05/17/1960 - City Council Regular no i-1INUT:E;,s OF' A P.bGULJ.U:t 1;...c;.c;TING OF THE BOi-l.RD OF ;;;;U.P~HVI,~ORJ OF ~~G;U~ TOiJH.sEIP ON HAY 17th, 1960 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held on Nay 17th, 1960 at 8:00 o'clock .P.i'!. at the Town Hall at which all members were present. The I'iinutes and itesolutions of the previous meeting held i1c.y 3rd, 1960 were read and approved. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RSSOLVBD that upon the recommendation of the .~dvisory Planning Committee the application of the American Lutheran Church for re-zoning from A, Agricultural to P, Public ,/ Facilities be, and hereby is, approved and Supervisor Trapp authorized and directed to issue a building permit upon application therefor in accordance with separate resolution of even date herewith. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RBSOLV.c;D that upon the recommendation of the Advisory Planning Committee the application of the Reformed Churcn in America for re-zoning from A, Agricultural to P, Public Facilities be, and hereby is, approved and Supervisor Trapp authorized and directed to issue a building permit upon application therefor in accordance wi th sepa:cate resolution of even date herewith. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was Rb.sOLV.c;D that a building permit be issued to Harvey Kirchner pursuant to Ordinance No.VI, Section 5, Hardship in accordance with the resolution of the Advisory Planning Conu,littee dated Nay 10th, 1960. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLV.c;D that a building permit be issued to Paul Christian pursuant to Ordinance No.VI, Section 5, Hardship in accordance with the resolution of the Advisory Planning Committee dated Nay 10th, 1960. ) ,. xlx1x3 111 Several residents from McKee Addition appeared relative to the conditions of Keefe, Beatrice, McKee and Kenneth Streets in McKee Addition and the Board directed the Town Bngineer to examine said streets as soon as possible and report to the Board. The Board acknowledged that notification of final action in this connection would be sent to Mr. Steve Westbrook, 14cKee Addition, spokesman for the group. Chairman Rahn reported that all property o~mers contiguous to Wescott Road extending along the west one-quarter of the line between Sections 23 and 14, being W. C. Keys, Paul Schmidt, and Herbert Motz, have agreed to granting the Township an easement one rod wide on either side of said stretch of road for the purpose of widening and improving same. The Town Attorney was directed to obtain the necessary easements. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RS.sOLVBD that the Board of County Commissioners be sent a copy of resol- ution of even date herewith regarding County roads within ~agan Township. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Trapp, it was RESOLVED that the storm sewer system in Cedar Grove No.1. be, and hereby is, approved according to separate resolution of even date herewith. The matter of extending the sewage system line further into Adelmann Creek was discussed with representatives of Cedar Grove Construction Company because of possible erosion of land at the end of the present line. No formal action was taken. Chairman Rahn submitted a written request for the dedication and accept- ance by the Township of the road located upon the plat and in "Slater's Acres." The Town Engineer was directed to check this road and report for dedication purposes. 1x15 112 Mr. L. R. King made application for a building permit to build a residential home on a five-acre parcel more particularly described as follows, to-wit: The South Four Hundred Feet (s.4oo') of the North Eight Hundred Thirty Feet (N830') of the West Five Hundred Sixty-Five Feet (W565') of the Southwest \.iuarter C.:r.V}l4) of the Southeast \;uarter (.jL}4) of Section 28, Township 27, Range 23. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLVED that pursuant to Ordinance No. VI, Section 2.03 and subject to Section 2.05, Subdivision 4, the application therefor be, and hereby is, approved and directing Supervisor Trapp to issue special building permit. Mr. James Deschane made application for residential building permit for Lot 6, Block 9, County Home Heights. It appearing that said parcel is platted area conforming to Ordinance No. VI, upon motion duly made by Supervisor Schwanz and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was ~SOLVLD that said application be approved and Supervisor Trapp directed to issue a building permit therefor, subject to Ordinance No. VI. Upon motion duly made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Schwanz, it was RESOLV~D that the Board of Review would meet with the Town Assessor on July 5th, 1960 at 9:00 o'clock A.H. at the Town Hall for the purpose of re- viewing assessed valuations according to law. Dated this 17th day of Hay, 1960. ;t,A A",.,J 7t{ ~ ~J Clerk