05/21/1963 - City Council Regular L MINUTES ..~ ~ MII.TING or ~,~ or~ISIWUI.. ~. 2latr ~AA" A regular meeting of the Board of Supel'Ytaol'8, lapn Townshtp, lakota Count, was held on May 21st, 1963 at 8100 o'clock P.H. at the Tovn &11 at which all members were pruent. Cbalxman Rahn prestded. The minutes of t:be preceedtng meeting of the 1MI'd of Supervisors were approved as read. L The following appUcations for building permits "re presentedt Christ Lutheran Church, Highway 17. Addition, estimated-coat $80,000, subject to submission of du.nslons and actual v.l~. . Don Sandebers, 1560 Yankee Doodle Road, Geza.e 24 x 28 feet, $2,000 (15 feet In from the 8tde lot llne)~ Mary Diffley, Highway 149 and 55, Addition to home 8 x 8 feet, cost $1,000. ~:. ..... Thomas Tdtlefson, 1310 Avalon, Addition to ham lo~ 2 and 4, block 7, Country Heights,coat $5,000. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and .........d by Supen1taor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the foreaoing buildSna pemit ~tca'tona be, and the same hereby are approved, and the Clerk 'a hereby directed to isaue the appropriate buUdlna '.I'mlt. upon the conditions, If any. specified. . 'lbe appUcaUon of the West and 'Sabina and _1"1 Club for the re-zonina of part of the Southwest Quarter of the SoutheAst Q\aarter. Section 36-27-23, approximately 17 acres, was presented. Upon IIOtI... duly made ~"'Chairman Hahn and seconded by Supervtaor Sc~, It was . . f L RESOLVED t"'~ ~he application for re-zonina of the foreaoina described frOlDA,.~U'~.C~~'''l to P, Public Factlttl" ..... and the same hereby 18 app~ed ....i aranted, aubject to the aubml.810n ofa coqJlete and con-ect ~, ducrlption thereof. It .. noted lnfo.,.Uy that the applicant deai.... to rezone .... :::....-.. ..M ~""_,,,"~,~:''''',c_''''' ~ _""_.' _....-..,,~~,>_'.>_...-.< ~.,-~~... L L l , / an approxt...te 10 1/2 acre parcel contlpoue:J to the abov. daacrlbecl pl'Operty from A, Asrlcultural ,to p. Publ1c PaclUtt.. but waa advtsed to present a new appUcation th.refore to the ActvlSOl'y 'lannina Coamttt_ at their June "'1118 for pro....leee 1ba appllcatlon of Anold II. Carlacm waa pZ'..antad for the ftIioson1na of certal1\ pwperty .t tuated in Section 28-27-23,.balac tots .,. 5 and 6 and In additton a plot 100 feat by 400 Ieee ly1na cla. v_t ..lei lots 5 and 6 from &-1. Residential 1>>""., PubUc r.cUltt.. for the puxpoa. of erecting a cb.Jrcb. Upon mUon _1, ...de by Chai~n Rabn and ..conded by SupezvlMr SchwaM, It... RISOLVID that in accordance with Ordlnanc. No. VI a public bearlna on Hid application be held on June 18th. 1963 at 8'00 o'clock p.M. at the town Hall and that the Clerk.be, and ahe hereby I., authorized and ctlnoted to pubUah appropl'ttt. 1...1 notice of said heartna thenfol''' The application of~ W. Rabn for the r..sonlna of certain property In Section 29-27-23 fzoaa A. Aarlcultul'al to ...1. Rutc:tantlal vas presentecl. Upon motion dul)' _de by Supavlsor Klein and seconded by Supervisor ScblraM. It vaa llISOLVID that the appUcation for 1"e-soft1na thereof tn accordance with the deacrtption s.t forth III the appUcation be, and the ..... hereb7 ta, duly aPPZ00gect. It.a noted. bowYer, that the final plat appmval for ..tel ar. ... not appnved at this time. '1'be appUcatlon of Walt.r J. Johnson for . Spacial Use Pem1 t under ontnanc. No. VI for the conatl'Uctlon and op...tlon of a rtdlna al'ana In part of the HI .. of the SI ... SecttOR 29-27-23 ... pl'...tect. Upon mtion claly .... bt tupel'Vlsor Xl.in .. seaandacl bJ CbIIt~ Rahn it was IlIIOINID duat the appU_lion for Special, Ua.'uadt be. , .' ~.~ . r:; ..; _ -':iL..._ .II / I L and the same hereby.. appzovad conditioned ~ .,Uoant maktna an anraaal applicatton for ~ntlnuatloft of .ald opaadon and prcwtded that the preml... would not be u.ed for any profi t m8lctna 01' c:oaa.rctal JUPose; and further condi tionecl upon the right of the Township to revoke the pemt t at any tt_ upon 30 days Wl'itten notic. to appUcant, his succe.80ra or ...1.... The reque.t of Timberline AcId! tton for the traufel' of p.fozw.nce funct.. in the SUlll of $15.000 from Twin City 'ederal Savlnp and loan Aaaociatlon to the Fint NIIttonal Bank of .~ Paul securina the perfollllAoc. of the coq>>letion of the proposed and planned water system theretn was presented. Upon IIIDtton duly made by Supervteor Schwanz and .econded by Cbat~n Rahn. It.. USOINID that the propo..d transfer of .sourtty from '!Will City rec:lcal' Savtnp and Loan Aaaociatlon to the 'int National .... of St. Paul in the BUIll of $15.000 to be held as security for the ~nce of TimberUna Addition'. perfol'lllAftCe under and PUnllT-ltt" to the Watenorka Ap-..-nt dat.d December 19th. 1961. be. and tile .... hereby ts duly appl'OVed upon the aclcnowlada..-nt by the 'Iret National Bank of St. Paul of Ita obU.tlon a. to pmol'lllAnce under and punuant to said Wat8l'lOrke Aar....nt. Mr. J\dII.-on on behalf of Gr_t l.aku PI_Una Co. appeared re.l'dtlll the cluapina at the NI oo~ of Deazvood Drive and Rla....y No. 19. Mr. Ac:Iall18On explained that the dualptna by the PalinMy Tr. S..toe bad vtolated tllelr ........t for natu~l .s plpeUne over and across said. ,nperty. 'ftae Board .s advised that the ....tton I....... ws whathal' tile 4u111pina GOutl tuted a violation of the 'l'pwnablp ~ lna Ordlaanee '1. The Town intlBMI' pl'..ented hi. ApoJ:t .. to L L [ his Investlaation pursuant to resolution of the Board at ita meeting on May 7th, 1963. Upon ~t~ duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and RISOLVED " seC9nded ~ ChalJrIIIBR Raba, it was/tllat the nature of the materials, the method qf c:lunpi~ ad the obvious consideration therefore as between the Parkway TC'ee Service and the fee owner, Hr. Sparkman, of the property involved constitute. .. violation of the Eapn Township . . LJ . Iluq>ina Ordinance; and it was FURTHt.a RESOLVED tha~ the 'town Attorney notify the Parkway Tree Service and Mr. Sparkman that an lamed1ate bond be posted in the sum of $3,000 to secure the perfol'll8uce on the part of them for the removal of aU duaped debris. ref.e and other L materials within 30 crays from the date of receipt of such nott.c., the Parkway Tree Se"tce to notify Great Lakes PipeUne Co. of Its time of removal thereof so that representatives of said coqwtny may be present to protect their pipeUne instaUatiou during removal operations. The matter of the request by representatives of the local Little Leaaue Baseball Oraaftt&8tion for a TOWNIhip donation to the cauae waa discussed by the Board. The Town Attorney advtsed the ~d that under the appUca~le leJs no such donation would be valid unless the recreational actlviUes were conducted under the direct sup_rvt.loa. . of the Township or in conjunction with other Townships or the Amn-tC4n LeSion. L The _tter of the proposed Burnt... Ordlnarace was InfoJ:'lll8.11Y tIlacuas.d. The~"ttom.y reported that a request bad come that the var10ua townships In the Northa'n Dekota Caa nty area meat for the purpose 01 drafUna and presentina for ."t1on a unlfom bumtna ordinance .....tIuI enUre Northern end of Dakota Count,. Chat~n Rahn directed the Town "'-- [ Attorney to meet with ~he other Town Attorneys to draft sucb a proposed ordinance for presentation to the Eagan Town Board at some future cia te. The appUcation of Dwayne Anderson, Lot 3. Block 5. Valley View Plateau for a tax abatement was presented. Upon motion duly 1I8de '" Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that the aba~..nt application for a reduction to $920 for the ta_ble )'&Or 1962 be, and the same hereby is appl'tn,ed. 'lbe plat of Harvey 2nd Addition was presented. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rahn. and upon the reconmendation of the Advisory Planning Coamittee and the Town !na1neer L Is was RESOLVED that said plat covering Hel'Vey 2nd Addition be. and the same hereby is. finally approved. Hr. Don Chapdelaine and others appeued in "88ft co tbe .Gopher Smelting Plant operations and reported further difftculltiea at the plant since the last meetlna of the Board. They made a request of the Board to continue the a1r:pol1uUon tests heretofore condueted by the '!Win Ct ty TesU1\I Laboratories. Upon motion duly l1I8CIe by Supervisor Schwanz and aeaonded by Chairman Rahn. it was BBSOLVED ..... :.0 ':' .JtfJ{"'!( ~ that the tWin City Teatlna Labol'8toriea be ...._ted to put out Jars for collection of .lr ....lee durina the c.urnrat and futUl'e opwatlons of the plant until further notice by the Board of Suparvt~.. A request for plat conection was pruented to the Board COY.-1.... the description therein contained 18 "Skovdale No.2." The present L plat s~ that the eut line of lot I, being t~ wellt Hne of lot 2'. II 337.1S feet. Upon motion duly _de and seconded it was RESOLVED "'- ..:... . T" PFP that the correct distance thereon should be 237.15 feet. The request was presented by the plat surveyor, Mr McLagen. Chairman. Rahn directed the Town Attorney to draft a proposed contract between the Township and Curtis Myer for the cutting of grass in Cedar Grove Park during the 1963 season to be, presented at the next meeting of the Board of Supervisors for approval. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Klein, all bills presented were ordered paid. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Date: May 21st, 1963 Clerk ii■ \