04/02/1963 - City Council Regular I" , l MINt1l'ES OF THE BoAR.pO~ SUPERVISORS OF EAGAN TOWNSHIP.. MRIL 2... 19~3 A regular meeting of tbe Board of Superv1sQra of Eagan Townsbip was was beld on April 2nd, 1963 at 8aOO o'.cloc~ P.M. at the Town Han at whicb all t'I18Ilbers were present. Chairman Rabn pree1ded. The reading of tbe minutes of tbe previous meeting was unanimously waived. Chairman Rahn called for an electiot\ of the new chairman of tbe Board of Supervisors to &at aa sucb until the next annual meetins. of tbe Townsbip", Ballets were cast and Mr. Rahn was elected to the CbairmaftShlp for the ensuing years. ThefollowlngappUcationa for buildins peXlnits were presented: Richard A. l<e11y, sinsle dwelling 421128, attached garap 22x24, off of County Road 131, $25,000. L Hugh Stewart, 4104 Blackhawk Road, single dwelling and basement garage 58x28. shop 24x26, $16,000 Peter Volman, twe>-story single dwelling witb double garage 32x24 on High View Avenue Lot 3, Blook 3, Valley View Plateau, $16,500. DonCbrlstenson.. 3652 PUot Knob Road, garage and storage buUdina. 44x24, $3,000. . Arthur Rabn, 3920, Rabn Road ahlnsUna house, $300. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the foregoing appUcatlona for building permi ta be, and the same hereby are approved, and the Clerk ts directed to issue the appropriate permits forthwitb. ~e matter of tbe investtaaUon of the Gopher Smelting Coq>any plant operatiolUl asatn came before the Basrd, Mr. Al -, ~ ~. f , L - .. Holler of Twi~ City Toting taboratortea presented a proareR report on tbe air at d water pollution sf"'h of the Gopher Smelting C0ft1)8ny dated Marcb 31st, 196:l:. Tbe Town Engineer th_ _. ,r L reviewed what investigation of the operations he had made to dt\t~~ Tberewere appearances by Mr. Irving Beaudoin representing Don Chapdelaine and other area residents, Mr. Vance B. Grania. on behalf of Gopher Smelting Coupany and other interested p"1rties. Mr. Beaudoin filed a petition of area residents wbich was duly filed with the Cler. Representatives of Gopher Smelting Coopany agreed to remain inoperative until such time as the effluent tanks have been gunnited and subsequently approved by tbe Town Engineer.- Upon motion cklly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Supervisor Klein it was RESOLVED that request be made to the L State of Minnesota Health Department to .ke additional water \, . tests forthWith in the area, according to separate resolution which Is hereto attached. The followlns appUcationa for 3..2 beer Ucei'lSes were presented: West End Hunting and Fishing AaaociaUon; AirUner Motel; Hillside Inn; Hamid Center, Inc - dairy store. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLV~ that said application for 3.2 beer Ucenae8 be, and the S8IQe hereby are approved. Upon motion duly msde by Supervisor SchwaRZ and seconded by Chairman Rabn, it was RESOLVED that Doctor Erickson, of Rosemount be, and he hereby is, duly appointed Townsbip Health Officer for a period of one (1) .year from ,the date hereof. L The opinion of the Town attorney relative to tbe salary of the Town Asses80r was presented to the Board of Supervisors and filed with the Clerk. ~ I" L Gopher Smeltins Coq>any Plant operations which report included the reading of lete.r. from Baker Pools, Inc. t from Hr. Valene, the president of Goptrer Smelting Coupany concerning proposed preventative maintenance methods and reports from Moorehead Machinery Conpany, the Town Engineer recQ:llDE!nded a regular inspection system by town representatives be set up to check the operation of the machinery at Gopher Smelting Coq>any. Tbe State of Minnesota Department of Health report dated April 15th, concerning said operations was also read to the Board of Supervisors. It was further reported that the Food and Drug Administration has conducted investisations and will have a report ready for presentation at the May 7th, 1963, regular meeting_ Mr. Irving Beaudoin appeared representing neighboring residents_ Mx'. Vance Granis, Mr. John Moorehead, Mr. Valene, and Doctor Max C, Markley of Markley laboratories appeared on behalf of Gopher Smelting Conpany. l Chairman Rabn reported that he had received two written coq>laints from some area residents concerning alleged excessive amounts of smoke during ehe past week around tb,e Gopher Smelting operation. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Chairman Rabn, it was RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors contact the GOvernor of the State of Minnesota to inquire whether the state has any legal or technical methods for arriving at any favorable solution to the Gopber Smelting CQq)any Plant operations problem. Mr. Jean Parranto of Parranto Bros. Rea 1 ty appeared on behalf of tbe application of Eugene Slater for reo-zoning a part of the ttEt, Section 19-27-23 from C-2, Heavy CODJDercial to 11.'1. Light Industrial, Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supe~isor Klein it was RESOLVED r '-- that the recoamendation of the AdvisoFY Planntq Conmittee be. and it hereby is accepted and that publication of a notice of hearing on reo-zoning pursuant to Ordinance No. VI be, and it hereby is, directed to be made. 1'/ L Tbe public bearing, pursuant to published notice, for ,the re-zoning of approximately 3.15 acres of land situated in Section 18-23-27, from 1-1, Light Industrial 'to ~l.~ Residential pnwsuant to the application of Richard Kennealy was convened. There nas no opposition to the application. The Clerk reported that tbe Advisory Planning Comnittee had previously recOOl1lended approval. L Upon Motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor SGftWan%, it- was RESOLVED tba,t said parcel of property, as more fuHy d~iit:t'{bed iri~t"'applf~ttt)n; b'e, &Ad hereby is, re-zoned from ~i, Lighf IndQ.t~ial to ~liR.S{d~ri~lal. ~.~~.~f''''4~d.. . UP~~Oftt t:b~ rtieer{ng a8jouttittd. . 8.. ' . o,~~,~~"_: Pate. APril 2rtd~ 1963 Clerk L