01/15/1963 - City Council Regular L ~tN~~~S REqJW ~rr~q '9J: ~ 91 flUP~~.' ~<W' TOWNSH~. IN<<JARY ',J}. ~63 , ( \ A regular meeting of the Board of_Supervisors of Eagan Township was held at: the town hall on January 15th, 1963 at 8:00 o' clock p.m. at which all members were present. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was ulUlmlously waived" CNilrman Rahn presided. The first order of . business was the appearance of a group of neighboring residents coneerening the Gopher Smelting Company, whose prin.cipal spokes_n' was Donald R. Chapdelaine. A peti tiOR was presented to the Board requesting the adoption of an ordinance to control the kind of activity carried on by the Gopher Smelting Company, cnd further requested the Board to take immediate steps to insure the safty and well;..being of h\.lIl1Jln bein~, ani_Is and personal property in the area of the plant. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn, and seconded by Supervisor Trapp, it was RESOLVED that the town attorney be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to commence an Immeidate investiaation of the Gopher Smelting Company plant on Highway No. 49, utili~tle services of the town engineer and other experts which upon his recORJRendation, might be necessary. It was FURTHER I.ESOL~ that the town attorney prepare for submission to the Feb~ry 5th meeting of the Town Board a dfaft o,f resolution regulating the type of operation new run by Gopher Smelting Company. Mr. lobert SchutQacher, 3070, So. Lexington Avenue, St. Paul, appeared in behalf of his application for a clog kennel licenae to operate at that address. ChairJaan Rahn tabled the application until L L the February 5th meeting. ... .n_._..---'--......~.___.....___.J. { --~-.,._~- ~ L Mr. John Todd, Attorney for Cedar Grove Construction C~any, appeared in its behalf regarding the dedication and acceptance of roads ans storm sewers in Cedar Grove Additions I, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVlU> that the town attorney prepare an appropriate resolution accepting the roads and and storm sewers as dedicated by Cedar Grove Construction Coopan;:, subject to conditions as to the storm sewer syst~ as recommended by the Advisory Planning Co..ittee as informally ,discussed by the Board of Supervisors. such resolution to be formally proposed and adopted at the February 5th meeting. The following building permit applications wer~ made: Harvey Kirchner, lot 1, Harvey Addition, house and garage 48 ft. times 24 ft.,,~15,OOO. L Donald Stricker, route 1, St. Paul 11, Wescott Gardens, Porch 9 ft. times 22ft., $650. 1!pon lBOtion duly _de by Chah:'man Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Trapp, was RESOLVP:D that the foregoing building perDIit applications be, and the same b.erebyare, approved. The town attorney presented a lesal opinionresardingthe potential tort li.lllity of the township discussed. Upon lBOtion duly made and seconded it was IlESOLV!D that the town attorney should determine from the township's insuranCe agent whether the town does have sufficient public liability insurance. ~~~~~tP~, Upon motion, the meetiug .djourned. Co ,13. Dated: January 15th, 1963 l ..,.~~..~ , . .... lerlt.. : '.- '~--_.~-_._---_:>.._...... ="-.-_~,""",.'C''''.-..'-O.-