08/20/1963 - City Council Regular L ~~~ .OP.~ OF pBRV~_ EAGAN 'JDINSHIP Au~'.t. 2~t 19M A r."u _Una of the Board of Supervisora, "'n 'rownahip, Qakota CoUftt1,1llItnneaou was held August 20th, 1963 at 8:00 o'clock p.H. a, ... !own Hall. All mIII11bera were present. Chairman aa. presided. The minutes of the previous meeUna WttJ!'e un-nitllOUaly approved.. read. 'lh:ere were no buUdtna permlta. tne application of 'rancis J. 1Cennealy for r~zonlna of a pert of the set of the swt of Section 19-27-23 froat A. Agricultural to C-2, Heavy Coaaerc1al was presented. 'the Board of Supervisors noted ~_\ the Advlaory Planning CornlDl.ttee recOlllD8ftded that the L reliatncler of Section 19 currently zcmed A, .1_1t_al be re-zoned to C-2, Heavy Coamerclal. However, \n liFt of the fact that no application had been made by the I'ellall\1na property owners in Section 19, upon motion by Supe"iaor &l.b, aM aeconded by Supervisors Scm.nz, it..s RISOLVID that the application of Francia J. kennealy for re-zonina of a part of the sat of the swt of Section 19-27-23 froot A, A8l"lcultural to C.Z, Heavy CoIaDerclal. be and it .....by 18 ....1.'OV8d. ,-- The IIPPUcation of LeN. Sta1l8ftCI f_ ____... of put of the swt of luUon 17-Z7-23 f.. A, Asrlcultural to- ~. ....., Coa.rcial w. nut conatllllJi".Upon l!llrlOft _ly made and seconded it ... -'VII) that _ld appU.".lon be and it bepby is approved subject, however, to su.....lon by the applicant of L a correct 1e.1 cte.crlption and a ......,. whlob WOUld Include t'- area deaipated last .. far.. .. Bluff OZ' if .,..-ly coincl~l. then .lth the qua~~ HCtloa. Una to the laat of- ~ L Highway No. 13. Mr. Wally pottel' appeared on behalf of the Ia.n Township Fire Department. Mr. Potter dlscus8ed the pl'08Irees of the various coam1ttees which have been fo'rlD8d lncludlns the purchase of the land intended to be used for conatl'UCtlon of a fire bam. namely lots 1 and 2, Block 7, pcoposed Cedar Grove No.5. After dlsucsslon the BotlX'd reques't:ed the Town Attomey to determine the proper method for acqulst tion of the laGel and COlUltnction of " the building_ The Soard further acheduled a meeting with the Fire Department Coumittee for -auat 23rd at 8100 o'clock p.N. at 2004 Emerald. Mr. Potter further Indicated that the bide for the fire truck and equipment submitted to the University of Minnesota had been l accepted and that the truck and equip..m; were now in the possession of the Townsblp. After discuasion and upon motion duly _de and aeconded, it was RESOLVED that Mr. Potter he Siven and he hereby Is authorized to make expend 1 tune for nee._ry and proper minor repairs on the truck upto $.50 tor each 8uch expenditure which aut~lty wUl continue untU the Town. Board selects a fire chief. Upon motion by Chatneft RahD and aeeonded by Superviaor Schwanz it was RESOLVED tllat the Town of "&an ba and It henby l Is authorized to acquire fire, theft. and wlnd8torm lnauzance covering the fire trucktn the ~Uftt of $6.000. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RISOLVID that tbe Town of Eapn be, and It hereby is authorized to expend aufficient IIIDney to remove the knob fzom the ftnt knoll south of CUff Road on Old Cedar Road. L L The application of !ira. Anna Hawel'llll!lM, Route 2, Box 259 for abatement of the assessment on the property covering the No..l of the swt of Section 24-27-23 in the amount of 80 acres Co $5,788 was next considered. Upon motIon duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was BISOINID that said application for reduction of assessment be, and the same hereby is approved. The application of Mr. E.W. Howe of 1410 Skyline Road for an abatement of the assessment on his residential property to $5,720 was considered. Upon motton.duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Klein is .... RBSOLVID that said appUcation for reduction of assessment be, and the 88l1Ie hereby is approved. Hr. James Home appeared on behalf of his appUcationfor preliminary approval of Kings Wood 1st Addition loca~ed in the NIt of Section 21-27-23 wi th J:8 rticular reference to the treatment of the roads and streets In the add! tton. Upon moUon duly made and seconded t t was RESOLVED that satd appUc atton for approval of said streets be and it hereby Is accepted provided that Mid streets be brought up to a standard aravel base and subject further to the entry into an appropriate aar-nt between the townshipand the applicant covering said street.. It was further IlISOLVED that aU ihprovements would be carried out according to the normal engineering standards requtl'eCl by the Town Enaineer. Hzo. Horne also presented a proposal of a Cefttnl water system in' Kings Wood. Upon motion duly IDBde and 88COI'Ided 1 t was RESOLVED that said proposal be, and It hereby Ie. accepted subject to an appropriate watexworks agreement _t:fttIIl the township and L r said applicant covering 15 homes in the area and subject further to the approval of the plans and. specifications therefore by the Town Engineer. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz it was RESOLVED that the town be, and it hereby is authorized to purchase a police special Stewart Warner Speedometer for constable Vernon Le Tendre's automobile. The Town attorney submitted proposed amendments relative to licensing dogs under Ordinance No.5 particularly in relation to kennel permit holders. Upon motion by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rahn it was RESOLVED that said proposed amendments to Section 5.01 and Section 5.08 of Ordinance No, 5 be, and they hereby are adopted and that the Clerk be directed to publish the amendment in the legal newspaper for the required period. Upon motion duly made and seconded all bills were ordered paid. Upon motion meeting adjourned. Dated: August 20th, 1963 yfc=� Clerk ii■