10/15/1963 - City Council Regular MlNU1ES OF .REGULA! MEETING OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. OCTOBER IS. 1963 [ A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, was held at 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the Town Hall on October 15th, 1963 at which all members were present except Supervisor Schwanz. ChairmanRahn presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The following application for buUdlna permi t was presented: Alonzo Houser, 2850 Dodd Road, Shed 23 x 30 feet, esimated cost $3,000. Upon motion duly aede by Chairmen Rahn and seconded by Supervlso~ Klein, it was RESOLVED that the permit application be, and it hereby is, approved and the Clerk ordered to issue the permit. L The application of JSthryn Coffey and Mary Perron for rezoning of a part of Section 30-27-23 and part of Section 19-27-23 we' presented. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Hahn and secottded by Superv lsor lClein and upon the recomnendation for approval by the Advisory Planning C011l111 ttee it was RESOLVED to rezone that part of the swt of the swt, Section 19-27-23 containing 36.73 acres from A, Agricultural to C-2, Heavy Coumercial, subject to submission of appropria.. 1_sa1 description. It was FUR'l'HER RESOLVED that the application for rezoning of the NWt of the NWi of Section 30-27-23 be, and the same hereby is denied. The application of Beim Construction ~any for building permit to construct a 3,000 sq.ft. building in part of the NEi- of the NWt, Section 30-27-23 was presented with the recommendation L for approval by the Advisory Planning Conmittee. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and secooded by Supervisor Klein, 1! L it was RESOLVED that the application be, and the same hereby is approved subject to final approval by the Town Engineer of plans and specifications and utility installation. The recommendation by the Advisory Planning C011l111ttee for purchase of an aerial topographical map of part of Section 2-27-23 was tabled for lack of cost esimate to be supplied by the Town Engineer. Mr. Lloyd Kurkey of People's Natural Gas Coqlany appeared relative to supplying gas beat to tbe town hall for the coming 1963-4 winter. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Kahn, it was RESOLVED that the town purchase a gas heater for the town hall at a cost esimated to be less than $100. L Tbe Town Attorney presented proposed amendments to Subdivision Ordinance No. 10 together with a recommendation from the hdvisory Planning Conmittee for apprc~al tbereof. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Klein, it was RESOLVED that the amendments as proposed to Subdivision Ordinance No. 10 be, and the same hereby are duly adopted and the Clerk ordered to publish the amendments according to law. The Town Attorney submitted proposed amendments to the Dog Ordinance No.5. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Klein and seconded by Chairman Rabn, it was RESOLVED that the amendments as proposed be, and tbey hereby are, duly adopted and tbe Clerk ordered to publish according to law. r - L The Town Attorney presented the proposed Volunteer Fire Department Or4inance. Upon motion duly made by Supervi sor Klein L and seconded by Chairman Rahn it was RESOLVED that the Volunteer Fire Department Ordinance as presented, including the suggestions of the Volunteer Fire Committee be, and the same hereby is, duly adopted and the Clerk ordered tc publish same according to law. The Town Attorney presented forms of c~~ta4l complaints a.gainst Mr. and Mrs. Travis Sparkman and Clarence Esget relative to violations of the dumping ordinance at the intersection of Highway #19 and Deerwood Drive. Chairman RQhn executed the complaint on behalf of the Town and ordered them filed with the Justic of the Peace. Tbe Town Board was advised that plans ware being considered for relandscaping and screening around the LaHass Corporation L building and when cOqlleted would be presented to the Board. The formal application for special use permit by Gopher Smelting Co. was filed with the Clerk together with its check in the amount of $5 for the special use permit. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that all bills presented be paid. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: October 15th, 1963 11~~ ~ cl;{ ~ L