11/01/1999 - City Council Special 00325 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA November 1, 1999 A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 4:45 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center building. Present were Mayor Awada and Councilmembers Bakken, Blomquist, Carlson and Masin. Also present were Director of Public Works Colbert, Director of Finance VanOverbeke, Assistant City Administrator Verbrugge, Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa and City Administrator Hedges. AGENDA City Councilmember Masin suggested that Item 2, Council Update, of the Administrative Agenda for the regular City Council meeting on November 1, be added to the Special City Council agenda for consideration during discussion ofItem V, Roundtable & Additions. Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Carlson seconded a motion to approve the agenda as amended to include Council Update as Item 1 of Other Business. Aye: 5, Nay: 0 COMMUNITY FACILITIES LAND ACQUISITION TASK FORCE REPORT City Administrator Hedges provided an overview of the Community Facilities Land Acquisition Task Force meetings that were held during September and October. He further reviewed meetings that have been held with Northwest Airlines, Unisys and Lockheed Martin to explore public/private partnerships that could benefit the City and the neighboring corporations if land is acquired for a central park. He stated that staff will present drawings of the proposed parkland followed by a presentation of Task Force members. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa reviewed several drawings that provided topography, elevations, wetlands (including the 100 year flood plain), also analysis of trees and an overview of the entire proposed central park development. Director Vraa stated that the drawings were prepared by George Watson representing Brauer & Associates. He further discussed a location of the fireworks explaining the need for an appropriate safety zone. Director Vraa completed his presentation by reviewing the program elements such as space for a proposed Community Center, band shell, athletic dome and other similar uses. Mike Ferber, a member of the Task Force, was first to speak stating that the use of this property is supported by the Task Force as a community gathering place. He stated that the land acquisition should be extended as far west on the property to link Quany Park. Mr. Ferber stated that some members of the Task Force would propose acquiring the entire 80 acres, however, the group consensus is 45 acres with the very least amount considered for acquisition to be 34 acres. Mr. John Willenberg, a member of the Task Force, addressed the Council stating that he is a 23 year member of the community and would encourage the City to purchase enough property to plan for the future 15 to 20 years, adding that even if the property is not developed right away, owning the property would be important to the community. Special City Council Meeting Minutes November 1, 1999 Page 2 00326 Mayor Awada asked about trails and access between the band shell and Community Center. Councilmember Carlson asked about the additional seating at the amphitheater. Task Force member Ferber stated that there is a trail connecting the band shell and Community Center and also that the amount of seating is possible due to the natural topography of the property; however, in order to locate the band shell, it would be necessary to acquire property from Unisys. Councilmember Blomquist commented on the proposed central park area and remembered a time when the Minnesota Orchestra, sponsored by Sperry Corporation, played a community concert. Lee Markell, a member of the Task Force and Chairperson of the Advisory Parks Commission, along with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawrence discussed senior needs. Shirley Lawrence, a member of the Task Force, presented the many locations that are currently used to hold senior meetings and stressed the need for a central location for seniors to meet on a regular basis for potIucks, cards, provide storage and other opportunities. Mayor Awada asked if the location for the proposed central park is a good site for the seniors. The Lawrences stated that the location is excellent in the center of the community and further emphasized the need for a facility that the seniors can use on a regular basis. Councilmember Masin asked if there is a senior center, could community education monies be used to fund operations or capital. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that he was not certain whether they would be applicable, but would research the question. Councilmember Carlson stated that she has looked at community centers with members of the EAA and the level of activity by seniors is quite high. Councilmember Carlson stated that she would like to keep all the development on the north side of the proposed ring road. Mayor Awada stated that as a part of the ring road design, pedestrian crossing should be considered from Lockheed Martin to the park site. Judy Stewart, a member of the Task Force and representing the Eagan Lioness, also supported the need for a central location for community festivals such as the 4th of July celebration. She also supported the proposed proposal for a community center stating that additional facilities for banquets, community wide displays and many other uses are needed by community groups. She further stated that this land is one of the final parcels available in the City and it could be used for a central park and the City needs to acquire the land at this time. She further stated that the site could be used year round for various community festivals and events. Ann Carlon, a member of the Task Force and Executive Director for the Convention and Visitors Bureau, stated that she likes the concept, however, would suggest that the band shell be located closer to the Community Center. She also stated that she is a member of the Rotary Club and the committee responsible for proposing the band shell. Councilmember Carlson asked about the land area west of the proposed Community Center and south of Northwest Airlines and if a golf driving range could be designated on that property as a temporary use that could generate funds for future development options. Clyde Thurston, a member of the Task Force, shared background on the efforts of the Central Area Task Force that considered a community park for community festivals at the time the Eagan Promenade was being considered and, since that did not occur, he looks at this site as a last chance opportunity to create a central park for those purposes. He stated that the City should look at acquiring the west portion of the property up to Quarry Park for future use, further commenting that this land area will help bring the community together for the many festivals and other uses proposed for the Community Center, band shell and other development potential. Cathy Clark, a member of the Task Force, representing the Economic Development Commission, stated that this property is a jewel and could be used as an economic development Special City Council Meeting Minutes November 1, 1999 Page 3 00327 tool for corporate promotion and is what the business community looks at for future business expansion. She further stated that acquisition of this property for a central park is a real vision and will attract others to spend money in the community and that we need to think beyond today and plan for this facility. Councilmember Carlson asked if the Community Center should be large enough to include banquet facilities. Task Force member Clark stated that in her opinion this would be a strong asset to companies as they continue to have needs for banquet type facilities, especially with kitchens. Mayor Awada returned the discussion to the City Council regarding the recommendation of the Task Force to acquire property for a central park that is currently under contract with Duke Weeks Realty. Councilmember Carlson stated that staff should continue working with the corporate neighbors to determine their needs if the City acquires the property for a central park. Mayor Awada stated that it is her hope to have recommendations from the adjoining corporations within the next two (2) weeks. Councilmember Blomquist asked about the plans Duke Weeks has for development of the property. City Administrator Hedges responded by sununarizing their preliminary development plans that include two (2) office buildings, two (2) office/warehouse buildings and some retail adjacent to Yankee Doodle Road. He stated that their preliminary plans make exception for the City to develop the central park and assume acquisition of the Perron property as part of the development proposal. Mayor Awada stated that she is very supportive of the Task Force recommendations and would like to negotiate with the neighboring corporations to determine what can be donated and shared under a public/private partnership and also pursue various methods to acquire the property. Councilmember Bakken suggested that this item be deferred to the November 16 regular City Council agenda for further deliberation and further commented that the land acquisition is a large investment for the community, but it is a wise investment especially for the future. Councilmember Masin stated that it is important that the City proceed ahead with consideration for the central park. Councilmember Blomquist agreed with the proposal and indicated that the City should consider all of its financial options for funding acquisition of the central park. After further discussion and in a motion by Councilmember Bakken, seconded by Councilmember Carlson with all members voting aye, direction was given to place the Task Force recommendation regarding the Community Facilities Land Acquisition for a central park on the November 16 City Council agenda. Paul Teske, a member of the Task Force, asked ifhe could comment. He suggested that the City acquire enough land for future development purposes pointing out that due to the 100 year high water levels, much of the land could be under water and not be buildable. Mayor Awada stated that this will definitely be taken into consideration as the City pursues its land acquisition alternatives. Mayor Awada, on behalf of the City Council, thanked the Task Force for their meetings, findings and recommendation. Councilmember Carlson stated that as a suggestion, it might be well to consider that this Task Force be renamed and meet as the Central Park Task Force once the land is acquired by the City. Councilmember Blomquist agreed and also suggested that the History Committee be represented since they also have space needs that could be included in a Community Center building. PROPOSED AQUATIC FACILITY FUND PUBLIC ENTERPRISE BUDGET 2000 City Administrator Hedges stated that at the last Special City Council meeting held on October 26, there were four (4) policy issues to be further addressed by the City Council. He Special City Council Meeting Minutes November 1. 1999 Page 4 00328 stated that 1.) hours of operation, 2.) changes/improvements in food service, 3.) seaSonal and daily passes including a policy issue of non-residential season passes, and 4.) questions regarding certain proposed capital purchases. Mayor Awada asked ifCouncilmembers were in agreement with the explanation staff provided regarding capital outlay and the food service. She recognized a consensus by the Councilmembers. Councilmember Carlson moved and Mayor Awada seconded a motion to change the hours of operation at Cascade Bay to open at 10:00 a.m. in the 2000 season. Councilmember Masin stated that staff research has supported U:OO a.m. as the appropriate time to open and questioned if the Council should consider their recommendation. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that according to staff's research, 1l:00 a.m. is an optimum time to open stating that the habits of potential users is to determine what the day will be like in tenns of sunshine and temperature which is better established at 1l:00 than 10:00 a.m. and, further, that in order for Cascade Bay to open at 1l:00, the staff is currently arriving at 6:00 a.m. which would need to be moved up to 5:00 a.m. He further stated that there are some additional costs associated with starting one hour early and that most cities that were surveyed that have aquatic pool facilities open at noon with the exception of Apple Valley and Eagan. Councilmember Bakken suggested that the hours of operation be determined by staff Councilmember Carlson suggested that the motion be modified to include a 10:00 a.m. opening during July which is typically the hottest month of the summer and appears to have peak use according to the 1999 records. She further stated that this would help spread out users at the facility suggesting that some parents with small children may use the facility from 10:00 until noon and then leave Cascade Bay for lunch and children's naps during the afternoon. Councilmember Blomquist stated that it is important not to confuse the users of Cascade Bay by having two (2) different opening times and, in any event, any change in the hours at Cascade Bay would require adequate public education. Councilmember Masin stated that if it is the desire of the City Council to open earlier and incur additional cost, the Council needs to assume responsibility for that additional operating expense. After further discussion, Councilmember Carlson moved to amend her original motion, seconded by Councilmember Bakken that staff research further options for a change in the hours of operation. All members voted in favor of the amended motion. Mayor A wada asked that the City address season and daily passes including the policy issue of non-residential season passes. In a motion by Councilmember Bakken, seconded by Mayor A wada, a motion was introduced that would forbid the sale of season passes to non- residents, but would include an additional cost for sales tax on both season and daily passes. Councilmember Masin asked if Richfield and Bloomington allow Eagan residents to purchase season passes. Aquatic Pool Facility Manager Organ responded yes. Councilmember Carlson stated that she would not be opposed to considering the sale of non-resident season passes after a certain date in June if the proposed number of season passes are not sold out to Eagan residents. Councilmember Bakken stated that he would like to refrain from selling any non-residential season passes for one more year and would support an increase in the season pass and daily pass ticket sales by adding an additional amount equal to sales tax. Councilmember Blomquist said she could not support an increase in the sales tax. After further discussion, Mayor Awada called the question and the motion failed with Councilmembers Bakken and Carlson voting aye and Mayor Awada and Councilmembers Blomquist and Masin voting nay. Mayor A wada asked that the motion be separated to consider sales tax and non- residential sales and in a motion by Mayor A wada and seconded by Councilmember Bakken, a motion to approve the addition of sales tax to both daily and season passes would be in affect for Special City Council Meeting Minutes November 1, 1999 Page 5 00329 year 2000. The motion passed with Mayor Awada and Councilmembers Bakken and Carlson voting aye; nays, City Councilmembers Blomquist and Masin. A motion was introduced by Councilmember Carlson, seconded by Mayor Awada that the City consider the sale of non-resident passes after June 20, 2000 if the final number of season passes has not been fulfilled by Eagan residents. Councilmembers expressed an interest to discuss the motion. Mayor Awada indicated that time had been exceeded for the Special City Council Work Session and as a result, Councilmember Carlson withdrew her motion understanding that the issue would be addressed at a future Special City Council meeting. ROUNDTABLE & ADDITIONS TO DEPARTMENT HEAD BUSINESS In a motion by Councilmember Bakken, seconded by Mayor Awada, with all members voting in favor, Item V, Roundtable and Additions to Department Head Business and Other Business, Item I, Council Update were moved to the Administrative Agenda as a part of the November 1 regular City Council meeting. OTHER BUSINESS There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6: 15 p.m. November 1, 1999 Date