06/18/1963 - City Council Regular L pIlft'B ~ m& ..~~~~~ Mt"T~t ~ A reaalar meetl.. of the loaN of Sup."I80I'8, .em 'lownelalp, Dakota Count)' .. betd Oft Jufte 18th. 1963 at 8100 o'clock p.M. at the 'l'CMl Ball at villela all .......r. were pr._t except Supervisor Schwa_. Chalnan Rahn pre.lded. III the abaen.ce of Cluk A1,ce Bola. Chal~ .... appotnted JIerbert Polan. Deputy Cledt, to act as cl"'''or the _Una. '1'Iae followlna -,pllcatlou for butlcl1na pemlta .... pz'_~ecU Q:m CoatMy, Lot 2, Poat Acldltlon ft, boa. 55' x 35', eatl_tilcl-._ coat $16,800. '\ -,--- L John Walckl., 4332 Onyx Drive, CadM Gzoo9. 14, 8U8ae 15' x 22' eatlated coat $1,000. ' Upon mtlon duly __ anctaeccmded. It we USOL~that t:he toneDS.. bulldtna p.ratt appllcatlona be, aDd tile __ hereby are, appJ:OYed and the Clerk direct.d to tuue the ,..t.. Supervtsor Xleln reported on the confenneebe bad witb Govemer Ro1YM8 alema vitia npreaeRtattva of the reatMaU In de area of tile Gopher _ltlna Platt and atate _lth offl.... 1'he Town Attome)' ..teed the Bioerd tllat the pzopoa" ..... Ord...... aubadtted In 'ebnuy, 1963.. atU1 Mtlll nvlaed .... NYS__ L In conjUDCtlOll vttlt .'WrtlOM by the ~tdenta' npna...tl.. and tbe TcNn 1nalftMZ' bUt woulcl be 8\&lIDlttecl at the .Ju1)' ..tt.... ftr. Fdak llaberlacla .....nc1 Oft ....If of file appUstlon of Ske11)' 011 ~ for ~na of certain. propertJ located In the -* of the lift, Section 12-27-23 and for . IMalldlna pemit to contruct: . ftll.. atatloa. Upon motion duly'" by ....laor , t, ,. L L Klein and aeconded by Chat ~n Ia., It .a IlISOLVID tbet notice of public heartna be alven for re-zonlq under OrdlNmCe lfo. VI of ..td p~l... froaaAal, Reatctctta1 to C-l, Llaht eo.nR'C'tal to be beld on July 16th. 1963 at 7130, P.M.; and FUR'l'HIJl ItISOLVED that a buUeltna pellldt be iaaued to applicant subject onl)' to approprlat. resolution r...zon1na said prap.rty followlna ~lcI public hear1na and approval of the p1a_ and apeclflcatlona by the Town !naineer. Mr. Charl.. HeCa)' with Mr. alchard'Karray, lala attoney. awe-reel on behalf of bla application for special u.. pual t under Ordinance 110. VI to _tabU-'a aacl Gpezate a t..... key club. It.. noted that the Advlaory Planr.tna eo-lttee ftCXIIlI....eI denial of the appUcatlon. Cbat~n Jtahft tabled the _tcer for further atudy b)' the Board until tile Jul)' 2nd _tlq. the application of Prencla -. inalet for buildl... peDDlt to conatmct . .ra.. on lot 1, Block 2, McICee 2nc1 Addltlon Uftder the berdahlp cl..... vaa pruentecl. Upon ImtlOIl dul)' _de by Cbal~ Rahn and seconded by Supezvlsor Xleln, It... IlISOlNID that ..Id application for pent t under the berdahlp clau... Ordinance 110. VI, be, aacl the .... henby la, ....tecl. Mr. Walter Potter app_recl OR behalf of the Special Fire Diatrlct eo-s tt.. to report to the Board of SUpelvlaor.. He prea_ted a alate of .... m ":-..ra for the COIBlttee whlcb _. L acceptecl by the 1Ioud. He atatecl that pn11.1nary "'Fttatlona witla Mr. Jancb:lc bad been hael reearcttna the pl'Op08ed aite for the fin ball. Mr. Potter a180 pnMfttecl at"'teet coata ancI ....t lIl&ht be requlncl by .y of flMftCt... .. follawa' I '" - n;.' [ Fire Truck Fire Hall Property Nlec. equip. Az'claltect. f.. $l3,OOO l2,OOO 2,000 2,000 AM (.) L Approxl_te total $30,800 Mr. Harry Ray, attorney, appeared on behalf of the MtnnttllOU Baptiat Conference' a appltcatlon for ra-zoo1na of cert:eln propert)' In $ectton 20-27-23. at the 118 comer of Balan !Ioael and Count)' Boad #7 for tile purpose of conatl'UCtlna a obuzcla thereon. Upon IIDtlon duly'" by Chalx.n Balin and aecondecI by Supezvleor netn, it.. RISOLVID that a public beazina be bad on the application for re-aonlna fl'OlD &-1, Residential to P, Public l'aclltU.. .-abject to cIecltcatlon by .ppUeallt of the _t 30 feet of ..lei pr_l_ for mael purpo... with tile un_ratancllna tba~ If the tovaahlp ahould not \1M .... for raad puzpoe_ It woulel vacate the prcpeny upon the appUcat.laa of the CNNI1", ..lei public heart. to be helel July l6tb, 1963 at 8aOO o'clock p.M. The Town Attoney reported tbat be bad no _tl.tactlon fs:o. the PadaMy Tr_ Sezvlce reearcUna clullp1na .t the .. ootmer of ~ Drtve and Bt....y #1' other than tile .....Uon fl'OlD Mr. ...~ of the P.rkw.y Tn. Sel'Vlce to bum the tnea aDel lop "eel prevtoualy. '1'Iut JlearcI dlnctacl tile TcNa Actonie)' to cofttl_ with his effort. to have the PadlIia1 Tree SaYt_ OOIIpl)' vitia the Board'. order and to present .ltematl".. for talel. apprapr.tate actton a.lnat the COIIIp8ft)'e L Mr. John TocId, attorney, appM.recl on behalf of Cedar Cnve Conatl'Uctlon Coapaay re.rellaa the pl'apOaed road ....1 lilt for r 44. p Cedar Grove #3 and various documents for the VA and FHA. Mr. Todd agreed to furnish the Town Attorney with copies of the Va and FHA specifications showing that no blacktop along the ilahrt Road was contemplated at the time of obtaining approval from these agencies. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Klein it was RESOLVED that the read work agreement as presented, the bond and various documents for the VA and FHA be, and the same hereby are, approved and the Chairman and Clerk are directed to execute same, all subject to the approval of the Town Engineer and Town Attorney as to form and specifications. The Tcwn Attorney presented proposed amendments to the Dog Ordinance No. V, in substance, adding a licensing provision to the ordinance. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it wasRESOLVED that the proposed amendments to Ordinance No. V as presented by the Town Attorney be, and the same hereby are, adopted and the Clerk ordered to publish the amendments according to law. The Town Attorney presented a proposed smoke ordinance which he reported had been tentatively approved by the attorneys for the surrounding townships. The matter was taken under advisement by the Board for further study. Mr. Loy W. Berg, 1023 Blue Gentian Road, St. Paul 18, appeated with a group of residents residing near the McLaine Distributing Company property with a complaint that the General Beverage Company, situated across the road, was dumping effluent into the pond on the McLaine property which was fermenting and creating bad odors and a public nuisance. Chairman Rahn L directed the Town Attorney to wrl te to Hr. K. W. MclCee to oorrect the situation and report back a. to what atepa -.ould be taken to rectify the situation. The Town Attorney I.reaented opinions as to" the relative pe__of Dakota CouRty and &II.. Tovuhlp repn1na platttna and aubdlvldlna and zontna whtcla were duly noted. ~ ~~ ~ ~~.....:..t . /I ~ Up 1IIC>tlOR the ...tlft1 adjourned. . Dated I .June 18th, 1963 ~u-~ Cl L L '" ~ I r- L AMENIlmNT to Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Eagan Township, Dakota County June 18, 1963 The minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota of June 18, 1963, should be amended at page three (3) as follows: Mr. Harry Ray, attorney, appeared on behalf of the Minnesota Baptist Conference's application for re-zoning of certain property in Section 20-27-23, at the Northeast corner of Rahn Road and County Roaq 130 consisting of 4 acres, for the future construction of a church thereon. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that the property commencing at the SW corner of Section 20-27-23; thence E along the S line of said Section 589.20 feet; then L N at an angle to the left of 900 a distance of 295 feet; thence West at an angle to the left of 900 589.20 feet to the W line of said section; thence S along the W line of said section 295 feet more or less to the point of beginning; County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, be and it hereby is, re-zoned from A, Agricultural to P, Public Facilities subject to dedication by applicant of the East 30 feet of said premises for road purposes with the understanding that if the Township shadd use same for road purposes it would vacate the property upon the ap~lication of the owner. Dated: June 18, 1963. L tl4u /J.,~~ ~ . Clerk f <