09/17/1963 - City Council Regular L MINUTES OF ~ MEETING Q, BOAl!POF ~FiVISO~. SEPT~11th. 1963 A regulat- meeting of the Board o'Supenisors, Espn TOWtW.hip, Dakota Count)', Minnesota was' held on Septembe1;' 17th, 1963 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the Town Hall et which all members were prtlJent except Supervi.sor Schwanz. Chairman Hahn presided. Tbe minutes of the previous me,etina were 8liptoved as re4d. The followlna .'Win.a permit applications were presented. Robert Newman, 4339 Copper Point, Cedar Grove, attached .-rap, estimated cost, $1900. Upon motion duly I18de and se~d, it was RESOLVED that said application be, and the same hereby 18 ..proved under the Hardship Clause of O.-dinance No.6, in view of the curvature L of the road only permitting a set-bac;:k of 28 feet at ORe conaer of tba '.'. prage. Hans Berg, Lot 5, John Croft Acres, house 35 x 36 feet, .... 22 x 22 feet, estimated cost $19,500. Upon motion duly.... .... seconded, it was RESOLVED that the foreloing building puat .. ..... .' Bel'S be, and the same hereby is, approved and the Clerk Ss ~.....__ , - ~!-. i sfte the penatt.~ The application of Gopher Smelting Coq>any for a epeeial use paRdt pursuant to Ordinance No. 12 was submitted. Upon motion duly U18de by chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor lClein it was RESOLVED that said application be, and the same bereby is, approved." The application of K. W. McKee. Inc. fOIr approval of corrmercial L building plans and for a building permit was presented. It was noted that the Advisory Planntna Conmittee recoumended approval. The Town i ~ L Engineer verified that he had checked the plans. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rahn it was RESOLVED that the plans as presented be, and the same hereby are, approved; and it was FORmER RESOLVED that the plans for an additional 20,000 square feet of space be, and the same hereby are, approved subject to the prior submission to, ao approval by the Town En.fneer. Mr. Jean Parranto of Parranto Bros. Realty appeared relative to the plans and application for building permit for the Valley National Bank to be located in Cedar Industrial Park. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval subject to certain restrictions. Upon motion duly msde by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that said plans be, and the same hereby are, approved subject to the further approval of additional L specifications by the Town Engineer, and the Clerk is directed to issue the requ1sitebullding permit. The application of William E. Rahn for final pl~t approval of 'tClearview" located in the sEt. Section 29-27-23 was presented. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rahn it was RESOLVED that said plat be, and the same hereby is, finally approved subject to the execution of an appropriate road asreement as between WUl1am E. Rahn and the Township relative to the takeover of roads by the Township and blacktopping. The Town Attorney presented a draft of proposed ordinance 8atabUshina the Ea.n Township Fire Department. The matter was tabled for further study until the next meeting of the Board of Supervisors. L The application for final plat approval of Moas AdditioYb...ted in Section 12-27-23 was submitted. It was noted that the ~iSOry I' f ,/ L Planning Conmittee recomnended approval and also that there were no streets or roads in the platted area. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rann it was RESOLVED that said plat be, and the same hereby is, finally approved,. The Town Attorney reported that the Advisory Planning Comuittee at their last meeting did not feel that the proposed Uniform BuUding Code Ordinance should be adopted by the Township until such time as A qualified building inspector was hired by the Township. Chairman Rahn thereupon tabled the matter indefinitly. Mr. Shirley appeared in respect to the dumping of tree stumps and other refuse at the Northeast corner of Deerwood Drive and Highway No. 19 The matter was discussed at length. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney and Town Engineer together inspect the c:lunping area and recotllDend to the Board of Supervisors at its next meeting an appropriate course of action to be taken with resard thereto. The Advisory Plannina Committee presented a slate of members f~ the new. Town Hall Committee by which the Advisory Planning Committee recODlllanded Mr. Polzin, Hr. Beaudette, and Mr. Diffley to serve. Upon motion duly made by Chairman &ann and seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that a five member New Town Hall Committee be, and the same hereby is estabUshed consisting of Mr. Herbert Polzin, Mr. Gorden Beaudette, Hr. Thomas Diffley and two additional members both of whom shall be chosen by the Board of Supervisors. The Town Attorney submi tted a proposed road maintenance aareement to be used for the hiring of personul to maintain roads do snow plowina and other road work so as to avoid the necessity of bidding for the cost and could conceivably exceed $1,000. Upon motion duly IDade and secon~ed L L L it was RESOLVED that the proposed alreement be approved and the Town Attorney directed to prepare an appropriate agreement form for future use by the Township. The Town Attorney reported that he had been ia contact wi th The LaHass Corporation resarding screening of unsltely outside storage area.. Mr. Frank Hasselman, President of the cottpany, indicated his willingaass to cooperate and take reasonable steps to help beautify the plant sto~a8e areas. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the Town Engineer make and Ins~jon of the plant premises and report to the Board with a recommendation at its next regular meeting. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Superv180r Klein, it was RESOLVED to purchase. appropriate speed signs for Ram Road, L a street sign and desdend sign for King Road; Street slane for the intersecUon of Lone Oak and LexingtoCl Avenue and lone Oak .nd Pilot" lCDob Road. Chairman Rahn directed the Clerk to request "Stop" signs for streets in Cedar Grove intersecting or running into County Road No. JO. The Town Attorney presented dog license resulatlons with sU8lestion that they might be incorporated in the dog ordinance rather than carried as separate regulations. Chairman Rahn tabled the dtter for further study by the Board until it's next regular meeting. Upon moUon duly made by Chirman Rahn and aeconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that Raymond Wade, be, and he hereby is, given and extension of 30 days to conUnue his work on the documentaUonof Township records. l The application of Robert E. Lane for an on and off sale 3.2 beer license for the Valley House Supper Club was presented. 'i i ~ L Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that said application be, and the same hereby is, approved. '!be Town Attorney presented a form of burn1na ordinance, dutgnated as Ordinance No. 13. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that said ordlaance he, and the same hereby is duly approved and adopted as presented. Upon motion, all bills were ordered paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated September 17th, 1963 tJ4~ 13.,4 - l ;,'" r - L