01/03/1961 - City Council Regular 148 MINUTES OF REGULAR HEmING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, EAGAN TOWNSHIP A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township was held at McKee Hall on January 3, 1961 at 8:00 P.M. at which all members were present except Supervisor Trapp. Chairman Ralm presided. The minutes of the preceding meeting were approved as read. Alonzo Hansen, 2810 Dodd Road, made application for a building permit to remodel into living quarters a chicken coop and paid the permit fee of $5.00 in advance. Certificates of plat correction for Cedar Grove No. 2 and No. 4 were submitted by the town attorney. Upon motion duly made by Chair- man Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz IT VIAS RESOLVED tha.t the Chairman and Clerk be, and hereby are, authorized and directed to ex- ecute said plat corrections. The petition of James L. Flynn for the assumption of Lakewood Hills road by the township was presented. Discussion revealed that although the plat for Lakewood Hills Addition (otherwise originally named) had previously been filed but the roads never accepted be- cause of the steep grades and only 12 inch culverts. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Chairman Rahn, IT WAS RESOLVED that said petition be, and hereby is, rejected until such time as applicant shall present a copy of plat and cross-section and elevation maps of the Lakewood Hills road. Mr. E. S. McCall appeared in behalf of Frank Heuer and Borchert- Ingersoll concerning the access road to the Heuer property in Sections 11 & 12-27-23. Discussion revealed that the only access to the property 149 being purchased by Borchert-Ingersoll is an 18 foot easement across property between the Milwaukee tracks and Highway No. 49 owned by John Benke; that Borchert-Insersoll and Frank Heuer had exhausted all possibility of purchasing additional land for a 60 foot access road. Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Chairman Rahn IT WAS RESOLVED that the Board meet with Mr. Benke to determine what might be worked out as to an access road by agreement. The Board examined the insurance policies regarding the personal property of the Township. The Clerk was requested to obtain from the insurance agent a letter of inclusion regarding damage to the said property by vandalism. Mr. Robert Johnson, 1999 County Road No.7, St. Paul, Minnesota, appeared as spokesman for a group from Cedar Grove No. 1 regarding a street lighting arrangement purportedly being made by the West Eagan Civic Association and Cedar Grove Utilities Company. He requested that he be notified of any hearing or meeting of the Board at which the street lighting issue in Cedar Grove would be considered. Chairman Rahn reported to the Board concerning the Committee on Village Incorporation meeting held on December 21, 1960, stating that the committee had agreed that appropriate steps should be taken to gather the materials necessary to file a petition for incorporation of Eagan Township as a village and specifically hire census takers and proceed with preparation for a bond election on the the new town hall, and in preparing a complete report to the Town Board and Advis- ory Pl~nning Committee on the various aspects of incorporation. Upon motion made by Chairman Rahn and Seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, IT iiAS RESOLVED that the Board be, and hereby is, authorized 150 and directed to hire a sufficient number of census takers to cover the entire township at $1.50 per hour. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the Advis- ory Planning Committee take immediate steps to recommend procedures on acquiring a new town hall including the hiring of an architect for preliminary plans, the submission of a bond issue at the annual town meeting and as to the general layout of the new structure. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: this 3rd day of January, 1961. r{~IEII{ rt/1 Jk1/