08/24/1999 - City Council Special 00240 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA August 24,1999 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, August 24, 1999 at 5:00 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Awada and Councilmembers Bakken, Blomquist, Carlson and Masin. Also present were Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa, Director of Finance VanOverbeke and City Administrator Hedges. AGENDA Mayor Awada asked if there were any additions to the agenda. City Administrator Hedges stated that the Eagan Visitors and Convention Bureau is requesting a show license for a dance that will be held as part of the Onion Festival scheduled for August 28. City Councilmember Masin stated that, if time permits, she would like to add three (3) items: 1.) how to handle adoption of a meeting agenda, 2.) how to handle the making of motions at regular City Council meetings, and 3.) discussion regarding the MVTA's strategic plan. Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Blomquist seconded to approve the agenda with the addition of IIa.) consideration of a show license'for the ECVB, and Va.) how to handle adoption ofa meeting agenda, Vb.) how to handle making of motions at a regular City Council meetings, and Vc.) a discussion regarding a strategic plan for the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority. All members voted aye. SHOWS LICENSE Ann Carlon, Executive Director of the Eagan Convention and Visitors Bureau, appeared and stated that she has applied for a shows license to allow for a dance on Saturday, August 28, as part of the Onion Festival. Ms. Carlon was given an opportunity to further discuss the Onion Festival and specifically the benefit concert for the American Cancer Society that will be held at the Blue Cross Blue Shield soccer fields. A motion was made by City Councilmember Bakken, seconded by Councilmember Masin to approve a show license for an event to held in conjunction with the Onion Festival at Blue Cross Blue Shield soccer fields on Saturday, August 28. All members voted aye. EAGAN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION REPORT Mayor Awada acknowledged Mr. Dan Klekner, President of the Eagan Athletic Association for his report. Mr. Klekner appeared and shared a brief presentation that was recently made to the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission regarding capital needs at the Eagan Athletic Association as identified for a future bond referendum. He stated that due to a bond referendum proposal by Independent School District 196, the EAA has decided to hold off any further work on a referendum at this time. Mayor Awada agreed with Mr. Klekner and stated that it is wise to hold off and allow the school district to proceed with their bond referendum and thanked Mr. Klekner for his report. Special City Council Meeting Minutes August 24, 1999 Page 2 00241. DISCUSSION APrC/SECTION 9 City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item stating that the APrC has met on two (2) occasions to discuss the acquisition of property in Section 9 owned by Joe Miller for various and possible recreation related uses. He further stated that the APrC has asked for an opportunity to meet with the City Council and share their ideas to date, ask questions, exchange dialogue about the type of facilities and programs that would be developed on the property. The City Administrator Hedges further stated that having contacted Joe Miller, it was learned that the 88 acre parcel is now under contract for sale to Duke Realty who is willing to meet with the City Council and discuss development options. Mayor Awada stated that along with the City Administrator, a meeting was held with Lockheed Martin to discuss whether they continue to support the idea of cross easements for joint parking if the City were to acquire property for a band shell, community center and other uses on the Joe MillerIDuke Realty site. She stated that Lockheed Martin was very agreeable to providing cross easements allowing the City to park in their parking lot for special community events. City Councilmember Carlson asked if the other corporate neighbors were in agreement with the City using that site for parkland/community building use. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that the City had dialogue with all three (3) corporations approximately two (2) years ago and there was agreement at that time, however, it would be necessary to contact Unisys and Northwest Airlines to discuss using their property. City Councilmember Carlson stated that it would not be necessary for the City to use the entire Lockheed Martin parking lot for most of the events that would be scheduled at a community center or band shell. City Councilmember Carlson had further questions about the size of the Rotary band shell and how many parking spaces are used for community events at the Blue Cross site. City Administrator Hedges stated that the Rotary Club has looked at various designs up to a thousand parking spaces for the band shell and ECVB Executive Director Carlon stated that the Blue Cross site provides 1,375 parking spaces. Mayor A wada stated that it is important to move forward with land acquisition or the options to provide for future community space and expansion will be consumed by development. City Councilmember Blomquist spoke to the funding analysis that was prepared by the Director of Finance and spoke to the three (3) options discussed in the memo including the Community Investment Fund, bond referendum and General Fund balance. She stated that the Community Investment Fund should be retained for Cascade Bay and other existing capital needs, the General Fund surplus should not be used for new facilities and that a bond referendum is the best source of financing. City Councilmember Carlson asked if the General Fund balance is discretionary? Mayor Awada stated that any general fund surplus is discretionary as to how the City Council will spend those funds. Mayor Awada stated that it is the discretion ofthe City Council on how the General Fund balance is used. APrC Commission member Barb Johnson stated that a community center is needed and that the Commission has felt strongly about acquiring the land in the two meetings they have held for the purpose of studying this issue. City Councilmember Carlson stated that the EAA was planning to come forward with'a request for a bond referendum to consider a community center and this effort only falls short due to a planned referendum by ISD 196 this coming November. City Councilmember Carlson stated that there is considerable momentum for acquiring property Special City Council Meeting Minutes August 24, 1999 Page 3 00242 from Duke Realty adjacent to the Lockheed Martin facility since a significant amount of parking is currently available on the Lockheed Martin property and can be used by the community, the Rotary Club is willing to proceed ahead with constructing a band shell and the City is already entitled to eight acres of land from Duke Realty through parkland dedication. Ann Carlon, Executive Director of the ECVB, stated that there is need for a centralized facility for all community events. City Councilmember Blomquist agreed that a centralized location for community festivals is appropriate, however, it is important to determine what the cost is for the property. City Councilmember Masin stated that she is also in support of acquiring additional land and would support the City's efforts in acquiring the land. City Councilmember Bakken asked what kind of direction is needed for the APrC and City Council to proceed ahead. Mayor Awada stated that the APrC should continue their findings and it would also be appropriate to consider a community-wide task force to further study alternatives for land acquisition at the Duke Realty site. City Councilmember Bakken asked if there are a number of acres desirable for the site. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that normal parkland would be ten to fifteen acres and band shell/amphitheater could be ten to fifteen acres which means that total acquisition could be as much as thirty acres. APrC Commission member Johnson stated that the APrC has determined that forty acres would be most desirable for all the needs and future needs. APrC Commission member Karson also agreed that adequate land is required for future use before development consumes all the property in the City. City Councilmember Blomquist asked how the wetland area on the Duke Realty site could work into the equation of useable land for the site. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that the wetland could be a backdrop for the development of buildings, use of trails and other amenities. City Councilmember Blomquist also asked how the wetland area equates to setbacks stating that if the eighty acre is properly developed by Duke Realty and the City; in other words, by placing buildings in the proper location the wetland could be used as a safety zone for fireworks. After further discussion and in a motion by City Councilmember Bakken and seconded by City Councilmember Blomquist, a motion was made to authorize the City to prepare a feasibility study for acquisition of up to forty acres of land currently owned by Duke Realty located north of Lockheed Martin and west of Pilot Knob Road with the understanding that this item would be ratified on the September 7 regular City Council meeting consent agenda. All members voted aye. Mayor Awada then asked that further consideration be given to a task force suggesting representatives from the APrC, APC, EDC, staff, service organizations, 4th of July Celebration Committee, EAA, other athletic associations, seniors, Chamber, ECVB and other representatives of special festivals such as Lany Lundberg from Maggies. Both APrC Commission members and City Councilmembers agreed and suggested that the task force be open to any other organizations and that the City Administrator advertise in the local newspaper for two citizen members. City Councilmembers agreed that the task force would be for brainstorming, land boundaries and not specific tasks for the property. City Councilmember Masin suggested that the p~rameters that we used for the Central Area Task Force be reviewed and any service groups or organizations that were consulted in that process be given consideration for this special task force. It was also agreed that all three (3) corporations should be contacted including Northwest Airlines, Unisysdand Lockheed Martin about their interest in the City acquiring property and using it for various Special City Council Meeting Minutes August 24, 1999 Page 4 00243 community events. City Councilmember Masin stated that these corporations might have an interest in funding the project if there is a benefit to their companies. Mayor Awada stated that staff will compile information on the special task force for review as a non-action item at the September 7 regular City Council meeting. DISCUSSION RE: ADOPTION OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA City Councilmember Masin stated that clarification is necessary on how the meeting agenda is adopted specifically regarding consent items. Mayor Awada stated that it is necessary to separate the motion by a majority vote, further stating that you can not vote on parts of the consent agenda as separate items. City Councilmember Masin stated that there is inconsistency on how the meeting agenda for consent items is approved from the procedure agreed to at a May City Council retreat. Mayor Awada stated that items can be discussed, but not separated for individual action unless they are placed on the regular City Council agenda. Councilmember Masin stated that the intent of the motion was to place items from the consent agenda on the regular agenda, which was agreed to at the May 25 Council retreat. City Councilmember Carlson said that items may be separated from the consent agenda by a majority vote of the Council. City Councilmember Bakken concurred and added that councilmembers must either vote in the affirmative, negative or abstain on the consent agenda, but can not vote separately on individual items. City Councilmember Carlson suggested that a flow chart be developed that outlines a step- by-step process on the procedure for adopting agendas which would provide clarification to the consent agenda. Mayor A wada clarified that if a councilmember wants to separate an item from the consent agenda there must be a motion to separate the item followed by a majority vote of the Council. She further clarified that a motion would then be made to act on the balance of the consent agenda, allowing for discussion on individual items, which would be followed by the Council's vote. She added that the consent agenda must be voted on in its entirety, but councilmembers may indicate which items they are in opposition to as a basis for voting no on the entire consent agenda. Mayor Awada acknowledged that the Special City Council meeting needs to come to closure to allow for start of the regular Advisory Planning Commission meeting that is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. After a brief discussion, City Councilmember Bakken moved, Mayor A wada seconded a motion to continue the two remaining items on this agenda on how to make a motion and review of the MVTA's strategic plan to the August 31 City Council meeting. City Councilmember Carlson stated that she would like staff to prepare a flow chart for review at a future meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. AUGUST 24, 1999 Date TLH ~