10/07/1963 - City Council Special [ MIN~ OF SPECIAL MIETING OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, OCTOBER 7tf.t. ~96.3 A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Eagan Township was held on October 7th. 1963 at 11:30 o'clock p.m. at the Town Hall at which all members were present except Supervisor Scthwanz. Chairman Hahn presided. Reading of the UIlinutse of the previous meeting was unanimously waived. Chairman Rahn stated the purpose of the meeting to be 'taking acti'on on the resoluti-on, of tbe Advisory Plannlfl4 Coumittee ~amediately preceeding this meetina relative to the extension of the water franchise 1~ favor of Cedar Grove Utilities Comp~. Upon motion duly _de bJ CtilIlrman Rahn and seconded b, Supervisor Klein it was RIIOLVED that the water "O~k8 franchise L agreement as between Eapn Township and Cedar Grove Utilities C0RJ>8ny dated Jq>rU 20th. 1959 be and it hereby is. extended to ;jgetude that parcel of land and area bounded by Cedar Avenue South. Highway #13 and Beau de Rue Drive. as more particularly described in that certain addendum ap'e.ement dated OctobeJ: 7th 1963 to said ol'iginal franchise aareeJD8nt; and it was FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Deputy Clerk be. and they hereby are. authorized and directed to e.ecute said addendum aare.-ent forthwith. Upon IOOtion the 11leetins adjpurned. I I October 7tn. 1963 r;",:" -; L II."