05/07/1963 - City Council Regular L f!UWTES OF REGULAR MRRT'U!G OF BOARD Of SUPERVISORS.. .rpN 'l'OIpISIlIP Mav 7th. 196;\ A regular meetlna of the Board of Supervisors. Eagan Township wa. held on May 7th. 1963 at 8:00 o'clock p.H. at the Town Hall at which all members were present. Chairman Rahn presided. '!be readina of the minutes of the preceed1na meetina were app%'Oved as read. The follOWing applications for bulldtns permits were aubmtttecU Richard lC1ng, Cedar Avenue (near Eaton's lanea,) house 24 X 40 feet plus attached prase 24 x 20 feet _U-ted C08t $15,000 L L quarter, Section 19-27-23 flOm c..2. Heavy Co~lal to L-l. Ltght Io.duatrtal _s beldi. Chata.n Rahft aanounced the re~1:101l of the Advlaory Pl..lq c:...-ttee <<91 a~l -~-.. ........... of the re-zont. eppllcat,oa. No oae appeared 1ft opposltJ.o>>"" to the application. Upon ~4tIl 4111 _de b7 Supezvbor SeIMlu ~, L L aftd seconded by Supervisor Xl81n, It wes RESOLVED that the r~zon1ns of said' property as DDre fully described 1ft the appUcatiOft be. and the same hereby Is r~zoned from C-2. Heavy Coaaerctal to 1i-l, LIght Industrial. Upon .->tton duly made by ChatftlLn Raba. and seconded by Supervisor Klein, the following easement deeds covering property boarderift8 Oft the Wescott Road were duly appmved' Wesley Keyes, et mt-ten:porary slopage easement; Paul SclBtdt. et \J>>9t8q)Orary slopase easement; Herbert W. Hots, et u>>-ten:porary slopage easealeft.t.; Jlexman Mueller-teapozary slopage eaaeaent; Jferbert W. Motz, et wo-; bt....y easeaaent deed. The Town Attomey reported that a draft of the proposed burnlft8 ordinance for Bagan Township would be submitted to the members of the Board and the Plannlns CoaID1 ttee prior to the next Board meetift8 on May 218t, 1963 for final action at that time. The application of Cedar Czove Construction C~y for extenston of the c:oapletion date under zoad agreementa for Cedar Grove l\aabera 2 and 4 were submitted. Upon IJI)tton duly _de by ChaI11aBn Rabn and aeconded by Supentaor lCleln It we. RESOLVED that the coupletion date 1ft said road agreements be. and hereby are, extended Uftt11 July lat, 1964 subject to all tu. and conditions of said agre8lleftts. The application of Cedar Grove Construction CoapaIl7 for the street and atom sewers In Cedar Grove Nualbera 1 and 2 per road work aaxeements wea a~tted. !be Town Board D:)ted L <~.:~\ [' the report of the Town Engineer dated Hay 1th, 1963 with reference to. his inspection on AprU 30th. 1963 of the road and storm sewer systems therein. Upon DDtion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor I<le1n. 1 t was <<Eso1.VED that all streets and storm sewers in Cedar Grove Numb'us 1 and 2 excepting only those streets, or portions thereof In Cedar Grove Number 2 b.ing Sandstone Drive from Jasper Drive to Hoonstone Drive and Jasper Drive from Sandstone Drive to Rahn (l.cG- Road. be, and the S8t1Ie hereby are, ...epted aa town roads and tk: storm sewers subject only to conpletion and approval by the Town Engineer in accordance with his eaid letter of May 7th, 1963 L in reference thereto, hereto attached and _de a part hereof; and it was FUR'DlER RESOLVED that upon receiving final approval fftnn the Town Engineer as aforesaid the perfoZ'IIImCe bond per said roadwork agreements be released and discharged forthwith. Mr. Shirley and his council Mr. Harry Ray.. appeared with reference to QOq)lalnt of ~ing at the Northeast corner of the Intersection of Htgblray #19 and Deerwood Drive. In opposition to the coup1aint the Parkway Tree Service and Hzo. Sparkman appeared. Chairman Rahn referred the matter to the Town Engineer for inapection artd reporte No fozmal action was taken. Supervisor Klela reported ()n contact wi th Governor L Ro1vagg's office regarding the Gopher Smeltll\8 Plant operations. It wee informally suuested that further contact with the Governor's office be made after the legislative session had ( L:ÃCM L ended.°She Board 1L8 advised t.t the Mn Cl±Â8 %.,t l6S LaboratoZ'ks werÿuUl ccmductinHkheir p¿mlutiouteats and hoped to have ther flDaI nport r¡Šey fmr@t2e"Board Meet‰{”#on Më™x_st.1963. It d1 alao ®ported½°hat contact bad been _de withSthe F~ov and Dlàž` Adndtzevrat Ion . i¢Ì[a.ntn'o relJ1!lrdlOOL FederQl Gav_ l t..ta aDd that the testa bad tOt been COIIpªŽued `u:ztjat: upon coI>bationÙ¿'fon would be$1lent toàthe Toƒ³hlp. Hr. John O'Brien appeandRon beya~f of i1ñË`ppUaal5n"for on-aalõªknd of¬)Œ`le beer Ucea¯<=for thÕ Balfuí House. Upon .,tlon duly _de y' Supervl80r K¤Žhn ald@s?cmnded. by S¹œirviso‚N+bMln&. It we½}OESOl>>‰D t:haÖìsaid U....., be ',"::, ad the1.<. hereb²Ë`re,"ap oted. UponDhtion 7¹ð/ made ~. Cha¢'IIIBn ahn an÷oseconded by Supervisor Schwan, It was RESOLV¯!thav h? @oard of RevüÕ of Eÿº£.zation meetî2s Wedne³day, . ¼ly 3rd. 1963 between the hors of19#00 o'cl¢ˆj A.O.@a4d"2100 o"cloc_ w.M. Q —qoft DDt:lon ª(qy made@by Cian Rabn and aeconded tr luperveor SellNa_. ItìÚ088 PE3OVGD that the @^h townéRþKuonstables b«q=and th¥y bereN¾are, autborized aDd directed z , t} .-Ice ½Šodom"ce9kq at the Gop°¢w Sale¾÷IillS ~ Plant i˜lr aDDke. odornlnd mechantcal difficulties thre ~....' pc we«€!fxoo o- wntll f~ pot´¤` by t`^üyard. ':'. ép:," , ,ç!;: . üè . Upon mt:lon dul,. _de by ~o~',K}e{~< and °Žbondgd@b# Chal~ Rabn ,. USO2oD that tile aŒf&)' bond bere nfMII post:cd by Mr. VaA Slqotn aaalaat &s.p ¤„!Higj 6i Cv^ L by virtue of truck travel be, and the same hereby la, ordered released and discharged. , /I~ ~ ~ ~ a-- ""1J.( ff--d. c;'d up motion the meeting adjourned. . Dated: Hay 7th. 1963 ;Ja~4Il- ~J.k-" ci;;J' L L L NOTICE OF PUBLIC REARING EAGAN TOWNSHIP DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA To: All Concerned YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday, May 7th, 1963, at 8:00 olc,lock P.M. a public hearing will be held at the Eagan Town Hall pursuant to Ordinance No. VI to consider the reo-zoning of approximately 50.76 acres of land lying in the NEt of Section 19- 27-23, from C-2, fieavy Commercial to 1-1, Light Industrial, pursuant to application of Parranto Bros. Realty, St. PaUl, Minnesota, as agent for Eugene S~ater, 4150 Sibley Highway, St. Paul 11, Minnesota L Dated: April 16, 1963 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FAGAN TOWNSHIP by' ..1~,,( ~_ Cl rk L