08/06/1963 - City Council Regular [ M~ QF ~DM ~ItG. BOARD 2f..AUPIRVISORS.. EAGA!j TOWNSH1P AUqusT ~th. 196~ A reaulal' aaeettna of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, Dakota.. C9unty, Mlmeaota was held on August 6th, 1963 at 8100 o'clock p. M,;_~t the Town Hall, at which all members were present. ~lzmaR Balan presided. The minutes of the previous meetina of the Board were approved as read and also of the spec tal meeUna of the Board relative to t'he fire truck bid and eatabUahment of township fire pTotectlon district. The following applications for bul1dtng permits were submttt~d' Fred Schulze, CUff Aoaet,Stnale family dwe1Una 1124 sq. ft. estimated cost $15,500. [ Stewart Welerlce, Rt... 2, RoseDDunt, single faUdly c:lwellina to ~ situated on old Dodd Road, estimated cost $17,000, subject to the dedi08tton of the South 33 feet of the property for fucar9 road PUcpo8e8. Carl A. Er.lbtzup. sinal. faml1y clwelUna and .ra.. to be located on CUff Road, 75 feet x 26 feet 4 inches, esU_ted cost $19,000. klph LaMorte. 12788 Ht...." No. 55 Ins.talUna motel Windows, a I_teet coat $1400. .; Upon motion c:Iu17 .-de and seconded, It was RESOLVED tllat the foreaotng bulletin. permit appUcatlons be, and the asme hereby are, approved,. and the' Clerk directed to issue the requtalte [ bulldlns pel'lllita upon p&JlDBftt of fe.. therefore. OrdlnatlCe Np. S. the Doa Ordinance, was dtscussed relative to 1Iicepuna k...l an.l_le from the l1cel\81na provisions of the ordinance. Upon motion duly _de by Supervisors Schwanz and seconded by Chat_""", it was DI801J1&1) dYlt the Town Attorney proceed to prepare an approprSa te amendment to ~ L Ordinance tip. 5 80 as to except animals owned or boarded by licensed kennel owners provided the anim$ls are kept within the confines of the kennel. The Town Attorney presented a form of resolution coverlna the tax levy for the special fire protection district established on January 17th, 1962. Upon motion duly made by Supe~isor Klein and seconded by Chairmen Rahn, the resolution as proposed was duly adopted, separate copy of which was directed attached to these minutes. The Town Attorney pftsented his opinion regarding the maintenance, cataloatoa and destruction of town records, which was duly noted by the Board. The Clerk informed the Board that ( L---- L she would contact the State ATChivlst before disposina of any old twn records. The Town Attorney presented an outline of procedures to estabUsh a voter realatratlon system in EalJ8n Township. Upon motion duly made by Supervlaor Klein and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOWED that a voter realstration system pUX1Juaatrto law be, and the same hereby 18, Drdered estabUshed fortbll1th for Eaaan Township. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RBSOLVED that pursuant to law the Cleric b. paid at the rate of $1.50 pel' hour for her work in connection wtth the settina up of the system [ and _lntant1l8 .... The final bUl for tIlIIprovement of Wescott Road in the sum of $10,99l.58 waa preaented to the Board. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Ralln and seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED ~ " L ,/ that, upon recoaaenclattoft of the Town Enalneer, the bill be paid. Mr. D. R. Cole presented a form of abatement of asses81bent on his residential p1:'Operty located at 2985 South Lexinlton Avenue., requesting a recfucttn"in usessment to $4,651.00. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervlaor Klein, I t was RESOLVED that said appUcatlon for reduction of assessment. be. and the same hereby la. approved. All bUll presented were approved and ordered paid. Upon motion the meetina adjourntid. Dated: August 6~h, 1963 Cl~M- ~ L L