07/03/1963 - Finance I ^ ,i ... Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minn. BOARD OF REVIEW July 3, 1963 l. The Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota L met at the Eagan Town Hall on County Rd. 31 on July 3, 1963 at 9:00 A.M. All members of the Board were present together with Mr. Dallas Savage, Eagan Township Assessor and Mr. Grant Johnson and lIr. John Krueger of the Dakota County Assessors office. Chai:rman Rahn called the meeting to order--this meeting being held to review and correct the assessment of said property in Eagan Township fot the year 1963. On motion of Rahn, second of Schwanz, aye Klein, the Board granted a reduction on real estate to Louis Trapp for Parcel 3032 from 6000 to 5000 L, and on Parcel 3033 from ll250 to 9375 (fram $150 to $125 an acre). On motion of Schwanz, second of Klein, aye Rahn, the Board granted a reduction on real estate owned by Theo. Kaysen, Hwy. 13 to Land 1125, Bldgs. 9500 as reconmended by Mr. Krueger On motio!l of Klein, second of Rahn, aye Schwanz the Board granted a reduction on real estate owned by Eugene Darsow to 4835 and on real estate lIWIled by John lIarxsr to 4795 as recommended by lIr. Krueger. On motion of Schwanz, second of Klein, aye Rahn the Board granted a reduetion to D. R. Witt on real estate to 570 due to the fact that on May 1st only a shell of a building existed. ~ On motion of Rahn, second of Schwanz, aye Klein the Board granted a reduction on real estate to Kenneth Knutson from 6060 to 4800 T & F. i l On motion of Klein, second of Rahn, aye Schwanz the Board granted a reduction in real estate to Gordon Hughes, Cliff Road, due to the fact that this is an unfinished house., ~ !lj -A. ~ ... I j ""-, Board of Review, Eagan Township Page 2 On Motion of Rahn, second of Schwanz, aye Klein the Board granted a reduction in real estate to John Moller, Co. Rd. 31 as recommended due to the fact that he was being taxed far mere acreage than he owned. L On motion, of Rahn, second of Schwanz, aye Klein the Board allowed a reduction on real estate to Charles Rueger on a parcel of land on Cedar & Hwy. 13 inasmuch as 15 acres has no gravel on it and 6! acres was assessed which is now road--aid re~ion as recommended by County. On motion of Mr. Rahn second of Schwanz the Board reduced the assessed evaluation from 40 to 30 on a cultivator owned by H. Clarkson, Rosemount, Kinn. and wrote off a hay rake which was broken. r L The Board reviewed all the remaining personal property assessments far Eagan Township for 1963 and found them to be correct, accepted them and signed the books. On motion the Board accepted the claim of Dallas Savage, Assessor in the amount of $1123.50 for assessing and $91.50 for mileage and ordered the Clerk to pay same. On motion the meeting adjourned at 2:00 o'clock P.M. there being no further business. Dated: July 3, 1963 L J0u,~,atJc Alyce BoIke Cle rk I I , '\....-' .. ;"iL __..__...P_, ~ ~ ....:..-...::..~