04/16/1963 - City Council Regular ~ L L L 'V MINUrIm Op.r,~ HEftING OPBOARD or SUPERVISORS OF_EAGAN ~N&!l.. >>au. l1tha" 196} A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township was held on April 16th. 1963 at 8:00 otclock p. M. at the Town Hall. Chairman Rahn presided. All members were present except Supervisor Schwanz. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The following applications for building peJ:Rlits were presented: K. W. McKee, Inc., addition to General Beverage Coapany building, 2755 Highway 155, $65,000. Roger Schaaf, 515 Chapel Lane, dwelling, garage attached 44' by 28', Lot' 1, Burrview Acres Addition, $15,000. C. J. Renich, 2118 Scenic Place, St.. Paul 19, dwelling on the Kinm property Section 26-27-23 on Cliff Road, 38' by 31', $18.500. T. J. Diffley, Lot 9, Audito::s Subd. 142,shingUng and foundation under room, $500. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it. was RESOLVED that the foregoing applications for permi ts be, and the same hereby are, approved, and the Clerk is directed to issue appropriate permdts forthwith. Mr. Donald Suelter, 2049 Quartz Lane appeared on behalf of his eppUcatlon for a Barage permit-on his property. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was USOLVED that said application of Donald Sue1ter, 2049 Quartz Lane be, and it bereby Is approv.ed. subject, however, to the acquisition of a written consent from the land owner abutting bis property to the Southeast providing that said land owner has no objection to the granting of an exception to the ordinance requirements as to distance from the lot 11ne and upon submission to the Town Clerk of said consent, the Town Clerk is hereby order~d to tssue the building permt t.. The Town Engineer reported concerning the investigation of the . ,', . ~ . . .. . tl to . L The application of Globe Master Midwest, Inc.. 1014 Plymouth Avenue, !Urmeapol1s, for a building pel'lll1t to construct a small tool plant on part of the NWt Section 19-27-23 was presented. Upon motion duly _de and seconded, it was RESOLVED that said application of Globe Master Midwest. Inc., be, and it hereby is, approved. provided, however, that final approval of said perml t be subject to an inspection by. the Town Engineer as to landscaping, blacktopping and parking. The application of Harvey K.:irchner for preliminary plat approval of Harvey Second Addition situated in the NEt of the lilt of Section 12-27-23 was stricken for lack of appearance. Mr. Bremer and seVeral other residents appeared relative to a request that the Town of Easan draft an ordinance requiring the issuance of dog tag licenses. After discussion U: was decided to table the issue until L the May 7th, 1963, regular meeting. Mr. Herb Polzin, the Town Treasurer, reported that the Town of Eapn bas been required to spend approximately $1000 during the past several weeks on account of ~ss fires that have gotten out of control. After discussion and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that tbe Board refer the matter to the Town Attorney to draft a propo8ac1 burning ordinance and make recoanendations at the .~ 7th meeting as to the possibUtty of the eoactment of such an ordinance in Eagan Township. Chairman Rahn presented a request on the part of Mr. Reinhold Dit~n to approve the cP nstruction of a dwelling on tbe Vince Xennedy property in Section 17. Upon motion duly made and 8econ~d, ,It was RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors be, and it hereby is, on record approving said L permit, subject, however. to the ~tlon by Mr. l(ennedy of a $1,000 ( L performance bond running in favor of the Town of Eagan and upon execution of and submission of said bond approved by the Town Attorney, the Clerk is ordered to issue a building permit to Mr. Dittman forthwith. ~on motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the following be, and they hereby are, appointed to the Advisory Planning Coamittee for the terms specified& Herbert Polxin, 1 year; James Klingel, 2 years; Gorcloq Beaudette, 2 years; Thomas Diffley, 2 years; Joseph Adelmann, 2 year.. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the TOWIl Attorney be, and he hereby is, directed to contact Doctor Erickson, the Health Officer of the Town of Eagan. to arrange a fee schedule to be charged by Doctor Erickson in his capacity as Health Officer for Eagan. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOINED that the contract for the itll'rovement of Wescott Road submi tted by Craig Alexander Coupany L of Minneapolis in the amount of $9787.50 be, and it hereby is, awarded to Baid Coapany, subject, however, to the acquisition of all necessary easement deeds and slopage easements from residents whose land abutts on Wescott Road and which ea.sements are necessary for the itll'Z'Ovement of said road. \.~ Upon motion duly made and seconded all bills were ordered paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned.. Dated:. April 16th, 1963 4!r~ Clerk u. l ~