatures. Councilmember Carlson agreed with Mayor A wada that the facility should be always open unless there is extreme weather. Mayor A wada asked Councilmembers if they agreed with the discussion regarding hours of operation for the facility. The Councilmembers all agreed. CONSIDER APPOINTMENT OF ZONING ORDIANCE UPDATE COMMITTEE City Administrator Hedges provided an overview of this item. Senior Planner Ridley was available for questions. Mayor A wada asked Councilmembers Carlson and Bakken to sit on the committee. Both agreed to sit on the committee. Councilmember Blomquist asked Senior Planner Ridley how many Councilmembers sit on the committee. Ridley stated that two Councilmembers are on the committee. Mayor A wada moved, Councilmember Bakken second a motion to appoint Councilmember Bakken and Carlson on the Zoning Ordinance Committee. A vote was taken on the motion. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 DISCUSSION RE: FUTURE STEPS FOR THE CENTRAL PARKS AND COMMUNITY CENTER DEVELOPMENT City Administrator Hedges provided an overview of this item. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa provided information regarding who and how many individuals should be on the design teams. Vraa stated that either one or two City Councilmembers could be on each of the design teams to assist with the development process of Central Park and the Community Center. Councilmember Blomquist asked Vraa how many RFP's would be sent out. Vraa explained that three different RFPs would be sent out. Councilmember Carlson asked how many architects would be asked to submit proposals. Vraa informed the Councilmembers that the City will send RFPs to all that inquire. Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Bakken second the motion to solicit proposals to obtain a landscape architect firm and a general architectural firm. A vote was taken on the motion. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Special City Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2000 Page PAGE 4 00166 Mayor A wada moved, Councilmember Bakken second, to amend the motion to add a construction Manager. A vote was taken on the amendment to the motion. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 City Administrator Hedges informed Councilmembers that office storage space should be added to the design team chart. Councilmember Carlson stated she wanted to ensure that teenagers from the each local high school would be incluaed in the design teams. Councilmember Masin moved, Mayor A wada second with an amendment to the motion, to continue this discussioll at the next City Council meeting and asked if City staff could make a grid including each Councilmember and their choices for which design teams they would like to be on. The amendment includes City staff to consider soliciting the public to serve on these design teams. A vote was taken on the motion. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 OTHER BUSINESS There being no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. JUNE 20, 2000 Date ~l~ tV'h~ City Clerk