06/04/1963 - City Council Regular L L L ........ ,. .ml1'~ ~ IOMD OF ':I~~t .n_ .~T 19M A reau~' -tina of tbe Board of ....taon. Ea." TowM&I,. DIItota County.. beld OIl .June 4th. 1963. at 8100 o'clock '. ... at the '!awn Hall. at 1lIId.ch all J 1 ...... were present. CbaIDllhl "11ft pnal.... 'DIe 1d~ of the prec..dlftl ~lt.. were ~l, appZ'Oftd a. read with one conectiOft ~ Gilbert iahn be cbanpd to WillS. IlaIIn .. to tile appUcatt" for ~llOnt.. The follulrtaa appltcatlOll for bullcHna peI1dt .. ......ttecla ..JftOI8e !uqpeff. .-nee aNI ,..ly ro.- abon. 22.. 24 _~ In -t88lna pool. lot 3.. block 4. Cedar Chvve 14. ~ co.t '3500. IJpoft wmt!on dlaly _de by ChatZlaft .... and ...... .., Supan_I' lCletn. It wu RESOINID thAt. tile fo~l.. buill 1. pemtt .,.l1catlonbe. aad the __ "nbJ I.. .".... and -the Cluk ~tlol... ..... Mr. Wally Potter appeared on behalf of the ..-.ltt_ for the _t.abU~t of a .ectal fire ell.trlot In Cedar amve. ... Pot.ter Indicated that the c~tt_ 1IM.&1IIdoua to . ...... with the pnvl... proar- for die ~F.. of .......r, equlplDaftt. buUcllaa .tte and COIIIItruotlon of bulldtaa for the epactal ftre cll.trict fin d~t. Ate. cH....lon. It 11M taato,..ll,. deteaDtaed that. .... ____ .....ld .....~ p~aed new ~ to eave Ill'" __.,... 0Il"- ....ttee ~11Wld by the Ioarcl at the MId: .... "II'..... .June l_ and "I11I..1I11e attellpt to ..tta_ .. ;a~l-J.u', .. the pn,a." ,; site With MI:., .landnc of Cedar GIWe eo....ttOft r~ftJ.., .<\ L the report of '!WIn Cl ty Te.tlng Laboratort... Inc. was presenced relative to Gapber Smelting Plant operattou on Highway #19. Mr. Ec:Iward laaassaen. rllPresentlna the property owner. In the area of the plant. appeared on their behalf end stated that the evidence _s not aufftcient fftMD the tats ~ to date for the reatdents to reque.t the Board to oMer t~ closing of the plant. Hr. Ra.......en. however, did .ta~. -that the cltlaen8 recommended the adoption of an appzoprlate ordinance L to regulate the kind of operation conducted by Gopher ....lttna C~ny and presented a form of ordinance baaed upon the previous draft of the Town Attorney. It was Infozmally agreed en the beats of the ..st reao1utton of the Board that the Town Attorney review any .uuestlons by the citizens aroup a. to the proposed ordlaance to be pr.s.nt.ed toth. Board at Ita ....tina Oft J'uae 18th. 1963. tbepnpeaed -are I IT L.o( between the TOVGahtp and Curtta Myel' vae. ~ented for execution relative to the grasa outti. of Cedar ea:we Park. Upon mUon dulJ _de and seconcle4. (t" RESOLVED that. the ....... be, .nd the .....: hereby t:?.... epptoved aa presented vtth the followtq .....clllerlt. .~ .ta, that the ,Township bear the cost 01 public Uablllty tft8\B'Ani:e to 4>> -- I carried by Curti, "tel' to .... MDUftte.. the TGmahtp.....u aacertaln would be appxoprl.te .fter cJet.el'lllntna the ,CQ8.C 'thfteol'.. Mr. Curtis Myel' WM-,pre.ent at tM tt_ of the pa_.. of the" resolution and orally acceded to the ~t and thereupon L executed said agreement. I ~ L L . lit. Lynn Adolphson appeared re.rdina application fol' variance under Ordinance #'II pursuant to the hardship cia.... 'lb. matter was referred to the Advisory Planntna eoa..ttee for consideration at ia June 10th ..etlna. The Town Attorney reported that lo11cntlnl!f elle rat Board meetins he had wrl tten to the Parkway Tr.. Suvlce .pcs had I .i called several U.. to request that the Parkwy '1'1''' SelYtce post bond in the Bum of $3.000 for the perionance ,f t.he I order of the Board to ~emove aU I'efu.. and _tart.a, dUlllped at the N. E. comer of Deenood Drive and Hialway '''9 vi thin thirty days of receipt of such nottce. The Town At~me,. further reported that be had had no r..ponae from the Par..y Tree Se~ 11\ re.rd to thts order and that he WDMId '..ke efforta . to o'btaSa compUance with the order before precedl~a legally , aaat.nst ..... Mr. Dewey Anderson app.red tn reaponae to a request by the Board. tlu:ouah the Town Attorney. ,"_rdlns.. aUepd , vto1atlon of Ordinance #VI .. to .iele yarcI .eC-be,ck o~ new home tn Nel.... Addition. Mr. Anderson pre,entAld evidence i of the fact that he had obtatnad a bulldlna p--r t for ~~ construction of hie .... Oft May 2. 1961 at wide, tt_ JIPOJl his reque.t the Clerk provided ,t,ata wf. th a copy.' .....~ . , L Ordinance VI whtch con~~~ .~ t.:vpoanPh::J:tcal ..lon .. to stde yard set-beck which a. the nccml , was -.nded in f ~ of 1961. '!:he _la,...... na'&llboc. j,. 'bUll, Etgenann. appeared .n obJectton to penal ttlna Mr. Andersoll / L to pr:oceecI vi th hi. bullcUna 1ft vlolat.lon of the ont..... '!be _tter was referred by Cbal~ JlMn to the "*11017 P1ann1na CoaIDlttee !oJ: further COftIlclera~lon unc:IC the bardahtp clause of said Orcllnance VI. The TcNn Acto~ p....ud 8ft oplaloft with rupect to the PubUc 1Ip1o)'eM "~lrn'lnt Act .. nlated to the ofne.. aocl ...10"" of ..... ....hlp ....ch ... dta17 noted bJ the Board. No fo~1 acttoa.. taken. Hr. ....1 !huet appeand OIl behalf of Cedar Cmve ConatlUctlOl\ Coapany aacI pr.."" various ~ relative to a new roedIIon aFe .t for Cedar Gnn #3 wltll ac:oaIIIpAny1na perfomance bond and nlaUd ~tI for the 'etedIl Acblntacnt.lon and Federal ....1118 Autborltlu. a.l~.... ...aeed the loud that the Towa BnalMer _lhd to -.s_ tbeM _~. for the .~loft of1tlacktopplaa of .... Ioacl before the exacutlOll thereof by the '1'cNn Boarct. !he.u.... nfen'ed to the Taa lbataeer aIId Town Attoraey for verlftcett_ .. to tezI8 and coadltlona. to be n-p~ec1 at the J.. 18th -ctna of thenloan. Mr. IllclMn:d .... IIppeancl wltb a pnlW~ plat of paI'C of tbe H. W. t ofebe N. w. t. s.Hloe 12"27-23. !IIe_tt.er 11M referred CO the..... "'_1' for nport ... to the A4vtlOl7 Planalq eo-1ttee at. Ita.... lOth _t1na upoIl the ftUna by appU..-t. of an appnprlate -W.Uoat.toa for such plat applOYal. Upcm _t.lon dill, .. by .....4clllOr tclF~.... ... aecoaded by Supe"laor Qetftt t t ..usorno tbat the load ,Overseer be. aad be banbl I.. autborlHCI aad directed to take chu:p L L ~ L of removing a knob on Blackhawk Road ~pp081te the R. Ost.edt property. The matter of UC8ft8tna dop In Bapn TOWNIhtp waa pr..ent.ed at the Board meeUns. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor lCleln and aeconded by Supervisor Schwanz, It wea RISOLV.BD that the Town Attorney be, and he hereby la. authorized and directed to prepare amendmenta to the dol ordinance which would Include provisions for the lIcenslns of dop on the following basisl $3 per year per _1e or spayed female dol and $5, per year for each felll8le dog; and further that the dol catcher appointed by the Board of Supezvtsors be empowered to pick-up ... reeardl... of where found which .. roaming or are in violation in any L manner of the sACd Oc4tMoce. Upon motion duly made by Chal~n Ralm and seconded by Supervl.or IO.eln t t we. RESOLVED that the present Dog Catcher ~nt be extended for a pertod of 30 days or untU a nflllll contract la 1_ as between such dog catcher and the Township which was orally aareed to by the do. catcher who waa present at the 1DIettng. ~ ~ ~~ ~f-<.tl. Up~t1on the ..ettna adjourned. Co.~ Date: June 4th, 1963 ~.r~ L I ~ /